Are You The One? (Season 7)

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We loving the melanin but where’s the dark skin women. Smile

Brett looks like Scotty T

omg he does 

Jasmine Has been added

This cast is pretty hot, I’ll be watching 

Graphik is SHAKING @ bria . I am too

Eh Kenya still remains the cutest so far

asia Would really be doing herself a favor if she put on some colored lipstick and got a new eyebrow lady 

Eh Kenya still remains the cutest so far

Why Kwasi look like an Avataralso Zac bussing it wide open for me >>>>

That’s  the second Jasmine

Where the next Tyler tho? Lmaoooo

Yalls sleeping on Kayla! Glad theres a Asian representation

Lauren has been added

Oh Laruen is from West Virginia. Nice. Waiting for a male represention from West Virginia

These women are gorgeous hopefully the men can compete. 

Graphik is SHAKING @ bria . I am too

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lol

Oop token blonde, can’t have a season without one

Random but Kenya is like a Pokémon evolution of Chey lmao the Ninetales to her Vulpix.

Oop token blonde, can’t have a season without one

She'll be Nicole 2.0 

Oop token blonde, can’t have a season without one

- Zoe/Nicole/Taylor/Hannah all duds.

Is it bad that I can honestly not tell you who the blonde Nicole is...? And I know it’s not that frazzled dud Hardbitten loves from season 4....

Random but Kenya is like a Pokémon evolution of Chey lmao the Ninetales to her Vulpix.

oh hell no. Chey is the original and always will be. Queen of getting hotter after motherhood 

Lauren looks like she got lost on the way to the Bachelor...

I hope Kayla isn't nothing like Joi

Is it bad that I can honestly not tell you who the blonde Nicole is...? And I know it’s not that frazzled dud Hardbitten loves from season 4....

Shes cute tho!

i could care less about the blonde one

But Lauren makes me think she’ll have to the entire cast pressed

But Lauren makes me think she’ll have the entire cast pressed

I hope Kayla isn't nothing like Joi

She gives me Keyanna irrelevant *** vibe

Nicole unfortunately gives me “star of the season vibes” ala Kiki

Is it bad that I can honestly not tell you who the blonde Nicole is...? And I know it’s not that frazzled dud Hardbitten loves from season 4....

This face rings a bell ? 

Queen Lauren 
