The Challenge: All Stars 4 - Spoilers Discussion

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Hopefully by the time this airs it'll be trendy again to have racial discussions; only that way will they show the Ayanna drama

The weird thing is racial discussions happen all the time why cant they be shown on tv where theres some kind of resolution?

i don't think the problem is the racial discussion. It's Ayanna is clearly a little off her rocker based on what we've seen so who knows the things she may have said. With it being every black person on the show involved i guess i get the hesitation 


They wouldn't show Nurys and Raven argue on RoD over a boy when they literally had 60 minutes of nothing else to show. So they aren't gonna show a fight over racism with 45 minutes in a cast that actually has personality.

The weird thing is racial discussions happen all the time why cant they be shown on tv where theres some kind of resolution?

Racial discussions aren't shown where a black woman attacks another black woman for being married to a white man.  Let's be real. 


Oh if Averey is still willing to throw hands then let's keep casting her. 

That lil white girl aint doing shit, Nia rocked her *** effortlessly. Pipe down.

Not really. I am solidly Team Nia in this situation but let's be real here Avery held her own and maybe even won the fight. Girl has hands. And white?  She ain't even a white girl. She's Native American and Mexican. 


The weird thing is racial discussions happen all the time why cant they be shown on tv where theres some kind of resolution?

Racial discussions aren't shown where a black woman attacks another black woman for being married to a white man.  Let's be real. 

Is this what happened...? Wow. I'm all against white people but that is kind of wild, I know Janelle is married to a white man. If Janelle is in love with him and viceversa then who cares? 



Oh if Averey is still willing to throw hands then let's keep casting her. 

That lil white girl aint doing shit, Nia rocked her *** effortlessly. Pipe down.

Not really. I am solidly Team Nia in this situation but let's be real here Avery held her own and maybe even won the fight. Girl has hands. And white?  She ain't even a white girl. She's Native American and Mexican. 

avery tressler, thats not mexican. She's white, miss me with this. I aint see her speak Spanish either



The weird thing is racial discussions happen all the time why cant they be shown on tv where theres some kind of resolution?

Racial discussions aren't shown where a black woman attacks another black woman for being married to a white man.  Let's be real. 

Is this what happened...? Wow. I'm all against white people but that is kind of wild, I know Janelle is married to a white man. If Janelle is in love with him and viceversa then who cares? 

Apparently Ayanna cared which isn't surprising. She was insane on AS 2...bringing her back was risky. 

 What ALL of you non hispanics areNOT  gonna do is speak on things y'all can't speak on. My people do NOT claim Avery. She looks white. Discussion is OVER. She's a lil MAGA racist white girl too




The weird thing is racial discussions happen all the time why cant they be shown on tv where theres some kind of resolution?

Racial discussions aren't shown where a black woman attacks another black woman for being married to a white man.  Let's be real. 

Is this what happened...? Wow. I'm all against white people but that is kind of wild, I know Janelle is married to a white man. If Janelle is in love with him and viceversa then who cares? 

Apparently Ayanna cared which isn't surprising. She was insane on AS 2...bringing her back was risky. 

She delivered, lol

I wonder why she cares that her husband is white, isn't Janelle mixed anyway lol

I don't think it was ever confirmed that Ayanna attacked Janelle for marrying a white man. I thought she was mad at her, Kam, Leroy, and Brandon for NOT wanting to form some type of black/poc alliance.

btw Ayanna didn't get into it with EVERY black person this season like someone said... she's cool wit Tyrie, Kefla, Jasmine, Syrus, etc

i thought it was that Janelle quit after berated by Ayanna and then Kam and them got involved.

Where the hell did the Black alliance thing come from??? 




Oh if Averey is still willing to throw hands then let's keep casting her. 

That lil white girl aint doing shit, Nia rocked her *** effortlessly. Pipe down.

Not really. I am solidly Team Nia in this situation but let's be real here Avery held her own and maybe even won the fight. Girl has hands. And white?  She ain't even a white girl. She's Native American and Mexican. 

avery tressler, thats not mexican. She's white, miss me with this. I aint see her speak Spanish either

Her dad is Native American where the name came from. Go and read her Portland bio or something before you go calling her some white girl. None of these latinas hardly ever speak Spanish she isn't the first one. 

i thought it was that Janelle quit after berated by Ayanna and then Kam and them got involved.

Where the hell did the Black alliance thing come from??? 

I don't think Pink ever mentioned anything about a POC alliance. I think black issues just kept coming up with Ayanna and she started harassing Kam, caused Janelle to quit and then Brandon & Leroy had to get involved because the Kam harassment got so bad. This is what I remember pink saying. Nothing was ever said about an alliance. 

all the spoiler team said was that it was race related. KVM is making up the "white husband" thing lmao. 

So is it production or Viacom delaying this? 

It literally pains me to agree with KVM but I do remember there was some dialogue here about Ayanna attacking Janelle for being married to a white man. 

It literally pains me to agree with KVM but I do remember there was some dialogue here about Ayanna attacking Janelle for being married to a white man. 

yeah something was said about Ayanna attacking janelle about having a white husband

So is it production or Viacom delaying this? 

Obviously I know nothing but what I think it comes down to is Paramount+ really doesn't view All Stars as a positive/necessary thing for them. Unlike CBS and MTV they are in no rush to get this season out because they don't view it as important to their brand. On the other hand, CBS is scrambling for content right now and any show they can get their hands on is being put on their schedule. And with MTV, they have so little going on that there is no reason for them to want to delay 39 from their typical airing schedule (which has been October ish).

So essentially Paramount+ is being very laid back about when All Stars 4 can air while CBS and MTV care much more about getting their season out

OS likes to claim AS4 is production favorite project when it's clearly not. They don't care about this for it to be delayed this much. I think it's safe to say a season 5 won't be happening. Unless AS4 pulls in viewers.





The weird thing is racial discussions happen all the time why cant they be shown on tv where theres some kind of resolution?

Racial discussions aren't shown where a black woman attacks another black woman for being married to a white man.  Let's be real. 

Is this what happened...? Wow. I'm all against white people but that is kind of wild, I know Janelle is married to a white man. If Janelle is in love with him and viceversa then who cares? 

Apparently Ayanna cared which isn't surprising. She was insane on AS 2...bringing her back was risky. 

She delivered, lol

You can say she delivered...she was still insane and a risk

all the spoiler team said was that it was race related. KVM is making up the "white husband" thing lmao. 

It was said here

OS likes to claim AS4 is production favorite project when it's clearly not. They don't care about this for it to be delayed this much. I think it's safe to say a season 5 won't be happening. Unless AS4 pulls in viewers.

PR has specifically told us that production was disappointed with USA 2, felt horrible about 39, and liked All Stars 4. I just don't think it's up to production. They sell their show to different networks and the networks pick when they air it regardless of how production feels about each of the seasons

The fact that some of us don't even remember the spoilers tells y'all everything u need to kno lmao

OS likes to claim AS4 is production favorite project when it's clearly not. They don't care about this for it to be delayed this much. I think it's safe to say a season 5 won't be happening. Unless AS4 pulls in viewers.

I didn't claim that. I repeated what Pinkrose said, idiot.

It literally pains me to agree with KVM but I do remember there was some dialogue here about Ayanna attacking Janelle for being married to a white man. 

same, it was 100% a thing 

which is again something really stupid to be mad at a biracial chick for but whatever 

my last girlfriend's dad didn't like me for that same reason but i just chopped it to the game like i'm not ******* you lol 
