Nany and Dustin volunteered cause they knew if Alton went In he would throw it and neither Nany nor Trishelle wanted to just go home cause of Alton. So Dustin volunteered with Nany.
Alton is looking super skinny and super lame this episode.... he has erckkkked me!
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[QUOTE=Sloan;323784]Let me get this straight...Alton asked NOLA to throw them in the Arena because he wants to go home, but then he lets Dustin volunteer himself? What the eff is happening?![/QUOTE]
Dustin wanted to go in because he wanted to save his teammate Nany. If Alton went in, he may have quit because he was feeling over the drama. No one wanted to risk going home.
[QUOTE=kvm1977;323786]I really don't understand how anyone can even tolerate Zach or Frank at this point[/QUOTE]
I hear ya, and hope you know I was being sarcastic which I think you did just confirming haha. But at least Frank is leading his team. But the whole trying to get people thrown off is dumb.
[QUOTE=jojorules;323732][B]The thing about Zach is he doesn't have clever one liners or anything,(at least so far) he appears to be just a jock. [/B] CT has lost 10 or so challenges, but he is hilarious and has the athletic reputation to keep getting asked back and is an alpha male. You need more than just to be really fit to be a regular, at least i think. I mean it's only ep 5 or whatever, just so far. I don't mind Zach from his interviews/podcasts besides him and frank being insanely arrogant[/QUOTE]
I don't think Zach is the brightest guy and it shows in his interviews. He comes across as a dumb jock. He has all these one liners that aren't the least bit funny. In fact, I cringe in embarrassment. I really wish they'd stop showing them.
I use to like Zach, but all he's become now is Frank's lackey. Can't stand Frank ever. CJ, I've disliked since sine Real World season. There is nothing appealing about any of these guys. Their personalities are atrocious.
The only people who should really be mad at Alton are his teammates. Frank is one of the most unaware people I've ever seen on these shows. Everything he is saying about Alton applies to him.
I won't completely defer to the other challengers when it comes to the perception of Alton. While of course they have lived/interacted with him and I haven't, I think there is a "season-generational" difference between people from Alton's time and people from now. People like Frank are just getting started and are super excited to be a part of the challenge franchise. They come in with a fresh perspective. Someone like Alton has been there and done that, so his view of the challenges is different. Especially with him having been gone for so long. Also, things went differently in the past than they do now.
The fight between Zach and Alton was literally no bigger than it was in the teaser. You would think that based on what the people there said about how much dislike there was going on in the house that they could find more interesting stuff. I appreciate how this episode has been more competition based but in the moments that deal with the fights at least make them interesting.
I could see the cast being annoyed at Alton referring to them as young kids/babies all the time, but Alton def is acting different than normal. I think it's one guy who just likes an adventure, and the new crew of San diego trying to show they are masterminds of the challenge/new era.
I actually liked CJ calling Alton out, because someone had to be like wtf?
[QUOTE=RW561015;323792]Dustin wanted to go in because he wanted to save his teammate Nany. If Alton went in, he may have quit because he was feeling over the drama. No one wanted to risk going home.[/QUOTE]
I was wondering what would happen if they both volunteered. I guess the power team would choose...producers probably didn't think anyone would ever deal with teammates arguing b/c they both wanna go in.
But if you have a teammate who's a cancer and wants to go home, what's to stop him from sucking in the challenges and making you get thrown into the Arena over and over? Get rid of him. Sucks for Trishelle, but he's on your season, get in there with him.
Really can't believe Alton's bizarre behavior this episode. I will NEVER be Team Frank (eff him), but Alton is making it really hard to root for him.
[QUOTE=TwoStrikes;323789]Nany and Dustin volunteered cause they knew if Alton went In he would throw it and neither nany nor trichelle wanted to just go home cause of Alton. So Dustin volunteered with nany[/QUOTE]
But Alton forced them into the position they are now in. I would have taken the risk and had him go in and let the chips fall..... How many times are they going to have to step up while he gets to benefit from it?
The Vegas team needs to get together and talk things through. They've got to get Alton to want to stay in the game.
Someone please tell me something good about Frank, because just from watching this challenge, I've seen nothing.
Yay Vegas!
I really like Nany and Dustin. The two of them are a great pair. I hope Alton smartens up and becomes a better teammate.
I love how Zach keeps going on about real life, real life. Alton is right - you don't just punch someone or fight someone who ticks you off in the real world. That's now how adults behave in the real world.
[QUOTE=YvanEhtNioj;323811]Mid season preview looks promising.[/QUOTE]
It does.
"You got your *** beat by the same guy going after your ex gf"
Who said this?
Are they talking about someone beating up Zach? Who would be going for Ashley?
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Nany is hot so I think she gets a pass, but she talks such a huge game on twitter and has such a I don't give a f attitude on twitter, when I just think it's all an act. Someone who cries and they all say will break down like she did and weren't surprised, clearly you do care.
[QUOTE=jase1;323804]But Alton forced them into the position they are now in. I would have taken the risk and had him go in and let the chips fall..... How many times are they going to have to step up while he gets to benefit from it?[/QUOTE]
How is Dustin NOT gonna get sent home after hitting Frank?
And is it creepy how much satisfaction it gave me to see Frank cry in the mid-season preview? Ha!
[QUOTE=OutofMyCage;323813]it does
"you got your *** beat by the same guy going after your ex gf"
who said this?
are they talking about someone beating up zach? Who would be going for ashley?[/QUOTE]
Wondering the same thing. Someone could also be talking about Knight and Jemmye.