The Challenge: Rivals - Jenn Grijalva

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[QUOTE=Lamb Chop!!!;262610]She said something in the most recent episode about how, "I haven't gone to an elimination round for 3 challenges." I know she didn't go on Cutthroat, but didn't she go on FM2?[/QUOTE] Yeah thats what I was wondering too, in cutthroat emily went in twice instead of once and jenn once. But in FM2 she did go in against Ryan/Theresa. Also the challenge before that (Duel 2) she went in 3 times, won against Katie, won against Kimberley and then lost to Diem (cause of that shoulder injury probably because it was Push Over against Diem, I mean come on :P)
[QUOTE=the_cactus;262487]Comparing Jenn to Veronica is a little harsh...Jenn is not nearly as manipulative as Veronica (if she were, she probably would have won a challenge by now). Jenn also has never tormented somebody for an extended period of time like Veronica's done to Katie and Tonya. Also, I think Veronica is more of a wuss than Jenn is.[/QUOTE] You have valid points, except that we still haven't seen the upcoming episodes to say she hasn't tormented people. Also, I'm speaking of not liking Jenn and Veronica on the same level, they just give me a vibe that they are way too b*$*y excuse my language. I do, however, agree that Jenn isn't manipulative like her. =]
[QUOTE=Adrian!!!!!!;262377]I used to like her and I still think she's very hot but attitude and personality wise...she sucks now. Of course, she could just be getting a "bad edit"....[/QUOTE] lol bad edit? Booyyy, ever since she deboed Alex from Colie I was like, yeah this girl is a big no. Then how she treated Rachel afterwards sucks. Am I missing some good qualities from her in the past? ;)
[QUOTE=Morris1721;262617]I hate how people keep using the "hasn't won a challenge" thing as an excuse to put her down. So she likes to act like a challenge Vet, well, she is a Vet and she's loud and in your face, so I'd say she's a bad ***. Nobody **** on Brad before he won a challenge, people don't do it to CT, Aneesa, Tina, Beth, etc. I know they all act different but it's the same situation. Stop saying she can't act a certain way because she hasn't won a challenge. She's a good competitor and is excellent tv, and the excuse is getting really tiring and old.[/QUOTE] Like everyone else said, maybe she has won elimination rounds but look at who she's beat. Ryan and Theresa? OH JEEZ SHE'S SO GOOD!
[QUOTE=kristalie;262624]It's not only that shes never won a challenge. She hasn't gone in an elimination in the past few seasons of the challenge, she's mediocre at the challenges, is hugely conceited for no reason. The people you named besides CT (besides Tina who they DO give crap to) don't go around talking about how great they are and acting tough. She's too obnoxious with nothing to support her cockyness.[/QUOTE] All CT does is go around trying to act tough. LOL But, Jenn does talk a lot for someone who hasn't achieved anything.
Jenn is pretty, but she hasn't done anything in any challenges to show she is a good physical competitor. She has just been lucky for not getting thrown into elimination rounds.
[QUOTE=Morris1721;262617]I hate how people keep using the "hasn't won a challenge" thing as an excuse to put her down. So she likes to act like a challenge Vet, well, she is a Vet and she's loud and in your face, so I'd say she's a bad ***. Nobody **** on Brad before he won a challenge, people don't do it to CT, Aneesa, Tina, Beth, etc. I know they all act different but it's the same situation. Stop saying she can't act a certain way because she hasn't won a challenge. She's a good competitor and is excellent tv, and the excuse is getting really tiring and old.[/QUOTE] It's not an excuse, it's the truth. People can be loudmouth, fine, but when you tell rookies to "stay in their place" and "I know how to play this game" and act like you know what is supposed to happen and you're running things, people wanna see tangible evidence that you can actually back up your mouth. Where's your money? Where's your challenge trophies? Yeah, Jenn may be a Vet but her lack of a win kinda hinders her "bragging" rights. There's been rookies who have won, so her "You're a rookie, shut up, I am better than you" attitude sucks, and is uncalled for, and that's why people go down on her. I never saw Aneesa do that. In fact, when Laurel was trying to throw her in, she didn't even use the excuse "I've been around longer than you." People dislike Beth, but again, (excuse me if my memory fails me) but I never recall her treating rookies like any less worthy or as if they're stupid. Brad the same except on Cutthroat, and people ripped him apart for that. Tina is Tina, people hardly even take her seriously. SO yeah, when you talk big, people look for you to back it up, and if you don't, you look dumb.
[QUOTE=cryssy19;262692]It's not an excuse, it's the truth. People can be loudmouth, fine, but when you tell rookies to "stay in their place" and [B]"I know how to play this game" [/B]and act like you know what is supposed to happen and you're running things, people wanna see tangible evidence that you can actually back up your mouth. Where's your money? Where's your challenge trophies? Yeah, Jenn may be a Vet but her lack of a win kinda hinders her "bragging" rights. There's been rookies who have won, so her "You're a rookie, shut up, I am better than you" attitude sucks, and is uncalled for, and that's why people go down on her. I never saw Aneesa do that. In fact, when Laurel was trying to throw her in, she didn't even use the excuse "I've been around longer than you." People dislike Beth, but again, (excuse me if my memory fails me) but I never recall her treating rookies like any less worthy or as if they're stupid. Brad the same except on Cutthroat, and people ripped him apart for that. Tina is Tina, people hardly even take her seriously. SO yeah, when you talk big, people look for you to back it up, and if you don't, you look dumb.[/QUOTE] How many finals has she been to? I definately think she has learned to play the game.
[QUOTE=Gucci Mane;262694]How many finals has she been to? I definately think she has learned to play the game.[/QUOTE] [SPOILER]4 finals coming in dead last IMO is not that great of a way to play the game[/SPOILER] If it is, then Paula has learned how to play the game too.
[QUOTE=cryssy19;262695][SPOILER]4 finals coming in dead last IMO is not that great of a way to play the game[/SPOILER] If it is, then Paula has learned how to play the game too.[/QUOTE] That's not a spoiler [spoiler]since 3 would be The Island, FM2, and Cutthroat.[/spoiler] Paula's still in the category of "Should have won by now" in my book along side CT, Diem, Robin, and Adam because of Gauntlet 3. Not that these people should have won any other one, but this one I feel like is almost an unofficial win in my book.
[QUOTE=cryssy19;262695][SPOILER]4 finals coming in dead last IMO is not that great of a way to play the game[/SPOILER] If it is, then Paula has learned how to play the game too.[/QUOTE] Lol, point taken. Maybe I should say she has learned how to get to the final, just not who she should take with her.
They've ruined these challenges. They bring the same boring, fake people back for every season. What is Jenn's appeal? Her breast implants? Her big talking? She's a vet in the sense that she appears on nearly every challenge now. She shows up, picks some other female challenger, yells in her face about how Jenn is a vet, and is so tough blah blah blah. She skates by for awhile avoiding elimination rounds, then, at the end when she has to perform she gets sent home. I don't know why I continue to watch these shows. Nearly every season, It's Kenny, Johnny, Jenn, Sarah, Paula, etc. These people are ruining the challenge.
[QUOTE=Nightwolf;262696]That's not a spoiler [spoiler]since 3 would be The Island, FM2, and Cutthroat.[/spoiler] Paula's still in the category of "Should have won by now" in my book along side CT, Diem, Robin, and Adam because of Gauntlet 3. Not that these people should have won any other one, but this one I feel like is almost an unofficial win in my book.[/QUOTE] Sorry about all the spoiler tags... :/ [SPOILER]I wasn't counting the island. I was checking challenges where I believe she had a chance to prove herself, which would be FM2, Cutthroat and Rivals. Island was a flux anyway.[/SPOILER]
All of her final appearances have been flawed. On the Island, it was her second challenge so she wasn't in with the main alliance yet, and there was only two people who Johnny, Kenny, and Derrick even thought about taking with them and that's Ev and Paula. Fresh Meat 2, ok they could have done better but she had the smallest guy as her partner (not saying Noor is bad, he kicks ***) and they also had what, 12 hours after the Exile to rest for the final? That was fair... Cut Throat's final would've been completely different had Derrick been there with them to push them and help them along. It was just unfortunate that the Blue team only won two missions the entire challenge and had to trim their team to so little. Jenn's the perfect example of having unfortunate final challenges where it's near impossible for her to win. If anybody else was in her position on those finals, they would've had the same outcomes.
The Gauntlet 3, that brings back some memories. It also proves that making it to the final, does not show someone is a good competitor. Eric made it to that final, only because he had friends on his team, who wanted to eliminate other players. If Jenn makes it to the final show on challenges, it only proves she has friends who vote to eliminate other players, it doesn't make her some kind of stalwart performer.
[QUOTE=Morris1721;262710]All of her final appearances have been flawed. On the Island, it was her second challenge so she wasn't in with the main alliance yet, and there was only two people who Johnny, Kenny, and Derrick even thought about taking with them and that's Ev and Paula. Fresh Meat 2, ok they could have done better but she had the smallest guy as her partner (not saying Noor is bad, he kicks ***) and they also had what, 12 hours after the Exile to rest for the final? That was fair... Cut Throat's final would've been completely different had Derrick been there with them to push them and help them along. It was just unfortunate that the Blue team only won two missions the entire challenge and had to trim their team to so little. Jenn's the perfect example of having unfortunate final challenges where it's near impossible for her to win. If anybody else was in her position on those finals, they would've had the same outcomes.[/QUOTE] These aren't flaws. The first one is just a matter of a bad final layout. They should have made Johnny and Kenny captains and told them to go back and forth picking. Jenn didn't make the red boat because she wasn't as good as anyone on it. Fresh Meat II she lost fair and square. She had the supposed best guy and lost out to Jillian who couldn't even get through an exile without wanting to pass out. Cutthroat is again their own fault for "trimming fat" as soon as possible instead of just letting it all play out. Derrick being in the final for the blue team would not have helped that much. All it would have meant was that he'd push a tire, Jenn would get carried, and he could carry some wood. The blue team was so far behind the red team that this wouldn't have a made a difference. These aren't flaws and I'm not trying to discredit Jenn as weak, I'm just saying that she hasn't shown anything to me that says "I should have won a final by now."
The funny thing is, Jenn's big talking actually seems to confuse other challengers. I remember on cutthroat when Jenn and Emily were the only 2 women left on their team, Emily had already won one gulag, and Jenn had not seen a gulag yet. Then Emily volunteered herself to go into a gulag a second time. So funny.
[QUOTE=Nightwolf;262713]These aren't flaws. The first one is just a matter of a bad final layout. They should have made Johnny and Kenny captains and told them to go back and forth picking. Jenn didn't make the red boat because she wasn't as good as anyone on it. Fresh Meat II she lost fair and square. She had the supposed best guy and lost out to Jillian who couldn't even get through an exile without wanting to pass out. Cutthroat is again their own fault for "trimming fat" as soon as possible instead of just letting it all play out. Derrick being in the final for the blue team would not have helped that much. All it would have meant was that he'd push a tire, Jenn would get carried, and he could carry some wood. The blue team was so far behind the red team that this wouldn't have a made a difference. These aren't flaws and I'm not trying to discredit Jenn as weak, I'm just saying that she hasn't shown anything to me that says "I should have won a final by now."[/QUOTE] The Island- Obviously she wasn't as good as anybody on the red boat, it was three guys and Evelyn who is constantly compared to men... FM2- So Noor is better than Landon and Kenny...? Ok.. Again, if I had 12 hours after a long-*** elimination and had to go to the final, I would be completely dead and way to tired to even move. Cut Throat- They didn't "trim fat", they lost seven of the nine missions. That's just a bad team sucking at missions. The males didn't help in eliminations either, they won 2 eliminations the entire time. The Grey team dominated the missions while the Red team dominated the Gulags. It was all bad luck for Jenn with bad circumstances going into the finals. Like I said, put any female in her position and there's no way they would've won either.
^^ I'm going to agree and say that Jenn has been extraordinarily unlucky in all the finals she's been to. Island -- a ****** final setup + being out of the main alliance. FM2 -- She an Noor had to have been really tired after a grueling mission, grueling exile, and grueling final mission all within 24 hours. Also, the FM2 final was poorly set up. Jenn made a comment saying that the first leg of the final mission (the canoe race) favored "big people." It's true -- anyone who's been canoeing knows that reach is pretty important. Poor short little Noor and short little Jenn were not going to win that part of the race. Unfortunately, there were no parts of the final race for others who were behind to catch up or pass another team. Cutthroat -- It was the Blue Team's fault for sucking so bad at missions that they lost so many people, but I don't think you can blame Jenn for that. Also, Jenn has more than paid her dues in elimination rounds. Seriously: make a list of all the female competitors on Rivals. I think Aneesa might be the only one who has been into more elimination rounds than Jenn. Jenn has gone in more times than supposed "top dogs" like Johnny and Kenny. Additionally, she has only lost 2 elimination rounds: one because her flag got caught, and one because of a shoulder injury. Once again, I don't like the way Jenn has been behaving this season, but I think there are good reasons to respect her as a competitor.
[QUOTE=the_cactus;262729]^^ I'm going to agree and say that Jenn has been extraordinarily unlucky in all the finals she's been to. Island -- a ****** final setup + being out of the main alliance. FM2 -- She an Noor had to have been really tired after a grueling mission, grueling exile, and grueling final mission all within 24 hours. Also, the FM2 final was poorly set up. Jenn made a comment saying that the first leg of the final mission (the canoe race) favored "big people." It's true -- anyone who's been canoeing knows that reach is pretty important. Poor short little Noor and short little Jenn were not going to win that part of the race. Unfortunately, there were no parts of the final race for others who were behind to catch up or pass another team. Cutthroat -- It was the Blue Team's fault for sucking so bad at missions that they lost so many people, but I don't think you can blame Jenn for that. Also, Jenn has more than paid her dues in elimination rounds. Seriously: make a list of all the female competitors on Rivals. I think Aneesa might be the only one who has been into more elimination rounds than Jenn. Jenn has gone in more times than supposed "top dogs" like Johnny and Kenny. Additionally, she has only lost 2 elimination rounds: one because her flag got caught, and one because of a shoulder injury. Once again, I don't like the way Jenn has been behaving this season, but I think there are good reasons to respect her as a competitor.[/QUOTE] Jenn was the weakest girl on Fresh Meat 2 and was one of the weakest on the Island. That isn't bad luck, that only means she sucks.
How was she the weakest female on FM2? -In the mission where the players had to get across these swinging tree branches, she was one of the only 2 females who made it all the way across. -In the last mission before the Exile against Ryan/Theresa, she and Noor barely missed out on third place because the sun had already set by the time it was their turn to run through the obstacle course. They couldn't see anything and still almost beat Pete & Jillian. -She is the only person in the history of the Challenges to overcome a 2-0 deficit in an elimination round and win. (Inferno 3) She is no Ev or Rachel R., but I would rather have her on my team than against me.
[QUOTE=josePortugal;262737]Jenn was the weakest girl on Fresh Meat 2 and was one of the weakest on the Island. That isn't bad luck, that only means she sucks.[/QUOTE] If she was one of the weakest girls on FM 2, then how was she one of the three teams to cross the poles on that challenge? There was no way a strong male could make up for a weak female, like the second to last one with one person suspended upside down.
[QUOTE=Moonpaw;262745]If she was one of the weakest girls on FM 2, then how was she one of the three teams to cross the poles on that challenge? There was no way a strong male could make up for a weak female, like the second to last one with one person suspended upside down.[/QUOTE] In the final overaal she was the weakest girl no doubt about it
[QUOTE=josePortugal;262747]In the final overaal she was the weakest girl no doubt about it[/QUOTE] I think you forgot about Carley.
And Jillian.
I am not saying Jenn is the strongest girl, but she is a great competitor and athlete. Do people remember the Duel II or even Inferno I. She rarely DQ's and always does well in challenges. And people are saying she's the weakest girl on FM2? What are you guys smoking, she could bulldozer over Jillian and Carley. The person who would give her trouble would be Laurel. She made it to the finals and had no luck. If Derrick and Johnny were with her and Emily on Cutthroat, they would have had a better shot. FM2 was a joke. They had to compete 12 hours after the exhausting exile. And I am not saying Noor isn't strong, but shorter limbs = slower strides.
[QUOTE=josePortugal;262747]In the final overaal she was the weakest girl no doubt about it[/QUOTE] Gotcha. A little clarification goes a long way. Even so, I'm not sure I agree with you. I'm still on the fence about Carley--yeah she won, and even though all she had to do was keep up with Landon, that in itself is a feat. I guess she strikes me as someone kind of like Aneesa or Derrick: not necessarily the greatest physical athlete, but someone with a lot of heart, and Landon was the perfect partner to motivate and push her to her highest potential. As for all her past losses, however, she had choices before the final mission. The Island particularly gets to me, because she could have tried to send home Johnny (I can't remember how she voted) and gotten together with Evelyn, Kelly Anne, and brought in Rachel to form an anti-alliance. But she didn't, and instead used the alliance to get a key, without a single thought to the final. And on CutThroat, too: yeah, her team maybe wasn't the best, but if she was a better competitor maybe her team would have won more missions. If she had gone in instead of Theresa, maybe she would have won, and Theresa would have been there for the final to have one more person. Maybe if, as a team, they had decided to send in Derrick against Brandon in an earlier Gulag instead of Ty, Ty would have been the one who lost to Tyler later on and Derrick would have been there for the final too. I understand there's a whole lot of conjecture in there, but my point is that in these games, you don't just end up at a final with a predetermined team OR opponents. In one way or another, you have a way to influence what happens during the course of the game to shape the final, and she never tried to make a final easier for her to win--her whole game plan is devoted to getting there.
[QUOTE=Moonpaw;262757]Gotcha. A little clarification goes a long way. Even so, I'm not sure I agree with you. I'm still on the fence about Carley--yeah she won, and even though all she had to do was keep up with Landon, that in itself is a feat. I guess she strikes me as someone kind of like Aneesa or Derrick: not necessarily the greatest physical athlete, but someone with a lot of heart, and Landon was the perfect partner to motivate and push her to her highest potential. As for all her past losses, however, she had choices before the final mission. [B]The Island particularly gets to me, because she could have tried to send home Johnny (I can't remember how she voted) and gotten together with Evelyn, Kelly Anne, and brought in Rachel to form an anti-alliance. But she didn't, and instead used the alliance to get a key, without a single thought to the final.[/B] And on CutThroat, too: yeah, her team maybe wasn't the best, but if she was a better competitor maybe her team would have won more missions. If she had gone in instead of Theresa, maybe she would have won, and Theresa would have been there for the final to have one more person. Maybe if, as a team, they had decided to send in Derrick against Brandon in an earlier Gulag instead of Ty, Ty would have been the one who lost to Tyler later on and Derrick would have been there for the final too. I understand there's a whole lot of conjecture in there, but my point is that in these games, you don't just end up at a final with a predetermined team OR opponents. In one way or another, you have a way to influence what happens during the course of the game to shape the final, and she never tried to make a final easier for her to win--her whole game plan is devoted to getting there.[/QUOTE] In Jenn's defense, she was part of the female crew who voted off Johnny instead of Abram in the second episode - but their plan didn't get enough votes.
[QUOTE=Buck05;262760]In Jenn's defense, she was part of the female crew who voted off Johnny instead of Abram in the second episode - but their plan didn't get enough votes.[/QUOTE] Thanks. I really couldn't remember if she was one of those who thought about it and then didn't want to "anger" the alliance, or if she really went through with it. I'm still annoyed that Ryan punked out and voted for Johnny to stay...that totally would have changed the game.
Yeah - before Rachel left The Island, I think Jenn was more against the alliance than for it. That, and I thought I remember Jenn refusing to vote off Abram because they became close on Inferno 3 (same reason she couldn't vote off Tonya either, and voted to send Kenny home instead).
