So You Think You Can Dance: Season 5

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2nd elimination time... Last night was a record breaking vote. 3rd place goes to EVAN. YESSSSSSSSSSSS.
[quote=molds13;108609]2nd elimination time... Last night was a record breaking vote. 3rd place goes to EVAN. YESSSSSSSSSSSS.[/quote] HALLELUJAH!!! I can watch in peace! Now Dart doesn't have to rush the stage and tackle him! :)
Oh by the way, I'm going to call it now. Season 6 winner: Sex. Although if Evan's popularity is any indication, we can expect to see his brother do well (if he makes it to the top 20).
Nigel's (2nd) favorite (apart from when Mary admitted to using Botox): Kayla and Kupono's contemporary (week 5). That's 2 for Mia. I am shocked that Melissa and Ade have not danced yet. But maybe they're just saving the best for last...that's what I keep telling myself.
Sex made it to the top 20?? That would be too much, in a bad way. ::shudder:: I loved that dance by Kayla and Kupono so yay!! But WHY haven't Melissa and Ade dance AT ALL yet?? Boo.
2nd guest dancers of the night (choreographed by Tiffany Burton), "back by popular demand": The Rage Boys Crew. Umm...who?
They just said there are 2 choices left...make this one. Tyce's favorite: Jeanette and Brandon's disco (week 2)
Anonymous's picture
Color me surprised that Kayla was first out. Glad that Evan was next. I'm happy with the Final 2! Wouldn't it be crazy if Brandon won? Tell ya why: Josh won last season and in the top 20 selection in Season 5, it was down to Josh and Brandon for the last male spot. Hee!
Anonymous's picture
Interesting article from Reality Blurred: [url=]SYTYCD judges, choreographers: the best dancer has never won + reality blurred[/url]
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;108626]Color me surprised that Kayla was first out. Glad that Evan was next. I'm happy with the Final 2! Wouldn't it be crazy if Brandon won? Tell ya why: Josh won last season and in the top 20 selection in Season 5, it was down to Josh and Brandon for the last male spot. Hee![/quote] Huh, really? That's actually pretty awesome. At this point I would be happy with either of them winning. They both danced phenomenally.
[SIZE=6]FINALLY!![/SIZE] Mia's (2nd) favorite: Melissa and Ade's contemporary (week 7) Tyce's friend learned that she is cancer free today. Good for her.
It brought tears to Christina Applegate's face. Umm...they're doing the top 8 dance (Chorus Line)...with the judges. GREAT way to end it.
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[quote=OtherPplsDrama;108548]Rule of thumb here is if it is airing/has aired on the East coast, it's technically not a spoiler. Us Westies can enter at our own risk. ;)[/quote] That was cute.
[quote=molds13;108633]It brought tears to Christina Applegate's face. Umm...they're doing the top 8 dance (Chorus Line)...with the judges. GREAT way to end it.[/quote] WITH the judges? Hmmm.... YAY for FINALLY having Melissa and Ade dance! Geez, took long enough. That would be interesting if Brandon won OPD. I totally forgot about that! I do kinda feel like the best dancer has never won. Granted I started watching in Seaons 3 so I can't comment on the first 2 winners, but they are out to find Am's FAV dancer so they can't really blame anyone but themselves for setting it up that way.
[quote=tatertots;108640]WITH the judges? Hmmm....[/quote] Well...they were standing behind the mirrors and did the last 30 seconds while the dancers stood in the background. So kind of, haha.
I didn't know that Brandon and Jeanine danced together during Vegas week...
[quote=molds13;108641]Well...they were standing behind the mirrors and did the last 30 seconds while the dancers stood in the background. So kind of, haha.[/quote] Haha, okay that sounds better :) comes the big moment!!!! Congratulations to... [SIZE=6]JEANINE!!![/SIZE]
Anonymous's picture
ZOMG Yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From the way the season started and progressed, I am actually surprised. Congrats to her!! Thank god it's not Evan. I do wish it was one of my favorites though. But hey, always next season, which is luckily SO CLOSE! Yay!
I am glad a girl won! We need more girl winners to even it out a little :)
Anonymous's picture
Oh btw I just checked myself, Brandon lost the top 20 spot last season to Gev, not Josh. But still!
A cute guy should have won (and I'm not talking about Brandon). The cute male dancers were ten times better than Jeanine.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=tatertots;108653]I am glad a girl won! We need more girl winners to even it out a little [/QUOTE] I was just thinking about that earlier. Before tonight the girls were only 1 for 4. Oh, and thanks for the play-by-play molds! :)
I second that! Thanks molds!!
Anonymous's picture
Quick! Let's help make Jeanine a trending topic! :D
If it wasn't for Brandon, Jeanine would have been just another starving talentless dancer. Brandon helped propel this girl to the top spot.
[quote=MarcoSanchez;108661]If it wasn't for Brandon, Jeanine would have been just another starving talentless dancer. Brandon helped propel this girl to the top spot.[/quote] Huh? They danced together TWICE (not counting group dances)! I don't know what the hell you are talking about, but if this is another attempt at "lightening the mood" and "being funny" it is a another GIANT FAIL.
I knew the judges wanted a girl to win, they were definitely pushing the girls over the guys all season. I thought she would win, once the judges got so behind her recently. I am very happy for Jeanine, she is a great dancer with a great personality.
