Real World/Road Rules: Favorite Quotes

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"What Jenn and I had on the Island is done. It lived, breathed, and died on the Island. There are no juicy stories here."- Rachel (she said something like that) 3 episodes later all you hear is moaning.
"Hold your ****** tits you stupid ****!!!!" - Katie to Veronica (Inferno 1) "They should fashion like the evil person in a Walt Disney cartoon after her" - Anne, talking to Christina and Genesis, about Veronica (Battle Of The Sexes 1)
I was rewatching the Duel recently and in the episode with the russian swing, Derrick misses the shot where they had to throw a ball into a little innertube, and you just hear someone yell in the background "AIRBALL!!!" And I couldn't stop laughing. I don't know why. I think my favorite though is Ellen on BOTSexes to Puck "Shut up! Wonk Wonk!"
"Look, now it's a necklace!" "Congratulations! You're a meathead. son!" I think we all know who said this.
"I'm sorry but Ibis your going home" - Sophia on BOTS2 that quote and moment that followed made the season
I think this was on G3... Someone (I think Kenny?) from the FM season said something... And then someone (I think Coral) said: "Wait, what season are you from again?" That shut whoever was talking up...I wish I could remember who exactly...
Tina said that to Kenny on the FM reunion show.
[QUOTE=Zachary;66102]Tina said that to Kenny on the FM reunion show.[/QUOTE] Right...I thought that was hilarious!
Funny thread. I think Tenderoni's comment about Evan "He's being a *****. The ***** that he is inside" was really funny to me, don't know why it just was, it's a line that I will be using frequently. Pretty much every line that was ever uttered on Battle of Seasons from Holly and Chadwick's prayer about increasing their territory, to Belou's beligerant rants and raps, the Mike vs. the Miz fight, Coral, Theo and Beth's quips, Stephen's "I'm a spiritual person" speech (was that before or after he got arrested for prostitution I wonder). Too many to list.
"Call Me A [EMAIL="Wh@#e"]Wh$#e[/EMAIL], Call Me A ****, But Don't Call Me A Liar" lmao. Tonya, Inferno 2
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"the clutch....cause of the F&$@ clutch"- Julie G2 "Mormon killer"-Veronica Everytime Coral talks about Ev
"Stop fondling my ****** you **** Mormon"- Veronica to Julie on Inferno II "She kicks puppies"- Christina talking to Anne, Genisis and Emily about Veronica on BOTS "I hope you both never have children, I wish that on yo' ***, cause you two*******"- Belou to Holly and Chadwick Battle of the seaons "If I fight her, I will be taken away in hancuffs and she will be taken away on a gurney"- Coral Inferno II And when Coral took Julie's shoe and was showing everyone how old and ripped up they were. Hahah that was so mean, but really funny, on the Inferno II
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Coral wasn't on the Inferno 2. You mean the first Inferno?
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[quote=molds13;66100]I think this was on G3... Someone (I think Kenny?) from the FM season said something... And then someone (I think Coral) said: "Wait, what season are you from again?" That shut whoever was talking up...I wish I could remember who exactly...[/quote] Rachel also said this to Kenny on the Island. Not sure if I remember hearing it on the FM reunion..
[QUOTE=producer88;66133]"the clutch....cause of the F&$@ clutch"- Julie G2 "Mormon killer"-Veronica Everytime Coral talks about Ev[/QUOTE] More like whenever Coral talks about anyone...haha
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[quote=hiphopanonymous;66076]"Look, now it's a necklace!" "Congratulations! You're a meathead. son!" I think we all know who said this.[/quote] Oh yeah lol I loved that one!!
[quote=tjhallow;66159]Coral wasn't on the Inferno 2. You mean the first Inferno?[/quote] Yes, sorry I meant Inferno I- That line cracked me up.
So this is probably my personal opinion, but I found it hilarious when MJ referred to Shauvon as "The **** girl" in Duel 2.
Classic thread! "And now it's a necklace" that will stick with me for the rest of my life...everytime I try to sneak a wedgie in on my husband I throw that quote out, LOL.
I cannot quote the whole thing, But Chet and Ryan in the boat after Ryan's tampon song. Then he busts into " I knew my roommate was gay, it was hilarious! Chet " I'm might be metro sexual but it's not a sin"(paraphrasing) My husband and I kept rewinding and LAAO!
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[quote=Stacee_Danielle;66220]Classic thread! "And now it's a necklace" that will stick with me for the rest of my life...everytime I try to sneak a wedgie in on my husband I throw that quote out, LOL.[/quote] LMAO, Brad was hilarious that night. How about when he was like "You shut your mouth Derri-leek" [url][/url]
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[quote=LilysMom;66231]I cannot quote the whole thing, But Chet and Ryan in the boat after Ryan's tampon song. Then he busts into " I knew my roommate was gay, it was hilarious! Chet " I'm might be metro sexual but it's not a sin"(paraphrasing) My husband and I kept rewinding and LAAO![/quote] I miss Ryan and Chet :(.
Everything Melissa said to Julie on the premiere BOTSexes1
[quote=tjhallow;66396]LMAO, Brad was hilarious that night. How about when he was like "You shut your mouth Derri-leek"[/quote] I laugh everytime I see that lol. It's also kind of amazing to me how different Brad was back then. He's nothing like he was on that video now.
"I talk to you as much as I talk to...... MJ" Jenn to Rachel on Duel 2.
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On the fresh meat after show Evan said the first thing Coral said to him when she picked him was "I will eat a dog for this money", lmao.
On Inferno 1, before the Shane vs. CT Inferno, one of the Road Rules girls said : CT, I won't be able to see your six pack after all those cookies" CT: "You won't be able to see Shane after all these cookies!"
"I just want you to know we are going to miss you as much, if not more than Montana"- David (from South Pacific) to Laterrian on The Gauntlet "What the hell, what the hell is she thinking continuing to put those on"- Coral on Julie's shoes. "I'm so glad you're my friend"= Veronica "I can't hang around you guys, at all, ever again, im out, because I'll turn into the Devil"- Christina Do I not want to see Julie's big ugly face everyday, no I rather not!"- Coral Inferno II
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[quote=CrazyRealityGuy;66542]"I just want you to know we are going to miss you as much, if not more than Montana"- David (from South Pacific) to Laterrian on The Gauntlet "What the hell, what the hell is she thinking continuing to put those on"- Coral on Julie's shoes. "I'm so glad you're my friend"= Veronica "I can't hang around you guys, at all, ever again, im out, because I'll turn into the Devil"- Christina Do I not want to see Julie's big ugly face everyday, no I rather not!"- Coral Inferno II[/quote] Once again, Coral and Christina were not on Inferno 2, lol.
[quote=tjhallow;66545]Once again, Coral and Christina were not on Inferno 2, lol.[/quote] I'm so sorry. Thanks for the correction :). Everytime I try to hit I once do it twice without realizing. I meant Inferno I. thanks for the correction, maybe I should just write 1, 2 and 3
