that's probably what happened!! but I wouldn't be surprised if they were actually going to put the _y0landa__ girl on I mean all you need is a unique name, look above average and have perfect teeth to get on the show nowadays
Anyway.. that mtvjustin kid is lying. I know for a fact that they wont even look at your app if your not 20. They barlely wanted to look at mine and I'll be 21 in the fall; I had to point out that the email said "21 by dec". Not the smartest bunch of people, those casting directors.
As for the person who said "they went of looks" the first round, I wouldn't doubt it. Our casting director looked everyone up and down the entire time they were speaking. Not to toot my own horn..but I'm hot lol. And there were 3 people in particular that were drop-dead bombshells in my group with interesting stories that weren't asked to stay. I guess they already have a certain look planned for this year. Kinda like how when they cast Power Rangers, they already have in mind what the race/background of each one will be lol who knows!
I went to my first casting call in April and 75% sure I'd be past the first round at least because,of my story and personality even though I turn 21 after december. My friends were in my group so I held back a little. But the 3 they asked to stay were really attractive but didn't really seem too interesting at all.
[QUOTE=km123;346635]I love Alexandra!!! but i don't think she was cut out for TRW not saying shes boring but shes not the personality type for drama and sadly thats what I tune into TRW for not mindless drunk drama but real disagreements and disputes. But I think they should have her do hosting or something shes good at her little spreecasts.[/QUOTE]
I'm glad she didn't **** with Frank though. That would've been nasty and predictable and another denial like Dustin/Heather.
[QUOTE=YvanEhtNioj;346656]Anyway.. that mtvjustin kid is lying. I know for a fact that they wont even look at your app if your not 20. They barlely wanted to look at mine and I'll be 21 in the fall; I had to point out that the email said "21 by dec". Not the smartest bunch of people, those casting directors.
As for the person who said "they went of looks" the first round, I wouldn't doubt it. Our casting director looked everyone up and down the entire time they were speaking. Not to toot my own horn..but I'm hot lol. And there were 3 people in particular that were drop-dead bombshells in my group with interesting stories that weren't asked to stay. I guess they already have a certain look planned for this year. Kinda like how when they cast Power Rangers, they already have in mind what the race/background of each one will be lol who knows![/QUOTE]
Concerning Power Rangers that's not entirely true. They have descriptions yes but as of the 1999 they listed in the casting sides from year to year that they roles are opened to any race. I mean we all know the Red Ranger has to be white though, lol.
[QUOTE=Nostalgic;346797]Concerning Power Rangers that's not entirely true. They have descriptions yes but as of the 1999 they listed in the casting sides from year to year that they roles are opened to any race. I mean we all know the Red Ranger has to be white though, lol.[/QUOTE]
There was a controversy a couple years back besides they openly said they wanted a white red ranger in the casting sheets.
So the other day I got an email saying they were interested and to fill out some questions about myself and return it in 24 hours. I was wondering when you normally would hear back after you submitted your answers
[QUOTE=Johnny;347188]So the other day I got an email saying they were interested and to fill out some questions about myself and return it in 24 hours. I was wondering when you normally would hear back after you submitted your answers[/QUOTE]
If you provided names and contact information for others, they may begin being contacted within a week to 10 days if there is someone in casting who took an interest in you. If in that time none of the people able to verify your back story are contacted, then they are probably going to pass on you.
[QUOTE=Johnny;347188]So the other day I got an email saying they were interested and to fill out some questions about myself and return it in 24 hours. I was wondering when you normally would hear back after you submitted your answers[/QUOTE]
I suppose it can vary. I auditioned for the San Diego and Saint Thomas seasons and heard back from them exactly one week later.
Hey guys! I was originally invited to the Miami Casting call with VIP access, however I was in Mexico and could not make it. I emailed MTV once I returned home and received a short questionnaire to be returned within 24 hours. After I submitted that I received another email saying I have advanced to the next round in casting. They sent a 10 page questionnaire and that was to be submitted within 48 hours. Moreover, the email said that I would receive an invitation to the next round between 4-6 weeks...
So I get a call literally a day after and spoke with one MTV rep for almost an hour. They just asked me a bunch of questions about what I wrote on the last questionnaire. I'd say 90% of the conversation concerned my dating life. Anyway, he then told me that one of the casting coordinators wanted to interview me in person. We arranged a time later the same week. I thought the interview went well. They called me back in after I was leaving for more contact information..friends, ex-girlfriends, etc. Mostly my ex's tho.
With all that being said, how long until I hear back from them? I don't want to get my hopes up, but I think I have a shot.
[QUOTE=johnny23;349990]Hey guys! I was originally invited to the Miami Casting call with VIP access, however I was in Mexico and could not make it. I emailed MTV once I returned home and received a short questionnaire to be returned within 24 hours. After I submitted that I received another email saying I have advanced to the next round in casting. They sent a 10 page questionnaire and that was to be submitted within 48 hours. Moreover, the email said that I would receive an invitation to the next round between 4-6 weeks...
So I get a call literally a day after and spoke with one MTV rep for almost an hour. They just asked me a bunch of questions about what I wrote on the last questionnaire. I'd say 90% of the conversation concerned my dating life. Anyway, he then told me that one of the casting coordinators wanted to interview me in person. We arranged a time later the same week. I thought the interview went well. They called me back in after I was leaving for more contact information..friends, ex-girlfriends, etc. Mostly my ex's tho.
With all that being said, how long until I hear back from them? I don't want to get my hopes up, but I think I have a shot.[/QUOTE]
You do have a shot JUST GET OFF VEVMO ASAP
Really? I'm just curious about the casting process. If they want to cast me...they'll cast me. I don't think this will make a difference. Nonetheless, thank you for the "head up."
Back to the posting...
How long until MTV decides the final cast for MTV's Real World 29?
And since I've made it this far, will they at least inform me if I did not make the final cut? Before they publicly announce it...
They will not want you if you have a suspected cozy relationship with vevmo or any member here. It will make a difference. If you get further into casting for next season, expect to be asked about your internet activity. It's standard for reality shows now.
just out of curiosity, I submitted for it...this year was my first. None of then casting calls were by me, so i just filled out the form online. In the past are the majority (if not all the people) selected picked from open casting calls...or do the people that just submit online have a shot? I was dumb and didn't make a video.
So the big thing this season is "Being Single" , There looking for songle parents,single gsys,single lesbians. I expect 2 gay guys or 2 lesbians it seems they want a lot of hooking up drama and I'm sure they'll cast someone that is two people's type for added drama. The more and more I read what they want this season the more and more BOTE2 is looking.
[QUOTE=Npresh24;351939]So the big thing this season is "Being Single" , There looking for songle parents,single gsys,single lesbians. I expect 2 gay guys or 2 lesbians it seems they want a lot of hooking up drama and I'm sure they'll cast someone that is two people's type for added drama. The more and more I read what they want this season the more and more BOTE2 is looking.[/QUOTE]
Where did you hear this? Just curious.
[QUOTE=Npresh24;351939]The more and more I read what they want this season the more and more BOTE2 is looking.[/QUOTE]
Even though this isn't true your last part is funny since it's so true.
[QUOTE=JEKFAN;352160]Mine for me would be
1. Las Vegas
2. New Orleans
3. Sydney
4. Hollywood
5. Brooklyn
6. Portland
7. San Diego
8. Dc
9. St Thomas[/QUOTE]
Move this conversation to the Generic thread, please. Wishcasting has nothing to do with actual casting.
Clearly this thread has lost its focus.
On a side note, I think we should stop warning people. It creates a lot of work for me and I'm at the point that I will no longer do it.
I'm not in the business of making people disappear. The TOS clearly states that posts are permanent. While we can argue the legality of that, I ask that members here stop telling people interested in casting to refrain from posting. If they are stupid enough to use a member name that clearly identifies them - it is not the fault of the forum. We are against stupid people, right?
Let's roll with it.
Bill 154, also known as the "Less Tedious Work For Bacchus Bill" has passed by a "majority" and is now law. Post in this thread at your own risk. There is no backing up or removals. What is here, stays here.
B, what you charge for advertising space? As long as people are going to post here, I probably should let them know that for a modest fee, I can teach them how to audition. :distracted:
Based of craiglist what they are looking for this season
"MTV's hit show, The Real World, is now casting people ages 20-24."The Real World" thrives on having a diverse and dynamic cast. Our ideal candidate has a larger-than-life personality, a unique life story, an adventurous spirit and a personal magnetism that draws attention whenever they walk in the room. We are looking for open-minded and open-hearted people who can make us laugh and cry.
We also love people who are at a turning point in their lives and have big decisions to make about their future. This season we are interested in people who are recently single/divorced/separated as well as those who are currently dealing with a troubled relationship. We are also seeking cast members who have had to work hard to support themselves, particularly those who were unable to attend college due to personal or financial obstacles."
[url=]via Craigslist[/url]
[QUOTE=Raymond21;351942]Where did you hear this? Just curious.[/QUOTE]
Various people through the casting process on several forums based on what they said the casting directors told them.
[QUOTE=Npresh24;352870]Based of craiglist what they are looking for this season
"MTV's hit show, The Real World, is now casting people ages 20-24."The Real World" thrives on having a diverse and dynamic cast. Our ideal candidate has a larger-than-life personality, a unique life story, an adventurous spirit and a personal magnetism that draws attention whenever they walk in the room. We are looking for open-minded and open-hearted people who can make us laugh and cry.
We also love people who are at a turning point in their lives and have big decisions to make about their future. This season we are interested in people who are recently single/divorced/separated as well as those who are currently dealing with a troubled relationship. We are also seeking cast members who have had to work hard to support themselves, particularly those who were unable to attend college due to personal or financial obstacles."
[url=]via Craigslist[/url][/QUOTE]
I'm sure we'll get almost the complete opposite and if we do it will be overshadowed by petty no non-sense drama.
[QUOTE=theman23;355657]somebody said filming starts next week but i doubt it because we dont know the location[/QUOTE]
I don't believe anyone within vevmo's "management" is looking for a/the location. Interest wanes