Real World/Road Rules/The Challenge: Where Are They Now?

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haha i just remember jamie and shauvonda mocking the bad guys argument at the crab grab challenge on inferno II. too funny. anyway she IS gorgeous. Here's her sin city 6 picture [ATTACH]5728[/ATTACH]
[QUOTE=JEKFAN;428386]Thats funny because on the Ruins she was trying to hook up with him the whole time and he turned her down. They also fooled around outside the show after the Island.[/QUOTE] Humans are complicated. What else can one say.
Does Johanna still keep in touch with Wes?
I seriously doubt she would considering how he lies.
Since his Real World Season back in 2006 Johnny Bananas Devenanzio has taken up a career with MTV as a Challenge regular participating in 10 of a possible 13 challenges over the last 8 years, winning 5. He has also started his own clothing line and personal website, [url=]Johnny Bananas[/url], thus branding the Johnny Bananas nickname even after a failed attempt to sue HBO's Entourage for a cartoon gorilla named Johnny Bananas played by the character Johnny Drama, actor Kevin Dillon. Just an update in case anyone was sleeping under a rock the last 8 years ;) ahaha
[QUOTE=toenails;429413]Does Johanna still keep in touch with Wes?[/QUOTE] I doubt it but I know Wes/Kellyanne keep in touch since they comment on each other instagrams sometimes but as for Johanna, I don't think so.
This will throw you for a loop but JB is way more tolerable on RWKW than on the challenges.
Absolutely. Back then, he was just John and sometimes Johnny. A fairly typical frat dude who wasn't trying to build a cult of personality. And while he wasn't the nicest guy by any means, he also wasn't a jerk like on the Island or the Ruins. Zach is the opposite. More likable on the Challenges than on his season.
Any news on Emily Bailey? Out of curiosity was she ever asked back after Battle of the Sexes 1? Would have loved to see her vs the monsters (who I love) she made out of Veronica and Rachel!
[QUOTE=Nostalgic;430267]This will throw you for a loop but JB is way more tolerable on RWKW than on the challenges.[/QUOTE] Considering he was homophobic, an *******, and twice the attention seeker he is now, lol, I'm gonna have to disagree with you. Lol but we each have different opinions.
[QUOTE=KIsOpenDoors;430269]Absolutely. Back then, he was just John and sometimes Johnny. A fairly typical frat dude who wasn't trying to build a cult of personality. And while he wasn't the nicest guy by any means, he also wasn't a jerk like on the Island or the Ruins. Zach is the opposite. More likable on the Challenges than on his season.[/QUOTE] It is pretty obvious now that Zach was playing a character on his season.lmao lol. I don't know anyone who changes that quick. I agree he is way more likeable on the challenge,
[QUOTE=Coralfan;430764]Considering he was homophobic, an *******, and twice the attention seeker he is now, lol, I'm gonna have to disagree with you. Lol but we each have different opinions.[/QUOTE] How is Bananas homophobic.... He is friends with several gay castmembers.
Plus he ripped of Tyler's underwear..... and ripped Ryan's bathing suit off
[QUOTE=Coralfan;430764]Considering he was homophobic, an *******, and twice the attention seeker he is now, lol, I'm gonna have to disagree with you. Lol but we each have different opinions.[/QUOTE] Johnny doesn't care. He don't need to play homophobic role nowadays, he gets fair enough attention anyway.
He is good friends with Tyler and Ryan. He defeneded Davis and comforted him when CT punched. He got along with Frank and made jokes about his bf at the time (Robb). He def isn't homophobic.
[QUOTE=Coralfan;430764]Considering he was homophobic, an *******, and twice the attention seeker he is now, lol, I'm gonna have to disagree with you. Lol but we each have different opinions.[/QUOTE] How the hell was he homophobic?
Johnny may be a ******bag and an ***hole, but he is definitely not an homophobic.
[QUOTE=nevidcm;430845]Johnny may be a ******bag and an ***hole, but he is definitely not an homophobic.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=JayTee;430822]How the hell was he homophobic?[/QUOTE] Coralfan said that Bananas WAS homophobic. I clearly remember, on his season, Tyler complaining about Johnny using f***** as a derogatory word. He thought it was jokingly but I don't believe it was explicitly discussed or explained. Either way this is the wrong thread to discuss this if it even deserves to be talked about.
[QUOTE=hafnerfan69;431034]Coralfan said that Bananas WAS homophobic. I clearly remember, on his season, Tyler complaining about Johnny using f***** as a derogatory word. He thought it was jokingly but I don't believe it was explicitly discussed or explained.[/QUOTE] Please, if using that word makes people homophobic then pretty much everyone is Johnny's a **** but this is nonsense.
I remember him not wanting to go to a gay bar, but I don't think that makes him homophobic. I'm not adamantly opposed to going to a gay bar...but given the choice to go to one of the bars I normally go to or a gay bar, I'm definitely picking my bars. I don't think that makes one a homophobe at all. He and Tyler were also close friends that season regardless of that one night where they had an issue. Like someone said, Johnny's a lot of things, a number of them not particularly awesome, but homophobic isn't one of them
just a quick note but bananas isn't nor was he ever homophobic. there's obviously many reasons people don't like him but that shouldn't be one. back in the day, almost the entire male cast and even a lot of the females would use f****t as an insult and while it is wrong and it is a slur, that was the norm a few years back. he definitely hasn't used the word in recent years and challenges from what i've been watching this past week. aside from that, he and tyler have a close, sibling like relationship and even hang out now. when davis got punched by ct he not only defended him like i think someone else said but he also held and kissed the guy while comforting him. he's kissed multiple male castmates when saying goodbyes and such. and, as i'm watching rivals ii right now and can only speak for the first half of the season, there hasn't been any tension with him and frank in regards to sexuality. he was never homophobic he, and everyone else, just followed the cultural norm of using a terrible, offensive word as a common insult.
Don't know I this has been mentioned but Averey is dating someone else as we. Glad she found someone else :P
[QUOTE=kvm1977;431036]Please, if using that word makes people homophobic then pretty much everyone is Johnny's a **** but this is nonsense.[/QUOTE] Wow, smh. The word is offensive, it's a slur, and no not 'everybody' uses it. Maybe try to remember that not everybody is like you and your group of friends? If everybody you know uses it. I like Johnny and didn't see his season and if he might have been homophobic back then, he's come a long way.
[QUOTE=thisismyuser;431190]Wow, smh. The word is offensive, it's a slur, and no not 'everybody' uses it. Maybe try to remember that not everybody is like you and your group of friends? If everybody you know uses it. I like Johnny and didn't see his season and if he might have been homophobic back then, he's come a long way.[/QUOTE] He was never, he comforted Davis on the inferno 3 after CT punched him and then ripped Ryan's bathing suit off on the island........ a homophobic person would have laughed at Davis getting hit. A lot of people do use that word, it being a slur doesn't mean people don't say it
also he totally bandaged up another guy's balls after accidentally cutting him while wrestling that should tell you everything you need to know really
[QUOTE=Challenge 17;431192]He was never, he comforted Davis on the inferno 3 after CT punched him and then ripped Ryan's bathing suit off on the island........ a homophobic person would have laughed at Davis getting hit. A lot of people do use that word, it being a slur doesn't mean people don't say it[/QUOTE] I don't think he's homophobic at all but just from my experience, a person is a lot more likely to be homophobic if they use that word. It correlates. I mean the fact that people say slurs doesn't change the fact that they're slurs...
[QUOTE=DeeJay;431220]also he totally bandaged up another guy's balls after accidentally cutting him while wrestling that should tell you everything you need to know really[/QUOTE] Those were Evan's balls, if I recall correctly.
Do we know, is Bird from Portland done with Challenges? Since she declined Free Agents and apparently declined the newest one, I was just curious if she had a taste of them with Rivals 2 and is finished or if it's a timing thing.
[QUOTE=Psy4potato;431370]Do we know, is Bird from Portland done with Challenges? Since she declined Free Agents and apparently declined the newest one, I was just curious if she had a taste of them with Rivals 2 and is finished or if it's a timing thing.[/QUOTE] She was kind of embarrassed with the way she was portrayed on Portland/Rivals II (especially), and appears to be done with reality TV.
[QUOTE=thisismyuser;431190]Wow, smh. The word is offensive, it's a slur, and no not 'everybody' uses it. Maybe try to remember that not everybody is like you and your group of friends? If everybody you know uses it. I like Johnny and didn't see his season and if he might have been homophobic back then, he's come a long way.[/QUOTE] My boss who's the project manager at our site used the F word lol people need to stop being all sensitive. Trying to bar people from using those words will just make them want to use it even more.


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