[QUOTE=Raymond21;328502]He is the villain. He wants to be the villain. Frank, you are the villain.[/QUOTE]
Uhhh what, are you calling me Frank? I am not Frank. I do like Frank though.
Nany was wrong if she said that too. They were both wrong to go for low blows like that. I do think they edit Nany to be in the victim role and Frank to be in the villain role. Frank even said that he doesn't mind if people want to edit him that way, but show what Nany said too. That's not reality tv, that's not honest. They are just editing people into characters so that viewers can go, "we're rooting for our girl Nany" and love to hate Frank.
They've even cut out some stuff that would make for really entertaining television just to give these people a certain edit. Nany spitting on Frank would have been entertaining. They didn't show CT making all the girls cry on Exes either. They should have shown all that.
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I dont like marie. i went to suny and know some people who knew her, they send me this and said shes fake, a racist (heres proof) and ignorant and thinks this stuff is funny. nothing funny here to me. shes an actress nothing more. im not a fan anymore
[QUOTE=kvm1977;328501]Let's pretend Nany said that--it still doesn't alter what Frank said--just makes both of them idiots. And Frank's done countless other horrific things.
I still don't view Frank as a villain, just a horrible human being.[/QUOTE]
I agree, there's a difference between a character and your real personality. When both are the same, that's not being a villain.
Wes was a villain. Beth was a villain. Veronica, Tina, even Rachel for a while, were villains. And they were funny at it (obviously, that's subjective)
But Frank and Trishelle? When you listen to them on podcasts, you can tell that they're not just doing it because it's TV, they're doing it because they're just rude and shady.
[QUOTE=msJackson;328530] thinks this stuff is funny.
What's up with RW girls loving to do blackface? -__-
Back on topic; for some reason none of the newbies are really standing out this season competition wise IMO. all they're all doing is working the political aspect of the game.
We had the best hour sequence in challenge history from the previous hall brawl up to the start of the most recent elimination.
Easily one of the top five elimination rounds ever with CJ vs Zach. Then a good two part physical challenge that was more than OMG HEIGHTS. Two examples of good drama within the challenge with Vegas and St. Thomas. Then an awesome team meeting with Vegas (especially Dustin). Then two good fights featuring Marie and Dustin. Then a tense pre-elimination fight with Dustin and Trishelle.
It I'll be hard to ever top that hour. One of the best seasons ever.
[QUOTE=YvanEhtNioj;328590]What's up with RW girls loving to do blackface? -__-
Back on topic; for some reason none of the newbies are really standing out this season competition wise IMO. all they're all doing is working the political aspect of the game.[/QUOTE]
Didn't Robert Downey Jr. do blackface in Tropic Thunder. Whatever, it's not that big of a deal.
[QUOTE=UrbanTactics;328608]Didn't Robert Downey Jr. do blackface in Tropic Thunder. Whatever, it's not that big of a deal.[/QUOTE]
It is a big deal. You may think that it shouldn't be a big deal, but as I learned during Battle of the Exes, it is a really big deal to a lot of people. This does not change my opinion about her at all though. I was well outspoken in my opinions about Marie during the St. Thomas season.
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;328622]It is a big deal. You may think that it shouldn't be a big deal, but as I learned during Battle of the Exes, it is a really big deal to a lot of people. This does not change my opinion about her at all though. I was well outspoken in my opinions about Marie during the St. Thomas season.[/QUOTE]
If you're not doing it to be racist or with any malicious intent, it really is not a big deal imo. I had no clue that "black face" was even a thing before that BOTE episode, and I'm sure Marie wasn't aware of it either. I think it's ridiculous how Emily was ridiculed for it, and I honestly don't get the need for someone to post that here. If it's something that they do on national television that's one thing, but this is something that was clearly done years ago, probably in high school. Our society is so quick to jump on people for the tiniest things, but I'm sure all of us have done/said far more offensive things that we wouldn't want blasted online.
Black face is wrong no matter who does it and if that is Marie then she is wrong for doing it.
I do think it is odd the way this has been posted here and elsewhere though, someone is going out of their way to disseminate this.
[QUOTE=VerbonaVerb;328625]Black face is wrong no matter who does it and if that is Marie then she is wrong for doing it.
I do think it is odd the way this has been posted here and elsewhere though, someone is going out of their way to disseminate this.[/QUOTE]
Very odd...the person who posted the pic has a single posting count on here and imdb...just ahead of the reunion.
It's ignorant but not racist. Both Mike of Las Vegas and Emily have done it. They both seem far from racist also.
First off this doesn't even look like Marie.
Second, if you haven't lived in America or don't know their history, then you wouldn't understand why blackface is offensive to black americans. I definitely didn't get it before moving there, and that's also why Camila didn't.
People who say "you SHOULDN'T get offended" should shut up, because they don't know what they're talking about.
I personally don't find it offensive unless I know the person's racist (ex: I when Emily, Mike and Marie did it, they all seem like sensible people and were all close or the closest to black people on their seasons). But people have every right to get offended by people who are in the know and/or do it to be offensive.
[QUOTE=CherryPie;328670]But people have every right to get offended by people who are in the know and/or do it to be offensive.[/QUOTE]
People can get upset/offended by anything they want--that doesn't mean others have to believe it is justified.
Based on this episode I think Marie's crazy but she's not racist therefore being "offended" by that isn't justifiable IMO. It's just someone looking to create drama/chaos. If you disagree that's fine but that doesn't mean people don't know what they're talking about
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;328624]If you're not doing it to be racist or with any malicious intent, it really is not a big deal imo. I had no clue that "black face" was even a thing before that BOTE episode, and I'm sure Marie wasn't aware of it either. I think it's ridiculous how Emily was ridiculed for it, and I honestly don't get the need for someone to post that here. If it's something that they do on national television that's one thing, but this is something that was clearly done years ago, probably in high school. Our society is so quick to jump on people for the tiniest things, but I'm sure all of us have done/said far more offensive things that we wouldn't want blasted online.[/QUOTE]
Salt, I agree with you 100%! Let's all act like we haven't done anything slightly racist at all. This whole black face thing is the definition of ridiculous, how people still get offended, I don't get it, but I won't get too off topic here.
Does anyone else find the episode titles ridiculous & hilarious this season? "The Chronicles of Nanyia"... very creative, MTV. Also, in regards to the black face comments I definitely agree with you Urban & Salt. Not to get too off topic but there's even an episode of The Sarah Silverman program dedicated to making a joke out of black face. If it's not done with the intent of being racist or out of some form of hate I don't think it's that big of deal. But that's just my opinion.
One of the most iconic episodes of this decade . The one that made Nany aND Marie stars. Best moments: Marie pushing Sam in the plants and nany yelling in the background "you mad , you mad " , robb ripping his shirt. Dustin "you wanna get street boi " and mushing frank. "You're a dolphin trainer"
One of the most iconic episodes of this decade . The one that made Nany aND Marie stars. Best moments: Marie pushing Sam in the plants and nany yelling in the background "you mad , you mad " , robb ripping his shirt. Dustin "you wanna get street boi " and mushing frank. "You're a dolphin trainer"
SO many Iconic moments. I miss this season in general.
One of the most iconic episodes of this decade . The one that made Nany aND Marie stars. Best moments: Marie pushing Sam in the plants and nany yelling in the background "you mad , you mad " , robb ripping his shirt. Dustin "you wanna get street boi " and mushing frank. "You're a dolphin trainer"
Just wanted to recognize this iconic episode
2012 Academy Award for Best Motion Picture
SO many Iconic moments. I miss this season in general.
This is one thread I approve of being bumped.
Back when I ****** with Nany.
MONUMENTAL EPISODE. Best shit I had seen in years. Fights in every corner of the house and the birth of new challenge star❤️