Challenge Casts: Anything Goes

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Challenge Casts: Anything Goes
One of my New Year's resolutions was to be more candid, so here goes... I've finally decided what bothers me about the direction this thread has taken. It exposes me to the predisposed views people have about the competitors, and, as a result, inevitably causes me to form opinions about many of you. And, I hope, in some cases I'd rather have a more positive view than where you are leading me. When someone posts their dislike of a cast member without any foundation, and the comment can be regarded as cutting or unflattering, it bothers me. When I am negative toward a cast member I always try to take the time to build a foundation for my view -- largely based on facts. Thus, when someone expresses a hope that X gets his or her butt kicked, without any foundation for that view, my instant private, off-the-board, reaction is going to be "Well, great, there is another uninformed idiot..." I'm left with the option of leaving the opinion stand unchallenged, or examining that view here, in the forum, and see if there is good, if any, reason for it. By the way, a gentle reminder to all, some of the cast are members of vevmo. Please remember the Terms of Service when writing about them.
[quote=V1man;42688]One of my New Year's resolutions was to be more candid, so here goes... I've finally decided what bothers me about the direction this thread has taken. It exposes me to the predisposed views people have about the competitors, and, as a result, inevitably causes me to form opinions about many of you. And, I hope, in some cases I'd rather have a more positive view than where you are leading me. When someone posts their dislike of a cast member without any foundation, and the comment can be regarded as cutting or unflattering, it bothers me. When I am negative toward a cast member I always try to take the time to build a foundation for my view -- largely based on facts. Thus, when someone expresses a hope that X gets his or her butt kicked, without any foundation for that view, my instant private, off-the-board, reaction is going to be "Well, great, there is another uninformed idiot..." I'm left with the option of leaving the opinion stand unchallenged, or examining that view here, in the forum, and see if there is good, if any, reason for it. By the way, a gentle reminder to all, some of the cast are members of vevmo. Please remember the Terms of Service when writing about them.[/quote] You and I have the advantage of knowing many of the competitors as real world ,real life individuals. We can form our opinions of them as fellow human beings doing a job. Some are true characters, some genuine loving caring folks. Forget about what the cast members read, they do get immune, and without knowing they did sign up for the program. The family..Moms well that's another story. But and its a very big but..When I read I do take into consideration that our Vevmo members are posting about a cast without knowing anything about them other then MTV's edit. If I was to post about RW Denvers Colie, I dont know how positive my posts would be. I have decided to give everyone a chance. Then I will privately call them uninformed idiots.
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We'll whenever I talk about a castmember I dislike, which we all know I have done before, I usually just go by two things, a gut feeling (Which no one in this world could actually say they never dislike someone just by the way they look, or to use a better term the vibe they you get from them), and I personally don't know any of the castmembers, and all I could judge is how they where "edit" by MTV (which yes they can make someone look like a villian, but you must remember MTV wasn't holding a gun in their faces to say or act like they did). Now about castmembers that are also vevmo members, I don't know who they are, and I don't know which castmember has a vevmo account. If I can at least get a pvt message of who has an account I will actually try to judge them base on logic thinking not emotions (whcih by the way I express myself a lot about my gut feeling or emotions, then just plain logic thinking). I must say, yes I have been truly nasty at times, and maybe judge someone to quickly without knowing the full story, but remember I'm a very naive person when it comes to the castmembers cause I don't know them to know the full story. Once again I apologize if I said some mean things, I don't want to hurt no one or cause some problems. I will admit many people say I'm like a boy veronica, because I just state my opinion without considering anyone's feelings, and one of my many New Years resolution is to be a less judgemental person, and try to see the whole picture, without jumping to any conclusion. By the way I'm still a young 20 year old New York College student, that might not be an excuse, but I'm still a little immature, and yes there are many mature college student, but I'm not one of them, and you know majority of New Yorkers love to state our opinions on everything (joke just stereotype joke).
[QUOTE=producer88;42693]We'll whenever I talk about a castmember I dislike, which we all know I have done before, I usually just go by two things, a gut feeling (Which no one in this world could actually say they never dislike someone just by the way they look, or to use a better term the vibe they you get from them), and I personally don't know any of the castmembers, and all I could judge is how they where "edit" by MTV (which yes they can make someone look like a villian, but you must remember MTV wasn't holding a gun in their faces to say or act like they did). [/QUOTE] My first award of the year for longest vevmo sentence on record. :) [QUOTE=producer88;42693]New Yorkers love to state our opinions on everything.[/QUOTE] Lived in Manhattan for almost five years and married someone there. I know what you mean. And I hate the Mets and people from Jersey, CT and occasionally Staten Island, too (not really).
[quote]Lived in Manhattan for almost five years and married someone there. I know what you mean. And I hate the Mets and people from Jersey, CT and occasionally Staten Island, too (not really).[/quote] Sorry V...Team Jersey
[QUOTE=ColiesMom;42698]Sorry V...Team Jersey[/QUOTE] Well, if Kenny were to leave, I'd change my mind about Jersey. My ex brother-in-law already departed, so only Kenny remains an impediment.
[quote=V1man;42704]Well, if Kenny were to leave, I'd change my mind about Jersey. My ex brother-in-law already departed, so only Kenny remains an impediment.[/quote] I am going to have to agree with that! He came to my home before Denver aired. I kinda knew then I might have to leave the state.
Came to your house? Who are you again? Are you really Colie's mom and how did he come to your house in 2006?
[quote=Zachary;42719]Came to your house? Who are you again? Are you really Colie's mom and how did he come to your house in 2006?[/quote] Yes, I really am Colie's Mom.
[QUOTE=Zachary;42719]Came to your house? Who are you again? Are you really Colie's mom and how did he come to your house in 2006?[/QUOTE] Zachary -- 151 posts and you don't yet know Colie's mom? :sadwalk:
[quote=ColiesMom;42720]Yes, I really am Colie's Mom.[/quote] Congratz on your daughter :) she seems very cool and nice individual.
[quote=V1man;42724]Zachary -- 151 posts and you don't yet know Colie's mom? :sadwalk:[/quote] :blue: I just thought you she was a really close female friend of Colie. That's amazing. I dont think I ever been apart of a fandom where a parent had as much input.
[QUOTE=Zachary;42726]:blue: I just thought you she was a really close female friend of Colie. That's amazing. I dont think I ever been apart of a fandom where a parent had as much input.[/QUOTE] We would love to have more parents of cast members join us and perhaps even have their own dedicated place where they could talk to each other.
[quote=V1man;42727]We would love to have more parents of cast members join us and perhaps even have their own dedicated place where they could talk to each other.[/quote] To the new cast members parents..been there, done that..I can help you deal with it. We can form a new 12 step type program.
I think after Chets video his parents would be glad to do it
Colie went to the same camp as me.
[quote=ballinbroken;42732]Colie went to the same camp as me.[/quote] Go Kennybrook! But I do stray off topic of the thread. Editors please feel free to delete whatever does not belong here.
[quote=ColiesMom;42692] Forget about what the cast members read, they do get immune, and without knowing they did sign up for the program. The family..Moms well that's another story. But and its a very big but..When I read I do take into consideration that our Vevmo members are posting about a cast without knowing anything about them other then MTV's edit. If I was to post about RW Denvers Colie, I dont know how positive my posts would be. I have decided to give everyone a chance. Then I will privately call them uninformed idiots.[/quote] Very well said. I appreciate you taking that into consideration. I personally don't hate anyone from these shows, although I do favor some and don't care much at all for others from what is shown. I may get mad at some of the cast member's actions as well, but I don't like to name call or say really mean spirited things about them. Those I don't care for I do have my reasons for, as I feel most other people who watch the shows do as well, even if those reasons aren't stated. I do think you are brave and cool for coming on the boards, being a mother of a cast member. I also think cast members who read the boards are brave. If I were a castmember, I'd probably feel hurt by a lot of the things people have said or feel frustrated if people only got to see one side of me on the shows. I think almost anyone could be edited in a negative way unless they were virtually silent the whole season. Or if I had a child on TV, it would really bother me as well. Some people are really very cruel. Haven't seen much cruelty here, but other places...
[quote=RW561015;42768]I do think you are brave and cool for coming on the boards, being a mother of a cast member. [/quote] I think it was more fun when Mrs. Mom was hidden from view. People would post infuriating things and I could watch her slowly boil, lol. Oh yes, I am clearly a sadist. ;)
[quote=Bacchus;42770]I think it was more fun when Mrs. Mom was hidden from view. People would post infuriating things and I could watch her slowly boil, lol. Oh yes, I am clearly a sadist. [/quote] Yes, but you are sadistically warm-hearted.
[quote=Bacchus;42770]I think it was more fun when Mrs. Mom was hidden from view. People would post infuriating things and I could watch her slowly boil, lol. Oh yes, I am clearly a sadist. [/quote] Just wait my dear Bacchus. As soon as I find out your real identity I will be calling your mother to report your behavior!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was Colie who outed me with her poem, blame her!
[QUOTE=ColiesMom;42773]Just wait my dear Bacchus. As soon as I find out your real identity I will be calling your mother to report your behavior!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was Colie who outed me with her poem, blame her![/QUOTE] Perhaps by outing you, your daughter sought to silence you. Children sometimes make mistakes...
As much as I hate to say it I think CT is the best overall player. He is very strong, smart, and can scare his opponents. In the Inferno 1 shane was scared to go against him. Evan was so scared in the duel that he cheated. He won 4 out of 8 life shields in the 1st inferno, 6 out of 6 in the 2nd Inferno and 3 challenge wins in the duel. If he would just stop hitting people and think about the game, he would win in any challenge BMP puts him in.
[QUOTE=ejborys22;44919]As much as I hate to say it I think CT is the best overall player. He is very strong, smart, and can scare his opponents. In the Inferno 1 shane was scared to go against him. Evan was so scared in the duel that he cheated. He won 4 out of 8 life shields in the 1st inferno, 6 out of 6 in the 2nd Inferno and 3 challenge wins in the duel. If he would just stop hitting people and think about the game, he would win in any challenge BMP puts him in.[/QUOTE] Fine, you are entitled to your opinion about him. Not all will agree with you. In practical terms, however, BMP doesn't produce the challenges to amuse or entertain anyone, although that is a desirable byproduct of their production. They do it to make a profit. Now think about CT from a business perspective and make your case for him based on the following two questions. If you were an insurance underwriter, what factors would lead you to believe that anything CT was in, given his history, would be insurable at this point? If you were Bunim Murray Productions, whose existence depends upon making a profit, what would you say to an underwriter to convince him or her that 1) including CT in a challenge should not make it uninsurable and 2) that the premium for the policy should not drive the production to financial ruin?
In the case of CT from a business perspective I wouldn't give him the time of day because of insurance, however on some level BMp had to know that this could happen again. The man is crazy. He fought with Kenny,Coral,Davis,and many others. A part of me feels like BMP brings him back for the raitings, because they know he will hit someone again and again.
[quote=faceless;44912]I was thinking the other day, what makes people "stronger then other people?" and I really don't think that any specific person is always better then everyone else. Because there are people we haven't seen in team missions and some people we haven't seen in individual missions, and even then, the missions sometimes cater to a persons abilities then another mission to someone elses. So I wonder if I really think that Landon was/is the best out of the guys who competed in the Duel 2. CT is strong too but he obviously has his weak points. Just like everyone else. And although Ruthie being small puts her at a disadvantage, you can't count her out all the time just because of that. And I have read the spoilers, just so you know. What does everyone here think?[/quote] I just go by how well each competitor does in relation to the other competitors on the same season. You can't know for sure if so and so is that much better than cast member X from a different season, since they didn't compete against each other. But you can have an indication of who does well and who doesn't in general. I agree that it's hard to say that someone is always stronger than everyone else. But those with experience at doing well time and time again are the ones that stand out the most, I think. In the case of Landon and CT, they both did Inferno 2 together. Landon beat CT in that horizontal line mission by a good amount. He also won several lifeshields, CT as well. Landon is just simply good, period, anyway. He has done well on every challenge he does, it seems. I know he did great on I2 and G2, and reports are good on him for this one, so I assume he did do well on this one as well. I definitely think CT is one of the best ever competitors based on how well he does in the missions. I would probably rank him number one in terms of his track record of dominating in the missions he's done, up until the point of Duel 2 (since I haven't seen it yet). I'm not judging his personality or morals or scruples or how much of a liability he is when I say that. There are a lot of good competitors that are a little hot headed (or very much so, like CT). Fans majorly look at the competitiveness of a cast member based on the missions, since that is what they are competing at. BMP could look at how valuable he is or how much of a detriment he is, but if they were asked flat out who is one of the best competitors in the mission, I'm sure they would mention CT. However, I do think CT gets a little tunnel vision every now and then that doesn't help him or his team. An example of that is that horizontal line mission from I2. He seemed more concerned with making sure he did just enough to beat Derrick so he could get that plasma TV and then stop. But it wasn't enough to help his team win. Perhaps he did as much as he could, but I think he could have done more - it seems he didn't do what he could to ensure the win. Also he overpowered Brad in their duel on The Duel, but instead of remembering to try and unhook the carabiner, he ripped the flag quickly, which disqualified him. So I would not say CT is the smartest competitor. Ruthie I would also consider a good competitor, though she didn't end up doing as well as I thought she would on BOTS2 - she wasn't the top competitor (Coral, Tina, and also Robin and Sophia to some extent did the best . She got eliminated before they got into the more difficult missions on G2, so I can't really judge much from that one. But her Battle of the Sexes (1) performance overall was dominant. Ruthie, Ellen, and Emily were very good. Yes, Ruthie is small, but she is strong. If the challenges were just about wrestling only, then they would have to match Ruthie up with someone who was her size to make it fair and for us to see her true ability in that category.
With every player, there are multiple things that make them good, but there are things that make them not as good as other people. I'll use CT as an example because he was the topic as the past few posts. In Inferno 2, he won a lot of the missions and did the best, but at the finale, he was not level headed on the boat, telling Tonya to dig even though she was already trying, and it caused her to fall in, which made the team even more behind the Good Guys. So I think that everyone has their ups and downs. Although there are many players I always want to see do good.
CT is a beast compared to the rest of the guys on the challenges that are good competitors. Inferno 1 had Mike, Timmy, Abe, and Darrell and CT absolutely smoked them in pretty much every event. Inferno 2 had Mike, Landon, Darrell, Abe, and Derrick and CT basically smoked those guys in everything. One thing I noticed after re-watching the first Duel is that CT was very dominant and physically superior to all the other guys on that show when they had individual missions, but they didn't have many of those. When they did teams, he was always with Diem (who was maybe the 4th or 5th best girl) and Evan always had Jodi (strongest girl by a landslide) and that's why he lost to Evan a few times. As for what happened on the finale of Inferno 2, I don't think CT was that hard on Tonya, he was trying to encourage her to try harder but she took it the wrong way. I also think she fell out of the boat purely to put on a show for the cameras. He was the only one on the team that wasn't mean to Tonya and Tina during the run.
Just wondering Bucky how do you rank the duel 1 girls?
The Duel II challenge cast thread went off topic, so we have moved some of those comments to this tread where it's fair game to comment on any cast members or any past challenge. Have at it.
I really don't think CT is the best competitor overall. There's alot of people that would give him a run for his money.
