Challenge Casts: Anything Goes

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As long as anything goes then I think we should have a mother daughter challenge. We take the cast from Vevmo and let the fun begin. For Colie's sake it should be in a jeopardy style format.
[QUOTE=ColiesMom;45018]As long as anything goes then I think we should have a mother daughter challenge. We take the cast from Vevmo and let the fun begin. For Colie's sake it should be in a jeopardy style format.[/QUOTE] LOL...aww poor Colie...don't sell her short though ColiesMom, I am sure if we thought really hard we could come up with something better than jeopordy.
Anonymous's picture
Dude, I [I]LOVE[/I] Jeopardy. Love. It. :)
[QUOTE=OtherPplsDrama;45042]Dude, I [I]LOVE[/I] Jeopardy. Love. It. :)[/QUOTE] Don't get me wrong, I do too...(especially when I know the answers, LOL) I was just thinking that it would be funner TV if we spiced it up somehow.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Stacee_Danielle;45044]Don't get me wrong, I do too...(especially when I know the answers, LOL) I was just thinking that it would be funner TV if we spiced it up somehow.[/quote] Indeed.
[quote=dplayer18;44948]I really don't think CT is the best competitor overall. There's alot of people that would give him a run for his money.[/quote] Do you care to give some names?
I know on Inferno and Inferno 2 CT did better than Miz and Abe, but I still think they would give him a run for his money. I think Abe has gotten alot better since I2. Also Derrick, Landon, Alton, Mark and Wes could give him a run. I know at sometime he had performed better than these guys but they have great potential to outperform him.
Believe me I am not the biggest CT fan in the world. I actually think he is scum from what I hear and see, but I need to give credit where credit is due. He is the fastest, strongest, very good at puzzles and feared by many people. Overall he is the best. No 1 wantes to meet him 1 on 1.
Yeah I guess in challenges he's best overall, but I'd like to see him in an elimination round with Abe, Derrick, Alton or Miz just to see what will happen.
I don't think Derrik or Abe would be much competition for him. Miz would kill him now because he is a wrestler and I heard Alton isn't that good.
He could probably beat Derrick and Alton at most events. I think at times Abe could be equally crazy as CT(like his Inferno with Brad). I do agree Miz would kill him where there's strength involved.
[quote=dplayer18;45073]He could probably beat Derrick and Alton at most events. I think at times Abe could be equally crazy as CT(like his Inferno with Brad). I do agree Miz would kill him where there's strength involved.[/quote] Derrick is a very good player, but he does not match up to CT with height and strength.
[quote=ejborys22;45070]I don't think Derrik or Abe would be much competition for him. Miz would kill him now because he is a wrestler and I heard Alton isn't that good.[/quote] Did you see The Gauntlet and Gauntlet 2? Alton did very well on those, often doing the best or being one of the best. He had great climbing abilities and strength. Something just went wrong for most of the missions on Inferno 3. One mission he didn't even try (because of the speedo thing), and the rest, I don't completely know what happened. Maybe he was half-heartedly competing, or some missions he just wasn't as good at. He did have a couple of good missions on that challenge, though.
[quote=RW561015;45104]Did you see The Gauntlet and Gauntlet 2? Alton did very well on those, often doing the best or being one of the best. He had great climbing abilities and strength. Something just went wrong for most of the missions on Inferno 3. One mission he didn't even try (because of the speedo thing), and the rest, I don't completely know what happened. Maybe he was half-heartedly competing, or some missions he just wasn't as good at. He did have a couple of good missions on that challenge, though.[/quote] The main focus was on Alton on the gauntlet 2 because he was a captin. He went into the gauntlet twice (in a climbing chellenge) with the 2 weakest people on their team. He couldn't go head to head to head against CT and win ever. He beat 1 person in I3 and that was tryie, who is horriable. Yes he won all of his gauntlets,infernos etc but look who he went up against. In the 1st Gauntlet he beat Laterrian (who Dq'd in almost every mission in once again a climbing challenge. I had a chance to speak with many of the cast member on G2 and I3 and they said that he is mad out to be great. I use to think the same as you untill I was told otherwise
I can't say CT is the best or Alton. And I can give reasons as to why I think the Miz might lose to CT but I can also say why CT might lose to Miz. I think that luck plays a huge part in elimination rounds and even missions, just as much as skill, and the ability to think clearly. I think there is no top competitor, but rather a group of top competitors. And everyone in that group of top competitors, would give other members of the "top competitor list" a run for their money. Examples, Derrick might be small but like in that mission in the first Duel where they had to push eachother off the plank, he beat CT, Eric, and Brad. With all those guys outsizing him. But that doesn't mean he's better then them. And we've seen CT go into 3 elimination rounds. And he beat Evan fair and square, and Evan has been considered to be one of the top players (which I think he is), yet couldn't keep is straight and win against Brad. So does that mean since Derrick beat Brad, but Brad won against CT (even if it was a DQ), that Derrick is better then CT? No. Everyone has their strong points and everyone has their weak points. I don't know any of these people so I'm just going off of what I see them doing in an actual mission or elimination round. I also think that even though certain people like Kenny or MJ were in sports like wrestling or whatever MJ was into (I think it was football?) doesn't make them a really good competitor. They just have the size, especially over people like Derrick. I really dislike what I see of Evan on TV but I'm putting that aside when I say that Evan is a really good player. I think he might just let his fear get to him and isn't confident in himself enough. Like his Duel against CT. Rather then collecting his thoughts beforehand he freaked himself out. I have a ton more to say, but I sort of forgot... I have a pretty lame attention span.
[quote=faceless;45128]I can't say CT is the best or Alton. And I can give reasons as to why I think the Miz might lose to CT but I can also say why CT might lose to Miz. I think that luck plays a huge part in elimination rounds and even missions, just as much as skill, and the ability to think clearly. I think there is no top competitor, but rather a group of top competitors. And everyone in that group of top competitors, would give other members of the "top competitor list" a run for their money. Examples, Derrick might be small but like in that mission in the first Duel where they had to push eachother off the plank, he beat CT, Eric, and Brad. With all those guys outsizing him. But that doesn't mean he's better then them. And we've seen CT go into 3 elimination rounds. And he beat Evan fair and square, and Evan has been considered to be one of the top players (which I think he is), yet couldn't keep is straight and win against Brad. So does that mean since Derrick beat Brad, but Brad won against CT (even if it was a DQ), that Derrick is better then CT? No. Everyone has their strong points and everyone has their weak points. I don't know any of these people so I'm just going off of what I see them doing in an actual mission or elimination round. I also think that even though certain people like Kenny or MJ were in sports like wrestling or whatever MJ was into (I think it was football?) doesn't make them a really good competitor. They just have the size, especially over people like Derrick. I really dislike what I see of Evan on TV but I'm putting that aside when I say that Evan is a really good player. I think he might just let his fear get to him and isn't confident in himself enough. Like his Duel against CT. Rather then collecting his thoughts beforehand he freaked himself out. I have a ton more to say, but I sort of forgot... I have a pretty lame attention span.[/quote] Thats true luck does play a big part in eliminations. I would say the group of top competitors would be: Miz, Mark, CT, Darrel, Alton, Derrick, Abe, Wes, Evan,Timmy and Landon. Evan has a "bad guy" personality on TV, but I'd like to know if he's different in real life. I think he is a really strong competitor, he has done really well on missions in all of the challenges he's been on. But I think he panics alot when he's under pressure, like his duel and his gauntlet. I think he became stronger on G3 although he was annoying. If he would just get over his fears, he might be the top dog in challenges.
[quote=dplayer18;45142]Evan has a "bad guy" personality on TV, but I'd like to know if he's different in real life. [/quote] He went to Cornell (which surprises the hell out of me considering his beefcake persona), so he's obviously got some sort of book don't get into Cornell on good looks...
Maybe he just gets a bad edit.
Well, it's a lot easier to dumb yourself down to fit in than it is to smart yourself up...maybe that's why?
[quote=dplayer18;45155]Maybe he just gets a bad edit.[/quote] You can get a bad edit some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all of the time.
Thats true and it is easy to dumb down to fit in
[QUOTE=molds13;45153]He went to Cornell (which surprises the hell out of me considering his beefcake persona), so he's obviously got some sort of book don't get into Cornell on good looks...[/QUOTE] Normally true, but do you have any idea of the average IQ/GPA/SAT Scores of people on the Cornell hockey team?
[quote=V1man;45164]Normally true, but do you have any idea of the average IQ/GPA/SAT Scores of people on the Cornell hockey team?[/quote] Admissions was killing two birds with one stone. Filling their "Canadian quota" for diversities sake and getting a water boy for the hockey team. ;)
Anonymous's picture
This thread is making my head spin! :wacko2:
[quote=RMD1;45108]The main focus was on Alton on the gauntlet 2 because he was a captin. He went into the gauntlet twice (in a climbing chellenge) with the 2 weakest people on their team. He couldn't go head to head to head against CT and win ever. He beat 1 person in I3 and that was tryie, who is horriable. Yes he won all of his gauntlets,infernos etc but look who he went up against. In the 1st Gauntlet he beat Laterrian (who Dq'd in almost every mission in once again a climbing challenge. I had a chance to speak with many of the cast member on G2 and I3 and they said that he is mad out to be great. I use to think the same as you untill I was told otherwise[/quote] I am not focusing on the elimination rounds only when I talk about Alton, or any other competitor. I also was not making an argument that he is better than CT. I don't think it would be an easy win for CT going up against Alton, though. If you watch The Gauntlet (1), Alton did very well [U][I][B]on the missions.[/B][/I][/U] He only did one gauntlet, so it would be hard to judge him on that, anyway. I just watched an episode of The Gauntlet, and Alton won the lifesaver for Vertical Limit. From what I remember, he also won more lifesavers and did well on other missions. He was very much so a strength for his team and just one of the better guys in that challenge overall, RW or RR. Alton and Landon, if you pay attention to the missions, were the only ones to complete that one mission where they had to walk across the line with a rope between their partner. Alton also lowered his body down in the pit to let Landon climb up him so that his team could win that pit mission. He also did well in most other missions. Even if you look at elimination rounds, just pay attention to how FAST Alton climbed up that net. That's what is impressive, not who he beat. He was just amazingly quick. Not quick compared to who he went against, but just plain quick. I think he could have beaten anyone in that Capture the Flag endgame. That challenge didn't focus enough on individual evaluation, so I can see a good amount of focus on the eliminations, but Alton doing Capture the Flag was just great on his own, and that's why people count that as an achievement for him. Alton is also one of those guys who does a variety of things, like rock-climbing, surfing, skateboarding, etc. I think it helps him in the challenges. Yeah, I would say he has "gone down" some since his mostly lackluster performance on I3, but he's not someone I see as a weakling or even an OK competitor. I still think he's a good competitor.
[quote=V1man;45164]Normally true, but do you have any idea of the average IQ/GPA/SAT Scores of people on the Cornell hockey team?[/quote] No, but I do have a friend on the Harvard hockey team, and I'm not exactly sure how that happened...:meh: Did Evan play hockey at Cornell? But I did go to a highly regarded academic and athletic school where most of the athletes (ahem football/basketball/hockey) were...well...not the brightest crayons in the box.
I wondered about Evan's intelligence myself a while back, since hearing about him going to Cornell and noticing that he doesn't come across as intelligent on the shows. I wouldn't say he's dumb, but it's just sort of surprising considering some of the things he's done. Concerning how he may have got into Cornell - I thought athletes at Ivy League schools don't receive athletic scholarships. At least, so I've been told by a few people when discussing college athletes. If that is true, wouldn't an athlete have to get in at least partially based on academic merit? Does anyone have an information about that?
[quote=RW561015;45178] Concerning how he may have got into Cornell - I thought athletes at Ivy League schools don't receive athletic scholarships. At least, so I've been told by a few people when discussing college athletes. If that is true, wouldn't an athlete have to get in at least partially based on academic merit? Does anyone have an information about that?[/quote] The Ivy League prohibits the granting of athletic scholarships, but that doesn't mean they can't get you an academic scholarship if they really want you to play for one of their teams. These schools are the biggest and most blatant old boy networks in the new world. Anyway, being he was from a foreign country he filled the diversity requirements for a variety of other financial options. That being said, I have no knowledge of him even receiving scholarships. For all I know, daddy paid for it or he got standard financial aid (which goes to show how little I know or care about Evan.) He seems like a reasonably smart guy, but not a personal favorite, which is going to make The Duel II a [I]challenging[/I] watch for me....
Thanks Bacchus. I'd once heard about Ivy League school getting athletes to come to their school by offering them academic scholarships instead, but I was thinking they'd have to at least show some decent academic record to get one. Yeah, Evan is not a favorite of mine, either. Some people seemed to think so because I said he is one of the best competitors. But that was just me giving him credit where I felt credit was due. His personality on TV and his actions don't endear him to me.
I didn't mind him on Fresh Meat, but it seemed like he kept getting cockier and cockier each season he appeared on. The last time, he was almost unbearable with how disrespectful he was.
