[QUOTE=Ms. Dynasty;64922]Oh who cares that my bew bew Mark is hosting?!! Im estactic!! [[Of course i would be biased though hehe]]..I can't get enough of him![/QUOTE]
...what's a bew bew?
[quote=molds13;65012]...what's a bew bew?[/quote]
Well you know how people say that's my cupcake or that's my baby?? well i took the word boo and spelt it as bew..my friend and i do this a lot haha
[quote=Ms. Dynasty;64922]Oh who cares that my bew bew Mark is hosting?!! Im estactic!! [[Of course i would be biased though hehe]]..I can't get enough of him![/quote]
Man you just love you some Mark don't you?
[QUOTE=jrmdawgs;66068]Are we going to get another Aftershow? I liked it before when there was a weekly Aftershow not one every 5 episodes!![/QUOTE]
As I've written on three occasions now, two Aftershows (for episodes 6 and 8) were taped last Sunday in LA.
[QUOTE=RMD1;66087]What does Dunbar have to say?? UGHHH. The only reason he is on these challenges is so Paula can have 1 strong friend.[/QUOTE]
Opinions may differ. They do among the cast.