Vanessa and then Liz if they are smart. Liz and Julia will always work together, the same for Liz and Austin. However, Julia is smart and wouldn't allign with Austin once Liz is out.
You made me change my mind I'd vote out the next five in this order...
1. Vanessa
2. Liz
3. Austin
4. Steve
5. Becky or Johnny
For me (if I was in Jackie or Meg's spot right now in the house...):
Shelli is a stronger player then Clay and the fact that she's manipulated these people into keeping her is crazy. They say they want to honor Clay's wishes to leave but if he stays and is miserable that helps their game a lot better.
Shelli is a stronger player then Clay and the fact that she's manipulated these people into keeping her is crazy. They say they want to honor Clay's wishes to leave but if he stays and is miserable that helps their game a lot better.
Shelli manipulating? Clay has been in tears trying to get himself eliminated after it became awre that they were secretly watching out for themselves. Clay screwed himself over with the deal he made to John and it's gonna bite him in the ***. I do agree that Shelli has been a better player up until now, and it'd be better to get rid of her, but I don't think Clay has shown his full potential. I think Shelli will be more emotionally disconnected than Clay would be. Either way, I'm glad one of them is going home.
Vanessa's game has gone to shit, just like I said it would. I told everybody here that she's way too emotional and everybody in the house is saying it now. I've never seen somebody so paranoid and bopping around the house like Vanessa is.
I guarantee she is eliminated within the next three weeks. No way she makes it any further. the house is an absolute mess and the only ones in a good, trusting position are Jackie-James-Meg and Austin-Liz-Julia. It just sucks that tonight an HOH will be crowned and by Saturday they can flip completely to a new target. I pray to God that Jackie or Meg win HOH and get Vanessa out of the house, she was playing a great game and she threw it away little by little.
Shelli manipulating? Clay has been in tears trying to get himself eliminated after it became awre that they were secretly watching out for themselves. Clay screwed himself over with the deal he made to John and it's gonna bite him in the ***. I do agree that Shelli has been a better player up until now, and it'd be better to get rid of her, but I don't think Clay has shown his full potential. I think Shelli will be more emotionally disconnected than Clay would be. Either way, I'm glad one of them is going home.
Vanessa's game has gone to shit, just like I said it would. I told everybody here that she's way too emotional and everybody in the house is saying it now. I've never seen somebody so paranoid and bopping around the house like Vanessa is.
I guarantee she is eliminated within the next three weeks. No way she makes it any further. the house is an absolute mess and the only ones in a good, trusting position are Jackie-James-Meg and Austin-Liz-Julia. It just sucks that tonight an HOH will be crowned and by Saturday they can flip completely to a new target. I pray to God that Jackie or Meg win HOH and get Vanessa out of the house, she was playing a great game and she threw it away little by little.
Shelli has played a part in pretty much everyone who has went home and she's done it without really getting her hands dirty which is why I think she's a manipulator. As for Vanessa I've been saying for the longest that she's paranoid and overthinks every little thing. I definitely wouldn't want to play nor work with Vanessa.
Shelli manipulating? Clay has been in tears trying to get himself eliminated after it became awre that they were secretly watching out for themselves. Clay screwed himself over with the deal he made to John and it's gonna bite him in the ***. I do agree that Shelli has been a better player up until now, and it'd be better to get rid of her, but I don't think Clay has shown his full potential. I think Shelli will be more emotionally disconnected than Clay would be. Either way, I'm glad one of them is going home.
Vanessa's game has gone to shit, just like I said it would. I told everybody here that she's way too emotional and everybody in the house is saying it now. I've never seen somebody so paranoid and bopping around the house like Vanessa is.
I guarantee she is eliminated within the next three weeks. No way she makes it any further. the house is an absolute mess and the only ones in a good, trusting position are Jackie-James-Meg and Austin-Liz-Julia. It just sucks that tonight an HOH will be crowned and by Saturday they can flip completely to a new target. I pray to God that Jackie or Meg win HOH and get Vanessa out of the house, she was playing a great game and she threw it away little by little.
Shelli has played a part in pretty much everyone who has went home and she's done it without really getting her hands dirty which is why I think she's a manipulator. As for Vanessa I've been saying for the longest that she's paranoid and overthinks every little thing. I definitely wouldn't want to play nor work with Vanessa.
Vanessa had an awesome game up until about two weeks ago. She has been the median between the two sides of the house and the person everyone went to. She was the voice of Clay and Shelli, she had Austin (and in turn, the twins) by the balls, and she won the final duo HOH with Jackie. Vanessa was sitting so pretty and honestly, she had her social game down perfectly. I noticed I the week Audrey went home, Vanessa bounces back and forth way too much and she gets way too emotionally invested in the game. Vanessa will say anything to anybodys face just to escape a conversation and put the blame on someone else. I'm honestly surprised she has been so successful in poker and I believe she thought it'd be just like a poker tournament and she was terribly wrong.
For me (if I was in Jackie or Meg's spot right now in the house...):
1. Vanessa
2. Liz
3. Johnny
4. Austin
5. Steve
If you get rid of a twin you definitely have to get Austin right out next.
I can definetly see John slide by to final 7 no doubt.
I think Vanessa, Liz, and Austin are the obvious targets but John, Steve, and Becky need to be watched closely.
Vanessa and Shelli are saying people are being bullied when it comes to voting this week.
James and Clay got in each other's face. OMFG
Shelli is a stronger player then Clay and the fact that she's manipulated these people into keeping her is crazy. They say they want to honor Clay's wishes to leave but if he stays and is miserable that helps their game a lot better.
Shelli manipulating? Clay has been in tears trying to get himself eliminated after it became awre that they were secretly watching out for themselves. Clay screwed himself over with the deal he made to John and it's gonna bite him in the ***. I do agree that Shelli has been a better player up until now, and it'd be better to get rid of her, but I don't think Clay has shown his full potential. I think Shelli will be more emotionally disconnected than Clay would be. Either way, I'm glad one of them is going home.
Vanessa's game has gone to shit, just like I said it would. I told everybody here that she's way too emotional and everybody in the house is saying it now. I've never seen somebody so paranoid and bopping around the house like Vanessa is.
I guarantee she is eliminated within the next three weeks. No way she makes it any further. the house is an absolute mess and the only ones in a good, trusting position are Jackie-James-Meg and Austin-Liz-Julia. It just sucks that tonight an HOH will be crowned and by Saturday they can flip completely to a new target. I pray to God that Jackie or Meg win HOH and get Vanessa out of the house, she was playing a great game and she threw it away little by little.
Shelli has played a part in pretty much everyone who has went home and she's done it without really getting her hands dirty which is why I think she's a manipulator. As for Vanessa I've been saying for the longest that she's paranoid and overthinks every little thing. I definitely wouldn't want to play nor work with Vanessa.
James may be small but I bet he packs a mean punch!
Vanessa had an awesome game up until about two weeks ago. She has been the median between the two sides of the house and the person everyone went to. She was the voice of Clay and Shelli, she had Austin (and in turn, the twins) by the balls, and she won the final duo HOH with Jackie. Vanessa was sitting so pretty and honestly, she had her social game down perfectly. I noticed I the week Audrey went home, Vanessa bounces back and forth way too much and she gets way too emotionally invested in the game. Vanessa will say anything to anybodys face just to escape a conversation and put the blame on someone else. I'm honestly surprised she has been so successful in poker and I believe she thought it'd be just like a poker tournament and she was terribly wrong.
Becky won HOH!
Well now she has to choose a side instead of floating to both.
It's also a DE! So hoping she sides with James/Jackie/Meg like she said the other day
Becky wins HOH, means goodbye to Vanessa or one of the twins.
Becky should put up Vanessa and Liz/Julia/Steve
She won't put up Steve, intial noms will probably be either twins straight up or one twin and vanessa
My guess is Vanessa and a twin. Jackie and Meg need to latch on to that hoe so she doesn't do anything stupid.
Between the four of them bonding this past week and Johnnymacs fight with Vanessa today I think she is solidly on the "dark side"
Vanessa needs to learn her audience, she is currently campaigning to Jackie. Vanessa has the strategy but she has no good way of implementing it.
She should put up twin & Vanessa/Shelli so V/Shelli go.. bc Austin and other twin would not vote for twin to go
Becky decided to use Steve and Shelli as pawns to backdoor Vanessa. I hope this actually happens because that girl is going to go insane.
you mean backdoor Vanessa.
& they wouldnt have the votes would they?
james, jackie, meg, john--> vanessa/shelli to go
twins, austin, shelli/vanessa--> for the other person to go
thats a tie.
oh . i guess becky would be the tie breaker.
Boooring, I wanted Jackie to win so bad.
I think atleast one of the people who like Vanessa will realize it's best if she goes now. They all talk about her overthinking.
And Becky has this plan to backdoor Vanessa, but watch her epically fail.
In my opinion she shouldn't have told Shelli the plan yet.
i hope it doesnt ahh. did they ever think about what if vanessa uses the pov on shelli?
as much as I like Shelli, I agree with this. Too early. Doesn't she remember what happened when her and Becky was HoH?