The Real World: Portland - Out With a Bang

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The Real World: Portland - Out With a Bang
Nia "Please God No" Moore continues her vicious assault on the other cast members while laughably pretending to be the victim. Meanwhile, production not satisfied with the drama of a good old fashion assault & battery, gives the cast a so called "ratings kit" which includes an assault rifle, a crack pipe, an 8-ball, a gallon of Bacardi 151, a box of condoms and 12 hours with no laws which anyone can commit a crime without facing consequences. [CENTER][SIZE=5][B]Are You Ready For The Purge?[/B][/SIZE] [ATTACH=CONFIG]2197[/ATTACH][/CENTER]
You would think that MTV would've shown some real world episodes before tonight's finale but no. It is like MTV wants the real world and the challenge to fail. When you barely promote and show the episodes on other nights, you are killing the series. Your telling me you can't put a real world marathon on at friday night instead of Jack butt (yes I know that is not the title.) So regardles of who watches this episode to see what the heck Nia does, it doesn't matter because MTV as given up on this show, and all past shows. Plain and simple. OH and Go Bruins!!
They aired a retro RW marathon the weekend before the premiere, and the ratings were terrible. That is when they decided to give up on the show and cut their losses.
But you would think after the chaos of last week's episode they would show it other times. Heck they showed countless Jersey Shore episodes when their was a fight.
Where is the "Like x 1000" button, Bacchus? I will laugh 'til it hurts. I promise! (Not gonna watch, though. It's a USA network night for me.)
[QUOTE=TDMEL52;348850]You would think that MTV would've shown some real world episodes before tonight's finale but no. It is like MTV wants the real world and the challenge to fail. When you barely promote and show the episodes on other nights, you are killing the series. Your telling me you can't put a real world marathon on at friday night instead of Jack butt (yes I know that is not the title.) So regardles of who watches this episode to see what the heck Nia does, it doesn't matter because MTV as given up on this show, and all past shows. Plain and simple. OH and Go Bruins!![/QUOTE]MTV prob is over it at this point. They promoted the hell out of this season and it did even worse than the previous season which didn't get half of the promotion. So yeah, I don't blame them for airing the finale and reunion and being done with it.
I can't wait to see what goes down at the reunion. I wish we at least got a snippet of that.
Well, I have to say that this will be the first season of the Real World that I've watched in its entirety in a long while...
This season flew by...
Well we get the conclusion to the whole Nia/Avery/Johnny battle and we say good bye to the cast..sounds fun.
I'm curious to see what the Reunion will be like. St. Thomas was a boring season, but the reunion was the most exciting part! Which sounds kinda sad in a way haha
[QUOTE=Seminole;348890]I'm curious to see what the Reunion will be like. St. Thomas was a boring season, but the reunion was the most exciting part! Which sounds kinda sad in a way haha[/QUOTE] I heard they were civil and not as bad as STT, even though it went on for longer than expected.
One of my all time favorite seasons.
I don't get all the hate for this season, it's one of my favorites and I've been watching since San Diego. I'm sad it's going to be over, it flew by for me.
I agree. I've watched so many Real World seasons now- I will admit that I thought the season had a very awkward start. The initial interactions for some reason felt forced and I almost stopped watching. I'm so glad I didn't! I can honestly say I enjoyed all of the cast this season with the recent exception of Johnny because he antagonized every female in the house and got away with it, and he might just be a bully in general.
This is the first season I've liked everyone on the cast. I have my favorites, but I like every single one of them.
Here we go, y'all; the exciting finale of Portland! :biggrin-new:
did we ever figure out what room Johnny came from before he got hit.
Now it's the season finale, not series Looks like there still might be another one
"Violence is never the answer..." Well, unless you are a ratings starved network using a production company with no boundaries.
So the cast is saying they are scared to be in the house, where is production??
Avery was getting her, but Johnny had to hold her back. Nia only got face to face hits in when Johnny was holding Avery.
Jordan calling Nia an actress was my favorite moment of the season.
Let's play music over Jordan making Nia look like a fool so we don't make Nia look too bad
Nia's in the mafia now. LOL at thinking her personal trainer is going to show up and beat somebody up over some bs.
All this started with three days to go over a dog... Let that sink in for a moment.
I can't believe I liked Nia in her first episode. So much changes.
Averey had that one coming. And yes, Jordan, you WERE holding her back.
[QUOTE=YvanEhtNioj;348934]Averey had that one coming. And yes, Jordan, you WERE holding her back.[/QUOTE] He was holding her back to try to break up the fight, not to let Averey get free hits in.
[QUOTE=Nightwolf;348930]Let's play music over Jordan making Nia look like a fool so we don't make Nia look too bad[/QUOTE] Actually Jordan said his piece. We barely heard anything from Nia.
Anastasia is great!


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