The Challenge 40: Battle of The Eras- The Era Invitational: Part 1

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Leroy flopped bad. I think Kam just 2 weeks off giving birth would have done better.

"Spinning in circles like a dipshit" is my new favorite quote. Lmao!!!

Leroy flopped bad. I think Kam just 2 weeks off giving birth would have done better.

leroy nor kam arent ever winning this game sadly 

I HATE PURGES - this is bascially a purge.  So dumb.

I love Katie - we needed more of her. I'm loving most of Era 1 - 3!  I like Aneesa - but I really hope it's Katie vs Aneesa and it's a crapshoot game that Katie can win!  Tina impressed me!!!!  <3 

 I know so few from era 4 - I literally can't stand Paulie - Theo I remember I didn't like but decided to give him the benefit of the doubt, then quickly remembered how insufferable he is.  Also didn't miss Josh.

I HATE PURGES - this is bascially a purge.  So dumb.

I love Katie - we needed more of her. I'm loving most of Era 1 - 3!  I like Aneesa - but I really hope it's Katie vs Aneesa and it's a crapshoot game that Katie can win!  Tina impressed me!!!!  <3 

 I know so few from era 4 - I literally can't stand Paulie - Theo I remember I didn't like but decided to give him the benefit of the doubt, then quickly remembered how insufferable he is.  Also didn't miss Josh.

How do you not like Theo? He's like one of the very few good additions from other shows/countries. And please don't use the non-RW/RR/FM excuse. 


Nurys rather going against Jenny intead of Kaycee seems crazy to me.

Im still waiting for something impresive Kaycee's done in her challenge carreer. Idk why they are so scared of her....

She said Jenny would be easier to beat in a puzzle than Kaycee, lol. Tbf, I think Nurys and Horacio felt like Kaycee would be more loyal to them in the long-run (she wouldn't) and they've never met Jenny.

I don't recall Kayzzz be doing well in puzzles for her to say that lol.

Nurys is done against all three of its physical contact. She should have either picked Kaycee hoping for a puzzle since Kaycee's one of the stupidest people to ever be on the show and I don't know why the cast members refuse to bring that up or Olivia hoping for some type of crapshoot or something that's pure athleticism that Nurys can beat her in. Nurys can't beat Jenny in anything really, maybe a puzzle but Jenny's significantly more intelligent than Kaycee. I think it was the first total madness challenge that Jenny won that had math in it, Kaycee I can't imagine ever not coming last in a math challenge so to say she'd rather go against Jenny over Kaycee for a puzzle type elimination is just stupid

I HATE PURGES - this is bascially a purge.  So dumb.

Same. But becareful this triggers some people.

Leroy flopped bad. I think Kam just 2 weeks off giving birth would have done better.

floproy needs to give it up already. 

I don't even care that Leroy sucks. He just brings NOTHING. I am so over hearing about his kids like him and Kam are the only parents in the world. Isn't their target audience teens? If I don't want to hear about the kids I know the target demographic doesn't either. SŤFÜ ABOUT KIDS! He's dry, dull, and entitled now. As a former Leroy stan, just go away.

I actually thought about keeping time to see how often someones kids are mentioned this season to see the percentage of time wasted on that. IDFC ABOUT YOUR CROTCH GOBLINS. Give me a ******* show!

Sounds like what Devin did was against a rule but production gave him a pass

Sounds like what Devin did was against a rule but production gave him a pass

Yup Ryan said they wouldn't let him swim and made him go back and get another boat 

Sounds like what Devin did was against a rule but production gave him a pass

Of course they rigged it for that nasty, smelly freak. They wanted to ruin another season like they did RoD. Skkkye also didn't wanna be the smelliest on set.

Two episodes in and Chodi and Josh have zero confessionals lol. Losers.

Lmaoooo Josh with 0 confessionals?!

Two episodes in and Chodi and Josh have zero confessionals lol. Losers.

I don't think he had one in the launch special either. Take this and the wrong daily placement, someone must hate him lol

Sounds like what Devin did was against a rule but production gave him a pass

To be fair, it's very possible Leroy was so far behind that they all just called it.  Leroy was never finishing that mission. 

I think they should have shown each person's time after they completed the challenge.

Two episodes in and Chodi and Josh have zero confessionals lol. Losers.

The season has barely started.

i definitely fast forwarded through that leroy scene. we just had a whole ******* season in all stars 4 of that bullshit. get out of here.  awesome episode though.  was surprised to see how decent they were at giving a lot of screen time to most.  always a theo fan. my favorite arguement of his was with danny on championship. i do hope danny comes back as unlikely as that is.


Sounds like what Devin did was against a rule but production gave him a pass

Yup Ryan said they wouldn't let him swim and made him go back and get another boat 

Was the situation the same? I didn't see what happened with Ryan, but Devin claimed to have a hole in his boat. I don't know if that's true, but if there was something beyond his control I could see them letting him do what he wanted.



Sounds like what Devin did was against a rule but production gave him a pass

Yup Ryan said they wouldn't let him swim and made him go back and get another boat 

Was the situation the same? I didn't see what happened with Ryan, but Devin claimed to have a hole in his boat. I don't know if that's true, but if there was something beyond his control I could see them letting him do what he wanted.

Most of their team was done already he could have grabbed one of their boats 

choosing brandon, derek and ryan to represent era 2 is still disgusting

choosing derek and ryan to represent era 2 is still disgusting

Sounds like what Devin did was against a rule but production gave him a pass

Yup Ryan said they wouldn't let him swim and made him go back and get another boat 

Was the situation the same? I didn't see what happened with Ryan, but Devin claimed to have a hole in his boat. I don't know if that's true, but if there was something beyond his control I could see them letting him do what he wanted.

Most of their team was done already he could have grabbed one of their boats 

Why though?   Leroy was never going to finish--for all we know Leroy quit so why have him get a boat when his allegedly broke?

choosing brandon, derek and ryan to represent era 2 is still disgusting

Who did you want?  Dunbar?  MJ?  Kenny?  Evan?  Tyler?  Tyrie?  Nick Brown?  Chet?

Don't get me wrong--those aren't great options but Kenny/Evan/Wes weren't doing it so the options were limited at best.   The guys added during that era were garbage--maybe intentionally to help Wes, Kenny, John, Evan, CT, Derrick, Brad, etc.

Did yall see the flop ratings came out? 0.49 the highest premiere in 3 years. 

Did yall see the flop ratings came out? 0.49 the highest premiere in 3 years. 

Is that really a bad rating for MTV?   Is it like 3 times higher or more than anything else they have?   Honest question
