The Ruins: Tonya Cooley - MTV

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I like Tonya and like her on the Challenges, but if she's happier not doing them, I hope she doesn't do them.
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She has been a lot more active on Twitter recently. She also has been talking to a few castmembers, I heard a rumor that she would like to do another challenge. :) Good news. [url=][img][/img][/url] I hope its true!
Something I've been meaning to ask about her... it was said by Evan, Kenny, and Johnny... and of course those 3 only, that Veronica said something that "shouldn't have been said" and that she "took it to a place that she didn't need to go" when Tonya ended up attacking her. What did Veronica say!? They never showed it on TV nor in the dailies. Every video you watch of their argument has Veronica saying "are we done?!" and Tonya says "we're done" then it immediately goes to V. saying "lets say it, lets call a spade a spade" then Tonya attacks. Something was obviously said after they stopped bickering and obviously Veronica said it- but what did she freakin say!!!??? What was sooo horrible for JEK to defend Tonya and feel she wasn't in the wrong for hitting Veronica?
[QUOTE=RubenJay05;221928]Something I've been meaning to ask about her... it was said by Evan, Kenny, and Johnny... and of course those 3 only, that Veronica said something that "shouldn't have been said" and that she "took it to a place that she didn't need to go" when Tonya ended up attacking her. What did Veronica say!? They never showed it on TV nor in the dailies. Every video you watch of their argument has Veronica saying "are we done?!" and Tonya says "we're done" then it immediately goes to V. saying "lets say it, lets call a spade a spade" then Tonya attacks. Something was obviously said after they stopped bickering and obviously Veronica said it- but what did she freakin say!!!??? What was sooo horrible for JEK to defend Tonya and feel she wasn't in the wrong for hitting Veronica?[/QUOTE] If it is too vulgar to be mentioned by MTV, it is too vulgar to be mentioned here. Plus, it is none of our business.
You know I had a feeling you were going to say something like that. More than half of the stuff we talk about here is none of our business! If it was something vulgar that's really all you had to say.
[QUOTE=RubenJay05;221932]You know I had a feeling you were going to say something like that. More than half of the stuff we talk about here is none of our business! If it was something vulgar that's really all you had to say.[/QUOTE] I do not know what was said but I imagine if it was not aired it was either too vulgar or too personal to be repeated.
Now I am curious what V said. We all know Tonya was in a bad place when she entered the challenge, so I am sure Veronica used that against her, plus past grudges, in a bitter exchange of words, which couldn't have been aired.
Veronica can be very mean. I would like to know as well :D
The only thing I could think of is if she attacked her marriage or her family upbringing. Please don't say that this is none of our business because Tonya has discussed her divorce and family issues many times on the show. We all know this about this. I think if anything, it probably had to do with her being a foster child and that's what caused her insecurities.
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One great thing about The Real World and "The Challenges" is the way you see cast members evolve overtime and I think Tonya is a perfect example of that. Unfortunately I don't think it was for the better but you can see the dramatic change between her character on The Real World Chicago and her character on The Ruins. I don't think we've ever seen such 180 shifts of a castmember's personality between two seasons. This happened twice with Tonya. Between Battle of the Sexes/The Gauntlet and Battle of the Sexes 2 we saw two totally different Tonyas. The same with The Island and The Ruins. I really feel bad for her, having followed her as a viewer since her stint in Chicago. It seemed like she was growing and heading in the right direction on her season (In a committed relationship with her boyfriend Justin, working extra jobs to cover her medical debt, learning more about her biological mother [the episode where she receives her birth certificate]). She was also a very conservative girl as seen on Battle of the Sexes. Something happened after that, and it's tough to see her as such a wreck as she was on The Ruins...
[QUOTE=LifeAfterBMP;222062]One great thing about The Real World and "The Challenges" is the way you see cast members evolve overtime and I think Tonya is a perfect example of that. Unfortunately I don't think it was for the better but you can see the dramatic change between her character on The Real World Chicago and her character on The Ruins. I don't think we've ever seen such 180 shifts of a castmember's personality between two seasons. This happened twice with Tonya. Between Battle of the Sexes/The Gauntlet and Battle of the Sexes 2 we saw two totally different Tonyas. The same with The Island and The Ruins. I really feel bad for her, having followed her as a viewer since her stint in Chicago. It seemed like she was growing and heading in the right direction on her season (In a committed relationship with her boyfriend Justin, working extra jobs to cover her medical debt, learning more about her biological mother [the episode where she receives her birth certificate]). She was also a very conservative girl as seen on Battle of the Sexes. Something happened after that, and it's tough to see her as such a wreck as she was on The Ruins...[/QUOTE] I remember really liking Tonya on RW: Chicago and having some sort of sympathy for her when other castmembers would get on to her. I liked her on BOTS and The Gauntlet and wanted her to go farther because I liked her. But she just seemed so desperate on BOTS2 and it went all down hill from there. You are right, she was a wreck by the time The Ruins was on. Hopefully she has been able to take it down a notch. Maybe not being in the spotlight is helping.
I didn't really like her on her season. She seemed a bit sketchy and crazy. Didn't she and Chris work out instead of going out to watch Cara sing on one of the last nights (Chris apologized and she didn't)? Didn't she argue with almost everyone and cry all the time? Wasn't an older man giving her money? But I have to admit I did really like her on Battle of the Seasons and The Gauntlet. I think she learnt from her mistakes watching her season and buried the hatchet with Theo and Aneesa and became much more sociable. She just seemed at a happier place doing her first 2 challenges.
Anonymous's picture
I thought she seemed pretty happy and level headed during BOTS2 she was just a little more wild, which there is nothing wrong with that. Inferno 2 she had a rough time...Fresh Meat she did well physically its just she was still trying to bounch back from everyone hating her. Inferno 3 she was compeltely level headed and one of, if not the, strongest girl there. The Island wasnt good for her becasue she couldnt have some of the meds she needed. And The Ruins was a bad place for her because she was going through some personal issues. I'd love to see her come back to do one more challenge as a changed individual from The Ruins and prove how strong of a competitor she is and how level headed she really is.
Did she delete her twitter?
Anonymous's picture
Yes she did. :(
Hey V1 you have any updates on how Tonya is doing?!?
[QUOTE=TSPKM;222161]I thought she seemed pretty happy and level headed during BOTS2 she was just a little more wild, which there is nothing wrong with that. Inferno 2 she had a rough time...Fresh Meat she did well physically its just she was still trying to bounch back from everyone hating her. Inferno 3 she was compeltely level headed and one of, if not the, strongest girl there. The Island wasnt good for her becasue she couldnt have some of the meds she needed. And The Ruins was a bad place for her because she was going through some personal issues. I'd love to see her come back to do one more challenge as a changed individual from The Ruins and prove how strong of a competitor she is and how level headed she really is.[/QUOTE] Yeah I'd like to see her do just one more challenge...As a Normal, level headed, good competitor. The Ruins really wasn't a good way for her to end her time on these shows IMO so It would be nice for her to come back in a better place, ready to compete and win.
[QUOTE=Debut Album;283654]Yeah I'd like to see her do just one more challenge...As a Normal, level headed, good competitor. The Ruins really wasn't a good way for her to end her time on these shows IMO so It would be nice for her to come back in a better place, ready to compete and win.[/QUOTE] I feel the same. I would love to see Tonya one last time in really great shape and great mental state. I think she could definitely take out a lot of these girls in one on ones and make it to the end.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=VCR14;283655]I feel the same. I would love to see Tonya one last time in really great shape and great mental state. I think she could definitely take out a lot of these girls in one on ones and make it to the end.[/QUOTE] I agree with what you are saying [B][I]BUT[/I][/B] I also think that it would be a baaaaad idea for her to come back on. Most of those people on the show are pretty mean and taunting and would be out to break her down just for their own entertainment.
As much as I love watching crazy Tonya, watching her on The Ruins was sad. Everyone there knew she wasn't in a good place, and some of those people were terrible to her. I could never respect Johnny, Kenny, or Evan because of how they treated her. I'm rooting for her to get better, and if that means not doing another challenge then that's fine with me.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;283839]As much as I love watching crazy Tonya, watching her on The Ruins was sad. Everyone there knew she wasn't in a good place, and some of those people were terrible to her. I could never respect Johnny, Kenny, or Evan because of how they treated her. I'm rooting for her to get better, and if that means not doing another challenge then that's fine with me.[/QUOTE] Agreed completely. I'd love to see her return, but I'd rather her stay in a good and happy place, not somewhere where she is exposed to cruelty.
[QUOTE=GivingTree;283878]Agreed completely. I'd love to see her return, but I'd rather her stay in a good and happy place, not somewhere where she is exposed to cruelty.[/QUOTE] The best we have seen of Tonya was on Inferno 3, but its hard to see the good in her because she has been picked on so much. I think Tonya will do another challenge only if she knew the people that pick on her wouldn't be there. With the same alliances running these challenges now I don't see her ever returning, but she is one of my top ten females I wanna see come back.
Tonya was not picked on in Battle of the Sexes 1. In fact, she was well liked on that season. Apparently she didn't like how she was on her season of Real World so she changed for this season. She was given the lifesaver twice in a row (Ellen and Ayanna) and was all about playing fair. Not the Tonya we're used to seeing on the challenges.
[QUOTE=jhl182;283927]Tonya was not picked on in Battle of the Sexes 1. In fact, she was well liked on that season. Apparently she didn't like how she was on her season of Real World so she changed for this season. She was given the lifesaver twice in a row (Ellen and Ayanna) and was all about playing fair. Not the Tonya we're used to seeing on the challenges.[/QUOTE] yeah she was pretty well-liked on BOTS2, as well, and seemed to be ok in the beginning of The Inferno 2, but midway, Rachel, Tina and Veronica started being mean to her. I think Inferno 2 broke her, and she was never the same after that.
[QUOTE=brunett;284911]yeah she was pretty well-liked on BOTS2, as well, and seemed to be ok in the beginning of The Inferno 2, but midway, Rachel, Tina and Veronica started being mean to her. I think Inferno 2 broke her, and she was never the same after that.[/QUOTE]I think Battle Of The Sexes 2 was what really did her in. If you notice that was the challenge where she started flashing her breasts and hooking up with tons of guys, I'm also pretty sure that was the first show that made an issue out of her excessive drinking. I remember even on the preview show or whatever they used to call them they had an entire segment about "the changed Tonya" and how she was so much more risque now. I think the bad image she gave herself on BOTS2 carried over to I2 and is what got her on the receiving end of all the hate.
It did start on BOS2 but she was one of the more popular/well liked girls on BOS2...Inferno 2 she brought all sorts of craziness to Beth and Robin, and then was harassed pretty badly by the Mean Girls, but I dont think she self destructed then. Fresh Meat I thought she was fine and level headed, she seemed to be in good shape and was doing well, still nobody seemed to like her. Inferno 3 from what I saw got along with her team really well, no controversay at all other than with Susie and Cara, in which to my understanding the whole cast didnt care for. The Island she wanted to go home, not her type of enviornment and then The Ruins was just a bad place for her to be with what she had going on back home and whatnot. I still love her though. :)
So Tonya is apparently going on another reality tv show called Celebrity Policewomen of Broward County ([url=]The Future of Celebrity Reality Shows - Entertainment - The Atlantic Wire[/url]). Honestly, after her allegations I'm shocked that she'd go back on reality tv even if the concept is completely different.
This is kind of exciting. I'm glad she is getting back in the spotlight in a positive light. I think it will be good for her to show how shes changed and how she has matured since The Ruins. I think its good that she stays away from MTVs shows but other reality shows that dont involve drinking 24/7 is a good thing for Tonya imho.
[QUOTE=beecee;292226]So Tonya is apparently going on another reality tv show called Celebrity Policewomen of Broward County ([url=]The Future of Celebrity Reality Shows - Entertainment - The Atlantic Wire[/url]). Honestly, after her allegations I'm shocked that she'd go back on reality tv even if the concept is completely different.[/QUOTE] Perhaps you didn't fully read the article. It's satire. He's poking fun at the notion of celebrities appearing on reality TV, ala "Celebrity Apprentice." This is from the article. [QUOTE]We need more show ideas. Good, solid American ideas.[B] Ideas like these ones.[/B] Celebrity Policewomen of Broward County A spin-off of the TLC real-life cops show, the celebrity edition sees a bunch of female stars (Whitney Port, Tonya Cooley, bizarrely Judith Light) run around Florida helping to stop petty crime on some pretty mean streets. It worked for Steven Seagal, so why not for Nicole Eggert?[/QUOTE] The author, Richard Lawson, simply looked at the pictures of the cast from the original "Policewomen of Broward County" and came up with "celebrities" who look like the actual cast members. He's chosen Tonya as his new "Andrea Penoyer." Lawson is a well respected writer for The Atlantic. I seriously doubt that he is even aware of the litigation brought by Ms Cooley. I'm guessing he will be more than a little embarrassed to discover that he picked someone whose most recent reality experience included a alleged rape by two MTV cast members. Perhaps it will encourage him to give the pending court cast the national platform it deserves. OK, now you all can go about your business. Another rumor squashed.
I might be late. But I don't think people give Tonya enough credit. Going back and watching the challenges she was always one of the strongest girls on her team. For example, on BOTS she had a leg injury which screwed her over on top of the fact that during the mission her partner screwed her over. On The Gauntlet 1, she damaged a aprtof her ankle or meniscus and they voted her in. BOTS2 she was again proven to be one of the strongest and simply was popularity/politics that sent her home. The Inferno 2 & 3 She made it all the way to the end and was hailed as one of the strongest players. In my mind she would have won ruins had she not knocked the *** out of Veronica lmao
