I completely understand why Nany volunteered. She was going in anyway. Trishelle strategically said "Let's let San Diego decide." She just so happened to get this thought after Frank and Nany's fight, so she knew that if San Diego picked Frank would say "I gladly choose Nany." Nany knew that, too. So instead of giving Frank the satisfaction, she nominated herself. It's not like Nany was going to be able to avoid going in. She was going in no matter what. It was just a matter of not giving Frank the opportunity to give some mean-spirited speech about Nany.
Brooklyn was so good at seeing through Jonna. I'm puzzled as to why they're buying Trishelle's BS and agreeing with her that Dustin has lost his mind.
I'm surprised but also not surprised that Zach didn't get in Dustin's face during the Dustin/Frank blowup. Zach had no problem with getting in Alton's face. Yet, with Dustin he's more cautious. I don't know if it's because of that wrestling battle the two of them had in episode 2 that ended in a tie. Maybe Zach knows Dustin's strength and knows he can't punk Dustin the way he did Alton.
Also, I'm not surprised that Frank acted cowardly. Dustin challenged him to come downstairs. So what does Frank do? "Hey Zach, let's go downstairs." What's wrong, Frank? Afraid to approach Dustin by yourself? You need Zach to accompany you?
[QUOTE=alaskak94;327891]My thoughts on this episode:
Dustin would knock Frank out.
oh yeah I forgot to say I think Dustin would OWN Frank in a fight. You remember on Vegas how Dustin got when he was mad at Mike Mike? He seems like the type when he gets mad he gets super strong and can mow someone down.
Trishelle's country accent is completely gone by now! Weird how that happens to people. I didn't like watching Vegas go home at all, they have been my favorite throughout the whole season
I do like that Marie and Robb have lasted for at least 3 challenges since the rest of their team got eliminated though, I bet nobody expected that!
I never thought Brooklyn would be this much of a factor, or let me take that back. I thought the Devyn & JD half of that team would have been one of the first easy targets and ones to go home..
Cancun is annoying, and so is San Diego. The fights were over dumb stuff but I laughed and liked Dustin getting to dog out Frank and when Marie pushed down two people, I was getting a kick out of her hahaha. the only tolerable half of Cancun went home last week so its about time for them to make an exit
I knew Alton was gonna go home, did nobody notice his lack of fire under his *** during the elimination? Same with Nany maybe, I mean I know they were trying but it just seemed like by round 3 they were giving a lot less than 100 percent.
I'm gonna keep watching but every episode I like less and less of the remaining cast, all my favorites get picked off the show one by one
funny how Marie was seen as a stand up chick by many in the previews only to be revealed a drunk antagonist.
Without Alton losing his will to stay in it, seems like this leaner, older version has no gas in the tank with his performance in the insane games pull and in this arena. I don't think it matters tho considering some ppl were saying him and Dustin won't ever get asked back to be on show.
[QUOTE=WhySoSerious;327893]I'm surprised but also not surprised that Zach didn't get in Dustin's face during the Dustin/Frank blowup. Zach had no problem with getting in Alton's face. Yet, with Dustin he's more cautious. I don't know if it's because of that wrestling battle the two of them had in episode 2 that ended in a tie. Maybe Zach knows Dustin's strength and knows he can't punk Dustin the way he did Alton.
Naw, there's too many other knowns belying that theory.
Zach treats his boi's differently.
With Frank, he has shown that he'll just extricate him from the situation for different reasons - $ and he knows Frank's at fault.
With CJ on the arena sideline - according to Brandon on Afterbuzz, Zach only got in Alton's face cuz he stepped to CJ with fight talk. Alton's mma training is known probably more than CJ's and of course he's (at least perceived) as a bigger threat than Dustin regardless of their draw (almost of all men's legit matches were btw) in the oil that Dustin was at times going for.
[QUOTE=Camille;327896]Oh and another thing. Alton's sexist comment about if you're a woman you should be able to stand up and listen to your man. Is he serious?![/QUOTE]
Does anyone have the full quote because it seemed so pieced together, it was really confusing. Hate to support Alton but it seemed almost edited.
[QUOTE=Dash_Vegas!;327834]I'm defiinitely gonna follow and unfollow a lot of ppl after this episode.
Still floored by Derek's behavior. You shouldve been home last week fool![/QUOTE]
What did Derek do, other than defend himself?
[QUOTE=kvm1977;327890]I almost feel like Trishelle is trying to be Coral but it doesn't work for her.[/QUOTE]
I don't feel she is trying to act like anyone. Trishelle has at least shown some edge since The Gauntlet - or at least, right after it. The way she was talking in the Battle Scars special between The Gauntlet and The Inferno showed that side of her to me.
I think everyone on Team Vegas now has had at least one bizarre moment. So I don't think any of them should act like only one of them is strange. It's not just Alton. I'm shocked at Dustin's behavior - he's really acting like a petulant child! I admit I thought the (paraphrasing here) "I hope you feel a knot in your stomach" comment was funny, just because it was so weird how he was sort of reprimanding her. However, I thought he was wrong for taking everything overboard and hating her and not being willing to work with her for the rest of the challenge (so it seems right now). Plus I did think he went on too much after she couldn't complete the mission. I felt it was unnecessary for him and Alton to keep commenting about how Trishelle couldn't do the mission, and even more unnecessary for Dustin to continue on and on about it and not let up after he saw it was bugging her. He was a bit obsessive. I don't think Alton was trying to be sexist when he was trying to get Dustin and Trishelle to talk, though. I think he was just trying to do his best to get her to listen and try to smooth things over. He, unlike Dustin, knew when to stop chiding her over her non performance.
It did appear that Nany started the big drama by the way she was speaking to them. However, Frank was absolutely ridiculous and of course amped things to the max. Frank - just, no. No no no no no. For several moments. And super delusional once again. Although I thought the fighting was ridiculous, I did kind of think it was funny how Nany and Dustin were just kind of making a joke of how Frank thought he was doing damage to them with his quips. That made him really angry.
The main thing I kept thinking about was how crazy these people were for trying to fight by a pool and how Frank and Marie were upstairs near the bannisters ready to jump people. The way they were acting it looked like they wanted to flip over the bannisters for real. If Robb and whoever else did not restrain Marie, I was afraid she was going to do it.
Alton and Nany only lost by one ball, right? So it's not like this is some huge upset of the century, nor do I consider it to be proof that Alton can't compete anymore. He didn't have a competitor spirit on this challenge, though, I agree, because he was annoyed with the antics in the house and didn't want to be there. I could understand it, but I did think it was unfair that he would (previously) volunteer his team to go into the arena with the intention to lose.
As much as Alton and Trishelle may be disappointing to longtime fans in this challenge, they certainly lived up to the dramatic season background they came from by providing dramatic moments in this challenge. They weren't just relegated to the background. Pretty impressive for older challengers who had been out for a long time.
Really wish it was Alton and Trishelle going home instead.
I just don't care about the original Vegas cast on this challenge. Would have been perfect with Nany, Dustin, Cooke, and Leroy.
there ya go :)
my apologies just love Trishelle and I just have to have her back..
BTW This image is awesome... She is loving this lol
I love Nany lol
[QUOTE=Nostalgic;327676]Yeah Frank is definetly being the stereotypical homosexual male right now as well as Derek always fighting with girls. No offense to my fellow vevmoians.[/QUOTE]
It sickens me when men, regardless of sexual orientation, berate women. I think Frank's instigating, petty remarks, and violent attempts towards the other cast mates are lines for serious harassment. I wish he wasn't given this platform to project his hatred and poor socialization skills.
[QUOTE=ellethevegan;327904]Trishelle is playing the [B]game[/B] and making great tv.. I love her :)
Nany didnt have to volunteer herself..
[I][B]#Team Trishelle[/B][/I][/QUOTE]
Explain why Trishelle is fine with her playing the game but doesn't think others should be allowed? I lose more respect for her each episode. Her comments are absurd and she continually fails to perform. People can like whomever they want but we should be able to call a spade a spade even when we like someone. Trishelle's a hypocrite that has performed poorly thus far. I was rooting for her earlier but I can't stand her at all now.
I hate that they love to cast gay dudes like Frank who reenforce evvvveerrryyyy negative stereotype that we get associated with. Instead of more masculine, rational thinking guys like JD or Mike Manning we get guys like Frank and Derrek who take pride in making females feel bad about themselves.
Where's CT when you need him?!
Frank actually makes an effort to look up "The Challenge" hashtag of twitter and belittle any and everyone who has something negative to say about him. Then, Marie always jumps in and says "don't judge us!" Like, dude, you went on a reality show, what did you think was gonna happen?
Dustin declaring that he's a Southern gentleman who never disrespects women one minute & then spazzing out on Frank and asking him if "he wanna get street" as he's hitting himself in the face the next was fricking hilarious.
[QUOTE=Dash_Vegas!;327716]"Zach let's go!"
And Dustin has pulled a complete 180 on me since his season, I'm officially a fan of the kid[/QUOTE]
That was the best. I hope everyone caught that Frank clearly said "C'mon Zach" or "Let's go Zach" or something to that effect when going to confront Dustin. He won't do anything without his giant to back him up.
[QUOTE=jojorules;327720]Dustin mad is pretty awesome. I am surprised Zach didn't chest bump him like he does[/QUOTE]
I'm pretty sure Zach was actually sober during that whole thing. You could see him a few times just laughing in the background at everything, even when he was trying to talk Frank down he was chuckling. He could see how ridiculous the whole situation was.
[QUOTE=AJHill;327808]"The two most dramatic people in the house"
Shutup Frank, you're still here.[/QUOTE]
TRUTH. (BTW I like how Frank tries to paint Trey as this Challenge superfan when he obviously knows so much about the challenge and its competitors himself...did he do research on Nany's family to have that below-the-belt zinger ready for her? And WHY won't anyone throw some below-the-belt stuff back at him? It's so easy to make him cry, people should do it! Although as we saw, laughing at him like Nany and Dustin did is also effective...there's nothing that self-important people like Frank hate more than being laughed at.)
Also, I just have to say, I hate Trishelle and I don't blame Dustin for being as upset as he is. She has completely pussed out on 2 challenges now (whereas Nany has performed well) and has somehow avoided the Arena...and to add insult to injury, she still acts all smug and judgmental when other females in the game do the same. She's a *****. Cannot stand her. I realize that avoiding the Arena is the name of the game, but c'mon...if you have basically not performed at all in TWO challenges and your female teammate has 1) pulled her weight in every challenge and 2) gone into an Arena already, it's time to put your big girl panties on and go in yourself. Have at least a little bit of integrity.
And Nany, good for you for stepping up and volunteering (thereby taking Frank's power to throw you in away), but don't hug Trishelle as if it's all good. She did you dirty!
Dustin had me laughing SO hard this episode...he's sooo earnest about everything he says. I was rolling when he said to Trishelle "I hope you have a pit in your belly! I hope it stays there FOREVER!". HA!
I'd also like to add...I would like to see the team deliberation among Vegas that led to them choosing the order of swimmers they did for that challenge. If Trishelle declared herself to be a good swimmer and volunteered to go for the second-deepest buoy, and then failed to perform, she deserved every bit of hate Alton and Dustin were slinging at her.
No amount of words can explain my hatred towards Frank.
"Tell your sister to inject one more for me".....
Someone needs to shoot this dude.
It's so easy to make this b**** cry so why doesn't anyone do so? If only CT, Kenny, Evan, Johnny, or Darrell were on this show...
Since its been floating around lately... This is weird but can someone explain to me how is Frank effeminate/feminine? I mean, yeah I sort of get it but then I sort of don't... You guys say he's feminine or fits this stereotype and I don't really view him as that "type of gay" that you guys see him as.
Clearly he's more "manly" than lets say Presten and Derek. And I wouldn't say Mike nor JD are more or less masculine than Frank.
(Labels are dumb nonetheless)
I don't know, these comments just bug me.
[QUOTE=wutzrenzi;327918]Since its been floating around lately... This is weird but can someone explain to me how is Frank effeminate/feminine?[/QUOTE]
I used to work at Disney World; in June we have "Gay Week". Frank reminds me of all of the guys that I would come in contact with who were rude and "sassy" for no reason. Frank is effeminate in the aspect that he gets easily offended and throws little hissy fits for nothing. No amount of muscle can make you masculine.
[QUOTE=wutzrenzi;327918]Since its been floating around lately... This is weird but can someone explain to me how is Frank effeminate/feminine? I mean, yeah I sort of get it but then I sort of don't... You guys say he's feminine or fits this stereotype and I don't really view him as that "type of gay" that you guys see him as.
Clearly he's more "manly" than lets say Presten and Derek. And I wouldn't say Mike nor JD are more or less masculine than Frank.
(Labels are dumb nonetheless)
I don't know, these comments just bug me.[/QUOTE]
It's easy. He acts prissy/queeny, talks like a ******...gives gays a bad name :(
[QUOTE=wutzrenzi;327918]Since its been floating around lately... This is weird but can someone explain to me how is Frank effeminate/feminine? I mean, yeah I sort of get it but then I sort of don't... You guys say he's feminine or fits this stereotype and I don't really view him as that "type of gay" that you guys see him as.
Clearly he's more "manly" than lets say Presten and Derek. And I wouldn't say Mike nor JD are more or less masculine than Frank.
(Labels are dumb nonetheless)
I don't know, these comments just bug me.[/QUOTE]
I am guessing people don't think he actually acts like a girl overall, but instead they mean he exhibits catty and dramatic behavior that is a gay guy stereotype. The catty behavior is something attributed to women as a stereotype, too, so I think that's where the feminine thing comes from. Not that he acts like a girl instead of a guy overall.
[QUOTE=Sloan;327916]I'd also like to add...I would like to see the team deliberation among Vegas that led to them choosing the order of swimmers they did for that challenge. If Trishelle declared herself to be a good swimmer and volunteered to go for the second-deepest buoy, and then failed to perform, she deserved every bit of hate Alton and Dustin were slinging at her.[/QUOTE]
After reading that Trishelle herself admitted that she overexaggerated or faked illness to avoid a mission, I could see the guys wondering about her in this mission. Especially if you add the deal about saying she was a good swimmer and she didn't deliver in the mission. So looking at it from that perspective, I can see them being annoyed. And I didn't think the Vegas guys were anywhere near Frank and Zach's level when being upset with her. But I do think Dustin should have dropped it after awhile. His attitude is not going to help him win any money.
[QUOTE=wutzrenzi;327918]Since its been floating around lately... This is weird but can someone explain to me how is Frank effeminate/feminine? I mean, yeah I sort of get it but then I sort of don't... You guys say he's feminine or fits this stereotype and I don't really view him as that "type of gay" that you guys see him as.
Clearly he's more "manly" than lets say Presten and Derek. And I wouldn't say Mike nor JD are more or less masculine than Frank.
(Labels are dumb nonetheless)
I don't know, these comments just bug me.[/QUOTE]
I haven't noticed postings about his "effeminacy." Being feminine is not an insult by the way.
Anyway, it has been discussed that he's acting like a "stereotypical homosexual" who hates/is jealous of women. Honestly, what it boils down to is that Frank has deep rooted issues and attempting to put others down makes him feel better about himself. Sorry hunty, that only makes you look worse.
[QUOTE=Seminole;327920]It's easy. He acts prissy/queeny, talks like a ******...gives gays a bad name :([/QUOTE]
He doesn't give gays a bad name. He gives himself a bad name by acting the way he does on television. If anyone wants to associate those misconceptions and labels with an entire group of people based on one person's perceived behavior, then that is their own ignorance and no one else's.
And people, please cool it with the death wish comments. They're getting out of hand and I literally just had this lecture a week ago.
[QUOTE=kvm1977;327911]Explain why Trishelle is fine with her playing the game but doesn't think others should be allowed? I lose more respect for her each episode. Her comments are absurd and she continually fails to perform. People can like whomever they want but we should be able to call a spade a spade even when we like someone. Trishelle's a hypocrite that has performed poorly thus far. I was rooting for her earlier but I can't stand her at all now.[/QUOTE]
Honestly I really love Trishelle I can't say a bad thing about her because of what I know of her.. It was hard to watch this episode but I don't think any less of her at all.. This is a game and you have to do what you have to do, to stay in this game as long as possible i think in that situation anyone would have stepped down she has fumbled a few times in this game but I truely think ya'll will see Trishelle will show she is strong and deserves to be there.... It sucks that Nany has to go and i see why everyone would be over Trishelle because of it and.. how things played out.. but the object of this is to win..
I hope i dont put my foot to far in my mouth but Gosh i really believe in her and I know Dustin will come around.. And ya'll will see.. :) ... dont hate me too much for this comment lol
Trishelle is willing to admit when she is wrong especially in the Sarah situation she even said it at the end of the episode when that whole drama happened.. Jonna situation idk but again Trishelle was not alone in her harsh comments and again there is so much that we don't get to see... I know you guys are over her but I just have to defend her I love Nany too!
But Dustin is crazy..
#Team Trishelle .... :)
#Love Vevmo.. Lol
And people, please cool it with the death wish comments. [/QUOTE]
Agreed; It's like.. whoa. I don't hate the guy [I]that[/I] much lol.