Dancing with the Stars

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I missed it last night,what were Melissa's score?
Melissa got a 29. Gilles got the first 30 of the season.
The judges apparently only score without considering the level of difficulty involved. Gilles Argentine Tango hand only basic moves but was almost flawless (except for a misstep in the first 30 seconds which he was not called out for),. Melissa' Lindy Hop was perhaps the most difficult dance I've seen from the amateur cast on any season. In any serious (real)dance competition Melissa and Tony would have easily outscored Gilles and Charyl.
[URL="http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/thedishrag/2009/03/overexposure-alert-melissa-rycroft-approached-by-playboy.html"]Melissa Rycroft approached by Playboy?[/URL] Lets hope this gets some traction! :wink2:
[QUOTE=Bacchus;56503][URL="http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/thedishrag/2009/03/overexposure-alert-melissa-rycroft-approached-by-playboy.html"]Melissa Rycroft approached by Playboy?[/URL] Lets hope this gets some traction! :wink2:[/QUOTE] She declined the offer, which was actually made public before it actually reached her officially.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=V1man;56522]She declined the offer, which was actually made public before it actually reached her officially.[/quote] Good for her. We'd rather see her in a certain Reality TV Calender by a certain former castmember anyways!! :D
I think the right teams got eliminated this week.
[QUOTE=molds13;56535]I think the right teams got eliminated this week.[/QUOTE] I disagree. Steve-O is not a better dancer than Holly, but I know Holly is secretly relieved. The pain she was going through from the rib injury was most unpleasant, and the meds she was taking for it affected her ability to focus on the dance. It was most unfortunate. Holly, in real life, is a very nice person, and I expect we will see her in a year or so in the movie remake of "Baywatch," which our mutual friend Michael Berk is producing.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=V1man;56589]I expect we will see her in a year or so in the movie remake of "Baywatch," which our mutual friend Michael Berk is producing.[/quote] She'd be [I]perfect[/I] for that!! I hope it works out for her.
[quote=V1man;56589]I disagree. Steve-O is not a better dancer than Holly, but I know Holly is secretly relieved. The pain she was going through from the rib injury was most unpleasant, and the meds she was taking for it affected her ability to focus on the dance. It was most unfortunate. Holly, in real life, is a very nice person, and I expect we will see her in a year or so in the movie remake of "Baywatch," which our mutual friend Michael Berk is producing.[/quote] They're doing a REMAKE?!?!?!?!?!!?!? Yesssssssssssssssssss. I don't think Steve-O is a better dancer either, but I do think he's a bit better at dealing with his injuries than Holly was. It's always hard to see someone go through an injury.
I have no idea why I'm watching this, but Julianne Hough just won an American Country Music award for Top New Artist...and her sexxxxxxxy boyfriend Chuck was right next to her. What a couple!
Anonymous's picture
Sheesh molds slow night? ;) P.S I shouldn't talk....
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;57789]Sheesh molds slow night? ;) P.S I shouldn't talk....[/quote] Slow is an understatement. The sun went down, so I couldn't lay out anymore :) I turned it on hoping the Amazing Race was on, and was surprised/sad when it wasn't. I actually watched it for an hour before Celebrity Apprentice came on. And I do not listen to country. But maybe I should start, they have some hot guys!
My play by play (thank you, DVR): Julianne looks a hell of a lot different with no makeup on. Their waltz was just ok. Nothing to brag about. LT was off. Off at the beginning, off on some of the hand clasps, just...off. He just looks kind of awkward dancing. Shawn looked gorgeous! Mark totally looks like he wants to hook up with her. They have great chemistry together. Melissa was good, but I kinda like her better when she smiles. They also looked kind of off. A HORRIBLE rendition of Poker Face. I really don't like this band. David always cracks me up. BAM! Fine bottle of wine. I liked his pink pants. His facial expression at the beginning looked like he was about to dance the paso...THIS BAND IS TERRIBLE. Another so-so performance. Gilles...ahhhh. I saw the SATC movie for the first time last week (I know, right?), and I must say...DAYUMMMMMM. Gilles is HOT with like, 7 T's. A no-shirt performance? Thank YOU. Damn it, she had to put it on. He just has this sexiness to him that I think really brings the chemistry between he and Cheryl. Of course, it probably helps that she's the best female dancer. He just looks...strong. And masculine. Both help. Obviously the high score again. Steve-O...oh Steve-O. Yay for him getting his highest score yet. Boo for having it be the lowest of the night. Really cool to have his friends there supporting him. Lacey looks pretty, as usual. A little lax on footwork, but not too shabby! Ty's so cute! They're a good match for each other. Plus I looooove Chelsie! Interesting choice of song. They took a step back. He looked stiff and a little awkward. And almost kicked her in the head at the end! And they ALWAYS cut to Jewel afterward. My DVR is now up to speed, right before Derek and Lil Kim. This song totally reminds me of the last song at the 8th grade dance. She looks strong and beautiful in that dress. Overall, I think she did a great job. Could say her best dance of the season thus far. I think the bottom teams are going to be Ty and Chelsie and Steve-O and Lacey. I dunno about Lawrence and Edyta though...we'll see!
Ugh...haven't seen who's been eliminated yet, but I can already tell it wasn't the right person. I just hope it's not Ty and Chelsie.
Well, if they send the better team home like they do every week, then David will be going home :( LT's dance was HORRIBLE. David's was way better. Annnnnnnnd I knew it. Fan voting should totally count for no more than 25%.
[quote=molds13;58231]Well, if they send the better team home like they do every week, then David will be going home :( LT's dance was HORRIBLE. David's was way better. Annnnnnnnd I knew it. Fan voting should totally count for no more than 25%.[/quote] I didn't watch last night, does that mean that David Allen Grier went home?
[QUOTE=needsalife;58238]I didn't watch last night, does that mean that David Allen Grier went home?[/QUOTE] Yes. The judges scored him way better than LT but the fan votes were too heavily in Taylor's favor.
I haven't really been watching but I did catch Gilles and Melissa's Paso Double and let me just say...Gilles is freaking HOT you aren't lying Molds...I would say he gets about 13 T's though. I was mesmerized. Melissa was really good...I hate to say it but she gives Megan (Hauserman) a run for "Best Torso" in my book...her abs are freeaking AMAzing! I saw a couple others but I don't remember them.
[quote=Stacee_Danielle;58246]I haven't really been watching but I did catch Gilles and Melissa's Paso Double and let me just say...Gilles is freaking HOT you aren't lying Molds...I would say he gets about 13 T's though. I was mesmerized. Melissa was really good...I hate to say it but she gives Megan (Hauserman) a run for "Best Torso" in my book...her abs are freeaking AMAzing! I saw a couple others but I don't remember them.[/quote] I only caught Melissa and Gilles as well...and I completely agree. Melissa is such a hit on there, and beautiful. I wonder if Molly and Jason watch together and feel like jerks.
Dear ABC, PLEASE, PLEASE, [SIZE=4]PLEASE[/SIZE] hire new singers. My eardrums are bleeding. XOXO, Molds
Anonymous's picture
I'm so bummed. I've worked late the last few Mondays. I missed the show. :( I'm sure Melissa did well tonight. Aside from that, did I miss anything exciting?
[quote=Insider;59800]I'm so bummed. I've worked late the last few Mondays. I missed the show. :( I'm sure Melissa did well tonight. Aside from that, did I miss anything exciting?[/quote] Lil Kim outscored everyone with a 28! Melissa had a 27, Gilles and Shawn got 26. Steve-O (16) and Ty (18) had the lowest scores of the night.
I have not been keeping up with this show. Glad to see Melissa is still in the top echelon.
Anonymous's picture
Mark Ballas must REALLY like dancing with Shawn Johnson.... [URL="http://toppayingideas.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/shawn-johnson-mark-ballas-boner.jpg"][IMG]http://toppayingideas.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/shawn-johnson-mark-ballas-boner.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
Haha I saw that a few weeks ago. He seems quite in to her and I don't think she has a clue!
Well, the two right teams were in the bottom two, and the right team finally went home.
Uh oh! [URL="http://www.upi.com/Entertainment_News/2009/04/16/Ty-Murray-injured-in-dance-rehearsal/UPI-20111239935154/"]Ty Murray injured in dance rehearsal - UPI.com[/URL] Shiners are sexy!
Melissa's dance was HOT!
