Real World/Road Rules: Favorite Quotes

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[quote=ghnstry;16944] Julie (Gauntlet 2) during the gauntlet between Alton & Danny (RR X-treme): "It's just embarrasing really is what it is. The first charge, bless his heart, Danny tries, but Alton like taps him on the back and he goes flying 20 feet and it lasts I think about 2.5 nanoseconds"[/quote] lol...that was a good one. Another one from Julie in the Gauntlet 2 was when Ace basically blew the entire mission for the vets because he didnt hold the clutch and you hear Julie say "IT WAS THE CLUTCH?? THE ***KING CLUTCH" - LOL I also liked what Svetlana said in the Duel Reunion regarding the match between her and Kina and she was like "I took that ***** for a ride"
hahaha LMAO i know i remember Svetie saying that haha i laugh so much when she said that !!!
Dan in the Inferno II " I knew it was going to be me... The thing that bothers me the most is that they presume Mike can beat me. I hope its not breaking rocks with your forehead because I'll lose. But if it is singing madonna songs OMG I'm gonna totally win."
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[QUOTE=Challenge_Fan;16993]In the Duel, when CT is talking about Beth and Nehemiah having spent the night together, and he says "Tenderize that meat a little". It's hilarious![/QUOTE] no its not.
The quote i love is from the Gauntlet 3 by Kenny during the last male challenge. "We have Diem who looks like she hasn't eaten in about 12 days. We have easy who looks like he's eaten about 12 ppl in about 12 days. How are we gonna balance this thing out?"
I think Kenny is super funny so one of my favorite quotes by far is Inferno 3 Episode 10 " Not only am i good looking, ha, now im winning challenges too!"
oh oh and of course i forgot in that same episode just a few minutes before that quote he says this hilarious quote "people might say 'oh Kenny is the weakest one' or whatever but you know what, just cause I'm beautiful don't mean i wont kick your ***"
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[quote=cyncar07;19130]oh oh and of course i forgot in that same episode just a few minutes before that quote he says this hilarious quote "people might say 'oh Kenny is the weakest one' or whatever but you know what, just cause I'm beautiful don't mean i wont kick your ass"[/quote] LoL, I've always wondered about Kenny. He's soooo into himself and his looks. Maybe he does it as a joke?? Because I don't find him that attractive. Not that he's [I]bad[/I], just not so gorgeous that he should be touting his looks all the time....
[quote]Because I don't find him that attractive. Not that he's [I]bad[/I], just not so gorgeous that he should be touting his looks all the time....[/quote]He is definitely not all that, but he sells what he has - so that is worth something, right? Kenny is growing on me just a bit.....I guess without Evan I think he might be half tolerable (although I think Ashli is going to be the new Evan. At least he doesn't discriminate when choosing his partners [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=1]in crime[/SIZE][/FONT] based on sex.)
[quote=Bacchus;19138](although I think Ashli is going to be the new Evan. At least he doesn't discriminate when choosing his partners [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=1]in crime[/SIZE][/FONT] based on sex.)[/quote] why Ashli?
Another great quote line, was in Fresh Meat, when everybody was voting for Kenny and Tina to go in, and so Kenny voted himself in, and tina flipped out. (sorry for not putting it in a quote format)
Classic line: "If you "F" me, I'm just going to "F" you harder!" (Beth)
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[quote=V1man;19625]Classic line: "If you "F" me, I'm just going to "F" you harder!" (Beth)[/quote] Beth!! (Any word on her interview yet???)
I was with her on Monday and pressed her on it. She rolled her eyes at me... Wedding planning is a ***** are one or two other things in her life at the moment (including me.) We may have to do it a question a day until it gets done.
[QUOTE=V1man;19632]I was with her on Monday and pressed her on it. She rolled her eyes at me... Wedding planning is a ***** are one or two other things in her life at the moment (including me.) We may have to do it a question a day until it gets done.[/QUOTE] Man, she didn't hire a planner?? That IS a lot of work for her to do....and I am sure she is working on top of planning so she must be really exhausted.
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[quote=V1man;19632]I was with her on Monday and pressed her on it. She rolled her eyes at me... Wedding planning is a ***** are one or two other things in her life at the moment (including me.) We may have to do it a question a day until it gets done.[/quote] Oh, of course. I guess wedding plans would take priority! ;)
[QUOTE=stacee_danielle;19636]Man, she didn't hire a planner?? That IS a lot of work for her to do....and I am sure she is working on top of planning so she must be really exhausted.[/QUOTE] She is working ... or ignoring work... unless I keep on her. LOL She is very busy. We have several projects underway at the moment and she is multi-tasking a lot. The wedding is going to be very big and merges Polish and Italian families. Lots of traditions to keep in mind. Even the rehearsal dinner is mammoth. We're taking a limo to the wedding and planning on being [I]non compos mentis[/I] by the end of the evening.
[quote=Bacchus;19138]He is definitely not all that, but he sells what he has - so that is worth something, right? Kenny is growing on me just a bit.....I guess without Evan I think he might be half tolerable (although I think Ashli is going to be the new Evan. At least he doesn't discriminate when choosing his partners [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=1]in crime[/SIZE][/FONT] based on sex.)[/quote] Ew. Kenny and Ashli.... that's one talkative couple...... er pair-up if you ask me.. ;)
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Who else from Vevmo is invited to the wedding?
[QUOTE=renaldob;19795]Who else from Vevmo is invited to the wedding?[/QUOTE] Well, no one that I know of unless someone lurks. I'm not "from Vevmo," btw, I'm Beth's business partner and friend. I only know of two people from TV who are attending and one of them is going with me. The other is one of our past producers. Beth has always kept her personal life apart from MTV and will continue to do so.
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[quote=V1man;19785]. The wedding is going to be very big and merges Polish and Italian families. Lots of traditions to keep in mind. [/quote] That's awesome! My family is Polish and Italian as well, and I will tell you this: Weddings, graduations, reunions, baby showers, you name it, it's always a drinkin' rowdy good time had by all!!! Congrats to you Beth!
Jamie (RW9) BOTS - "Oh Ellen, Come out and plaaaaaaaay"
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I LOVE this thread! Sorry to bring it up, I know its old but it has me cracking up. "I don't kiss ***, I kick ***, and if you don't watch it , I'll kick your ***-Beth on G3 "I hate to be a male chauvinist (sp?) but doing the dishes, she's good at it."- Johnny on the Island (I know its rude but it had me cracking up, and I don't like Johnny just for the record) Anything that comes out of Coral's mouth, obviously.
BOTS (it was something like) "Shut up! Wonk! Wonk! SHUT UP! We're the first ones going Eric and i think you should be concerned with what the rules are and how to do it. OH wait, I'm sorry you're the BUDDHIST!" - Ellen. BOTS "There's a bloody ax at the top of this ladder! And I have to go get it!" - Emily (talking about Veronica). BOTS "You think its all fun and games, until someone falls in there and dies...And I feel like I might be that someone" - Melissa.
"I have grown over her tantrums, and hopefully she will keep her legs closed and this is a good trip!", Julie on the inferno 2 about Veronica lol. I also liked when Coral was fighting with Julie and she said "Our team will be normal if Veronica beats Julie!" that was a funny quote.
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LOL! I Julie is funny too! I don't know if this next challenge will be funny like G3 considering it looks more serious than anything. Anything out of Beth or Coral's mouth is hilarious.
My favorite was on The Island when everyone is talking about how Dunbar is so full of himself, and Ryan goes, "Did you know the reason my parents got together is because of Dunbar?"
One of the best was when Casey couldn't get out of her harness and Wes was like "thats because she sucks at life"
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I love this thread!
[quote=tjhallow;66028]I love this thread![/quote] LOL it is amazing.. Everytime it comes back up I get excited!
