The Real World 29 - Casting

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The Real World 29 - Casting
Casting Calls: Saturday, April 20, 2013 10:00AM-4:00PM HOOTERS 501 South Mill Ave #200 Tempe AZ, 85281 Saturday, April 27, 2013 10:00AM-5:00PM McFadden's Restaurant and Saloon 461 N. 3rd Street Philadelphia PA, 19123 Saturday, April 27, 2013 10:00AM-5:00PM Fox and Hound Uptown 330 N. Tyron Street Charlotte NC, 28202
Hey Yvan, do u think that you would be able to edit your first post whenever they announce a new casting call. I wanna go for try #4, but I have really bad Internet, and I cannot get on bmp's website. It would just help me out a lot, to stay up to date on what's going on with casting. I would literally be heartbroken if I missed out on a casting call. If you won't be able to, understandable. Ill find a way, I always do. Thanks bud! :o)
It lives!
[QUOTE=Klounsnax2.0;340924]Hey Yvan, do u think that you would be able to edit your first post whenever they announce a new casting call. I wanna go for try #4, but I have really bad Internet, and I cannot get on bmp's website. It would just help me out a lot, to stay up to date on what's going on with casting. I would literally be heartbroken if I missed out on a casting call. If you won't be able to, understandable. Ill find a way, I always do. Thanks bud! :o)[/QUOTE] Only a moderator can edit the original post, but I'll try to post them as they pop up. If not me, I'm sure someone else will. I know a ton of people on here are dying to get on the show. BGC is also casting at the same time. I didn't know BMP had a big enough casting team to do both at once
Apparently they are already inviting people to Round 2 based on the emails they sent. They're going out like hotcakes according to tweets on Twitter
[QUOTE=YvanEhtNioj;340945]Only a moderator can edit the original post, but I'll try to post them as they pop up. If not me, I'm sure someone else will. I know a ton of people on here are dying to get on the show. BGC is also casting at the same time. I didn't know BMP had a big enough casting team to do both at once[/QUOTE] If someone will PM me with updates, I'll make the adjustments.
They've announced more but they aren't posted on the website yet. I just saw a flyer for one in Boston on the 20th
[QUOTE=YvanEhtNioj;341194]They've announced more but they aren't posted on the website yet. I just saw a flyer for one in Boston on the 20th[/QUOTE] So I'm mostly a lurker but I created an account to ask... where/when? Since I can't seem to find that same flyer :(
[QUOTE=rocketlaunch;341488]So I'm mostly a lurker but I created an account to ask... where/when? Since I can't seem to find that same flyer :([/QUOTE] [ATTACH]1821[/ATTACH]
Apparently you have to be 21 by December 1st.. why so late? Are they really stretching the casting process out that long? Or maybe the seasons gonna be international :O
[QUOTE=YvanEhtNioj;341641]Apparently you have to be 21 by December 1st.. why so late? Are they really stretching the casting process out that long? Or maybe the seasons gonna be international :O[/QUOTE] The fact that you have to be 21, make me think it's going to be in the U.S.A. For the Sydney season was 18. In most country you are allowed to drink at 18, in the united states you are not especially after Priscilla on San Diego they increase the drinking age: [url=]Alcohol Drinking Ages Around the World - Legal Drinking Ages Worldwide[/url]
[QUOTE=Dylans;341648]The fact that you have to be 21, make me think it's going to be in the U.S.A. For the Sydney season was 18. In most country you are allowed to drink at 18, in the united states you are not especially after Priscilla on San Diego they increase the drinking age: [URL=""]Alcohol Drinking Ages Around the World - Legal Drinking Ages Worldwide[/URL][/QUOTE] Yeah I just think it's random that it's 21 by such a late time in the year. Maybe because a lot of people JUST turn 20 and instantly audition for the show. I reaaaaaaaaallllyyyy want this season to be in Vancouver or Brazil. Although Jon Murray already hinted at the possibility of it being in Atlanta.
its been 21 for the last two years
look at las vegas 2 cast everybody is between 21 and 25
[QUOTE=theman23;341764]look at las vegas 2 cast everybody is between 21 and 25[/QUOTE] It depends on the location. If you're not 21, you cant live in a casion. However, in San Diego, 19 wqas the minimum age to apply. They realized Pris added nothing to story because all she could do was DD. Therefore, they upped it to "20 AND OVER." not "OVER the age of 20". The minimum age to apply this season is 20 and you have to turn 21 BY December 1st. They are more likely to cast you if you are 21 BEFORE the arrival date or really early into filming. It also depends on location - If the season was international, i don't think they would care how long into filming you turn 21.
[QUOTE=YvanEhtNioj;341772]It depends on the location. If you're not 21, you cant live in a casion. However, in San Diego, 19 wqas the minimum age to apply. They realized Pris added nothing to story because all she could do was DD. Therefore, they upped it to "20 AND OVER." not "OVER the age of 20". The minimum age to apply this season is 20 and you have to turn 21 BY December 1st. They are more likely to cast you if you are 21 BEFORE the arrival date or really early into filming. It also depends on location - If the season was international, i don't think they would care how long into filming you turn 21.[/QUOTE] damn so i cant try out anyways Im 19 and turn 20 december 28.. but hopefully they will do a season 30
I'm new here and just made an account. But wasn't Austin rated one of the best seasons and had two 19 year olds in Wes and Nehemiah? I admit casting a minor would be hard because of the 21+ clubs and alcohol, but there could definitely be someone who can bring a lot of drama and entertainment to production. And also , San Diego was just a terrible cast and season in general. Priscilla was an example of the WRONG kind minor to bring to the table. She added virtually nothing until their vacation to Mexico.
I don't know what they were smoking when they cast San Diego. It felt like they had just given up. I'm still wondering why you have to be 21 by so late in the year. If it wad filming in the early fall, wouldn't they say "21 by August" or something. I'm still holding hope that it's international.
Why being international have to do with turning 21 on December? I think is going to be in the united states for that reason, they just don't want to have another Priscilla that wasn't able to do almost nothing because she was younger than 21. While if its international a person can drink and go to whatever club they want if they are older than 18. I think most likely filming is going to start early January of next year. The four season that have been international have people under 21: London Kat was 19 Jay was 19 Sharon was 20 Paris Mallory was 19 Sydney Ashli and Trisha were 19 Kelly Anne was 20 Cancun Jonna was 20.
I feel like if it were domestic, they'd want people who are turning 21 or are 21 as early as possible. Assuming it's filming in the fall. January seems too long from now. The open calls are probably going from April to early June. Phone and Skype interviews in late June. Finals in July with the cast moving in around August or September
I hope they go to the south this season. I hope it's somewhere in Texas (Dallas,San Antonio or Back to Austin). I honestly don't think they will go to the ATL.
Well, assuming filming starts on August it has to be done by November. Then if filming its going to be over by December the how a person turning 21 by December different than a person turning 21 by January or February. if anyways both would be 20 during filming.Thats why I assume filmig had to be around January.
If your have to be 21 by December 1st, that would mean production is going from September-October through Decemeber (I don't think they ever filmed through thanksgiving but they did for exes so....)
[QUOTE=Npresh24;342014]If your have to be 21 by December 1st, that would mean production is going from September-October through Decemeber (I don't think they ever filmed through thanksgiving but they did for exes so....)[/QUOTE] Las Vegas 2 filmed through thanksgiving.
[QUOTE=Npresh24;342012]I hope they go to the south this season. I hope it's somewhere in Texas (Dallas,San Antonio or Back to Austin). I honestly don't think they will go to the ATL.[/QUOTE] If they begin filming someone around December I have a feeling we'll be seeing another Miami or San Francisco season if it isn't international for sure.
There is NOTHING to do in Texas. DFW weather is horrid in the fall and winter. They'd be snowed in for like two weeks. Not much in Houston either. I wouldn't mind Atlanta, but afteir BGC, I think it's too soon. I think they'll be going somewhere new since the last two seasons were totally unexpected locations.
I would like to see them go to Atlanta, or on the coast of Virginia, and the Carolina's
[RIGHT][/RIGHT][QUOTE=WallyT09;342019]I would like to see them go to Atlanta, or on the coast of Virginia, and the Carolina's[/QUOTE] The fact that they desperately NEED ratings and Portland is helping bring the series a little more relevancy,and going to a major city will create more buzz most likely. I think it'll be in Atlanta or Florida. It makes sense I'm going for my first casting call finally
I found this online: [I]link removed[/I]
Is the Boston casting still going on tomorrow? I still can't find any information about anything... Their RW casting page on FB is woefully outdated
[QUOTE=rocketlaunch;342096]Is the Boston casting still going on tomorrow? I still can't find any information about anything... Their RW casting page on FB is woefully outdated[/QUOTE] I would not count on it, unless the bombing situation is rectified soon.
