"As vocal supporter of gay marriage and legalization of marijuana, Jemmye doesn't necessarily come off as someone from a conservative Mississippi hometown. She enjoys casual sex with no commitment, and she has a preference for black men (until she meets fellow roommate, Knight), which is about as scandalous as it gets in her heavily Southern Baptist community. Jemmye is recently free of an abusive relationship. Her mother Alice is her best friend and they have no secrets from one another, to the point where Jemmye frequently discusses the intimate details of her sex life with her mom. But one secret she hasn't told her mom is about a past relationship that haunts her to this day. For most people, Mardi Gras is a one day affair, but something tells us Jemmye will be collecting beads all season." via [URL="http://www.mtv.com/shows/real_world/neworleans2/cast_member.jhtml?personalityId=14116"]MTV Cast Bio[/URL]
A senior at Mississippi State University, originally from Aberdeen, Mississippi. She is majoring in communications (with an emphasis on broadcasting) and minoring in political science.
She is a member of the Sigma Alpha Lambda National Leadership and Honors Organization, the National Society of Collegiate Scholars, a member of the Community and Governmental Relations Board of the Student Association and president of the Pre-Law Society. She was valedictorian of her high school class at Aberdeen High School, and was also voted Mississippi's Wendy Heisman State High School Athlete of the Year in 2006.
She interned this past summer for a company called Technology Transition Corporation, an energy corporation in Washington DC. She also interned at Terpstra Associates, a public affairs firm.
She calls herself a "Yellow Dog Democrat" and was in DC for Obama's inauguration address. From what we've been told, she is reasonably short and has a nose ring.
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