One of my New Year's resolutions was to be more candid, so here goes...
I've finally decided what bothers me about the direction this thread has taken. It exposes me to the predisposed views people have about the competitors, and, as a result, inevitably causes me to form opinions about many of you. And, I hope, in some cases I'd rather have a more positive view than where you are leading me.
When someone posts their dislike of a cast member without any foundation, and the comment can be regarded as cutting or unflattering, it bothers me. When I am negative toward a cast member I always try to take the time to build a foundation for my view -- largely based on facts. Thus, when someone expresses a hope that X gets his or her butt kicked, without any foundation for that view, my instant private, off-the-board, reaction is going to be "Well, great, there is another uninformed idiot..." I'm left with the option of leaving the opinion stand unchallenged, or examining that view here, in the forum, and see if there is good, if any, reason for it.
By the way, a gentle reminder to all, some of the cast are members of vevmo. Please remember the Terms of Service when writing about them.