Twilight Humor

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I know this girl isn't trying to be funny, but I'm dying laughing. [url=]YouTube - ‪Breaking Dawn Trailer Reaction‬‏[/url]
Anonymous's picture
I haven't seen the trailer yet!!!
[QUOTE=Insider;250861]I haven't seen the trailer yet!!![/QUOTE] I saw it when they showed it at the MTV Movie Awards and I honestly don't think it was anything special to be reacting like that girl in the video...
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=fabulous788;250865]I saw it when they showed it at the MTV Movie Awards and I honestly don't think it was anything special to be reacting like that girl in the video...[/QUOTE] I have that DVRd. I need to get around to watching it.
[QUOTE=Insider;250869]I have that DVRd. I need to get around to watching it.[/QUOTE] I mean if you want to watch Robert Pattinson drop the F Bomb on national television you better get to it. That was probably the best thing of the night.
[QUOTE=fabulous788;250844]I know this girl isn't trying to be funny, but I'm dying laughing. [/QUOTE] YIKES, that was the most frightening thing I've ever witnessed in my life....I might have nightmares...
LOL!!! Not just any boyfriend tho... a mystical creature boyfriend, 'cuz human boyfriends suck!
Anonymous's picture
Some of these warned. :meh: [URL=""]The 25 Most Disturbing Twilight Products[/URL]
Your list is missing Sam & Dean Winchester.
The bad lip readings are my favorite.... So funny!
This made even me laugh
