The Real World San Diego: La Jolla - Alexandra Govere

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[QUOTE=Chris S;270627]Rich? Her dad comes from a village in Zimbabwe with no running water or electricity and her mom’s family came from a tiny fishing community on some small island in Canada. She has an interesting genealogy though, she is Shona, Acadian, and Amerindian. Andra is related to Celine Dion, Madonna, Angelina Jolie, Hillary Clinton, Matt LeBlanc, Ali Landry, etc, and she is descended from Mayflower families (something like 8 Mayflower people), American Revolutionary war solders, the French nobility, and Canadian Rebellion Soldiers. I found this out because her sister's genealogy was linked from facebook. I can’t wait till she drops another mixtape or her first album. All of Zimbabwe is waiting! I have met her and she is no brat.[/QUOTE] Yes but hes not living in Zimbabwe now, is he, they will have money.
[QUOTE=ILoveRW;270648]Yes but hes not living in Zimbabwe now, is he, they will have money.[/QUOTE] Just because a person is moving from one place to another does not necessarily mean that a ****load of money appeared out of nowhere. Also does not automatically mean that a person will be "bratty".
[QUOTE=molds13;270651]Just because a person is moving from one place to another does not necessarily mean that a ****load of money appeared out of nowhere. Also does not automatically mean that a person will be "bratty".[/QUOTE] Of course, but then she also graduated early, and in 99% of circumstances that is due to the fact and the parents and loaded not that the child is actually smart. And on top of that studio time doesn't come cheap if you don't have a record contract, daddy will have paid for that too.
[QUOTE=ILoveRW;270655]Of course, but then [B]she also graduated early, and in 99% of circumstances that is due to the fact and the parents and loaded not that the child is actually smart.[/B] And on top of that studio time doesn't come cheap if you don't have a record contract, daddy will have paid for that too.[/QUOTE] Wait...what? If you're saying what I think you're saying, I think you've watched Billy Madison too many times... I graduated high school early, and my student loans tell me that it wasn't because my parents were loaded.
[QUOTE=ILoveRW;270655]Of course, but then she also graduated early, and in 99% of circumstances that is due to the fact and the parents and loaded not that the child is actually smart. And on top of that studio time doesn't come cheap if you don't have a record contract, daddy will have paid for that too.[/QUOTE] Seems you know little of the real world, no pun intended. If you did enough online research you would have found she was a Gates Scholar, to get that scholarship your family has to have a limited income. So I guess she is part of the 1%. It would behoove your case to provide some kind of official source for your statements. I am sure all the smart and hardworking people, be they rich or poor, will take offense to your odd, unfounded statement. Alexandra is obviously smart, beautiful and talented. Is there any reason to even talk about how rich her father is or is or is not? I sense jealously.
[QUOTE=molds13;270662]Wait...what? If you're saying what I think you're saying, I think you've watched Billy Madison too many times... I graduated high school early, and my student loans tell me that it wasn't because my parents were loaded.[/QUOTE] 4 years early? Well I don't how the American Educational system works (as no one would answer my question) so now I'm going off what I know from the UK.
[QUOTE=Chris S;270665]Seems you know little of the real world, no pun intended. If you did enough online research you would have found she was a Gates Scholar, to get that scholarship your family has to have a limited income. So I guess she is part of the 1%. It would behoove your case to provide some kind of official source for your statements. I am sure all the smart and hardworking people, be they rich or poor, will take offense to your odd, unfounded statement. Alexandra is obviously smart, beautiful and talented. Is there any reason to even talk about how rich her father is or is or is not? I sense jealously.[/QUOTE] I am very jealous, she has a great life, hence why I assume she has a bit of money.
[QUOTE=GetReal;268281]Her voice is pretty cool, kinda refreshing actually. And that's def a recycled Lupe verse, I'm guessing she sampled it for her mixtape? Same thing with the Drake rap. She doesn't seem "established" to me...37,000 fans is cool, but def doesn't make someone "high profile" imo. My only concern with her is the fact that people don't usually make it after appearing on TRW. Remember Sahar from New Orleans and that other girl in Hollywood -- Brianna was her name, I think? They also tried, but I've yet to hear anything from them. Hopefully she will be the anomaly! I really like her voice and style. I'm interested to see what her personality is like, though she seems like a nice girl.[/QUOTE] From what I can tell, and I have met her a few times at clubs in Zimbabwe, is that is a very nice person who cares deeply about others.
[QUOTE=Youssarian;268330]Brianna from Hollywood and Parisa both came out with an album, neither of which did well, I think. She seems like a really interesting character! I haven't listened to any of her songs yet, but she seems very dynamic and I'm looking forward to seeing her![/QUOTE] I can tell you, all of Zimbabwe is waiting to see her on The Real World!
[QUOTE=ILoveRW;270667]4 years early? Well I don't how the American Educational system works (as no one would answer my question) so now I'm going off what I know from the UK.[/QUOTE] Which is the main problem...and where was your question? [url=]Google always helps[/url]. It's not [I]that[/I] early or that unheard of. Most people in the US graduate high school at the age of 17-18, a lot of people do it earlier.
[QUOTE=ILoveRW;270668]I am very jealous, she has a great life, hence why I assume she has a bit of money.[/QUOTE] I would not assume she has great life, jut think of the situation in Zimbabwe and what she may have experienced there. Sometimes people look shiny but then you discover the horrors they have lived through. Either way, her having a great life or not, you have the power to create your own great life!
[QUOTE=Chris S;270672]I can tell you, all of Zimbabwe is waiting to see her on The Real World![/QUOTE] But what about all of Oregon?
[QUOTE=molds13;270682]But what about all of Oregon?[/QUOTE] I think only Oregon counts. :sarcastic_blum: There are no Nielson boxes in Zimbabwe that I know of. ;)
[QUOTE=Chris S;270680]Either way, her having a great life or not, you have the power to create your own great life![/QUOTE] Oh, absolutely.
Anonymous's picture
**** yeah Oregon is excited!! Wait, what?
Not a fan of her voice, it feels like she’s not really singing, more like… whispering. She seems really interesting though and I’m really excited to see her on the show. I haven’t read all the other threads but I hope this is a “smart “season because Vegas was awesome but I was appalled by how ignorant they were except for Mike who looked like a genius in comparison haha. [QUOTE=ILoveRW;265745]Whats the usual age of graduation? She seems like a nice girl, obviously from a rich family, hopefully not too bratty.[/QUOTE] 17-19. I used to believe the usual age of graduation was 17-18, but apparently about half of my class graduated during their 19th year, I’m not sure why…
[QUOTE=V1man;270686]I think only Oregon counts. :sarcastic_blum: There are no Nielson boxes in Zimbabwe that I know of. ;)[/QUOTE] LOL! We will still watch via satellite. Besides we are more interested in seeing our girl AG then we are with Neilson ratings, but the ratings for TRW would skyrocket if they did. She is the first Zimbabwean on the show, maybe the first African?
Seems like there is going to be another Nany/Adam situation but w/o the ridiculous drama with Alexandra having a boyfriend and Frank pursuing her,from the looks of the trailer. I hope she sticks with her boyfriend though.
I do too. Frank is a little effiminate for her.
[QUOTE=Chris S;271335]LOL! We will still watch via satellite. Besides we are more interested in seeing our girl AG then we are with Neilson ratings, but the ratings for TRW would skyrocket if they did. She is the first Zimbabwean on the show, maybe the first African?[/QUOTE] Technically, that would be Kevin and HeatherB but i think i know what you may mean. LOL.
[QUOTE=PaintedVeil;273501]Seems like there is going to be another Nany/Adam situation but w/o the ridiculous drama with Alexandra having a boyfriend and Frank pursuing her,from the looks of the trailer. I hope she sticks with her boyfriend though.[/QUOTE] Did I miss a tralier? Where is it located?
[QUOTE=Chris S;274154]Did I miss a tralier? Where is it located?[/QUOTE] It aired after the Rivals finale and is [url=]here[/url].
[QUOTE=Nightwolf;274155]It aired after the Rivals finale and is [URL=""]here[/URL].[/QUOTE] Thanks for thre link, I found out it is true that she is playing at the House of Blues tonight (aug 27) at 7:00pm. It is on their website: [URL][/URL]
Hi, I'm new to this site, I just wanted to point out that Alex's last post on Facebook was August 10th at 10:33am via mobile. It's kinda weird that she posted something while filming the show, I hope she didnt leave the show early! :sad2: Because she looks like a cool girl and I could see her being my favorite :yes: and sorry I don't know how to upload a screen shot for it :sorry:
I don't neccesairly think anything on TRW is any weird anymore especially after the whole Dustin situation from last season. They seem to be getting more and more lenient.
oh noooo! I was looking forward to her the most. I hope she doesn't leave early. I just found her youtube page and it has some really cool music on it. I think the boy on guitar is/was her boyfriend. [url=]alexandragovere's Channel - YouTube[/url] This one is my favorite: [url=]Miss Me Too - YouTube[/url] I hope she does music like this on the show :)
[QUOTE=CRMJ89;276429]Hi, I'm new to this site, I just wanted to point out that Alex's last post on Facebook was August 10th at 10:33am via mobile. It's kinda weird that she posted something while filming the show, I hope she didnt leave the show early! :sad2: Because she looks like a cool girl and I could see her being my favorite :yes: and sorry I don't know how to upload a screen shot for it :sorry:[/QUOTE] [url=][img][/img][/url] She just posted this to her facebook fan page. "hello, Los Angeles!" I might be reading too far into this, but does that mean the cast is home now...or she went home early? I really hope she didn't leave early because I was looking forward to such an inspirational cast member.
[QUOTE=emmafalling;277186]oh noooo! I was looking forward to her the most. I hope she doesn't leave early. I just found her youtube page and it has some really cool music on it. I think the boy on guitar [B]is/was[/B] her boyfriend. [/QUOTE] Is. [QUOTE=emmafalling;277188]She just posted this to her facebook fan page. "hello, Los Angeles!" I might be reading too far into this, but does that mean the cast is home now...or she went home early? I really hope she didn't leave early because I was looking forward to such an inspirational cast member.[/QUOTE] The cast was slated to move out around Labor Day.
[QUOTE=Chris S;270632] She was a child prodigy. She is/was a professional ballerina and a gymnast for Zimbabwe. [/QUOTE] When I saw her name, it seemed sort of familiar. Once I came into the thread and saw her picture and learned she was from Zimbabwe, I knew she was a gymnast. I'd never seen her compete, but I remember her writing into International Gymnast magazine once, and I think they did a profile on her in one issue. This had to be the very late 90s or early 2000 at the most. While Zimbabwe is not a gymnastics powerhouse, for her to be mentioned means she must have done something noteworthy. As for her schooling, while I don't know anything about that part of her background, a lot of elite gymnasts do home school or some kind of independent study in which they can go at their own pace. Edit: I found one of my old magazines in which she was mentioned. I was wondering about her age because I figured she must not be much younger than me. I see she is listed as 21 in the original post, but in the magazine, she was listed as being 12 in September 1999. So she may actually be 24, if her birthday is really in May. Also, it sounds like her parents probably placed an importance on education, so I'd think that, along with Alexandra herself (since she has accomplished so much), is what motivated her to finish school so quickly. [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [QUOTE=Chris S;271335]LOL! We will still watch via satellite. Besides we are more interested in seeing our girl AG then we are with Neilson ratings, but the ratings for TRW would skyrocket if they did. She is the first Zimbabwean on the show, maybe the first African?[/QUOTE] She most likely is the first African on the show. I think it's great they cast an African woman! And I think it's great that Zimbabweans are interested in watching her on The Real World.
