Cut Throat - Laurel Stucky

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[QUOTE=Morris1721;217382]Hm, interesting about Ashley, though I don't remember much of her. Does anybody know if she and Laurel close?[/QUOTE] I would say so. I saw her defend Laurel a lot against anyone and anything negative on laurel wall. I understand she is presenting for a beer company, it's fine to drink if you can control it but she did NOT need to say the "fat redhead" comment no matter what. I thought she's fake and I didn't believe in her "wanna be a better person" but I gave her a benefit of a doubt. She blew it ... AGAIN.
[QUOTE=Hamahami;217391]I would say so. I saw her defend Laurel a lot against anyone and anything negative on laurel wall. I understand she is presenting for a beer company, it's fine to drink if you can control it but she did NOT need to say the "fat redhead" comment no matter what. I thought she's fake and I didn't believe in her "wanna be a better person" but I gave her a benefit of a doubt. She blew it ... AGAIN.[/QUOTE] That was messed up, agreed. She acts like this whole thing is just a joke and that people will laugh about it soon enough.
[QUOTE=eggs78;217352]I for one never bought her apology: [/QUOTE] What a ******* joke. She's a joke.
Wow that is ****ed up.
She is starting to understand that she needs to start drama in order to make the cast, because her physical abilities are questionable.
Laurel is a mess, I wish the duel 2 was back it was a classier set of cast.
Wow, and that is coming from Ashley - THE person from the DC cast who was hurt by nearly every possible comment, and cried each time. That's just ridiculous.
Ashley is a nobody. She is a ****. What Laurel said was offensive. End of story. Ashley is trying to look like a bad-*** so she can try and regain 15 minutes of her Z-list fame, while in the process she looks like a total loser. If she is arguing with someone via Facebook, she needs a life. Especially over someone else's wall.
True. You know, I really hope we will see Laurel in the next Challenge becauze she brings DRAMA. I really like drama on these shows. And of rookies.
Interview with Laurel. Gosh, i love her [url=]YouTube - Murtz Jaffer Interviews MTV Cutthroat's Laurel Stucky Part 1[/url] [url=]YouTube - Murtz Jaffer Interviews MTV Cutthroat's Laurel Stucky Part 2[/url] [url=]YouTube - Murtz Jaffer Interviews MTV Cutthroat's Laurel Stucky Part 3[/url] [url=]YouTube - Murtz Jaffer Interviews MTV Cutthroat's Laurel Stucky Part 4[/url] [url=]YouTube - Murtz Jaffer Interviews MTV Cutthroat's Laurel Stucky Part 5[/url] [url=]YouTube - Murtz Jaffer Interviews MTV Cutthroat's Laurel Stucky Part 6[/url] [url=]YouTube - Murtz Jaffer Interviews MTV Cutthroat's Laurel Stucky Part 7[/url]
Her interview is a waste of my time. After first 10 minutes, the guy talked more than her. All she did is "uhm...oh...huh??? ..... what you ask me? ... you confused me ... blah blah blah .... uhm....oh...huh?..." I mean ... wth ??? She always talks about how "oh, Cara Maria has a weak mind and yada yada" but then she wants/hopes/expects Kenny to be there to support her in the challenge.
[QUOTE=molds13;217365]On Facebook. To sum up the first part, Laurel told people to tune into Cutthroat, and someone asked if she was going to belittle another man because of his size. He said that what she said was hurtful, shameful, and beyond rude. Also said that he had been ridiculed his whole life for his size, and how her tirade made him feel like the fat kid in elementary school all over again. And then Ashley said this:[/QUOTE] I actually agree with Ashley here - why would that guy be "hurt" by a comment not directed at him? Laurel doesn't even know he exists! FFS.
[QUOTE=mtv*****;217500]I actually agree with Ashley here - why would that guy be "hurt" by a comment not directed at him? Laurel doesn't even know he exists! FFS.[/QUOTE] Well, but she apparently knows that people like him exist. Her comment was general, thus could be directed at anyone, ergo him, too.
[QUOTE=mtv*****;217500]I actually agree with Ashley here - why would that guy be "hurt" by a comment not directed at him? Laurel doesn't even know he exists! FFS.[/QUOTE] Just because hurtful words aren't directed towards you doesn't mean they can't have an effect on you. He said that he related to the weight problems Eric has been dealing with so hearing Laurel attack him for that problem brought back similar memories of being bullied and attacked for his weight. He knows Laurel wasn't attacking him personally but those words hit close enough to home that they hurt him too. I think that is very understandable and reasonable. Heck, I was hurt and offended by those words. They are disappointing for someone to hear throw around so lightly seemingly just to get a reaction. We should react as a society when we hear/see someone attack another person as if they were attacking us because it's not okay. Plus, Ashley then goes on to personally attack him for his weight struggles making her just a much of a bully as Laurel was when she attacked Eric. I have no sympathy for either of them right now and it will take a lot for me to believe another word out of their mouth. Another apology or backtracking would be the same as crying "wolf" right now for me.
It seems like you are all hypersensitive, I don't even get what wrong she's done. "Gonna call a lot of fat redheads." Are the words, "fat," and "redhead," some type of new hate slang? Would her saying, "Gonna call a lot of black gay guys," be offensive? Is drunk dialing wrong? Should she not try to hook up with somebody who reminds her of Eric? Do you all judge your friends this harshly for every word they say after having a few beers? Genuinely confused here.
Alcohol and facebook do not mix. I have a hard time taking any of this very seriously. Bravo to Bacchus for his earlier "Move on" comment/image. Now if people would just follow his lead...
The fat red-head part did not seem out of bounds to me---it was all that about his lack of "prowess" was where she crossed the line IMO. It isn't as if others have not commented on his size in the past.
ok murtz was annoying me throughout that interview. he kept grilling her and making it about him. he was so wrapped up in himself he forgot to go back to the topic of "are you single?" which i'd LOVE to know, b/c i get the impression her and able are dating. do you remember, at the end of the 1st cutthroat aftershow, paula goes, "and we'll be talking about an unlikely couple" and pointed to abe and laurel? and the way laurel responded to him in the 4th cutthroat confessional made me wonder even more.
[QUOTE=V1man;217505]Alcohol and facebook do not mix. I have a hard time taking any of this very seriously. Bravo to Bacchus for his earlier "Move on" comment/image. Now if people would just follow his lead...[/QUOTE] I agree with this. Plus, is the fact that she said those things to Eric (and apologized for it after) mean she could never say the words "fat" or "redhead" again in her life or else her apology would have meant nothing? No. I think that judging her on that is ridiculous. You can never really know what tone someone is writing with or what their intentions are, and just because someone was offended, didn't mean she meant to offend anyone. It's as though Brad comes back and joked by saying "Let me get drunk and get into a fight since this house is boring" Does that mean he didn't mean his apology to Darrel? Someone might get offended and say "Drunk fighting is not a laughing matter and I lost a family member due to that." Hey, people will always be offended. Say what you want, but my opinion is that(comment on fb) was not disrespectful in any way.
[QUOTE=mtv*****;217517]ok murtz was annoying me throughout that interview. he kept grilling her and making it about him. he was so wrapped up in himself he forgot to go back to the topic of "are you single?" which i'd LOVE to know, b/c i get the impression her and able are dating. do you remember, at the end of the 1st cutthroat aftershow, paula goes, "and we'll be talking about an unlikely couple" and pointed to abe and laurel? and the way laurel responded to him in the 4th cutthroat confessional made me wonder even more.[/QUOTE] Um, pretty sure Abe and Cara Maria are dating.
[QUOTE=molds13;217521]Um, pretty sure Abe and Cara Maria are dating.[/QUOTE] ohhh are they? i know they're hooking up on the show but i didn't know they were dating. very cool, they're perfect for each other!
[QUOTE=tatertots;217503]Just because hurtful words aren't directed towards you doesn't mean they can't have an effect on you. He said that he related to the weight problems Eric has been dealing with so hearing Laurel attack him for that problem brought back similar memories of being bullied and attacked for his weight. He knows Laurel wasn't attacking him personally but those words hit close enough to home that they hurt him too. I think that is very understandable and reasonable. Heck, I was hurt and offended by those words. They are disappointing for someone to hear throw around so lightly seemingly just to get a reaction. We should react as a society when we hear/see someone attack another person as if they were attacking us because it's not okay. Plus, Ashley then goes on to personally attack him for his weight struggles making her just a much of a bully as Laurel was when she attacked Eric. I have no sympathy for either of them right now and it will take a lot for me to believe another word out of their mouth. Another apology or backtracking would be the same as crying "wolf" right now for me.[/QUOTE] i dunno. i guess i've never been The Fat Kid or whatever, so that didn't hit home for me quite the way it did for others. I'm not saying I condone her comments but after watching the unedited version in the Challenge Dailies, it's clear he kind of provoked her, too. MTV made it look like he just stood there and took it. whatevs. I've moved on.
[QUOTE=mtv*****;217517]ok murtz was annoying me throughout that interview. he kept grilling her and making it about him. he was so wrapped up in himself he forgot to go back to the topic of "are you single?" which i'd LOVE to know, b/c i get the impression her and able are dating. do you remember, at the end of the 1st cutthroat aftershow, paula goes, "and we'll be talking about an unlikely couple" and pointed to abe and laurel? and the way laurel responded to him in the 4th cutthroat confessional made me wonder even more.[/QUOTE] Of course Murtz is going to make the interview about himself. It is what he does as the host of the Canadian TV show, Reality Obsessed. I've known Murtz for years and he is a funny, funny guy who has a good thing going for himself. He is a favorites of cast members across a very wide variety of reality shows. In one episode of next season's "RS," he has stages a wedding to marry Natalie, the winner of Bachelor Pad, complete with Bachelor series Best Man and Maid of Honor. At the last minute he leaves her at the alter to get to the Big Brother finale party which he just can't miss because he's.... yes, obsessed. Murtz may be all my fault. We allowed him to shoot his pilot show at our Sexiest Women of Reality TV Calendar Launch Party in LA a few years ago. Maybe she's dating Murtz? He'd love that.[url=][img][/img][/url] Murtz, surrounded by (L to R) Shanna Wall, TAR; Gia Allemande, The Bachelorette/Bachelor Pad; and Gwen Gioia, The Bachelorette/Bachelor Pad, at the Reality Rescue charity event near Richmond, VA, in Oct 2010.
As for the Abe/Laurel question..if you pay attention to Cara Maria's twitter her and Abe are still together.
[QUOTE=mtv*****;217517]ok murtz was annoying me throughout that interview. he kept grilling her and making it about him. he was so wrapped up in himself he forgot to go back to the topic of "are you single?" which i'd LOVE to know, b/c i get the impression her and able are dating. do you remember, at the end of the 1st cutthroat aftershow, paula goes, "and we'll be talking about an unlikely couple" and pointed to abe and laurel? and the way laurel responded to him in the 4th cutthroat confessional made me wonder even more.[/QUOTE] Laurel and Abram ??? No way ... he said she's disrespectful and said something really rude to him, plus CM said they hated each other. I'm not surprised since she seems to always look down or even bully CM
When has Laurel bullied CM? Hell she defended her in the dailies a few weeks ago.
[QUOTE=Entropy;217562]When has Laurel bullied CM? Hell she defended her in the dailies a few weeks ago.[/QUOTE] I said "look down or even bully". Some might think it's a "look down", but some might think it's a "bully". I think she both looked down and bullied CM. You might not see it because they didn't show it on TV. She "defended" CM, but she voted her in over ayiiia at the end, it's not really a "defense" to me. There's a short clip that CM walked out of the hot tub topless and "supposedly" laurel ripped CM's shirt off. I saw it on CM's wall and I'm not saying it's true or not (we still have to wait and see, should be the next episode). But laurel always somehow has (negative) stuff to say about CM. Obviously they didn't get along too well. Is laurel a bully? Yes. Does she bullied CM? I think so. To me (maybe just to me), laurel is bitter about the fact that on Meet the meats, CM had a better stat than her. And as competitive as laurel is, she doesn't like that fact. But once again, it's my personal opinion. That's what I heard, and that's what I see on the show. Others don't see it, that's fine. I was just saying that I don't think laurel and Abram is dating.
How is voting for a player bullying?or looking down?I'd love to see these instances where Laurel always has something negative to say about CM cause I've seen all dailies..and I dont see it.
The way Laurel speaks to other people is how she bullies them. She thinks she knows what she is talking about and she has no idea at all. She did bully CM on multiple occasions.
[QUOTE=Entropy;217579]How is voting for a player bullying?or looking down?I'd love to see these instances where Laurel always has something negative to say about CM cause I've seen all dailies..and I dont see it.[/QUOTE] I didn't say voting for CM is bullying. You said laurel defended CM on the daillies (which I did see), but at the end, actions speak more than words. She voted CM instead or ayiiia, so it's not a defense - to me. Like I said, the reason you haven't seen any negative comment laurel talked to and about CM is because they didn't show it, but it doesn't mean it's not there. [QUOTE=RMD1;217583]The way Laurel speaks to other people is how she bullies them. She thinks she knows what she is talking about and she has no idea at all. She did bully CM on multiple occasions.[/QUOTE] THANK YOU !!!!!
