The Challenge: Unpopular Opinions

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I hope this isnt unpopular but we don't need to see people do math, there are plenty of other puzzles out there that aren't boring as shit to watch. 

I hope this isnt unpopular but we don't need to see people do math, there are plenty of other puzzles out there that aren't boring as shit to watch. 

Theyve gotten so lazy with their puzzles 


I hope this isnt unpopular but we don't need to see people do math, there are plenty of other puzzles out there that aren't boring as shit to watch. 

Theyve gotten so lazy with their puzzles 

Yes to both of these. The matching is so boring to watch too.

The crossword on the Inferno was a good one.

The answers all pertained to the season but they weren't obvious either.

Katie figuring out "cold girl" meant Thrishelle was smart.

The challenge coordinators deserve a RAISE and that is a TRUE unpopular opinion. This is the only show on tv besides TAR that has to switch it up every season. There are rarely any repeat competitions besides the "classics". They've tried so hard over the years to keep it fresh and they deserve their flowers for having the brains to keep coming up with new challenges and concepts every season and every spin off. Stay MAD

That is not true lol.

In the BOTSexes 2 preshow special and the first episode, Katie said said that she and Veronica settled their differences and were at that moment friends.  Even sealed with a kiss in the preshow scene.  When they appeared again in Ruins, I guess they didn't talk much either because of V dealing with Tonya or their friendship status was again on flatline...?

In the BOTSexes 2 preshow special and the first episode, Katie said said that she and Veronica settled their differences and were at that moment friends.  Even sealed with a kiss in the preshow scene.  When they appeared again in Ruins, I guess they didn't talk much either because of V dealing with Tonya or their friendship status was again on flatline...?

I think they just edited out their friendship 

I could be wrong...but both have said they were friendly and even hung out a few times

In the BOTSexes 2 preshow special and the first episode, Katie said said that she and Veronica settled their differences and were at that moment friends.  Even sealed with a kiss in the preshow scene.  When they appeared again in Ruins, I guess they didn't talk much either because of V dealing with Tonya or their friendship status was again on flatline...?

they didn't show Veronica being nice to Tonya either, which Katie had said (I think v even gave Tonya clothes or let her borrow them)

regarding Katie and Veronica, I remember Veronica was adamant about not screwing over Katie in a scene with Evan I believe...

Veronica was laughing when they put the plunger in Katie's bed which I think subconsciously triggered Katie and caused her to lash out on Sarah instead for laughing 

Does it really count as casting diversity if fans cant even distinguish what diversity is being representing?  

and I dont mean anyone whose looks are racially ambigious... 

Does it really count as casting diversity if fans cant even distinguish what diversity is being representing?  

and I dont mean anyone whose looks are racially ambigious... 


And, I assume you meant people counted under BIPOC umbrella that very much look white (i.e Moriah)?

There's always been people who don't have big personalities on this show and I think current editing has us acting like more mundane side characters are new/the overall issue of the show.

Do I like Ed? Nah. Can I see why casuals liked him in SLA? Yes.  Do I think he's not playing his role right this season? No.

I feel this way about Priscilla, Brittini Sherrod, Roni, etc. These archetypes have always existed and I do think balance out bigger hotheads in the cast.

That being said I do think you need some type of presence/charisma to work.

Like I said I can see why people liked Ed in SLA, but there's none of that personality on 39.

Desi is a good confessionalist, even if she isn't a huge personality elsewhere.

Likeability is subjective, but I don't think there's a bad thing with a few people per season who are just pleasant to watch.

But, I DO think we came off an era where damn near everyone was arguing so we've been spoiled.


Does it really count as casting diversity if fans cant even distinguish what diversity is being representing?  

and I dont mean anyone whose looks are racially ambigious... 


And, I assume you meant people counted under BIPOC umbrella that very much look white (i.e Moriah)?

exactly, her, jay, and jordan are the ones that come to mind. 

I feel this way about Priscilla, Brittini Sherrod, Roni, etc. These archetypes have always existed and I do think balance out bigger hotheads in the cast.

Brittini and Roni could have been on every season I would have been thrilled.  Kimberly was another excellent person in this role.  They could all compete as well.

I haven't watched this season so I can't comment on Ed but Ed was a good add previously--not a "must" but he doesn't hurt the show

Not getting Jamie, Arielle, Jenny, Violetta, Jason, and Ceejai was a HUGE mistake on productions part.

Arielle i know didn't want to do the show but she really could have  been a FORCE. Kaycee but with personality

Arielle was dumb. This would've been easy money. 

Not getting Jamie, Arielle, Jenny, Violetta, Jason, and Ceejai was a HUGE mistake on productions part.

Arielle i know didn't want to do the show but she really could have  been a FORCE. Kaycee but with personality

At least they tried to get Jamie and Jenny. They both kept saying no. And we'll the one time Jamie said yes, they waited last minute to give her details so she had to back out.

I'm still confused why Jason was never asked. Ceejai never being asked is dumb.

The fact they won't ask Violetta back bc she asked for a copy of her psyche exam is sus.

Invasion should've just been all rookies.

Call in the champs we  got for some eliminations like 39 and call it a day.

Arielle was dumb. This would've been easy money. 

Could've won the season.

It's actually a shame how many names from the late MTV era either declined or production just didn't give a chance.

The Invasion class deserved a team season.

And, that's why I don't hold only Ashley and Hunter winning against them because all the generations before got a big team season so obviously more of them ended up making finals and winning. And, even then Shane and Amanda are the only two to make it to the Oasis that never touched a final (should've been safe after the Bloodbath but whatever).

Invasion did need a team format and that could've been 31. Vendettas was unnecessary, and the influx of other shows wasn't needed at that point. 

Invasion did need a team format and that could've been 31. Vendettas was unnecessary, and the influx of other shows wasn't needed at that point. 

I agree. They should've held off until WOTW to bring in the Brits and BB people, FR being the closing chapter on RR-RW (and AYTO) would've made sense.

I do think we lose a couple of good moments doing that but the home team was capable of providing.

Taylor (AYTO5) would've been the best blonde representation on the challenge outside of Marie in years.  

She was so trashy, I think she deserved a spot. Her and Kailah's beef would've been iconic. 

Im sick of people saying the peanut gallery helping is part of the game and creates storylines. there may have only been a few times (if even that) where a storyline came out of someone rooting for someone unexpected in the elimination. Its not entertaining to watch people listen to answers get called out. Its also not a requirement of the game, see exiles on fresh meat.  

If they INSIST on keeping the peanut gallery, have them only help for a preselected amount of time, then a partition comes up, blocking their view so they cant help, so ultimately the win still isnt handed to them because they have to complete it on their own. That way its even more dramatic-peanut gallery freaking out, wondering whats going on. Horn blows, commercial break, dramatic pause where they cut to interviews of the peanut gallery speculating who won, then the dramatic reveal when they see who won.

The champs getting equalizers is a good thing.

Throwing them eliminations we know they can win adds zero stakes. They just needed to keep that energy for all of them.

Jordan, Devin, and Kaycee all got eliminations that directly played to their strengths even if they hadn't done them before.

Darrell's elimination against Kyland was fine as a concept and that was something he could've won.

Laurel's elimination is in-line with stuff she's done before, she lost that being frustrated.

And, Cara would've been better in Tori's elimination. But, she should've been copying Michele, she's stronger than her, she wasn't thinking like a vet.

I really can't stand Tula, and I think she should've been a one and done.  

Much would've preferred Esther Falana. 

We need to stop with the "put up a good fight" whenever someone doesn't get demolished in a physical elimination, unless they scored a point, that wasn't good fight.
