Cut Throat - Shauvon Torres

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Cut Throat - Shauvon Torres


First Appearance: Real World: Sydney Making a 3rd appearance on a Challange, Shavoun returns hoping to remove the memory of her injury on The Ruins from the mind of viewers. While not a great competitor, she manages to attract drama, as she was part of the reason for the whole CT/Adam brawl. Her feud with Emilee via Twitter will also now be showcased on the Challenge for all to see. Challenges: Duel 2, The Ruins

If she ever makes it past episode 3 of a Challenge she should feel accomplished
Anonymous's picture
I really hope she exceeds others expectations and does very well.
I would personally rather never see Shauvon on a challenge again, but I guess there always has to be someone that isn't too great at competitions. From the trailers it seems there are some water challenges, so let's pray she doesn't pop another implant.
Oh man... Please, not again! She is pathetic, ridiculous, illiterate, stupid, weak and unable to try to look like simple normal girl. Why is she coming back? People laugh at her. [COLOR=#000][COLOR=#000][/COLOR][/COLOR]
Maybe she loves making people laugh, that's why she's back
Maybe. But it's so stupid. I'm sure, it's gonna be another 'epic fail' of Shauvon.
C'mon guys, like Beth said on the Duel, why not come back? Yeah, Shauvon isn't a good competitor, but so what? Going on the challenge provides a free vacation, you get to party and hang out with a bunch of crazy people, and you get to have fun on challenges. And there's a chance you could win money/prizes for pretty much having fun. Yeah Shauvon's chances are alot slimmer than everybody else, but she has 0% chance by not going. Anyways, I think a fun challenge series wager would be to bet on who will win a 1 vs. 1 elimination first, Casey or Shauvon.
do you guys imagine how would look Casey vs. Shauvon fight? I would do many things that I can see it.
[QUOTE=4realWORLD;208308]do you guys imagine how would look Casey vs. Shauvon fight? I would do many things that I can see it.[/QUOTE] I think Shauvon would personally kick Casey's ***. I think they both are horrible at competitions, but I would think Shauvon would completely smear Casey in any type of fight.
I personally feel Shauvon would be like an Aneesa. Although Shauvon is terrible at the challenges, on a one on one elimination I feel she would kick *** if it was physical. In her duel with Aneesa, she put up one hell of a fight. Looking at her at first I thought she was gonna be prissy and not want to get physical but in that duel she just attacked and got physical. I do feel in an elimination she can do good.
[QUOTE=rwrrfan;208314]I personally feel Shauvon would be like an Aneesa. Although Shauvon is terrible at the challenges, on a one on one elimination I feel she would kick *** if it was physical. In her duel with Aneesa, she put up one hell of a fight. Looking at her at first I thought she was gonna be prissy and not want to get physical but in that duel she just attacked and got physical. I do feel in an elimination she can do good.[/QUOTE] I agree with ya there. She actually went down fighting, and for calling Aneesa out in the first place takes guts. Like you said, she sucks at challenges (but not even THAT bad, I would actually choose her over [I]some[/I] females, but I'd like to see her in some more 1 vs. 1 eliminations against females who's skill levels vary.
Anonymous's picture
The one person I think can beat her regardless of size advantage is......... Ev!
[QUOTE=rey2pokey;208338]The one person I think can beat her regardless of size advantage is......... Ev![/QUOTE] I'm sure most people can beat her despite their size.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=fabulous788;208342]I'm sure most people can beat her despite their size.[/QUOTE] Yes that's true but c'mon Ev, she can beat anybody lol well maybe not but still. :D
I love Shauvon, but just because she's [unintentionally] amusing. SHAUVON FTW!
Anonymous's picture
Shauvy is back!! lol the nickname Evan gave her haha.
Anonymous's picture
Why is she the only one that looks like she came dressed for a Halloween party in her pic?
I actually love Shavoun! :D Is it just me, or has she slimmed down quite a bit?
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;208391] Is it just me, or has she slimmed down quite a bit?[/QUOTE] I think it's just you.
[QUOTE=OtherPplsDrama;208383]Why is she the only one that looks like she came dressed for a Halloween party in her pic?[/QUOTE] I think she looks more like a "senorita" at a Mexican themed restaurant...
Anonymous's picture
She just tries to hard to fit in or look sexy lol.
Hope this lying, shady ***** gets sent packing real quick.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;208391]I actually love Shavoun! :D Is it just me, or has she slimmed down quite a bit?[/QUOTE] She has! Look at her in the cutthroat trailers! She has had some face work done and slimmed done! I just wished she would have trained and gotten into shape while she was skipping FM2 and then came back and kicked butt for cutthroat. I'd want the same for Brooke, Beth and Casey. Just cuz folks hate Beth. But I can just see Shauvon bringing Abram's and Sarah's team down. Sucks for them!!
i like shauvon but she's really blew her chance at any sort of career or being taken seriously. she gained weight (tho it looks like she lost some of it) and she looks trashy and had work done. i personally think she looks waaay better with her natural hair color.
For some reason I really like Shavoun. Every time she comes on screen, whether she is speaking or not, I laugh. Did anyone else think that she looked like a Cabbage Patch Kid when she was wearing her glasses and sitting down during the first challenge? And everytime I see a pink bow tie, I think of her. [url=][img][/img][/url]
"Every time she comes on screen, whether she is speaking or not, I laugh" Me too!!!
Anonymous's picture
''I ill kill you in your face'' bahahaha.
[QUOTE=Youssarian;212830]"Every time she comes on screen, whether she is speaking or not, I laugh" Me too!!![/QUOTE] agree. she looks funny,NOT sexy..
I still don't get why so many people can't stand her. Yeah, she's a sucky competitor, but so is Brooke and people love her!!!
I love Shauvon! :)
