That Broadway was difficult for me to critique.
I feel as the choreography was lacking, which in turn made the dance lack.
Evan should have NAILED that, but he didn't. He did not do bad, but he should have completely rocked it and he didn't.
Melissa is consistent.
That solo from Brandon was fantastic. I was in awe.
Jeanine's solo was the first time I was not impressed with her, and Evan's solo was the same thing, different song.
That Disco was fantastic.
[quote=Dartagnan;104605]If that Quickstep didn't seal the fate for Melissa and Evan I don't know what will.[/quote]
I was kinda pissed with Nigels critique on that saying that it just gave the public the reason they were looking for to not vote for someone? WTF? That is kind of overstepping it in my opinion. I though Evan was bad and Melissa was good, I am just sad that she is now lumped with Evan.
Its amazing what happens when Kayla finally gets a partner on her level!
I agree Tater. Nice of her to have someone who can keep up with her.
Yeah, I feel bad for Melissa getting Evan because at this point it will be the weakest no matter what.
If Evan makes it, I may consider not watching the Finale.
That Sonya piece was fun!
Sonya piece was AWESOME! It really showed just how close and amazing the 3 girls are.
So since I was late to the party here are my quick thoughts:
[B]Samba [/B]- Meh. Good but wasn't too memorable
[B]HipHop[/B] - Really liked it! Nice mix of cute and rough.
[B]Broadway[/B] - I actually quite liked it. I think Broadway is always a bit more about personality then techinque. Evan was surprisingly not so great for it being his style. I still think Melissa has done so well to adapt to anything she has been given and has yet to miss the mark,
[B]Quickstep[/B] - Meh. Evan was bad, I didn't like the judges comments since I thought Melissa did better than to just be lumped with Evan.
[B]Contemp[/B] - I really liked it. Thought it was great choreo. great dancing, great emotion.
[B]Disco[/B] - Super fun! Wonderfully danced, definitely memorable
Brandon's solo?!? Hellllooooo! He so did that for his mom and I bet she is so very proud!
[quote=Dartagnan;104651]Yeah after tonight, I feel bad but Melissa is most likely going.
I will not watch the finale if Evan makes it.[/quote]
I think she will too :( But I am ok with it just because Kayla and Jeanine are so good too.
If Evan makes it the judges HAVE to call BS. I swear everyone is just mezmerized by his suspenders! I don't think I could watch either. If he makes it in it is obviously because he has a huge fan base which translates into tons of votes for the finale. Ugh. I would have to hear who won first before I spend 2 hours watching Evan win.
Kayla and Jeanine are amazing so I am not sad, I just feel bad for Melissa because she was kinda screwed from the start.
I think the judges will call BS. They essentially called BS in the beginning with the Janette situation.
Kayla is so cool. Melissa not so much. Brandon looked mad good last night but he needs some base in his voice. I like Ade too. But I think it will be between Brandon, Parisa, I mean Jeanine, lol and Ade.
I think Evan nearly has a guaranteed spot in the finale. His fanbase is massive. I am near sure Melissa will lose as well, at most dancing sites she is hated. I am expecting the final four to be Brandon, Evan, Jeanine and Kayla. I wish Ade would make it, however I think he is about to lose.
[quote=DScott;104767]I think Evan nearly has a guaranteed spot in the finale. His fanbase is massive. [B]I am near sure Melissa will lose as well, at most dancing sites she is hated.[/B] I am expecting the final four to be Brandon, Evan, Jeanine and Kayla. I wish Ade would make it, however I think he is about to lose.[/quote]
That is just crazy to me! Why do they hate her?
[spoiler]So I don't think I will even waste my time tonight or next week:
ADE and MELISSA go home!
Final 4 are Brandon, Kayla, Jeanine and Evan (UGH).[/spoiler]
So my mom guilted me into watching and I was happy to hear that they are doing some old dances and bringing back the old dancers to do it. So at least I will be happy watching those guys tonight.
REALLY bummed about Ade. I'm really downright pissed about Evan making the finals. Yeah he was fun to have around for awhile but, REALLY?! Ugh...
Really happy about Jeanine though![/SPOILER]
Could he-who-makes-me-very-angry do what Will just did? HECK to the NO!! If you couldn't tell I am still very angry. My mom said that at least we can bash him the whole ep, haha.
I missed Will, so good to see him again!