Bad Girls Club: East Meets West (Season 17)

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I just watched the Afterbuzz show. It was interesting seeing what Kayla thought of her more ratchet mini-me KayMarie

When I first saw Susan I thought she was going to be like irrelevant *** Tina from bgc 14 bc their both latina with blonde hair and they both seem really chill/quiet. But Episode 1 was all susan and episode 2 seems to be as well. We all know she leaves but it doesnt seem from the fight with kiyanna, as shes apparently in the background of a different fight.

I thought the only girl that left was Francesca?

I thought the only girl that left was Francesca?

Susan leaves...Bri comes..."beats up Keymarie" ...******* go to Vegas where Key and Seven have shows...Seven fights Kiyanna,  goes to a hotel and fights her again. Keymarie fights somebody else at the same time.

I know Seven gets kicked out...Not sure if Keymarie does.

Gotcha. I thought Francesca leaves and bri replaced her. 

That's a bummer bc I hate Fran and love Susan

LMAOOO This episode was amazing much better than Ep. 1 I'm just so in love with this season because it's funny messg and entertaining af. Plus all the girls personalities show. Kiyanna, Susan, Sayyora, Fran>>>>>

I love the inner city vibe and everything too

Damn Imma miss Bgc Sad

UMM maybe its because im getting older, but this episode was a hot mess and not in the good way. It was rushed and just filled of pointless petty back and forths. Basically everyone calling each other fake, two people making up and then switching  sides and repeat. I mean literally kiyanna said she fought because she was bored lol... It was a boring episode, even the lame 5 second susan slamming kiyanna at the end, I dont know all this back and forth made me feel like my intelligence dropped a few notches.

Hopefully its cancelled bc its obvious they couldnt give a shit anymore, from the girls, to the budget, i mean it doesnt have to be season 4-9 amazing but damn its not even season 10-16 amazing, we'll see as the episodes move, but its lacking a bit of substance with the girls/storyline

Thats all BGC is nowadays...calling eachother fake.  Thats why I'm not really into it. People say "i love it this year for the drama" but its fake and forced. If you look at BGC New Orleans, Miami #1, Atlanta, or even Twisted Sisters ..the drama was real. this is just a hot *** mess

I still haven't even watched the first episode of this shit lmaoooo


I still haven't even watched the first episode of this shit lmaoooo 

It's alright. nothing special

Yeah true but even the 1st ep it showed new type of conflicts

With the girls not liking Susan because she openly admits she cheats and that being a whole thing I thought was interesting. Then you have Kiyanna who is a matchmaker so she conflicts that.

It wasn't the usual "Im just not feeling her" except with Key and Sayy and also not a sloppy drunk or anything.

Ugh....Keyaira is a ******* nuissance *** bully *** *****.

But am I the only one shocked that Sayyora is getting a p*** for saying the n word in reference to Lionel when arguing with Keyaira before getting the shit slapped outta ha?

Ugh....Keyaira is a ******* nuissance *** bully *** *****.But am I the only one shocked that Sayyora is getting a p*** for saying the n word in reference to Lionel when arguing with Keyaira before getting the shit slapped outta ha?

Considering the situation, I dont mind she said it. Its a fight and she was just repeating what Key said

tired of these bully ********** always talking about whooping *** yet Sayyora and Kiki KEEP saying "do SOMETHING" and they do nothing......

This season is bunk. Keyaria is literally my least favorite bad girl of all time.

^After GiGi and Jazmone.

Caught up on this......I honestly either like or am indifferent to all the girls so far.


I like Sayyora, Seven, Fran. 

Deshayla, Susan & Kiyanna are okay.

I hate that ***** senior citizen looking *** ***** Keyaira or Keymarie. Whatever her damn name is. 

I'm guessing Keymarie is her rapper name lol I actually kind of like her which seems to be a very unpopular opinion with viewers lmaoooo

Seven over all of 'em though lmao >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that's bae.

Seven over all of 'em though lmao >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that's bae.

I *** with 7

I *** with 7

7 and Francine or whatever her name is. She runs herself and I like that 7 was smart to notice kiyanna being fake drama queen and crying. Sayorra is irksome. She started all this by running her mouth about another girl and keeping running her mouth while playing the victim card. I would not hang with her at all. The other Key is just as irritating as Sayorra, but at least she isn't playing at being the victim.

Idk how you can't like Kiyanna. She's funny and I live how she owns that she can't fight. It's hard to rock with Seven knowing she is with Keymarat. I can't stand this ugly ******. I wanted her to get her *** beat so bad. I need my bald headed lesbian from last season back to teach her a lesson.

lmao I commented that as I watched the episode ***uming Sayyora got beat but Key ain't do shit either. Lame *** hoe. Keyy tugged on that mop weave. YES *****

Owning the fact the you cant fight and still trying to fight isnt cool or cute. 

Kandy's no-hands having *** surely wouldn't be teaching Key a lesson. Maybe Big Redd, Jela or Lucci Vee........

Kandy's no-hands having *** surely wouldn't be teaching Key a lesson. Maybe Big Redd, Jela or Lucci Vee........

Kandy hits open-handed lmao. We need to call Ty from BGC1

Only like 7 currently and maybe Sayorra. Used to like Francesca, but she has begun to irk me by creating tons of drama and using "bully" when she was the one really picking on someone. Still don't like Kiki at all.

Seven slayed this episode, she popped Fran and dragged tf outta Kiki #Queen 

Queen Seven/Key/Susan's alliance >>>>>>>>>>

Seven RUNS that house lmaoooo
