Fresh Meat 2: Episode - Thank God It Is Over

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I think Landon is a lot like Mark. Remember in the Duel 2 when Mark was with Aneesa and how he never said a bad word to her? Those are the guys who were the good guys on these types of shows.
Catching the last few minutes! Go Landon and Carley!
Ice ax? Holy crap!
Anonymous's picture
There's one thing Ev has, even if don't like to admit it, that the other string females don't, an that is FIRE!!! Ev sees the money and win, and something just makes her spark, and become extremely aggressive, and passionate. She doesn't give up quickly! I believe if girls like Laurel had that passion/fire she would have been unstoppable!
The two teams I think deserve it the most are looking great!!! Landon and Kenny both deserve to win IMO :)
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=molds13;184226]Of course he's not :D [url=]"Real World" Star Assaulted A Horse - September 8, 2004[/url][/QUOTE] What an adorable mug shot!
[strike]this would of been a great challenge for ev, I think she would of done really well.[/strike] This would have been a great challenge for Ev, I think she would have done really well.
Carley is definitely having the hardest time it seems
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=Xeri99;184224]Thought the same thing til Laurel carried that 80lb bag. What a beast.[/QUOTE] Yeah I had to take it back. Laurel with carrying it, and Jill dragging the bag!!
I can't believe they are above the snow line. (Safety out the window at this point.)
[QUOTE=molds13;184226]Of course he's not :D [url=]"Real World" Star Assaulted A Horse - September 8, 2004[/url][/QUOTE] And of course the infamous knife scene... I heard from someone who knows him that he acted somewhat like a big shot when he went back home, too, after RW. Hopefully that's in the past. But my acquaintance did pretty much say that he was always known for being a great guy. He was not perfect on his season (he was a pretty bad drunk, for instance), and I don't think he's perfect overall, but I always got the sense that Landon was really a good person. Even with his faults, it always shined through for me. He was just really endearing, and that's why he's my favorite. I like people with different personalities from the shows, but something about Landon just puts him above others for me.
Yay! Go Landon and Carley!!!
Hahahaha at Landon putting his head between Carley's butt.
Hm...not as close as I was told it was going to be.
I'm SO happy Landon and Carley won. They were my favorites throughout the entire challenge. I thought Kenny and Laurel were gonna win, but I'm glad they didn't. This challenge ended on a good note for me. :D
I think if there were no head starts then Kenny and Laurel would have pulled it out
Anonymous's picture
Kenny...humbled? I love Landon!
So happy for Landon and Carley! Yes! I am even fine with Kenny and Laurel winning money since they were so dominant this challenge.
Anonymous's picture
Smartest thing TJ ever said....Carley is AMAZING!!!! I have high hopes for her in future challenges! (well if there is any lol).
Anonymous's picture
Um, Ryan's ******* dance? LOL.
Anonymous's picture
Congrats to Landon and Carley. Landon deserves the win more than anyone else.
[QUOTE=producer88;184247]Smartest thing TJ ever said....Carley is AMAZING!!!! I have high hopes for her in future challenges! (well if there is any lol).[/QUOTE] I have a feeling that Carley is more likely to succumb to the winners curse...
Kenny and Laurel probably would've won if there wasn't a headstart , but it's great that Carley and Landon did.
Kenny has a big ego, really no I had no idea.
Nice to see Landon get the W, thought the kinda got screwed over twice on the last episode of The Duel 2.
[QUOTE=TDMEL52;184252]Kenny has a big ego, really no I had no idea.[/QUOTE] At least he can admit it.
Anonymous's picture
What on earth?!
LOL @ Wes and Kenny.
Are you guys seeing this commerical with Kenny and funny. ;)
