Wait a minute...this is so off topic but whatever happen to the episode where dan says "I will crack your skull"...when is that coming up? And we really have not seen why KA dislikes Johanna so much.
[quote=tjhallow;34726]Wait a minute...this is so off topic but whatever happen to the episode where dan says "I will crack your skull"...when is that coming up? And we really have not seen why KA dislikes Johanna so much.[/quote]
KellyAnne and Johanna hating each other is stemming from behind the scenes stuff I believe. Plus, Ev and KellyAnne were treated like crap by all of them, so there is one reason. Plus, I remember watching the Daily where KellyAnne says that line "I wanna kick her ***.." and Ev was saying that Johanna was one of those Rookies who had gotten screwed before, but now its her turn, she believe to do that. o I am guessing Johanna treated her like crap.
Wait so do they know they win 75,000 dollars split between 4 people, or is it who ever gets to the treasure chest and opens it, that one person automatically wins 75,000?
Because i see it like this. Since most people speculate that it was Johnny and Kenny in the boat with only 3 people. I think Paula gets left behind on the island, and that Danny or Kenny is probably the person who ends up with 2 keys. And they probably have the choice, right before the boat sails off to choose if they want to give there 2nd key away to an extra person. And Paula expects them to give them their extra key, and they choose not to because of course less people on the boat the better and more money to split.
[quote=jamie27;34734]Wait so do they know they win 75,000 dollars split between 4 people, or is it who ever gets to the treasure chest and opens it, that one person automatically wins 75,000?
Because i see it like this. Since most people speculate that it was Johnny and Kenny in the boat with only 3 people. I think Paula gets left behind on the island, and that Danny or Kenny is probably the person who ends up with 2 keys. And they probably have the choice, right before the boat sails off to choose if they want to give there 2nd key away to an extra person. And Paula expects them to give them their extra key, and they choose not to because of course less people on the boat the better and more money to split.[/quote]
Incorrect. There are 4 winners... but it was a nice thought..
BTW, when you said "Danny" I was confused... lol
[QUOTE=Stacee_Danielle;34555]I am way behind on reading this thread, but I was thinking last night about possible "wrenches" that could be thrown in the mis as the challenge progresses...
What if one guy/girl wins 2 keys...we know that they can only give thier key away if they are voted off the island (or so has been told to us so far through the rules) so no matter what they have to keep those 2 keys on them no matter what boat they get on...wait I am having trouble wording this to make sense...
Kelly Ann goes into the final challenge (with her current key still in hand) and wins
She takes Johnny's key
The boats are ready to take off BUT there MUST be 4 people [B]and[/B] 4 keys (at least) on each boat
Does that mean that the second baot can't take off because on of thier keys is on the first boat??
I don't know it is just speculation but I don't even know if my explination made sense...it did last night while I was washing my face thinking about it though, LOL.[/QUOTE]
It does make sense, but it is not the way it happens. Just sit back and enjoy the ride. At the end of the day, Johnny and Kenny will still be ********. Nothing about which anyone speculates will change that fact.
Hmmm... I think this is how it will go down.
The next face-off will consist of Ryan, Johanna?, and Colie.
It will be the one where they are holding onto two ropes?
And Ryan wins. Then they have the vote off, and Colie gets the boot.
Then Ryan gets to take a key, I think he will take it from Robin??
Then TJ has an announcement, and says that there will be a final face off, where the four remaining without keys (Ev, Johanna, Dan and now Robin) will all go into the face off, and then the winner gets to take the last and final key.
It's then the one where they jump into the water (as in the preview, Dan, the only guy in the challenge, Ev, has blondish hair and is wearing a black tank top, Robin, dark hair, wearing a hot pink sports bra and swimsuit bottoms, and Johanna, very tan, wearing a black and pink outfit)
Also the fact that the people standing on the dock are, (left to right)
Ryan (sitting down, short black hair)
KellyAnne (has long brown hair, not super tan, thin, and has headband, sitting down)
Derrick (behind KA, wearing a white tank top)
Kenny (Wearing black tank top and blue shorts)
Paula (only blond left)
Jenn, (wearing blue tank top, hair in a ponytail, tan and not AS thin as other girls)
Johnny (wearing black tank top, with a bandanna)
Dunbar (Wearing red)
I then think that Ev wins, and takes Paula's key. That's why she is upset and is sitting alone as in the previews.
So then the final key holders will be, Derrick, Kenny, Johnny, Dunbar, Ryan, Jenn, Ev and KellyAnne.
And Robin, Johanna, Paula and Dan are all left out.
That's just my assumption. I am just a little confused as to why Ryan would have taken Robin's key though.
[QUOTE=LivesToRun;34842]Hmmm... I think this is how it will go down.
I am just a little confused... [/QUOTE]
You would be less confused if you were right. :) (Actually, you could still confused if you were right, but people would be impressed that you were correct. )
[quote=V1man;34843]You would be less confused if you were right. :) (Actually, you could still confused if you were right, but people would be impressed that you were correct. )[/quote]
Aww man. Oh welll.. :ohwell:
Wait.. ooo?! :smile: