New to forums, and I guess I'm already devil's advocate.
No offense, but from a outside perspective reading this thread you people seem more like ******** than Greg here. (whom is a supreme ****** bag indeed)
From the tags, to the edited picture, to the "Toolboy" thing to even wishing that he drowned in a pool (I think I read that in this very thread). To someone saying: "I won't be fooled. He's I know the real Greg." or something like that. My question is: Are you serious?
The fact of the matter is, you people don't know him... especially from mere internet comments and some stupid reality show where he comes off as a **** the first episode then as a LOT nicer in the second.
Even his posts in this very thread just came off as really bad trolling on his part to be honest and I know a couple of dudes who troll forums but they're the nicest people you'd ever meet in person.
I mean, do you people honestly feel like you've known him years and hate everything about him although you're from the outside looking in? Or, are you just making fun of him because he's generally hated by most people and it's pretty entertaining to mock the guy? I'm rather confused.
Because quite frankly, the only thing that I CAN judge the guy about (the show and dailies) he's a LOT more tame than people are going on and on about.
From what I saw in ep.1 was Joey being WAAAAAAY to sensitive, that Sarah chick taking every chance of bashing him as well as that Kim chick. Dude they had a problem with him saying: "Oh woe is me... I am perfection." to HIMSELF. How you don't take that as comedic, I have no idea.
I mean, I don't even watch Real World besides the challenges and I only watched the first two episodes because I heard of everyone hating on this Greg dude and quite frankly, he is WAAAAY over-rated. Not only with the way he thinks of himself but ALSO with the hate he receives. It's just odd because the true annoying people of the house IMO, are that Sarah girl and that Kim girl.
Lost my point completely but I hope I atleast got something across.
Later days.
[quote=TopTier;10841]New to forums, and I guess I'm already devil's advocate.
No offense, but from a outside perspective reading this thread you people seem more like ******** than Greg here. (whom is a supreme ****** bag indeed)
From the tags, to the edited picture, to the "Toolboy" thing to even wishing that he drowned in a pool (I think I read that in this very thread). To someone saying: "I won't be fooled. He's I know the real Greg." or something like that. My question is: Are you serious?
The fact of the matter is, you people don't know him... especially from mere internet comments and some stupid reality show where he comes off as a **** the first episode then as a LOT nicer in the second.
Even his posts in this very thread just came off as really bad trolling on his part to be honest and I know a couple of dudes who troll forums but they're the nicest people you'd ever meet in person.
I mean, do you people honestly feel like you've known him years and hate everything about him although you're from the outside looking in? Or, are you just making fun of him because he's generally hated by most people and it's pretty entertaining to mock the guy? I'm rather confused.
Because quite frankly, the only thing that I CAN judge the guy about (the show and dailies) he's a LOT more tame than people are going on and on about.
From what I saw in ep.1 was Joey being WAAAAAAY to sensitive, that Sarah chick taking every chance of bashing him as well as that Kim chick. Dude they had a problem with him saying: "Oh woe is me... I am perfection." to HIMSELF. How you don't take that as comedic, I have no idea.
I mean, I don't even watch Real World besides the challenges and I only watched the first two episodes because I heard of everyone hating on this Greg dude and quite frankly, he is WAAAAY over-rated. Not only with the way he thinks of himself but ALSO with the hate he receives. It's just odd because the true annoying people of the house IMO, are that Sarah girl and that Kim girl.
Lost my point completely but I hope I atleast got something across.
Later days.[/quote]
I am sorry you took it out of context, maybe next time we wont be so mean to your boyfriend.
[quote=Lily'sMom;10844]I am sorry you took it out of context, maybe next time we wont be so mean to your boyfriend.[/quote]
****it, you beat me to the punch! :laugh2:
First of all, Greg came here asking for trouble. He mouthed off in his arrogant and childish tone. How would you expect us to react? I think that what we learned about him from his forum posts are more then enough to characterize his personality as diluted and narcissistic. You reap what you sow.
Secondly, I know that Greg reads what we post here but can no longer comment (or otherwise be branded my *****, eh Greg?) I'm just trolling right back, except in this case I hold all the cards.
[QUOTE=TopTier;10841]New to forums, and I guess I'm already devil's advocate.
No offense, but from a outside perspective reading this thread you people seem more like ******** than Greg here. (whom is a supreme ****** bag indeed)
From the tags, to the edited picture, to the "Toolboy" thing to even wishing that he drowned in a pool (I think I read that in this very thread). To someone saying: "I won't be fooled. He's I know the real Greg." or something like that. My question is: Are you serious?
The fact of the matter is, you people don't know him... especially from mere internet comments and some stupid reality show where he comes off as a **** the first episode then as a LOT nicer in the second.
Even his posts in this very thread just came off as really bad trolling on his part to be honest and I know a couple of dudes who troll forums but they're the nicest people you'd ever meet in person.
I mean, do you people honestly feel like you've known him years and hate everything about him although you're from the outside looking in? Or, are you just making fun of him because he's generally hated by most people and it's pretty entertaining to mock the guy? I'm rather confused.
Because quite frankly, the only thing that I CAN judge the guy about (the show and dailies) he's a LOT more tame than people are going on and on about.
From what I saw in ep.1 was Joey being WAAAAAAY to sensitive, that Sarah chick taking every chance of bashing him as well as that Kim chick. Dude they had a problem with him saying: "Oh woe is me... I am perfection." to HIMSELF. How you don't take that as comedic, I have no idea.
I mean, I don't even watch Real World besides the challenges and I only watched the first two episodes because I heard of everyone hating on this Greg dude and quite frankly, he is WAAAAY over-rated. Not only with the way he thinks of himself but ALSO with the hate he receives. It's just odd because the true annoying people of the house IMO, are that Sarah girl and that Kim girl.
Lost my point completely but I hope I atleast got something across.
Later days.[/QUOTE]
I refuse to read all that. Greg can you hook us up w/ some cliff notes?
@Lily: LoL. Real clever. How long did it take you to come up with that? How OLD are you exactly? I mean, I know this is the internet and all... but I mean, come ON... there were no lulz in that. Try again next time, maybe? When you come up with something actually funny then by all means, type it. Otherwise, just sit on your hands. You're a LOT more productive that way.
@Baschus: Fair enough. I just wanted to see where you were coming from. I just strangely got the impression that you seriously thought you knew this dude and everything about him from trolling on a internet forum and from on T.V. Don't get me wrong, your shit is pretty funny, but I was just pointing out from the outside looking in, it's kinda a kettle calling pot black kinda thing. Although it is reactionary, but you're kinda stooping y'know what I mean?
Come to think of it, he DID come in here talking shit. However he got owned with epic proportions. The only thing I'll disagree with is that you do _not_ know anything about him from his forum posts to indicate anything about his personality. If I wanted to troll here and post up those annoying grotesque pics commonly found on the web, would that mean I'm actually into that shit... or am I just trying to antagonize people? (Which is the intent of 90% who do that stupid *** shit.)
Once again, sorry I took it for more than e-drama. Carry on, then. Let the owning commence.
@Drama: Um... I don't think this Greg dude is important enough for such a thing. If he is, then I'll just lose further hope in humanity.
Anyways, I'm gonna go looking around for more shit around these forums. Not a reality fan persay, but....whatever.
Later days.
[B]Im gonna be the odd one out and say that i really like Greg. He has a very unique personality which i think is hilarious and he makes valid points. [/B]
To be honest, I don't think Greg is half bad either. From the first spoiler people were saying he was going to be the "hated" one in the house which I think most of us took and pre-judged him. I agree that Sarah gave him too much of a hard time in the first episode without getting to know him well enough. I would say that beyond a doubt he is arogant which may rub people the wrong way but atleast he is real with his feelings. This is the "real world" and not everyone is perky 100% of time time.
Atleast he is not fake like Kim who in one breath would say to Brianna to teach her to "work the pole" then in the next breath shun it and call her "ghetto" and refer to places as "Blackville". Fake fake fake.
Why would it matter how old I am? OOOOOOHHHHH Sit on my hands all day ...that might lead to a little fun!!!!
I am sorry if I offended you, but I am a firm beleiver that we are all the same. No one greater than any body else. Using the word "peasants' shows that he beleives he is above others.
[QUOTE=Brittaney05;10878][B]Im gonna be the odd one out and say that i really like Greg. He has a very unique personality which i think is hilarious and he makes valid points. [/B][/QUOTE]
I have went back and forth...I really don't like how it [B]seems[/B] like he thinks he is better than everyone and he is god's gift to women, BUT at times his sense of humor cracks me up sometimes...Like the "peasants" comment, if you notice I thought he was a funny dude at the beginning of this form, it wasn't until he came in here living up to all the hype that was out there that I started to dislike is "holyer than thou" attitude. There are still things I do like about him like how he was so neutral in the Kim/Brianna fight to mediate and keep peace in the house. Also once I saw thier fight uncut it wasn't as bad as it seemed (to me anyway) in the previews...sure Kim said some stuff that could be considered racist, but Brianna said some pretty hateful things as well. Brianna was just being a baby because she couldn't have her way that day but Kim got ignorant halfway through the fight as well...two wrongs don't make a right or whatever the saying is.
I am right there with you Stacee, and I agree that people are edited to be what that type of show needs. I think that when he stepped in and helped out Bri and Kim he did a commendable Job. his sense of humor sometimes is funny and sometimes is quite dry. The rugby video at RWD is really funny.
I always try to be the cup is half full kinda girl, so people that are the half empty not mesh well with me.
[quote=EastNY;10938]Greg = Fail
Now I Want A Biographical Response GREG I MEAN Top Tier[/quote]
I can't give you a biographical response but I can certainly give you a geographical response.
East NY=Trash. IN fact, the whole borough of Brooklyn=trash.
The Bronx>>>>>>>>>>>Brooklyn.
Is this place like.. full of trolls or something? I mean GOD. At least be FUNNY about it. Damn newbies.
@That other chick: You didn't offend me in the slightest. I just thought you were flaming me so I flamed back.
IN fact, the whole borough of Brooklyn=trash.
You are mistaken, Brooklyn=AWESOME!!!!
Is this place like.. full of trolls or something? I mean GOD. At least be FUNNY about it. Damn newbies.
HAHAHA wow trolls, damn you're funny..........NOT.
Toptier, if we're so NOT clever or funny or entertaining, then feel free to stop coming here at any time. Jesus. For not being into forums or not being much of a reality television fan, you are exerting a LOT of energy on this.
@Lily: Indeed.
@Bored: Um... what? When was I speaking to you, exactly?
@Katie: Lol wut? Perhaps you took it the wrong way? Is there a reason you needed to jump in this? Did I randomly call you out or somethingl? I mean, is it my fault aside from that Baschus dude's shenanigans, that the e-insults and flaming are seriously much to be desired?
EastNY says: "TopTier"=Rtard.
See what I mean? Straight and utter trash. Heeeeeeeeeeey, EastNY.... maybe when your IQ ain't the size of your shoe size then you'll come up with something more clever. You could of atleast posted a pretty little e-picture that says "RETARD" in really bold letters or some shit. Dude, try again next time. You can do better.
I mean... gosh. Is there a reason you decided to come at me Kate? Or, are you trying to defend you brethren and think in a "we" and not "I" mentality. I'm serious taken aback here. Gimme some clarification why don't ya.
To give you some info though...
1. I am into forums. I post on other ones. Happened to stumble on this an bless this one with my greatness. LoL ("Greatness" thing being a joke. Disclaimer for the ********)
2. I ain't gonna lie, I really don't watch much reality t.v. or much t.v. at all really. In fact, I'm only responding to people calling me out much like what you're doing right now.
3. I don't really see how typing on a keyboard is exerting much energy. Nor do I see how defending myself has any indication to do with being a fan of reality television or not.
4. I ramble a lot. So sue me.
5. I lost my point completely.
6. Omg. What was I saying again?
Bottom line: I am confused as ***k right now. All I know is that EastNY smokes crack.
Later days.
[quote=TopTier;10989]@Lily: Indeed.
@Bored: Um... what? When was I speaking to you, exactly?
@Katie: Lol wut? Perhaps you took it the wrong way? Is there a reason you needed to jump in this? Did I randomly call you out or somethingl? I mean, is it my fault aside from that Baschus dude's shenanigans, that the e-insults and flaming are seriously much to be desired?
EastNY says: "TopTier"=Rtard.
See what I mean? Straight and utter trash. Heeeeeeeeeeey, EastNY.... maybe when your IQ ain't the size of your shoe size then you'll come up with something more clever. You could of atleast posted a pretty little e-picture that says "RETARD" in really bold letters or some shit. Dude, try again next time. You can do better.
I mean... gosh. Is there a reason you decided to come at me Kate? Or, are you trying to defend you brethren and think in a "we" and not "I" mentality. I'm serious taken aback here. Gimme some clarification why don't ya.
To give you some info though...
1. I am into forums. I post on other ones. Happened to stumble on this an bless this one with my greatness. LoL ("Greatness" thing being a joke. Disclaimer for the ********)
2. I ain't gonna lie, I really don't watch much reality t.v. or much t.v. at all really. In fact, I'm only responding to people calling me out much like what you're doing right now.
3. I don't really see how typing on a keyboard is exerting much energy. Nor do I see how defending myself has any indication to do with being a fan of reality television or not.
4. I ramble a lot. So sue me.
5. I lost my point completely.
6. Omg. What was I saying again?
Bottom line: I am confused as ***k right now. All I know is that EastNY smokes crack.
Later days.[/quote]
You're mean. And people jump in to defend eachother because we have somewhat of a "comraderie" here, at least I like to think.
[QUOTE=V1man;10998]Like Greg, himself, on The Real World, this thread shall soon join the archives of the uninteresting and the forgotten. Yawn. :moon:[/QUOTE]
I am right there with you v1man...besides I called for a boycott on this thread a long time ago :)
the thing about Greg that I hate the most is the fact that he claims the fans voted him in because hes so beautiful....Did he forget that whole website was a cheating frenzy and he outcheated everyone. So making false claims when its evident no one would ever vote for him is ridiculous to me. Atleast be honest and say "Yes, I cheated soo what" there were 9 other people who would have made for better cast mates....who would have actually used hollywood in the way that the producers intended. All he managed to do was **** off production and **** of his roomates....he is one of those people who thinks about himself so much that he forgets about all those around him. Being 6'6 does not make you a model frankly there is no model appeal to him except his height...his looks is very common especially in the african american community....I mean look at Tyson beckford he is a true super model...unique look, flawless physique...great persona....and greg is no tyson! no sir hes not.
I may regret posting this, as it may bring life back to this thread, but....Someone over on TWoP is saying that Greg has a kid with a "former associate" of his. Is it true???? Bacchus???
[quote=jasmine_29;11194][COLOR=teal]Does any one know why greg gets kicked off??[/COLOR][/quote]
I do, I do!