RW/RR Challenge: The Ruins - Spoilers & Speculation

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[QUOTE=Famous.;74214]Are we allowed to curse?[/QUOTE] Go ahead, if you feel the need. One of us will delete it later...
****, Veronica is gone. ****ing ****ery ****. UGH I'm so upset =(
[QUOTE=Famous.;74220]****, Veronica is gone. ****ing ****ery ****. UGH I'm so upset =([/QUOTE] Feel better now?
Yes, thank you. Lol GRRR. I hope she comes back again. =( Rachel didn't do "so hot" on The Island. She can still win these things!
Anonymous's picture
I will say I'm not suprise. She made it far, and if Ev was eliminated....anything is possible. I'm starting to believe, Kellyanne could have taken Ev out.
Aw while I'm sad Veronica is gone, I am proud of her for making it this far especially since she was a huge target and we all expected she'd be first gone. Hopefully she went out on her last challenge with either a bang or grace - none of that in between bull***t. This really is signalling the end of an era, that she is probably permanently done with challenges, and Coral has indicated such too, Mike has long been done and Katie has said she is finishing up as well. I guess we're going to have to refer to Paula/Kenny/Johnny/Evan/Ev/Diem etc. as the new real veterans :-\ Maybe KA/V drama has to do with Wes? V has indicated in the past that she and Wes were friends...
Anonymous's picture
Who ever said Veronica will stop doing challenges??? I just tought of something. Veronica being killed, could have just been a huge fight agaisnt Kellyanne.
I know Ibis is doing good.
[QUOTE=producer88;74237]Who ever said Veronica will stop doing challenges??? I just tought of something. Veronica being killed, could have just been a huge fight agaisnt Kellyanne.[/QUOTE]"that shit isn't for me anymore. "
Anonymous's picture
Has it been confirmed that there was indeed a fight? Or did Bacchus scratch that? I know that was posted a long time ago.
For a spit-second I thought B was saying Veronica passed away during a challenge. It took me literally five seconds of thinking someone Julie-ed her again before realizing he was being hyperbolic.
[quote=superchico;74308][B]For a spit-second I thought B was saying Veronica passed away during a challenge.[/B] It took me literally five seconds of thinking someone Julie-ed her again before realizing he was being hyperbolic.[/quote] Me, too.
[quote=jr588;74236]Aw while I'm sad Veronica is gone, I am proud of her for making it this far especially since she was a huge target and we all expected she'd be first gone. Hopefully she went out on her last challenge with either a bang or grace - none of that in between bull***t. This really is signalling the end of an era, that she is probably permanently done with challenges, and Coral has indicated such too, Mike has long been done and Katie has said she is finishing up as well. I guess we're going to have to refer to Paula/Kenny/Johnny/Evan/Ev/Diem etc. as the new real veterans :-\ Maybe KA/V drama has to do with Wes? V has indicated in the past that she and Wes were friends...[/quote] I'm not a huge Veronica fan but i am sad to see her go. Katies is my favorite challenger ever and I hope she does this one with a HUGE bang. I hope to see her and Coral return some day. I just don't think the"new generation" can do it like the originals. I would love to see Hollywodd girls do a lot and possibly take over the the "new generation". I just hope Tonya kicks butt and keeps on going in theese challenges. P.S. Kelly Anne kind of reminds me of a sluttier Katie
[quote=IzzyBoo;74332]I'm not a huge Veronica fan but i am sad to see her go. Katies is my favorite challenger ever and I hope she does this one with a HUGE bang. I hope to see her and Coral return some day. I just don't think the"new generation" can do it like the originals. I would love to see Hollywodd girls do a lot and possibly take over the the "new generation". I just hope Tonya kicks butt and keeps on going in theese challenges. P.S. Kelly Anne kind of reminds me of a ****tier Katie[/quote] Katie is not a ****. I hope Ibis is kicking *** ! Team Ibis
Anonymous's picture
Pleaseee, enough Team Ibis. I am begging you.
[quote=rw/rrjunkie;74335]Katie is not a ****. I hope Ibis is kicking *** ! Team Ibis[/quote] i know what i was saying was Kelly anne is just like Katie but shes ****tier than Katie
TJ pa-lease, If I said team Evan I wouldn't mind.
[QUOTE=IzzyBoo;74332]I'm not a huge Veronica fan but i am sad to see her go. Katies is my favorite challenger ever and I hope she does this one with a HUGE bang. I hope to see her and Coral return some day. I just don't think the"new generation" can do it like the originals. I would love to see Hollywodd girls do a lot and possibly take over the the "new generation". I just hope Tonya kicks butt and keeps on going in theese challenges. P.S. Kellyanee kind of reminds me of a ****tier Katie[/QUOTE] I think we could all be well served by not calling anyone a ****.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=rw/rrjunkie;74341]TJ pa-lease, If I said team Evan I wouldn't mind.[/quote] No I would mind because its annoying. You keep saying it over and over.
[quote=tjhallow;74343]No I would mind because its annoying. You keep saying it over and over.[/quote] That's why you had to send em home, eh? :sun_bespectacled: Back on topic: I'm also guessing this is the last we'll see of Veronica. Oh well.
[quote=jake93;74311]Me, too.[/quote] Thirded. It took me an embarrassingly long time to realize that she hadn't [I]actually[/I] died. I was like, "Wow, why aren't they making a bigger deal out of this?!"
Anyway as I was saying team Ibis ! Still can't believe Veronica is gone but than again I can because she is not that strong.
PMs exists for your tit for tat shots at each other. Please don't risk becoming annoying to others within the forum. Take it off the board...
So did Vernoica die literally, or just get beat on the challenge?
Anonymous's picture
[quote=trees12;74412]So did Vernoica died literally, or just beat beat on the challenge?[/quote] Veronica is alive and well.
[quote=Insider;74413]Veronica is alive and well.[/quote] However, she has been beat on the current challenge? Therefore, she's back home here in the states.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=trees12;74412]So did Vernoica die literally, or just get beat on the challenge?[/quote] Do you really have to ask?
I'm bummed Veronica's gone, but at least she made it pretty far; she should be in a decent amount of episodes before her departure. But I'm probably more bummed about the fact that Casey and Susie outlasted her.
[quote=meonlyme25;74427]I'm bummed Veronica's gone, but at least she made it pretty far; she should be in a decent amount of episodes before her departure. But I'm probably more bummed about the fact that Casey and Susie outlasted her.[/quote] If Veronica was eliminated on Friday, then there was likely another girl who went home between Katie and Veronica who hasn't been confirmed yet, unless they skipped one due to Shauvon.
