The Challenge: Battle of the Seasons - Run, Teams, Run

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I was sad to see SD win.......I did not enjoy watching their team and was hoping they'd be voted off a lot sooner. I'd rather had Cancun as the third team there for the final. I was really hoping Trishelle & Dustin would have beat them in the end after Brooklyn was clearly losing. I do have to say I love Devyn and hope to see her on many more challenges! Her commentary is great!
Hardest final ever? I would argue that it wasn't even close to the most difficult final ever. If you just break it down and compare it to Rivals, it is no contest. The only area where it was even remotely close in difficulty to a Final like Rivals was the sand of the desert. Everything else on Rivals was far more difficult than anything they had to do in the Final on this season.
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;330812]Hardest final ever? I would argue that it wasn't even close to the most difficult final ever. If you just break it down and compare it to Rivals, it is no contest. The only area where it was even remotely close in difficulty to a Final like Rivals was the sand of the desert. Everything else on Rivals was far more difficult than anything they had to do in the Final on this season.[/QUOTE] No this was the hardest final ever because it had two grueling days. On Exes only the second day was hard and on Rivals only the first day was hard as part 2 of the Rivals final only lasted an hour. It is not easy to run up and down sand dunes guys. They said each day was at least eight miles.
I really didn't like how Frank and Zach were constantly yelling at Sam. Granted she was lagging a bit. But even when she was running they were STILL yelling at her. They need to understand that you don't sit there and yell and berate people at a time when you need to work together as a team. It doesn't help at all...I guess sam should get some props for tuning them out and just going along. Vegas..They did very well and I'm glad that they atleast got 2nd. Brooklyn-they had a good run too but Devyn did slow them down...I suppose that's why San Diego didn't throw in brooklyn a couple of weeks ago. because they knew Devyn would be going in and it wouldn't be smart to risk their weekist link going home. sending in brooklyn would've more than likely strenthen them. Overall I liked the finale..But I still think they need to tone down these Final challenges. They're getting really rediculous with them.
[QUOTE=Debut Album;330829]I really didn't like how Frank and Zach were constantly yelling at Sam. Granted she was lagging a bit. But even when she was running they were STILL yelling at her. They need to understand that you don't sit there and yell and berate people at a time when you need to work together as a team. It doesn't help at all...I guess sam should get some props for tuning them out and just going along. Vegas..They did very well and I'm glad that they atleast got 2nd. Brooklyn-they had a good run too but Devyn did slow them down...I suppose that's why San Diego didn't throw in brooklyn a couple of weeks ago. because they knew Devyn would be going in and it wouldn't be smart to risk their weekist link going home. sending in brooklyn would've more than likely strenthen them. Overall I liked the finale..But I still think they need to tone down these Final challenges. They're getting really rediculous with them.[/QUOTE] Yeah with the finals it seems like they keep trying to make it harder and harder every season at some point they're going to run out of ideas to make it harder. I'm honestly not a fan of the whole overnight thing. It would be cool sometimes but not every challenge
[QUOTE=gbp02;330826]No this was the hardest final ever because it had two grueling days. On Exes only the second day was hard and on Rivals only the first day was hard as part 2 of the Rivals final only lasted an hour. It is not easy to run up and down sand dunes guys. They said each day was at least eight miles.[/QUOTE] Eight miles per day with multiple helicopter rides in the middle of it is hardly anything at all. Even though the 2nd day of Rivals was only an hour, I would still contend that the Final on Rivals was much more difficult than the Final on this season. Day 1 of Rivals was the most difficult Final ever and that doesn't include them having to stay up all night (without getting fed like they did on this season) and then literally climb a mountain that the camera crew couldn't climb. Let's just look at day 1 of Rivals. 1. Kayak 3 miles 2. Run a short distance and get a pet rock which had to be with them for the rest of the day. 3. Memorize an entire campsite 4. Run some more 5. Transport dozens of wheelbarrows of dirt from one place to another 6. Run through a marsh 7. Recreate the campsite exactly as it was. If not, go back and repeat steps 3-6. 8. Run up a mountain 9. Eat a giant meal 10. Continue to run up a mountain 11. Do some sort of log puzzle that we didn't see due to time constraints. 12. Run up the mountain some more until the overnight checkpoint is reached I don't know how far up the mountain they had to run, but the fact that they started shortly after sunrise and had to go until dark (I believe it took place right around the equinox) makes me think that the total distance for day 1, including the kayaking part, was around 20 miles.
Exes and Rivals both seemed harder than this final. Their checkpoints to me didn't seem that difficult. I felt like it was just a foot race with some puzzles along the way.
[QUOTE=PaintedVeil;330672]Remember to factor in that her shoes were soaking wet and her feet started to hurt+lack of sleep. I could feel her pain, some of us have low tolerance for cold weather, haha.[/QUOTE] Yea it must be a tolerence thing. I would not be crying but if it was the other way around and really hot, I'd be ready to blow something up. Can't stand the heat, I can deal with the cold.
[QUOTE=gbp02;330826]No this was the hardest final ever because it had two grueling days. On Exes only the second day was hard and on Rivals only the first day was hard as part 2 of the Rivals final only lasted an hour. It is not easy to run up and down sand dunes guys. They said each day was at least eight miles.[/QUOTE] Not even close to the most difficult final ever--honestly, laughable
If you listen to Devyn explain it, she said multiple sources have said this was the hardest. The fact that they were running in sand for miles (I'm lead to believe it was more than 8 miles each day) and they had to go up and down dunes, stand for 15 hours, etc. she said all in all it was a 30 hour final. They even had to shorten some parts like the tire carrying by 50 percent because it was taking too long. When I saw it I thought Rivals was harder for sure and it's still debatable in my mind with the facts we have but, at least in Rivals they had better temperatures, no sand, and better scenery. On the other hand two teams couldn't finish the Rivals final. It's up for debate but don't think of this final as something that wasn't one of the hardest if not the hardest.
In my opinion I think the Exes final was the hardest but that just might be me because I'm not a fan of cold/snow. I can't deny that this final seemed difficult in its own right. I've ran in sand before and it's literally 10x harder than running on flat ground. It's more tiring and not stable so it kills your ankles. Even running 3 miles on sand is hard I can't imagine 8+ miles on sand. Then having to run up and down hills? I think this was up there as the hardest finals possible harder than Rivals. If it weren't for the helicopter breaks no doubt it would be more difficult than Rivals.
Frank said that the helicopter breaks were only about 15 minutes.
Devyn and Sam finished--this was a difficult final--sorry
[QUOTE=kvm1977;330883]Devyn and Sam finished--this was a difficult final--sorry[/QUOTE] Agreed. Jenn and Mandi didn't even make it to the sleeping station and Mike and Leroy quit, there's no way Sam or Devyn were better in the final than any of them were. I would like to here Sarah say how this final compared to Cutthroat, even though she didn't finish it.
Out of the past three finals- I think that as far as overall competition goes, Rivals was the hardest. Rebuilding the campsite and that dirt pile up thing would have killed me. Jenn even said it was more like manual labor than a final. As far as environment, Exes was the worst IMO. The weather on Seasons didn't seem too bad during the day, even though it was freezing at night. Exes was close to below freezing the whole time I'm pretty sure. And jumping in the lake? Crazy. Now the running on this challenge seemed like the worst. I've ran on sand before and it's not easy. But the puzzles, etc. didn't seem that bad compared to Rivals. They even had a nice meal when Rivals had to eat TONS of food before they could even move on at one point. So all this being said, we'll never know which final was the worst, because no one was there for all three of them. Each person will say the final they were on was the hardest, but the reality is that they don't know how the other ones were.
Hell, only Sarah had even done a final prior to this one
[QUOTE=rwdenverfan;330942]Out of the past three finals- I think that as far as overall competition goes, Rivals was the hardest. Rebuilding the campsite and that dirt pile up thing would have killed me. Jenn even said it was more like manual labor than a final. As far as environment, Exes was the worst IMO. The weather on Seasons didn't seem too bad during the day, even though it was freezing at night. Exes was close to below freezing the whole time I'm pretty sure. And jumping in the lake? Crazy. Now the running on this challenge seemed like the worst. I've ran on sand before and it's not easy. But the puzzles, etc. didn't seem that bad compared to Rivals. They even had a nice meal when Rivals had to eat TONS of food before they could even move on at one point. So all this being said, we'll never know which final was the worst, because no one was there for all three of them. Each person will say the final they were on was the hardest, but the reality is that they don't know how the other ones were.[/QUOTE] Considering Jenn and Mandy couldnt even finish day 1 of the Rivals final in time and Devyn was able to finish this entire final I would say Rivals was harder. I would say the elements and trecking through the snow on Exes was more daunting as well.
This may be the first time EVER that the bad guys won in anything..movies, TV, whatever...amazing. I gotta give Team San Diego credit for accomplishing that feat. Well, the ******** did win on the Inferno 3...if that counts.
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Devyn may have been convinced it was the hardest final, or heard it was but doesn't mean it was in reality. I say first half of Rivals and 2nd half of Exes trumps anything they did here. IMagine those two parts combined into 1 final geez. But maybe she heard TJ say that when TJ was hyping the final as the hardest BEFORE they did it or the producers told her that before just to get them pumped or afraid of it. Or just to make her feel better after since she struggled so much. To me It just didn't seem to be the hardest compared to how grueling those last 2 were. Going up and down sand dunes or going straight up a snow covered mountian, easy choice for me. But walking in sand is difficult but so is deep snow going straight up. Since Johnny wasn't on this one he would have been the perfect one to distinguish between the three, since he was on the rivals and exes finals. So too bad because he would have explained which was and why on a podcast for sure otherwise their is no true way to tell besides how it seemed viewing. Viewing i'd say exes was walking through deep snow up a mountain but the rivals first half was ridiculous as well.
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[QUOTE=Adrian!!!!!!;332035]This may be the first time EVER that the bad guys won in anything..movies, TV, whatever...amazing. I gotta give Team San Diego credit for accomplishing that feat. Well, the ******** did win on the Inferno 3...if that counts.[/QUOTE] Some may argue the ruins the bad guys won haha. To the anti JEK people that is. I don't hate them, i just don't like how easy it is for them to manipulate the crowd to side with them to get their vote when they could have overtaken them. Who knows how different things could have gone. Not a big Evan fan though, but Johnny/Kenny are fine.
This was a great season.
