The Challenge: Battle of the Seasons - Going Insane

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Well, if he didn't know before Alton definitely knows now that the challenges are no longer for him. If he is miserable enough to consider walking out on his team his time is over. I hope he at least puts and end to the quit talk and plays for his team though. As much as he doesn't want to be there and deal with Zach/Frank, his teammates do want to be there.
Loving Dustin this season! He's the man!
[QUOTE=Calinks;323882]Big ups to Dustin for going in. Tired of people making fun of him. He's been nothing but great![/QUOTE] Dustin's always going to be made fun of--his past isn't something anyone ever lives down--especially not on reality TV. Seems like a good guy though
Dustin!!! Nanyyyy!!! Yeeeesssssss!!!!!!!!
I liked Trey better in this episode than ever before--though he should have listened to Marie and let her face Sarah
I loved this episode! The challenge was HILARIOUS, definitely like something out of the old challenges. I was cracking up when they had to hit each other with fish. I was very upset with both Frank and Alton. Frank is just annoying, and Alton really let his team down with his behavior. I am glad that Dustin and Nany won. Love Dustin, hope he doesn't get sent home for hitting Frank. I agree that the next challenge should be vets vs rookies. Now that these rookies have gotten so cocky, it'll be interesting to see how they perform against a team of seasoned vets. It will be embarrassing for either side to lose with all the crap they both talk.
They should have had Leroy on this challenge instead of Alton. Dustin gained my respect for stepping up. Alton lost all respect for being a lil *****,saying he'll prove himself in the eliminations and how hes the best one their, then saying he only went for the vacation and now he wants a nice hotel room. Altons team has a great chance to win the whole thing but he wants to give up because people hate him, like that should fuel him to **** these teams up.
I loved Dustin this episode, and I definitley think he's someone I could get along with if I knew him in real life. That challenge concept was hilarious and amazing! The idea of Jemmye and Knight winning a challenge though - I dropped my jaw on the floor and I'm still looking for it. :-P But I wish missions like these happened more frequently. Heights, strength, climbing, running - sometimes puzzles, trivia... ear on a string (?), whacking people in the head with a fish (??), can be just as challenging. In the previews there looks to be an eating challenge, so I'm glad they're taking it back old school!
I am a big fan of these shows first and foremost because of the competition, Alton has been one of my favorite challengers ever because he has always delivered on that front and he has been one of the best team players the show has produced. I am saddened by his actions today. This doesn't make me dislike him or anything but he seriously gave his team a hard time. He is very obviously over the challenges and he didn't get the memo that these things are no longer the fun paid vacation they used to be. His old friends aren't there and he cannot tolerate Zach and Frank's ridiculous negativity. I understand why he doesn't want to be there, I would not want to be in that environment either, but you cannot screw your team. Alton is like that kid who goes away for a summer, comes back to hang with his friends and realizes he's just not down with that life anymore. He feels like he can't relate and he doesn't need the drama. Frank and Zach are running everything, he have control over him and they openly talk about it. He's done. I feel for him but again, you can't take your teammates down with you. At least he let Dustin go in and fight. I came in here excited to see Zach. I have been waiting for a new challenger and I was prepped to hitch my wagon to him but MAN. He makes it really hard to cheer for him. I just do not like the way he carries himself. He acts like a child and love to belittle others. It is really annoying to watch. He goes on podcast and brags about beating Big Easy's *** in a street fight. It's too much. Why do you have to attack people all the time? Frank bothers me too but at least he hasn't resorted to physically violence. I really thought JEK displayed some horrendous behavior in the past but these guys just seem downright malicious. I would not mind seeing JEK clean house with these guys in the next challenge.
Cancun has to be the odds on favorite to win at this point. CJ is probably the best guy competitor there is and they're the only team left besides Brooklyn that all seem to like each other and work well together. That being said, the fact that a team with Jasmine and Derek are the favorites show this season is weak competition wise. Las Vegas seems like too much of a mess, I think they'll get 2nd. I haven't been impressed by SD and in particular Zach. I think he's too bulky to be good at challenges, so far Frank has been much better than him.
Yea I feel like Canun is carrying the alliance in the challenges. Frank is the brains but Cancun is the better team. Vegas is very strong too but their chemistry is all out of whack. Anyone this was probably the best episode of the season for him. IT had it all.
[QUOTE=Calinks;323897]Yea I feel like Canun is carrying the alliance in the challenges. Frank is the brains but Cancun is the better team. Vegas is very strong too but their chemistry is all out of whack. Anyone this was probably the best episode of the season for him. IT had it all.[/QUOTE] I still think Jonna is the brains behind everything but I agree that this was the best episode of the season. Good competitions, a solid elimination round that was competitive and a little drama for those that like that.
Anonymous's picture
Whoever said MTV should clean house, I agree. However, MTV/BMP will probably turn these pathetic losers into the new generation of ***************. They aren't even fun to hate, they are just sad people. I hope they aren't these bad of people in real life and are just trying to get airtime and invites to future challenges. I hope their plan fails.
[QUOTE=ChallengeGod;323896]Cancun has to be the odds on favorite to win at this point. [B]CJ is probably the best guy competitor there is[/B] and they're the only team left besides Brooklyn that all seem to like each other and work well together. That being said, the fact that a team with Jasmine and Derek are the favorites show this season is weak competition wise. Las Vegas seems like too much of a mess, I think they'll get 2nd. I haven't been impressed by SD and in particular Zach. I think he's too bulky to be good at challenges, so far Frank has been much better than him.[/QUOTE] ... HUH?!
I was really excited for Alton to come back. I was very disappointed with his flip flop attitude. For all those saying frank is worse than JEK they are delusional. They probably would have done the same things to Alton if Alton was a female. JEK Toss around the word retard, dumb ***** all to often. Not to mention the numerous pranks they pull. The possible tooth brush incident? Sending in kelly anne vs Evelyn just for ****s and giggles. So Frank stands up to a man his own size and pushes up on him in a gym and all of a sudden hes so malicious. I'm sure JEK would have done the same thing. I mean hell Knight did a lot worse to Nany, but hes ok because why? Because shes a girl and not our precious Alton, give me a break, Alton was telling the camera that he dealt with it like a yapping puppy dog and didn't give him the time of day. Then started whining about how he didn't want to go to the beach and how he wanted to go home. CT got into Wes's faces and shouted at him for hours on end about slaughtering his family and kicking the **** out of him. Did Wes start whining about CT acting like a kid and try and go home? I hate to say it because I absolutely loathed Frank on his season. I thought he was a disgusting annoying vile piece of crap. But he was right [B]this episode[/B]. I mean Alton talked about being amazing (And Alton was amazing and has a great body) but Frank beat him in the race. Frank was carrying probably the heaviest weight on his chariot (Zach) and he beat Alton, and I think he came third overall (he also won that trivia challenge for his team pretty much by himself). knight had the lightest load and barely made it past brooklyn. I didn't really like Dustin on his season, but he has now become one of my favorites, he stood toe to toe with Zach in the oil wrestling and he won the elimination with Nany. And overall I think has a very great relaxed calming simple attitude that is really likable. Frank and Zach baiting Alton...thats up for debate, but they're trying to win money and they're not targeting someone weaker than them or smaller or a rookie, they're targeting a challenge legend. Alton should have been able to deal. Alton should have been able to handle it, but he didn't he broke and that's what they wanted.
And I laughed with my friend when Laura lost the fish Challenge. Because I was like Marie just let her go but tell her if she loses shes going into the elimination. When Laura lost, I thought well damn. Should have listened to Marie.
The first part is way off topic but there was a valid reason to send in Evelyn against KellyAnne--to take out the Challengers top girl. It made perfect sense and, let's be honest, they would have been content if there weren't any girls left on there team so there was no risk involved. Knight was bashed for what he did to Nany. Knight just isn't constantly attacking people--unlike Frank. Knight is absolutely a ****. Alton overreacted to the situation and is acting ridiculously but Frank is the root of the problem here.
There was a valid reason for Ev vs Kelly anne (and a dumb reason now Evs off your team) and theres a valid reason for them to get into Altons head. My point is they're not worse than JEK. I don't hate JEK I find them entertaining sometimes. My only point is I can't see how its possible frank is worse if anything they're on the same level, but I haven't seen Frank Target mentally unstable alchoholic females yet just because hes bored and wants a laugh. So Far Frank has targeted Wes, Robb(for no reason), dustin and Alton. All guys who are supposed to be top dogs. Wes probably handled it the best. I'm not saying Frank is the best guy ever I'm saying to say hes so much worse than JEK is inflated Baloney.
Frank is more annoying to me because it is constant--we literally can't go an episode without him trying to start a fight or saying something completely ridiculous. Plus his "tweets" take things to a whole new level. And let's not pretend Frank only attacks guys--see the things he has said to Sam. Also, people apparently stopped watching SD2 because of Frank so this clearly isn't new.
Well yeah I did say I hated him on his season. I don't know if you watched it, but it was painful to watch him have this self righteous attitude day in and day out and then blame everyone else for his major disgusting shortcomings. But to me in this episode hes not wrong and hes no better or worse than JEK. JEK have done some really horrible things and have only gotten better over time. I forgot about Sam, but that doesn't make my point less valid. He verbally attacks people who are able to defend themselves. Sam didn't freak out the way Nany did when she was called a C*** and a dumb *****. Should Frank be acting this way no. But to say one behaviour is more tolerable than another and thus should be more accepted to me is wrong. Frank is the Villain right now and if Alton hates him so much...I just was hoping for Alton to step up to the plate and show him whats what and he didn't. In fact the opposite happened. Its surprising Frank is actually making a better showing than Zach on this one.
I called Frank and Zach malicious not only because of how they carry themselves off the shows but how they act off of it as well. They go in on people on twitter all the time. Zach was telling a story about how he sucker punched and beat down Big Easy at some event. Combine that with the persona we get on TV and I don't like it. They have taken many opportunities to low blow and humiliate people and it's just not something I can get behind. They can be the power team and take everybody out and that's fine but do it with a little more grace. I didn't like the way Knight handled himself either and I have voiced my dislike over that. Some people are just *****, I can live with that, but some of the stuff these guys pull is ridiculous. You are right, they did break Alton. I'm disappointed that he considered leaving but someone losing interest and committing a selfish act is a misdemeanor compared to some of the other stuff these guys have been doing. I imagine that 15 years from now they may look back on some of this stuff and shake their heads. I know I would be.
[QUOTE=Famous.;323884]Dustin doesnt hit Frank, he simply pushes his face. Take a look: [URL=""][url][/url][/URL] BUT, there was another clip of him hitting someone by the pool.[/QUOTE] He basically just did what he did to Mike on his season of Real World. And I'm pretty sure that the other clip of him hitting someone by the pool is also Frank. I'm also pretty sure that it was just another push to the face.
I can't believe no one's mentioned this yet, but did anyone else notice Sam all dressed up in a dress and high heels with a ******** of make up on? I'm thinking Devyn got her hands on her. So awkward and manly looking. I couldn't stop laughing.
[QUOTE=kvm1977;323866]I'm almost 35--it isn't that big of a difference depending on the people. Now with Frank there's a huge difference between him and Alton because he's basically an infant. I can understand where Alton is coming from as well but he's being over-dramatic IMO. I've been watching from the beginning so I don't think that's the issue here.[/QUOTE] I'm with you KVM1977... I am 32 and I have been watching since the very beginning. Alton has a point but is being sooooo over dramatic! I mean look at Mark Long and the way that he is... he deals with people half his age a lot of times and it never comes out looking like the way Alton is looking...
Difference of opinion, then, on the age and generational thing, but I've seen enough comments over the years to know that some people do feel there is a difference between earlier challenges/challengers compared to now, and I've seen how some of the older challengers have had issues with dealing with the newer challengers, or I've read comments by older challengers in which they've noted the differences. Mark Long is easy going and keeps in touch with the newer people. I think he is an exception, as most people from his time have moved on and don't live like he does. Someone like Alton was gone for several years and as far as I know doesn't live his life doing the appearances and keeping up with the reality life. This is also the first challenge in which he was the oldest person (well, at least the oldest guy - not sure if Trishelle is older) by several years. On his last challenge, the new people were closer to his age and Timmy was there. And Frank, Zach, Knight, etc are quite immature. No, not everyone their age acts like that (thankfully), but I understand Alton feeling like they were basically children. I don't give Alton a pass for what he did to his team, but I can understand how he was bugged by the attitudes/behavior of others in the house.
[QUOTE=courtneystor;323919]I can't believe no ones mentioned this yet, but did anyone else notice Sam all dressed up in a dress and high heels with a ******** of make up on? I'm thinking Devyn got her hands on her. So awkward and manly looking. I couldn't stop laughing.[/QUOTE] I noticed, and yelled at my t.v. "who the heck is that!?!"
Like others have said, Frank just seems to be relentless and mean-spirited. It's non-stop. Evan and Kenny have definitely crossed the line at times, but[I] for the most part[/I] (in my opinion), it was good natured teasing. They gave everyone a hard time, even their friends, but in a joking matter. Frank is so intense in his confessionals and he does it to break down people. He's just an *****. Part of the reason I can't stand Frank is his hypocrisy. He whines about people being attention-seekers, psychopaths, self-righteous, etc. etc., and these are all things that describe him. I guess you hate the shortcomings of others that you possess. But it's annoying. For him to go on about Alton being self-righteous/holier than thou is laughable. I think Frank is one of the most self-righteous people to appear on a challenge. I've mentioned it before, but I really wish they'd stop showing Zach's stupid one liners. They're embarrassingly unfunny. Stop pushing Zach on us - he's unlikable, dumb, and Frank's lackey.
[QUOTE=ChallengeGod;323858]Frank must have watched the Ruins because he acts exactly like Wes from that season. I didn't mind Frank before this episode, but constantly trying to get someone to hit you is [B]very loose **************] A Workaholics reference?! You truly are a God! Lol!!!!! And I agree, loosest of *********.
Anonymous's picture
I don't like JEK, but Frank is a vile disgusting pathetic loser. Zach who I used to like is right behind him. How this kid has friends is beyond me. I actually think less of everybody who associates with him in real life.
I've never really liked Frank but I thought he was ok during the first couple episodes of this season. Of course he had his annoying moments... but he's Frank so that was expected, I THOUGHT he had kind of grown up. Especially since he did his interview on here the other day and he was saying all these cliche quotes about how much he's "grown" and so on but he hasn't changed at all, if anything he seems worse this season than SD. He's still a bully and still goes around causing drama and trouble. I don't know whether it's a ploy to get more camera time or if that's who he really is but it's not becoming at all and makes him look like an awful person. And THEN he got on twitter and was STILL calling Dustin out about his past. Like dude, leave him alone. At least Wes knows there are certain lines not to cross, Frank has no moral compass and says things for shock value and to hurt people.
