The Island: MTV - Speculation

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The Island: MTV - Speculation
[B]**** MAY CONTAIN SPOILER INFORMATION******** [/B]It has been brought up by members and I that some people might have more than 1 key and how that might play out. TJ said that it would take 4 keys to open the box, but never did he say 4 people. I myself think that if they were smart enough to catch on to this it would be the way to go! I thought It might be appropriate to start a thread we we could all speculate what we thought, and leave the spoilers to spoilers. [CENTER] [/CENTER]
So I paused the "This Season.." teaser with 55 seconds remaining. And it shows what I believe to be one of the finished boats? But the thing is there are only 3 people (that are seen) in it. 2 girls and one guy. It's hard to make it out, but the guy looks to be Kenny. And the girls look either to be Robin and KellyAnne or Johanna. (They are both brunette for sure, but more so brown than black, so I feel Johanna is out of the picture) Take a look, if you want, and tell me what you think. Sorry I would post a screen cap, but my button doesn't work anymore. :(
[QUOTE=LivesToRun;28857]So I paused the "This Season.." teaser with 55 seconds remaining. And it shows what I believe to be one of the finished boats? But the thing is there are only 3 people (that are seen) in it. 2 girls and one guy. It's hard to make it out, but the guy looks to be Kenny. And the girls look either to be Robin and KellyAnne or Johanna. (They are both brunette for sure, but more so brown than black, so I feel Johanna is out of the picture) Take a look, if you want, and tell me what you think. Sorry I would post a screen cap, but my button doesn't work anymore. :([/QUOTE] Is there a sail on the boat you are looking at?
Yes.. :padonak:
[QUOTE=LivesToRun;28859]Yes.. :padonak:[/QUOTE] Good, so you only have to narrow it down to eight people, and you think you have identified one person. Do you know for a fact that the boat was never occupied by people who did not sail/row to the Island? Did that make you think? (It's not an original thought with me. My wife was watching over my shoulder when I viewed the trailer and it was her instant observation.) I've been told by more than one cast member that I'm not going to believe the ending. I'm looking forward to the adventure and how, with no teams, eight people with keys divide into the two boats.
[quote=V1man;28860]Good, so you only have to narrow it down to eight people, and you think you have identified one person. Do you know for a fact that the boat was never occupied by people who did not sail/row to the Island? Did that make you think? (It's not an original thought with me. My wife was watching over my shoulder when I viewed the trailer and it was her instant observation.) I've been told by more than one cast member that I'm not going to believe the ending. I'm looking forward to the adventure and how, with no teams, eight people with keys divide into the two boats.[/quote] I actually had the same thought run across my mind V1. I was also thinking, maybe it isn't just the people who have keys and are going to the Island on the boat. Its still kinda a foggy subject, but its interesting. Oooh, and the ending sounds even juicier. I mean ever since i found out the rules, I have been thinking, how do they split up? Do they choose the boat and the other 3 they are with now become a team that they must stay with? Are they selected a boat by TJ and the producers? Do they just choose their own boats and it has no meaning which one they end up on?
Okay two thoughts and observations came to mind. One is that in one of the dailies, KellyAnne tells Robin that either she wins a key or she gives up. [spoiler]We know she did shockingly well, so does it mean she won a key, or simply decided to stay but made it to the end.[/spoiler]
[QUOTE=V1man;28858]Is there a sail on the boat you are looking at?[/QUOTE] ok i was looking at that in the supertease and have we ruled out colie and cohutta??? it seems painfully obvious that kelly ann is in that boat but if you look i feel that the guy is cohutta and the girl in the front is colie....maybe just me looking for someone other than the obvious but just my thoughts....
[QUOTE=iLoVeVeVmo;29461]ok i was looking at that in the supertease and have we ruled out colie and cohutta??? it seems painfully obvious that kelly ann is in that boat but if you look i feel that the guy is cohutta and the girl in the front is colie....maybe just me looking for someone other than the obvious but just my thoughts....[/QUOTE] Sorry, I've offered all the help (or some would say "confusion") I intend to. I'm just here to ruin your high by asking questions... ;) Happy speculating...
[spoiler]I saw someone post something about Johanna and Robin being in a face off.[/spoiler] If you go watch a certain daily between girls about how the gender equality should be, you will hear Robin say she wants to be in the all girl one. If you watch the opening sequence and look at the action behind Rachel, KellyAnne, and Robin you can see that all three were doing the same thing involving two wooden bard far apart and staying on. But then Robin says to Johanna how they are going to be in the face-off on Friday. [spoiler]That would mean she goes into both the first and second face off. Since KellyAnne and Robin make it further, thats when we know Rachel goes home. And since Robin and Johanna make it far as well, that would mean either Johanna or Robin win the second face off which entails a guy going home since the second face-off was said to be 2 girls and 1 guy.[/spoiler] Hopefully its right because I will be one happy camper.
I would like to think that's true, but didn't we see Ev and Johnny together, being voted on? Unless there are more face-offs than we know of...
[QUOTE=Moonpaw;29781]I would like to think that's true, but didn't we see Ev and Johnny together, being voted on? Unless there are more face-offs than we know of...[/QUOTE] Why do you think there is anything at all significant to the two of them standing together? My mantra to everyone continues to be "Think outside the box."
[quote=Moonpaw;29781]I would like to think that's true, but didn't we see Ev and Johnny together, being voted on? Unless there are more face-offs than we know of...[/quote] If I was a clip editor for BMP/MTV and read the blogs and message forums such as this one that go into detail concerning eliminations and possible winners, I'd probably make sure to put together a video package that offered the most doubt as to the conclusions arrived at... Of course, that is just me.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;29787]If I was a clip editor for BMP/MTV and read the blogs and message forums such as this one that go into detail concerning eliminations and possible winners, I'd probably make sure to put together a video package that offered the most doubt as to the conclusions arrived at... Of course, that is just me.[/QUOTE] Well, we know they read us often, if not daily, so presumably they have some interest in learning from what they read here.
[quote=V1man;29791]Well, we know they read us often, if not daily, so presumably they have some interest in learning from what they read here.[/quote] Perhaps this may be very true as you are in the know, but usually their previews are more revealing to that of a keen eye. I see face off rules changing and key distributions changing as well, where eventually only face off winners will get a key and perhaps from a face off loser...... They pretty much give away Rachel and Tyrie/Ashli as the next 2 or 3 eliminations per the preview + the dallies + the intro. The show intro actually reveals alot. The face off rules have to change because they were at least 3 "activities" involving more than 3 participants...... i.e Dunbar,Ty, Derrick/Dan, Ashli, Paula, Jenn or Colie in the makeshift soccer ball face off (which could be up to a 3 team face off of 2 where they are 2 eliminations as oppsed to 1). This is where Ty goes and perhaps Ashli. Then there is the face off where both Johnny and Ev are running down a wooden plank/deck with a huge *** hole. KA also may be in this one as well as Dan. Anyway, you see Johnny/Ev at eliminations and this is no photoshop or doctored video. 1 of the 2 will be eliminated. Other indicators also lead that Colhutta was eliminated because he/KA embrace at the vote off ceremony ... he is also shown wrestling against someone where they bump into the camera. Robin or Johanna will also get eliminated because there is a 4 way face off with Robin/Jo/Ev and Ryan or Derrick. There are indeed only 8 keys, but it isn't guarunteed that 8 people will make it on the boats. There were 2 previews .... the fake boats where you saw 4 guys paddling ... and the real boats, the ones with the sails. The latter preview shows 2 females (which looks like Kelly Anne and Johanna or Robin) and 1 male which also has dark hair. I cannot recall seeing anything about the 2nd boat. We know from the dallies that Ty and Dunbar are at some odds, KA needs Robin to be there because of the issue with Johnny. KA and Robin will both be targets throught the rest of the show. I see Kenny being 1 of the finalist for sure because he will indeed win at least 1 face off ... the one where he rings the bell and toy can hear Johanna cheering in the background. Kenny most likely will have 2 keys ... which possibly explains the 3 person boat scenario ... As you all are, I am only speculating .... as I have pretend to have no ties with anyone familiar with the show..... but I will close with this Bananas and Kenny are tools. It's a fricking sail boat, where strength is not necessary needed over finesse and weight is a problem.You need BALANCE. You do not need to row a sail boat ... you need a sailor, some to steer the rudder, and someone to help align the sails. From the preview the crossbeam does the help with the balancing, but it also goes to show that in all actuality you only need 3 people, not 4.
Anonymous's picture
Great observations Darock....Welcome to our humble home ! :)
Anonymous's picture
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;29976]Great observations Darock....Welcome to our humble home ! :)[/quote] I agree! Welcome. :) I can't wait to see how it all plays out..
[QUOTE=Darock1713;29973]Perhaps this may be very true as you are in the know, but usually their previews are more revealing to that of a keen eye. I see face off rules changing and key distributions changing as well, where eventually only face off winners will get a key and perhaps from a face off loser...... They pretty much give away Rachel and Tyrie/Ashli as the next 2 or 3 eliminations per the preview + the dallies + the intro. The show intro actually reveals alot. The face off rules have to change because they were at least 3 "activities" involving more than 3 participants...... i.e Dunbar,Ty, Derrick/Dan, Ashli, Paula, Jenn or Colie in the makeshift soccer ball face off (which could be up to a 3 team face off of 2 where they are 2 eliminations as oppsed to 1). This is where Ty goes and perhaps Ashli. Then there is the face off where both Johnny and Ev are running down a wooden plank/deck with a huge *** hole. KA also may be in this one as well as Dan. Anyway, you see Johnny/Ev at eliminations and this is no photoshop or doctored video. 1 of the 2 will be eliminated. Other indicators also lead that Colhutta was eliminated because he/KA embrace at the vote off ceremony ... he is also shown wrestling against someone where they bump into the camera. Robin or Johanna will also get eliminated because there is a 4 way face off with Robin/Jo/Ev and Ryan or Derrick. There are indeed only 8 keys, but it isn't guarunteed that 8 people will make it on the boats. There were 2 previews .... the fake boats where you saw 4 guys paddling ... and the real boats, the ones with the sails. The latter preview shows 2 females (which looks like Kelly Anne and Johanna or Robin) and 1 male which also has dark hair. I cannot recall seeing anything about the 2nd boat. We know from the dallies that Ty and Dunbar are at some odds, KA needs Robin to be there because of the issue with Johnny. KA and Robin will both be targets throught the rest of the show. I see Kenny being 1 of the finalist for sure because he will indeed win at least 1 face off ... the one where he rings the bell and toy can hear Johanna cheering in the background. Kenny most likely will have 2 keys ... which possibly explains the 3 person boat scenario ... As you all are, I am only speculating .... as I have pretend to have no ties with anyone familiar with the show..... but I will close with this Bananas and Kenny are tools. It's a fricking sail boat, where strength is not necessary needed over finesse and weight is a problem.You need BALANCE. You do not need to row a sail boat ... you need a sailor, some to steer the rudder, and someone to help align the sails. From the preview the crossbeam does the help with the balancing, but it also goes to show that in all actuality you only need 3 people, not 4.[/QUOTE] Interesting stuff... The overall view here was that on the boat in the first trailer were three guys with one woman on the side of the boat who was either holding on or climbing in. I know no reason to buy into a Johnny or Evelyn elimination or your final sailboat speculation, but, hey, whatever floats your boat.
Great insight Darock, welcome to vevmo!
[QUOTE=bratty;30081]Great insight Darock, welcome to vevmo![/QUOTE] Bratty, it would be great if he were not at least 50% wrong. :flame:
Anonymous's picture
Here's what I think happens this season... I think they bring in a whole new cast.. and the show becomes enjoyable. Maybe that's just wishful thinking.
[QUOTE=Insider;30085]Here's what I think happens this season... I think they bring in a whole new cast.. and the show becomes enjoyable. Maybe that's just wishful thinking.[/QUOTE] I think this fits your dilemma: [url=]YouTube - Swinging on a star - Bruce Willis & Danny Aiello[/url]
[quote=V1man;30082]Bratty, it would be great if he were not at least 50% wrong. :flame:[/quote] Yeah, but its fun to hear how other people "figure out" how things are going to go down. Or even just to look at the other possible scenarios that maybe could have happened. But you V1 are the King of the spoilers!
If BMP were so dearly concerned with making Challenges "unisex" then why do we not have endurance challenges? Just a question. Taking knowledge from past reality television shows, women overall have the better winning average when it comes down to endurance challenges. Stick them on a pole to balance for hours or better yet, hang them upside down ala the original Gaunlet and see how long they last. Sarah v. Irulan was high drama and fun to watch. I wouldn't be opposed to having something to do with size, where smaller is better, either... Anyways, it still seems like most of the faceoffs are still highly geared towards male competitors. At least stick a woman in there, and if she loses, the women have the numbers to keep her and vote out the man. (Assuming the D-bag alliance isn't a factor...)
[quote=JoshiK;30189]If BMP were so dearly concerned with making Challenges "unisex" then why do we not have endurance challenges? [/quote] Who says there will not be such a challenge in the near future? We have only seen two episodes. ;)
I'm not trying to sell anything V1man. From what i have read, you obviously are "in the know" ..... I just like the idea of piecing things together from my perspective. I have enough patience to wait for this to play out ..... and like you sir, I am only speculating..... However, I "strongly believe" that a Evelyn/Johnny faceoff is emminent.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Darock1713;30239] However, I "strongly believe" that a Evelyn/Johnny faceoff is emminent.[/quote] tee hee hee.. We SHALL see...
[QUOTE=Darock1713;30239]I'm not trying to sell anything V1man. From what i have read, you obviously are "in the know" ..... I just like the idea of piecing things together from my perspective. I have enough patience to wait for this to play out ..... and like you sir, I am only speculating..... However, I "strongly believe" that a Evelyn/Johnny faceoff is emminent.[/QUOTE] Perhaps there is one, but why only two and not three or four in that face-off? PS, Sometimes I ask questions when I know that answer but that absolutely no intention passing it along. If I detailed the results, then the excellent speculation would end. There is no profit in that course.
Fair enough, in you PS summary. You obviously have an inside track ... and I can live with 50% for a first timer. However, I never mentioned that Ev/Johnny will be in an individual face off .... I stated that they will be on the voting block up for elimination. MTV does not have the creativity imo to docture an image like that .... However (after your teasing of the subject, I have rethought this). There could be more people not shown that are also up for elimination ..... perhaps if it was a team competition or something .... idk.
[QUOTE=Darock1713;30239]I'm not trying to sell anything V1man. From what i have read, you obviously are "in the know" ..... I just like the idea of piecing things together from my perspective. I have enough patience to wait for this to play out ..... and like you sir, I am only speculating..... However, I "strongly believe" that a Evelyn/Johnny faceoff is emminent.[/QUOTE] I think its more to do with picking who they want in there boat at the end because i see both of them being on a boat....we all know that now everyone is going to be gettn on that boat so why not have each of them pick who they want....just my thoughts....either way somebody ends up with two keys (three people in one sailboat) and i can see ev ka and a male in the one we see in the preview......jb kenny and one or two other people in the other would certainly hold true to all the spoilers as of now....
[QUOTE=iLoVeVeVmo;30467]I think its more to do with picking who they want in there boat at the end because i see both of them being on a boat....we all know that now everyone is going to be gettn on that boat so why not have each of them pick who they want....just my thoughts....either way somebody ends up with two keys (three people in one sailboat) and i can see ev ka and a male in the one we see in the preview......jb kenny and one or two other people in the other would certainly hold true to all the spoilers as of now....[/QUOTE] I'm not saying that you are right or wrong, but I encourage the lengths to which your outside-the-box thinking extends. I believe you are the first to suggest that one three people may be in one of the two boats, and that one or more people may have more than one key. Perhaps others could review the rules and see it the description offered matches anything TJ said.
