The Challenge 40: Battle of The Eras- The Era Invitational: Part 1

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Some of the cast members are exposing production for editing their daily placements however they want

Some of the cast members are exposing production for editing their daily placements however they want

I saw that, that's so weird. Olivia did say "btw I got 3rd" when it showed she got 3rd though lol. I don't get why they'd edit the placements for no reason. 

Who was edited wrong? 

Who was edited wrong? 

Emily, Josh, and Olivia are the ones I've seen complain that they did better than what was shown 


Who was edited wrong? 

Emily, Josh, and Olivia are the ones I've seen complain that they did better than what was shown 

Idk what Olivia talking about cause we saw they shown her as 3rd lol

Katie was just absolutely embarrassing tonight. Crying on the first challenge? Come on...

How that daily made me think about all 40 players current status:

Players that just seem absolutely checked out with The Challenge and seem to have no passion to compete well anymore: Darrell, Mark, Kellyanne, Leroy, Derrick.

Players that have always sucked and are getting worse with age: Katie, Brandon, Ryan, Aneesa.

Players that are below average in the aggregate: Nia, Amanda, Tony, Derek, Theo, Paulie, Josh, Tina.

Players moderately above average: Averey, Aviv, Emily, Kyland, Brad, Devin, Nurys, Nehemiah, Olivia.

Players a step or two below greatness: Tori, Horacio, Cory, Kaycee, Michele, Jodi, Jonna.

Players that are a Top 10 Man or Woman All Time: CT, Bananas, Jordan, Laurel, Cara, Rachel, Jenny.

Katie was just absolutely embarr***ing tonight. Crying on the first challenge? Come on...

And half of Era 1 helped her finish the puzzle because they STILL wanted her over Aneesa LOL.

Why the hell were people allowed to help each other, by the way? Paulie's flop *** was getting carried by Cara at the end of that daily.


that's my MAMA ❤️

Where did freckles place?

After the premiere I have made a list to help casting:

  • Retire: Aneesa, Chodi, Brad, Kellyanne, Cory, Devun, Leroy, Jenny, Kayzzz, Josh, Kyland, Paulie
  • Occassional: Mark, Derrick, Aviv, Cara, Emily, Averey, Jonna, Vicki, Jordan, Tony, Olivia, Horacio
  • Regular: Rachel, Tina, Katie, CT, Darrell, Laurel, Amanda, Nia, Michele, Nurys, Theo
  •      Jodi, Josh and Kaycee don't need to retire.

    Who was edited wrong? 

    Laurel apparently murdered everyone, think she said CT was in second and he just got in the water by the time she was done

    Unpopular opinion but I liked it...


    No surprise of course #GOAT

    So, did Cara finish as the second woman overall and the third player overall? And still had to go into elimination?

    Also, can everyone officially recognize she's pretty solid with puzzles?

    Someone send me a link pls

    Man Ashley would have added such a great dynamic on that team over Averey. Connects Cory and Amanda more, another top girl alongside Tori and always ready to play. 

    Yes. Ashley should have been in there for many reasons.

    Also, I thought we were told the cast had to eat on their beds because there was no other place to eat or something? We clearly see tables people are eating at, so what's the story there?


    Who was edited wrong? 

    Emily, Josh, and Olivia are the ones I've seen complain that they did better than what was shown 

    I just saw where Emily said on social media that she was third for the women in her era and definitely beat Aviv, but I swear within the episode Emily was shown saying Aviv beat her. I'll have to re-watch that part.



    No surprise of course #GOAT

    Nurys rather going against Jenny intead of Kaycee seems crazy to me.

    Im still waiting for something impresive Kaycee's done in her challenge carreer. Idk why they are so scared of her....

    Nurys rather going against Jenny intead of Kaycee seems crazy to me.

    Im still waiting for something impresive Kaycee's done in her challenge carreer. Idk why they are so scared of her....

    She said Jenny would be easier to beat in a puzzle than Kaycee, lol. Tbf, I think Nurys and Horacio felt like Kaycee would be more loyal to them in the long-run (she wouldn't) and they've never met Jenny.

    How the Daily Rankings Were Shown By The Editors:

    1. Laurel (1st Woman - Era 2)

    2. Cara (2nd Woman - Era 2)

    3. CT (1st Man - Era 1)

    4. Rachel (1st Woman - Era 1)

    5. Tina (2nd Woman - Era 1)

    6. Brad (2nd Man - Era 1)

    7. Tori (1st Woman - Era 3)

    8. Michele (1st Woman - Era 4)

    9. Horacio (1st Man - Era 4)

    10. Jonna (2nd Woman - Era 3)

    11. Cory (1st Man - Era 3)

    12. Bananas (1st Man - Era 2)

    13. Jenny (2nd Woman - Era 4) - Weirdly edited - she probably actually came in 9th or 10th.

    14. Kyland (2nd Man - Era 4) - Josh says he actually came in 2nd.

    15. Averey (3rd Woman - Era 3)

    16. Derrick (3rd Man - Era 1)

    17. Jodi (3rd Woman - Era 1)

    18. Aviv (3rd Woman - Era 2) - Emily said she finished before Aviv.

    19. Olivia (3rd Woman - Era 4)

    20. Kaycee (4th Woman - Era 4)

    21. Josh (3rd Man - Era 4) - Not shown at all - but Paulie finished in 4th here so Josh has to be above him.

    22. Paulie (4th Man - Era 4)

    23. Emily (4th Woman - Era 2)

    24. Amanda (4th Woman - Era 3)

    25. Nehemiah (2nd Man - Era 2) - Not shown at all - but finished above Derek

    26. Derek (3rd Man - Era 2)

    27. Brandon (4th Man - Era 2)

    28. Darrell (4th Man - Era 1)

    29. Tony (2nd Man - Era 3) - Tony wasn't shown at all to finish, he could be anywhere from 12th to 29th, but he for sure beat Jordan.

    30. Jordan (3rd Man - Era 3)

    31. Aneesa (4th Woman - Era 1)

    32. Devin (4th Man - Era 3) - Actually finished second to last but all other last place finishers stopped trying or finished.

    Rough Last/5th Place Rankings:

    33. Nurys (Top Era 4 Girls Finished First)

    34. Kellyanne (Finished)

    35. Theo (Not Shown to Finish - Era 4 Guys Finished First)

    36. Nia (Finished)

    37. Mark (Finished)

    38. Ryan (Not Shown to Finish)

    39. Katie (Didn't Finish)

    40. Leroy (Didn't Finish)

    So, did Cara finish as the second woman overall and the third player overall? And still had to go into elimination?

    Also, can everyone officially recognize she's pretty solid with puzzles?


    which episode this season does cara gave to go into elimination? cause we aint seen it yet.


    Nurys rather going against Jenny intead of Kaycee seems crazy to me.

    Im still waiting for something impresive Kaycee's done in her challenge carreer. Idk why they are so scared of her....

    she beat that big brolic girl in hallbrawl on championship. when it comes to pure athleticism shes among the best 


    They keep saying era 4 is young and are the future but they all look old already lol

    oh lord jenny's voice i know she's been gone for awhile but it's even worse than i remember. 

    "Spinning in circles like a dipshit" is my new favorite quote. Lmao!!!
