[QUOTE=Laurel;214085]Hi. I have read a few comments on here. I understand where you guys are coming from. I get the anger. I deserve this backlash. I don't even know what next weeks episode will be like, but it is probably disgusting. I'm so horrified by my behavior and I just can not believe I would even act like that. I want to apologize to all of you who watch the show and talk about the show on here. Fan of me or not, that is not for me to decide. I respect everyone's opinion and I am not happy that this happened, behavior like that that is just plain disgusting. ******* disgusting.
I hope that none of you are ever subjected, were ever subjected or will ever be subjected to someone acting like that. I want to thank anyone out there who has been able to forgive me - I am working on forgiving myself. What I do know is that this is a real moment in the timeline of my life. I did those things. I am ABSOLUTELY not proud of it. I was ashamed of that behavior and I apologized to Eric the next day. He did not accept my apology. I understand why. I'm sorry Eric - again. I'm sorry to all of you who have to watch it. And I hope that no one sets that as an example of how to be or how to act. It is NOT RIGHT!!!!
I can only move forward from here. There is no going back. To be honest, the reason that I didn't want to do real world when I made it to the finals is because I thought that something like this would come out in me because I am somewhat aware of who I am and I know that I had the ability to do something like that. Well, you can not hide from who you are forever. I will own up to everything I said. I will continue to say it is wrong, and that I hope no one will ever repeat or act like I did then in Prague. And I understand all of you who are angry. I am so sorry to have even put this on your television screen. I'm sorry.
Thank you for even reading,
Well, firstly let me say welcome to Vevmo, even if you don't plan on doing any further posting/viewing, welcome.
Personally, I appreciate you doing the Facebook apology as well as the one you posted here, so thank you. You actually seem sincere about the apologies and aren't just passing it off as nothing like a lot of others would, takes a big person (no pun intended about your height there haha) to confront so many people not know the reaction you're gonna receive. And while I still feel like you were completely out of line, like even yourself knows you were, I'm glad you are taking this head on and not taking the aggressive, self-protecting approach but trying to defend your actions and making up excuses.
So overall Laurel, I definitely was upset when I saw the video, but I feel the apologies are making up for it, to me at least. Again, welcome and I hope you continue to participate here. And I'm sorry to try and add a little lightening to the situation here, but Laurel, if you read this, how tall are you exactly? Lol I don't remember if it was ever covered and I figure, who'd know better than yourself.
Thank you Morris for being kind. I will continue to read comments about this. I will address as many as I can. I think it is important for me to read and absorb the negative comments about my behavior. One thing I do not want, is for anyone to say that it is okay for me to have acted that way. Because that behavior was not okay. I will not allow myself and do not want anyone else to say that that is okay and that is one of the many reasons I am addressing it. I do believe that good things will eventually come from my terrible behavior. 1) I will never act that way again. 2) I do not think I will ever be able to judge someone again for their behavior because I myself, today was at probably one of the lowest points of my life and I would not wish that upon anyone. I am suffering my own consequences as a result of my behavior and the negative comments are part of this. There are many things in my life that I have run from. But it is time, now, to take responsibility. Face it. And learn.
I can appreciate when someone can honestly own up to their mistakes. As far as learning from it, time will tell. But thanks for your response to everything. I'm sure we've all done some things (especially in youth) that could be considered despicable by some. Though, lucky for us our moments weren't displayed on television to be publicly condemned.
[QUOTE=Laurel;214112]Thank you Morris for being kind. I will continue to read comments about this. I will address as many as I can. I think it is important for me to read and absorb the negative comments about my behavior. One thing I do not want, is for anyone to say that it is okay for me to have acted that way. Because that behavior was not okay. I will not allow myself and do not want anyone else to say that that is okay and that is one of the many reasons I am addressing it. I do believe that good things will eventually come from my terrible behavior. 1) I will never act that way again. 2) I do not think I will ever be able to judge someone again for their behavior because I myself, today was at probably one of the lowest points of my life and I would not wish that upon anyone. I am suffering my own consequences as a result of my behavior and the negative comments are part of this. There are many things in my life that I have run from. But it is time, now, to take responsibility. Face it. And learn.[/QUOTE]
Very well said and thank you for the reply! While the event did knock you down a few notches on my list, the way you're confronting the issue put you right back up because honestly, you're doing all you can do to move the entire issue further on until it becomes a thing of the past, so good for you. It takes a high level of maturity to take the approach you are, so if people in the future choose to hold this against you (whether in your normal life or castmembers on future challenges) then just know that you've done what you could have and that's all you need to worry about.
I thank Laurel too, it totally caught me off guard, but I'm very glad that she admits and apologizes about her mistakes, so thank you Laurel if you get to read this.
[QUOTE=OtherPplsDrama;214116]I can appreciate when someone can honestly own up to their mistakes. As far as learning from it, time will tell. But thanks for your response to everything. I'm sure we've all done some things (especially in youth) that could be considered despicable by some. Though, lucky for us our moments weren't displayed on television to be publicly condemned.[/QUOTE]
Amen to that! I'm sure we've all definitely done something of the sort, just not on television. I'm really glad Laurel apologized for it :D
In these times we live in, you have to be careful what you say to others. Who knows what makes people be really mean and nasty towards others. No one truly knows. People need to choose their words carefully.
Laurel, though I do appreciate that you have stated that you are sorry to Eric, and the public. I was wondering what you think made you say those things in the first place. Those were some horrible things that you said.
I hope you will learn and grow from this experience. I liked you in fm2. Right now, I have lost all respect for you. Hopefully, This will change.
It's one thing to say those horrible things in the heat of the moment to someone you're arguing with & quite another to attack an innocent guy unprovoked & out of nowhere with such viciousness. That's borderline evil.
Hey Laurel! It's nice to hear from you, and to hear that you do feel bad and have apologized and want to make clear that it is NOT ok to act/talk like that. Considering what you said about how you knew and were afraid that this could come out of you: have you considered therapy of some kind? Please don't take this to mean that I think you're crazy or deranged or anything like that. But the way you talked about it made it sound like a problem that was bigger than you, almost something out of your control, like alcoholism is. Obviously acknowledging the problem is a HUGE first step, so kudos to you for taking that step. But sometimes a little extra help is needed, and it seems as though behavior like this has deep roots in past experiences.
When I watched the preview with Eric I couldn't help but cringe. Then I started thinking about things I've said in my worst moments (usually when drinking lol), and I know I don't mean those things, and I know I'm not a bad person. What if these moments were broadcast to a couple million people? I couldn't even begin to imagine that feeling. So I try not to judge any "characters" from these challenges.
I still like laurel, because i don't think you should judge someone by one stupid thing they did. I'm pretty sure that everyone has said something to someone that hurt the other person and felt terrible after they said that. So don't judge her just by seeing that, being in a house with a lot of people, doing challenges and partying and getting awfully drunk probably isn't that good for you mood. I would get irritated by people too and might say something horrible, so i won't judge her.
this of course doesn't make it right to talk to people like that, but that's why i think it's good she apologized.
(And don't judge me on my english, it's not my first language.)
Kudos to Laurel for recognition for bad behavior and its consequences. Now if Evan and Kenny would only apologize for some of the hurtful things they have done and said to women on the challenge shows over the years, I might be less inclined to think Laurel's contrition would be less meaningful and outside the norm for an MTV show.
I'm going to sound like an ******* saying this, but as you all already know I don't care. Either way, I LOVE this Laurel...talk about drama hallelujah the girl brought it! She's like a combination of Veronica & Rachel....she's awesome! I love that girl haha.
[QUOTE=Laurel;214099]Thanks Entropy. I read it. I know what you mean. I am not just trying to apologize to a bunch of internet people, but currently as I am feeling these emotions that is who I can reach. I don't know if the apology to Eric will be shown. I don't know what will. All I know is that I will call him and say it to him personally if someone will just give me his number. I'm sure you can understand that he wants nothing to do with me. If he is on the reunion I will tell him there if I am unable to reach him by phone. I will own up to this. I will let that terrible behavior change me for the better. I am just sorry to all who were exposed to it.[/QUOTE]
I think it does take a lot to man up and apologize to somebody and hopefully you can grow from this experience, as for now I think it's important that you try to fix the situation as much as possible, which is what you're trying to do so that's good. Definitely apologize at the reunion like you said and all you can do is go up. You're a tough competitor, I can tell from the show, and with the right attitude you could definitely shift these challenges as much as you want.
I'm sorry Laurel but I don't believe you're being sincere, not just yet. I understand being drunk can make you lose your control and say stupid stuff (usually to people who you were mad at) at that moment. Like, I know you and Mandi don't get along after FM 2 because she made fun of you, so when you were drunk, you humiliated her .... that's still not fine, but it is understandable, while this time, you were ... attacking Eric ... literally ... words after word after word, and he actually didn't say anything back to you.
Laurel, Cara Maria said you have this sweet and beautiful side of you and I'm sure a lot of people see it. But it doesn't mean that it's ok to let the mean/*****y side out there to hurt people feelings. I'm not talking about Eric only. You were mean to Darrell (on the after show - "whatever Darrell, you went home"), you were mean to Cara Maria (on the after show - accusing her of cheating on her pull ups and "whatever, I'm still stronger than you" ), you were mean to Carley (whether she deserves to win or not, at least she made it to the top of that mountain by herself, on her own feet and every single step she made, it was always ahead of you), you were mean to Mandi and now Eric. I know everybody makes mistakes, I'm sorry if I seem to be judgmental but you just made so many mistakes in the past. I don't think it's right for Mandi to make fun of you, but if you do want to be a better person, you don't just apologize to [I]one[/I] person.
[QUOTE=dylan76;214007]C U Next Tuesday, Laurel. What a piece of trash. I never liked Eric much, but to see his face while being attacked was hard to watch. Where was Katie when this was happening? Hopefully she woulda had the balls to stand up to that scuzzball. I hope this turns everyone against her & she is a target from here on out. Or better yet, she never shows her face on a challenge again.[/QUOTE]
Actually I am happy Katie was not around. She can take the jokes and attacks when it comes to herself, but if someone is belittling or attacking a friend, that's when fists start flying.
It was nice for her to own up, no doubt, but what she said can not be erased. Eric will remember Laurel for calling him fat and ugly. I wonder how it was for him in High School? He just looked stunned and sad. To know someone is judging you on appearance is a very low thing.
Saying you have a small weiner wasn't nice but it's not as bad as attacking him about his weight or looks. That part of your body is always covered up and guys usually take the "you have a small *****" with a grain of salt. But when it comes to body image and confidence that is something no one should ever attack you for.
[QUOTE=CrazyRealityGuy;214171]Actually I am happy Katie was not around. She can take the jokes and attacks when it comes to herself, but if someone is belittling or attacking a friend, that's when fists start flying.
It was nice for her to own up, no doubt, but what she said can not be erased. Eric will remember Laurel for calling him fat and ugly. I wonder how it was for him in High School? He just looked stunned. To know someone is judging you on appearance is a very low thing. Saying you have a small weiner was ok, because she never saw it, or even if she did, people joke about that, but when it comes to body image and confidence that is something no one should ever attack you for.[/QUOTE]
Huh ???.... Nothing hurts for a guy more than being said to have a small ***** ... it affects their ... manhood !!!!
[QUOTE=Hamahami;214175]Huh ???.... Nothing hurts for a guy more than being said to have a small ***** ... it affects their ... manhood !!!![/QUOTE]
Yeah but you don't know if she really saw it. It's not as bad. You can tell he is overweight, you can't tell if he has a big ding **** or not. If that's all she said it wouldn't have been as bad!
Laurel is turning into some alcoholic drunk *****.. I mean seriously, she's drunk on this challenge every night! Please someone just give her a reality check. Liked the fact that Dan stood up for Eric:)
[QUOTE=producer88;214152]I'm going to sound like an ******* saying this, but as you all already know I don't care. Either way, I LOVE this Laurel...talk about drama hallelujah the girl brought it! She's like a combination of Veronica & Rachel....she's awesome! I love that girl haha.[/QUOTE]
Way to be...
Just watched that. Telling a guy he's unsexable and disgusting and that no woman would ever want to touch him is just as damaging as telling a girl that. You know he's probably already insecure about his weight and feel unattractive and unloved to start with. Saying that is just brutal.
And unforgivable.
If I produced the show I'd have sent her home. That's way worse than slapping someone.
[QUOTE=CastAStone;214245]Just watched that. Telling a guy he's unsexable and disgusting and that no woman would ever want to touch him is just as damaging as telling a girl that. [B]You know he's probably already insecure about his weight and feel unattractive and unloved to start with.[/B] Saying that is just brutal.
And unforgivable.
If I produced the show I'd have sent her home. That's way worse than slapping someone.[/QUOTE]
Obviously he wanted to get in better shape and a little healthier but I've never viewed Eric as self loathing or insecure. He always seemed like a genuinely good guy who everyone liked on the challenges.
I don't think Veronica & Rachel were THIS bad lol and besides I think they were more so joking around with people. Laurel is straight up being a ***** for no reason. None of it was funny or entertaining she looked like a complete *******.
Hahaha I can't stop looking at this sneak peak...I can't wait! I always said what this challenge is missing is a real bad girl. A strong woman physically, mentally, and has a good mouth to argue back. I wish this Laurel never leaves imo...I want her to continue to be real, and not play the I'm nice (if she isn't). The rest of the world could get over themselves, because we all have a flaw. Laurel be you, and keep cursing some of these people out hahaha.
[QUOTE=CastAStone;214245]Just watched that. Telling a guy he's unsexable and disgusting and that no woman would ever want to touch him is just as damaging as telling a girl that. You know he's probably already insecure about his weight and feel unattractive and unloved to start with. Saying that is just brutal.
And unforgivable.
If I produced the show I'd have sent her home. That's way worse than slapping someone.[/QUOTE]
Well sending her home for something like this would have gone a little bit too far... Things like this have happened before, Kenny does it all the time. Kenny might be joking, but he isn't sorry for anything he has ever said to someone. Laurel did this while she was drunk AND apologized afterwards and is pretty ashamed of her self. So don't judge to quick.
[QUOTE=DutchRWfan;214261]So don't judge to quick.[/QUOTE]
She still said it. Can't be unsaid. Just like an abusive husband's apologies - even if sincere - shouldn't take away the fact that he's a wifebeater.