Bad Girls Club: East Meets West (Season 17)

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Lmaooooo yes the dragging was going to commence REAL quick since there's too many "others" on here who be talking crazy. My bad for jumping the gun if anything. #StillTheWinningTeam


Keyaira & Seven >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> these other girls

Imagine if these******* ended up on a Real World? #Mayhem

Me on my way out when I saw Graphik's reply

What I don't like about Key? She always... Alwaaays seems angry. I get being temperamental and having anger issues, but like.. Come on, girl lmaoo.




Beat the **** out of them lmaoooo & both Bri/Kiki looked dead at them + they should've already knew it wasn't over so miss me with that "they snuck them" bullshit. Bri took advantage of Key being drunk so Key came back for her *** >>>>>>>>>

Keyaira & Seven >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> these other girls

Imagine if these******* ended up on a Real World? #Mayhem


If Kiki had kept her mouth shut and not been happy and laughing with Bri about Key she wouldn't have gotten beat down. Bri was being extra with those tears about her friends. She knew there was no camera on her, and she wanted it. Don't agree with Key coming at her while drunk, but I understand her frustration and I do think it had to do with taking her pain out on someone else. Got why she decided she had to follow up though. shady. Anyone know what happens at the reunion?

I find it wierd that Kiki  defended fran twice yet when seven was ******* up kiyanna fran did nothing

same as sayorra, key was ******* up bri on the bed but sayorra did nothing. Im not talking about jumping in, I mean she didnt even try to stop the fight


Seven is a lame follower. her and key get no cool points for sneaking bri and Kiki like that. People only like 7 because shes pretty and no one can tell me otherwise because that ***** is wack.

Seven is a lame follower. her and key get no cool points for sneaking bri and Kiki like that. People only like 7 because shes pretty and no one can tell me otherwise because that ***** is wack.

How is she a follower when she did everything she wanted to do in that house and talked to whoever she wanted? She let Key know about how she would talk to Shay but also checked Shay for not standing up for herself. She went out with Sayyora & talked to Fran despite Key being Key. Shay was the follower all up under Key all day. 

If anything, people don't like Seven simply because she ***** with Key. Real recognize real lmaooo you see the other clique beat the hell out of each other & still has internal drama to this day.

I'm trying to also figure out do you sneak a person that's looking dead at you, though? Are Kiki/Bri that acceptably slow-minded to not know it was going down as soon as they all got back to house & to be ready? 

That's the definition of "ON SIGHT". If Bri had really hands like that, she could've easily overpowered Key, flipped her over & beat her ***. Kiyanna literally watched Seven walk up to her lmaooo both just took the L.

YvanEhtNioj wrote:

Seven is a lame follower. her and key get no cool points for sneaking bri and Kiki like that. People only like 7 because shes pretty and no one can tell me otherwise because that ***** is wack.

How is she a follower when she did everything she wanted to do in that house and talked to whoever she wanted? She let Key know about how she would talk to Shay but also checked Shay for not standing up for herself. She went out with Sayyora & talked to Fran despite Key being Key. Shay was the follower all up under Key all day. If anything, people don't like Seven simply because she ***** with Key. Real recognize real lmaooo you see the other clique beat the hell out of each other & still has internal drama to this day.

Nahh sis. there aint nothing real about Key - shes just a ******* child in an adult body, and 7 condones her bullshit and eggs it on

" I FOUGHT TOO HARD FOR MY RESPECT!******* DONT DISRESPECT ME LIKE THIS BACK HOME!" from that moment, knew 7 was a goofy *** *****.

Key a real one. Might not be likable & has a terrible attitude, but can't even deny she a thug lol people felt the same about Redd's big hood *** lmaooooo

That meme of Key going around on social media lmaooo >>>>>>>>>>



Seven is a lame follower. her and key get no cool points for sneaking bri and Kiki like that. People only like 7 because shes pretty and no one can tell me otherwise because that ***** is wack.

& that's the true tea.

" I FOUGHT TOO HARD FOR MY RESPECT!******* DONT DISRESPECT ME LIKE THIS BACK HOME!" from that moment, knew 7 was a goofy *** *****.


YvanEhtNioj wrote:

Seven is a lame follower. her and key get no cool points for sneaking bri and Kiki like that. People only like 7 because shes pretty and no one can tell me otherwise because that ***** is wack.

How is she a follower when she did everything she wanted to do in that house and talked to whoever she wanted? She let Key know about how she would talk to Shay but also checked Shay for not standing up for herself. She went out with Sayyora & talked to Fran despite Key being Key. Shay was the follower all up under Key all day. If anything, people don't like Seven simply because she ***** with Key. Real recognize real lmaooo you see the other clique beat the hell out of each other & still has internal drama to this day.

I totally agree Graphik. They don't like 7 because she hangs with Key. I wouldn't hang with Key, but I wouldn't hang with Kiki or Bri or Francesca or Shay either. I would probably hang with drunk *** Say and 7.

I'm trying to also figure out do you sneak a person that's looking dead at you, though? Are Kiki/Bri that acceptably slow-minded to not know it was going down as soon as they all got back to house & to be ready? That's the definition of "ON SIGHT". If Bri had really hands like that, she could've easily overpowered Key, flipped her over & beat her ***. Kiyanna literally watched Seven walk up to her lmaooo both just took the L.

Finally caught up on this season

my thouhts:

Seven:  I **** with her the most, she seems to mainly stay in her lane which i respect. I'm juiced to see her fight kiki next episode. My fav this season.

Key: Off and on with her, mostly on. She gets to mad over shit sometimes and its not necessary. She makes thing into bigger issues than it needs to be. But i like crazy.

Shay: Kinda irrelevant tbh called her Diet Talone bc shes the worse knock off Brynesha.

Kiki: Annoying goes from having a mouth to being a victim every 30 seconds

Sayyora: Kinda irrelevant rn i want to like her but she isn't giving me a lot to work with. Seems like she would've been a better fit on rw

Bri: Shes cool i feel like she gets more hate then she needs. 

Fran: I don't like her at all tbh. I hate the kinds of people who run their mouth and don't think anything is going to come of it. She came on bgc expecting a rw experience.

P.S i don't read spoilers but are there anymore replacements this season or only 1? Seems like we had 15 last season 

Graphik wrote:

I'm trying to also figure out do you sneak a person that's looking dead at you, though? Are Kiki/Bri that acceptably slow-minded to not know it was going down as soon as they all got back to house & to be ready? That's the definition of "ON SIGHT". If Bri had really hands like that, she could've easily overpowered Key, flipped her over & beat her ***. Kiyanna literally watched Seven walk up to her lmaooo both just took the L.

Finally caught up on this seasonmy thouhts:Seven:  I **** with her the most, she seems to mainly stay in her lane which i respect. I'm juiced to see her fight kiki next episode. My fav this season.Key: Off and on with her, mostly on. She gets to mad over shit sometimes and its not necessary. She makes thing into bigger issues than it needs to be. But i like crazy.Shay: Kinda irrelevant tbh called her Diet Talone bc shes the worse knock off Brynesha.Kiki: Annoying goes from having a mouth to being a victim every 30 secondsSayyora: Kinda irrelevant rn i want to like her but she isn't giving me a lot to work with. Seems like she would've been a better fit on rwBri: Shes cool i feel like she gets more hate then she needs. Fran: I don't like her at all tbh. I hate the kinds of people who run their mouth and don't think anything is going to come of it. She came on bgc expecting a rw experience.P.S i don't read spoilers but are there anymore replacements this season or only 1? Seems like we had 15 last season 

Only one!

So the season is almost over might as well

8. Deshayla- I actually never really liked her and, I'm just bored by her. And, when she does speak nothing is noteworthy. Confronting Fran would've been good actually she not gotten slammed. Overall boring and another "follower".

7. Francesa- I liked her at first but, she has a mouth for someone who never fought before the show.I think her getting Shay on the ground g***ed her up A LOT. She's fine at times and I liked her attitude at first but, now I'm not a huge fan. She's decent and she would've been interesting on 16 due to the bullying that season. I actually felt bad Bri beat her up because peeing in the limo was nasty.

6. Susan- Shocked she's this high however, she was hilarious to me (unintentionally). The comb was extra and she knew she was bluffing which makes it funnier. She's way more likeable as a joke personality. She did have some real moments which made me feel her a bit but, we didn't get deep into it (which is due to her keeping her guard up ).

5. Keymarie- Annoying as HELL. I do think she's real and lowkey about it bu,t shut the hell up sometimes. I hope she's grown from the exprience  and chilled out. Her raps were wack in my opinion haven't listened to much else but, there were a few times I liked her.

4. Kiyanna-  I really would've loved her if she chilld out. Her *** getting beat consistently was hilarious but she tried to throw hands (only time she really pulled hair was her rounds with Seven and I think that's because she had nothing else to do). Some stuff about her was real and I respect that. Annoying a lot of time but, she could've been my favorite if some of her behavior wasn't so extra (her *****  on Susan's bed and, saying she'd jump Bri.)

3. Sayyora- The weight thing with her mom was so sad to see and a lot of her past made her interesting. She's just quiet honestly so she didn't annoy me a lot (reasons why Key, Fran, Susan and Kiki aren't higher). She's ok I guess I wish security would've let her fight Kiki that was just sad.

2. Briana- Thought I would've hated her but, shockingly I didn't (just so many other people annoyed me too much to rank them higher). Her ability to beef with 5/7 girls then be friends with 2 of them is actually funny but that whole group is the defintion of fake love. Seeing her fight was underwhelming I will say especially, after seeing her fight video. Even with her first round with Fran she just pounced on her and I expected more. I did hate how she got buck with Fran but not Key or Seven when they got buck with her. Overall, she's ok I wasn't annoyed by her as much as I thought but, not a huge fan either and when I go to rewatch I could see me liking her less.

1. Seven- I don't see how she's fake or wack or anything. I don't think the hands go off as much as she says. (I watched the second fight with Kiki and Kiki was talking about bleeding so we'll see her punches lowkey been cracking Kiki's head in. She might put in more work based off the person so, her not fighting Bri is the season's biggest mistake.) I did like her telling Shay how she felt Key was running her, disagreeing with Key's actions and confronting people on her own. I didn't like her 24/7 (feel like it's editing mostly) but, she was my fav. Would've loved her on 16 she would've been beefing and really fighting or 15 (her sister seems about it too).

Season itself was good but, I wish they dipped more into their personal struggles would've rounded it out.

So the season is almost over might as well8. Deshayla- I actually never really liked her and, I'm just bored by her. And, when she does speak nothing is noteworthy. Confronting Fran would've been good actually she not gotten slammed. Overall boring and another "follower".7. Francesa- I liked her at first but, she has a mouth for someone who never fought before the show.I think her getting Shay on the ground g***ed her up A LOT. She's fine at times and I liked her attitude at first but, now I'm not a huge fan. She's decent and she would've been interesting on 16 due to the bullying that season. I actually felt bad Bri beat her up because peeing in the limo was nasty.6. Susan- Shocked she's this high however, she was hilarious to me (unintentionally). The comb was extra and she knew she was bluffing which makes it funnier. She's way more likeable as a joke personality. She did have some real moments which made me feel her a bit but, we didn't get deep into it (which is due to her keeping her guard up ).5. Keymarie- Annoying as HELL. I do think she's real and lowkey about it bu,t shut the hell up sometimes. I hope she's grown from the exprience  and chilled out. Her raps were wack in my opinion haven't listened to much else but, there were a few times I liked her.4. Kiyanna-  I really would've loved her if she chilld out. Her *** getting beat consistently was hilarious but she tried to throw hands (only time she really pulled hair was her rounds with Seven and I think that's because she had nothing else to do). Some stuff about her was real and I respect that. Annoying a lot of time but, she could've been my favorite if some of her behavior wasn't so extra (her *****  on Susan's bed and, saying she'd jump Bri.)3. Sayyora- The weight thing with her mom was so sad to see and a lot of her past made her interesting. She's just quiet honestly so she didn't annoy me a lot (reasons why Key, Fran, Susan and Kiki aren't higher). She's ok I guess I wish security would've let her fight Kiki that was just sad.2. Briana- Thought I would've hated her but, shockingly I didn't (just so many other people annoyed me too much to rank them higher). Her ability to beef with 5/7 girls then be friends with 2 of them is actually funny but that whole group is the defintion of fake love. Seeing her fight was underwhelming I will say especially, after seeing her fight video. Even with her first round with Fran she just pounced on her and I expected more. I did hate how she got buck with Fran but not Key or Seven when they got buck with her. Overall, she's ok I wasn't annoyed by her as much as I thought but, not a huge fan either and when I go to rewatch I could see me liking her less.1. Seven- I don't see how she's fake or wack or anything. I don't think the hands go off as much as she says. (I watched the second fight with Kiki and Kiki was talking about bleeding so we'll see her punches lowkey been cracking Kiki's head in. She might put in more work based off the person so, her not fighting Bri is the season's biggest mistake.) I did like her telling Shay how she felt Key was running her, disagreeing with Key's actions and confronting people on her own. I didn't like her 24/7 (feel like it's editing mostly) but, she was my fav. Would've loved her on 16 she would've been beefing and really fighting or 15 (her sister seems about it too).Season itself was good but, I wish they dipped more into their personal struggles would've rounded it out.

Agree with all of that. Except positioning. My order of like: Seven, Sayyora, Shay (even though she was weak! She was so quiet she annoyed me less), Francesca, Briana, Keymarie, Susan, Kiyanna. I just really dislike Kiyanna. Her constant melodrama and crying and then laughing and acting out. I just can't with her at all. She just wanted to be Key. Always shading her and following her. "Key why you do that? Key!" 

I liked Seven not because she was pretty, because sometimes without the makeup face she wasn't all that, but because I thought she was real and honest. She liked Francesca and stood up to Key. Key never would've treated Seven the way she treated Shay. And she saw right through Kiyanna for the petty lying melodramatic shady bull. I think she was up for fighting Bri, but Bri wouldn't step to her. Anytime she talked with Bri, Bri backed all the way down.

Bri didn't want none of Seven & its hilarious how Bri running her mouth on Twitter/IG now like Key didn't beat her entire *** once she sobered up. Seven said her & Kiyanna can't even step foot in the DMV or her + her sister will be beating that *** maooooo

Bri didn't want none of Seven & its hilarious how Bri running her mouth on Twitter/IG now like Key didn't beat her entire *** once she sobered up. Seven said her & Kiyanna can't even step foot in the DMV or her + her sister will be beating that *** maooooo

Meanwhile Seven did a lot of talking this season and was rarely about that life. Next

Graphik wrote:

Bri didn't want none of Seven & its hilarious how Bri running her mouth on Twitter/IG now like Key didn't beat her entire *** once she sobered up. Seven said her & Kiyanna can't even step foot in the DMV or her + her sister will be beating that *** maooooo

Meanwhile Seven did a lot of talking this season and was rarely about that life. Next

None of em wanted to see her except Kiyanna who wanted to be the next Jaz/Jaimee. She could talk as much shit ***he pleased, who in that house wanted to shoot a round? Briana & Fran knew better.

TheKorean wrote:

Graphik wrote:Bri didn't want none of Seven & its hilarious how Bri running her mouth on Twitter/IG now like Key didn't beat her entire *** once she sobered up. Seven said her & Kiyanna can't even step foot in the DMV or her + her sister will be beating that *** maooooo

Meanwhile Seven did a lot of talking this season and was rarely about that life. Next

None of em wanted to see her except Kiyanna who wanted to be the next Jaz/Jaimee. She could talk as much shit ***he pleased, who in that house wanted to shoot a round? Briana & Fran knew better.

I still **** with Kiyanna tho! I'd never compare her to Queen Jaimee/Jazmyn, but she's easily top 3 for me looool.

My order would have to be

8.KiKi- She was annoying af she started drama then cried about it. Also she tried to jump 2 ppl Bri and Seven and Jumped 1 person susan at the reunion shes just whack

7.Francesca- Talks alot of shit for someone who was on top of the skinniest ***** and did absolutely nothing. She tries ppl and then plays victim when they pop her. Also her jealousy towards bri was unnecessary and ended up getting her *** beat not 1 but 2 times.

6.Shay- The way she let key talk to her showed me shes not a bad *****. Also the spit is just disgusting she was irrelevant and a fake punk *** ***** who couldn't even show up to the reunion.

5.Briana- I dont dislike her but i dont like her either. She got buck with fran but not with seven or a sober key. Shes eh to me also them tracks r tragic.

4.Sayyora- Shes not afraid to be herself and isnt scared of anyone. She is also a fun girl tht means no harm. I like her but i dont think bgc was the right fit for her.

3.Susan- Susan is the quiet storm i liked her bcuz she never backed down and always stood up for herself also the iconic flip she did was amazing. She had a nice personality and was very open when discussing her marriage until ppl started ****** wit her

2.Key- Shes crazy and funny. She is one of the bad girls that i can say tht r actually bout it. She never w***cared of anyone in the house. She also has her girls back she is very loyal. She also has hands for days

1.Seven- One of the realest girls in bgc history. She checked all the girls who came at her and even checked key about her behavior. Also she was the first person to see through kiki's bullshit. She also has hands and busted kiki up in round 2. She had the whole house intimidated which made her the baddest ***** of the season
