[QUOTE=jesses_girl;295951]Actually she says she doesn't "remember", it was months ago and it was pretty early on in filming so I'm sure a lot of stuff happened between her and Abram since this incident. We can't expect them to remember every little detail that happened in the first week.[/QUOTE]
So why even publicize something, you don't even remember?
[QUOTE=townie;295958]As for the girls' reaction, 95% of these broads on the show are nutcases as it is...add alcohol into the mix and there you go. Cara Maria really needs to learn how to keep her mouth shut & nose out of business that doesn't pertain to her. Whatever the two of them were arguing about as far as their relationship is their business and the vast majority of the ***** on this season weren't even around on these shows when the two were dating.[/QUOTE]
Agreed. I think Cara Maria is looking for a way to get attention since we haven't seen much of her on the first two episodes. Maybe if she paid attention to her own business she won't be in such a rocky relationship with Abram but maybe that's exactly what she wants to get attention.
[QUOTE=eggs78;295978]So why even publicize something, you don't even remember?
Because a fan wanted to know what happened and why they didn't show it. She saw the question and barely answered it. And it came up again on the podcast, fans ask and they answered the best they could. It's not like she's bashing CT or anything, she's just giving her little insight on something that apparently happened. Why are you giving your opinion on something and you weren't even there?
[QUOTE=eggs78;295978]So why even publicize something, you don't even remember?
Agreed. I think Cara Maria is looking for a way to get attention since we haven't seen much of her on the first two episodes. Maybe if she paid attention to her own business she won't be in such a rocky relationship with Abram but maybe that's exactly what she wants to get attention.[/QUOTE]
1. Cara Maria didn't publicize anything. She simply responded to a formspring question with very little detail.
2. The subject was raised on Brandon's LiveattheStudio.tv show and she provided minimally more info.
3. Derrick discussed the subject on his most recent podcast and there was more confirming info.
4. It was a few at vevmo who decided that something significant happened (or didn't happen). I was the one who first mentioned that something happened that we didn't see in episode 1, at that it would eventually come out. Now we know it did happen, and it came out. The reaction to that info has taken the simple rumor way out of proportion.
5. We're beginning to look a little foolish here. Well, perhaps "beginning" is not entirely accurate as to where we are along the timeline of "How dead is this horse?"
[QUOTE=townie;295958]What happened was Diem probably tried to play the pity/victim card (her trademark) for how her relationship ended and CT flew off the handle on her. I don't get why it's so hard for her to comprehend that she is the one who broke up with him.
As for the girls' reaction, 95% of these broads on the show are nutcases as it is...add alcohol into the mix and there you go. Cara Maria really needs to learn how to keep her mouth shut & nose out of business that doesn't pertain to her. Whatever the two of them were arguing about as far as their relationship is their business and the vast majority of the ***** on this season weren't even around on these shows when the two were dating.[/QUOTE]
CT and Diem were being filmed on a show that airs nationally, I don't think they were overly concerned about keeping their "business" on the down-low.
I don't think people should be bashing Cara Maria for actually responding to people. Whether one agrees with her or not (I don't even follow her or particularly like her so who knows), I think people should be grateful or at least respectful that she, for whatever reason, does actually take time to interact online with fans on a regular basis (at least that's my impression). Very few do anymore and the ones who do seem to always have an selfish angle or reduce their interactions to RT's of tweets that make them look good or as a way to tell haters they don't care. Getting an answer to a show-related question from any of them is such a rarity, treasure it.
[QUOTE=jesses_girl;295979]Because a fan wanted to know what happened and why they didn't show it... And it came up again on the podcast, fans ask and they answered the best they could. [/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=V1man;295980]1. Cara Maria didn't publicize anything. She simply responded to a formspring question with very little detail.
2. The subject was raised on Brandon's LiveattheStudio.tv show and she provided minimally more info.
4. It was a few at vevmo who decided that something significant happened (or didn't happen). I was the one who first mentioned that something happened that we didn't see in episode 1, at that it would eventually come out. Now we know it did happen, and it came out. The reaction to that info has taken the simple rumor way out of proportion. [/QUOTE]
Cara Maria was the one brought it up on Brandon's podcast, not Brandon, Leroy or a caller. In fact, she called in on the wrong day just to talk about it under the guise of being pissed at Abram. She dropped it once Leroy wouldn't follow her lead in making it a big deal and promptly made a lame excuse to get off the podcast. She could have chosen not to answer the formspring question since she apparently knows very little about it. Looks to me that she was very intend on getting it out there.
How did the rumor get on formspring anyway? The timing of her "confirmation" is very suspect.
[QUOTE=jojorules;295950]What "started" is the thing CT did/accused of which is what matters since everyone said he got a great edit and did some horrible thing, so how does she know he got a good edit if she doesn't even know what he did? [/QUOTE]
Exactly, the rumor was billed to "tarnish CT's good guy edit" now the details are foggy at best. I might be misinterpreting you again Vman but from what you wrote below, it seemed significant.
[QUOTE=V1man;294690]The nexus between truth and fiction in the edit presented in episode one is tenuous at best. The real story of episode 1 is likely to come out in the coming days, and the "CT good guy" edit may be seriously tarnished.[/QUOTE]
Exactly, the rumor was billed to "tarnish CT's good guy edit" now the details are foggy at best. I might be misinterpreting you again Vman but from what you wrote below, it seemed significant.[/QUOTE]
"May be seriously tarnished" allows for it to not be seriously tarnished. I thought I was pretty clear, but perhaps hoping for more drama than we saw in a very tame episode one.
Cara Maria just said on the after show for episode 3 that CT is weird and told her not to tell Diem about the girlfriend he has at home, she then made it seem as if CT was going to murder her, literally. But I love how Ty kept trying to say it was because he likes to keep his life private. I'm a fan of Cara Maria and CT but it seems like lately she's been bashing him a lot.
I'm fully convinced Cara Maria suffers from some sort of mental illness...there is simply not something right with the head of somebody who constantly feels the need to draw attention onto themselves, ridiculously exaggerate every situation, and who is constantly seeking to put themselves into dramatic situations at whatever the cost.
She has to talk about every single negative event that happens to her in her life on social media sites to make people feel sorry for her. She is constantly blowing every little situation way out of proportion to make it seem more dramatic & a much bigger deal than it really is & the desperate lengths that she goes to in order to get herself attention is really becoming quite pathetic.
She has bright red hair, wears about 20 pounds of feathers, wears the goofiest clothing out of anybody on the show, and dates a guy who howls at wolves, gives himself horrendous tattoos, burns himself with swords, and plays with his own feces and she's calling other people weird? Ok......
She has bright red hair, wears about 20 pounds of feathers, wears the goofiest clothing out of anybody on the show, and dates a guy who howls at wolves, gives himself horrendous tattoos, burns himself with swords, and plays with his own feces and she's calling other people weird? Ok......[/QUOTE]
I don't recall her calling anyone else weird. Besides, weird is much better than normal. Weird shows that you dare to be different.
Though I have to agree with the fact that she's drawing way too much unneccessary attention to herself.
On the aftershow, I just don't get why she even mentioned it with the CT gf thing, it came otu of nowhere and had no real relation to the episode. They acted like Abe thought it was romantic until Cara told him the truth(which makes 0 sense since it was a long time ago and he was touched by the past not the present), but supposedly they each are dating different people, so why would that even matter unless they hooked up on the challenge or seriously were in talks during it to possibly get back together. Ty said ct/diem had deep chats but kept going in circles and it never could really develop, so there you go. Why did Cara have to bring up the other stuff, it was purely to cause drama or attempt to but no one there was dumb enough to bite.
Seems she said it just to say it, and said on her formspring she wouldn't answer CT personal questions out of respect/fear, well so much for that. She tried so hard to get Paula to back her, i was laughing so hard how Paula would not even speak and Ty was rolling his eyes like why would you even say this? She wasn't even asked to spill, she brought it up and no one would back her.
If he had a gf and she had a bf, who cares what he told her. Unless they were hooking up on the show or he tried to get back together with her, but i don't think either was the case. CT basically said on Rivals reunion they can portray him however they want as long as he gets invited back, so I don't think he even cares about the show/episodes but i do know from being on this forum he is a private guy with his personal life. What a trustworthy confidant CM is huh?
[QUOTE=townie;296427]I'm fully convinced Cara Maria suffers from some sort of mental illness...there is simply not something right with the head of somebody who constantly feels the need to draw attention onto themselves, ridiculously exaggerate every situation, and who is constantly seeking to put themselves into dramatic situations at whatever the cost.
She has to talk about every single negative event that happens to her in her life on social media sites to make people feel sorry for her. She is constantly blowing every little situation way out of proportion to make it seem more dramatic & a much bigger deal than it really is & the desperate lengths that she goes to in order to get herself attention is really becoming quite pathetic.
She has bright red hair, wears about 20 pounds of feathers, wears the goofiest clothing out of anybody on the show, and dates a guy who howls at wolves, gives himself horrendous tattoos, burns himself with swords, and plays with his own feces and she's calling other people weird? Ok......[/QUOTE]
So you're saying that she's mentally ill because she brought up some CT stuff when probably asked about it and asked to talk about the relationship between CT and Diem on an After Show?
Hey [B]Townie[/B], do you know if CT blacklisted Cara Maria in Boston for their twitter feud over the $200? I've noticed that she hasn't had hosting gigs. She's just bartending and gogo dancing. Both Emilee and Leroy have hosted around Boston. Emilee said on Katie's podcast that she's friends with CT's girlfriend and Leroy met up with CT while he was in Boston.
I just can't figure out why she would say CT would kill her but yet discuss his personal life even when nobody else will join her. It seemed like everyone on that aftershow knows CT has a girlfriend but they all seemed to respect that he keeps his private life private like Ty said. I think Cara Maria's out for revenge. You don't mess with her money!
Also, I don't get her answer below. She decided it was okay to tell the world about CT's gf because it's supposedly common knowledge even though the producers edited it out? Maybe CT got mad at her because he had an agreement with the producers to leave out his personal life. As [B]Jojorules[/B] said, he leaves his portrayal up to them.
I hate to divert from this silly Cara Maria drama and move onto something sillier: what is the shirt CT keeps wearing? I can't read it and keep trying to freeze the clips, it looks like its the only shirt he packed haha (the black tee with writing)
[QUOTE=MuchoDenaro;296476]I hate to divert from this silly Cara Maria drama and move onto something sillier: what is the shirt CT keeps wearing? I can't read it and keep trying to freeze the clips, it looks like its the only shirt he packed haha (the black tee with writing)[/QUOTE]
I think you're talking about his Forgiven shirt and hoodie. He gets tag on most of their tweets and hosted their UFC party in Las Vegas last weekend with TJ. He must be some sort of investor?
I don't think she's been black listed, she had a hosting gig with Greg Avila, when Exes premiered. The whole situation seems high school to me, to be honest, the "cool guy" CT won't be her friend so she gets mad at him and makes him look bad to others, or at least tries to...
I say this because I don't think CT has cared to contact her since the show wrapped and I think that bothers her.
Again I'm a fan of both of them but any time she says anything about CT she sounds like a high school kid. Even when she answers questions about him on Formspring, she always seems jealous that he is a fan favorite. Maybe in her "For the Record" video she'll express her reasoning for making him look bad all the time? Someone sent her the question "Why do you insist on making CT's Private life public..." err something like that.
She's a flat out attention *****, simple as that. CT really did try to be nice to her & be her friend but she's so addicted to drama & stirring up drama out of thin air that he basically wants nothing to do with her because it's a constant cycle of soap opera crap with her. I think that she thought that since CT is one of the most popular castmembers on the show that being friends with him would get her more of the exposure she craves but since that didn't happen, she's trying to go the opposite route and bash him & make him look bad at any chance she gets.
What she doesn't seem to get is that Chris has been doing reality television for nine years and his persona that is shown on television has been through the highest of highs with his relationship with Diem/patching things up with Adam and the lowest of lows with his violent outburst on Duel 2...through it all he is still getting asked to do shows and still remains one of the most popular castmembers from the Challenge. He isn't going anywhere and if she really thinks her little high school gossip stories are going to "ruin CT's reputation" with people who watch the show, she's got another thing comin.
[QUOTE=townie;296529][B]She's a flat out attention *****[/B], simple as that. CT really did try to be nice to her & be her friend but she's so addicted to drama & stirring up drama out of thin air that he basically wants nothing to do with her because it's a constant cycle of soap opera crap with her. I think that she thought that since CT is one of the most popular castmembers on the show that being friends with him would get her more of the exposure she craves but since that didn't happen, she's trying to go the opposite route and bash him & make him look bad at any chance she gets.[/QUOTE]
She's also a member here, so please be respectful.
[QUOTE=townie;296529]She's a flat out attention *****, simple as that. CT really did try to be nice to her & be her friend but she's so addicted to drama & stirring up drama out of thin air that he basically wants nothing to do with her because it's a constant cycle of soap opera crap with her. I think that she thought that since CT is one of the most popular castmembers on the show that being friends with him would get her more of the exposure she craves but since that didn't happen, she's trying to go the opposite route and bash him & make him look bad at any chance she gets. ...[/QUOTE]
Cara Maria is both a member here and someone I regard as a friend, so I do take offense at your vulgar choice of language, and I obviously disagree with your characterization of her.
Oh I see how it is...it's ok for her to take every opportunity she can to publicly spread gossip & bull**** about the personal life of somebody I'm friends with, but when I call her out for being a drama queen and a flake, I'm in the wrong? Pretty evident to anybody who watches the show & who looks at her social media activity that Cara Maria is pretty much exactly what I said she is. People like her who have to publicly air all of the drama in their life for simply getting pity from others are truly pathetic if that's what they have to resort to in order to feel as though people actually care about them.
[QUOTE=townie;296540]Oh I see how it is...it's ok for her to take every opportunity she can to publicly spread gossip & bull**** about the personal life of somebody I'm friends with, but when I call her out for being a drama queen and a flake, I'm in the wrong? Pretty evident to anybody who watches the show & who looks at her social media activity that Cara Maria is pretty much exactly what I said she is. People like her who have to publicly air all of the drama in their life for simply getting pity from others are truly pathetic if that's what they have to resort to in order to feel as though people actually care about them.[/QUOTE]
You're missing the major difference: [B]she's not doing it on this website.[/B]
She can do whatever the hell she wants outside of this website. So can you. But when you are here, there are rules. Insulting a member is one of them. She is a member here.
[QUOTE=eggs78;296473]Hey [B]Townie[/B], do you know if CT blacklisted Cara Maria in Boston for their twitter feud over the $200? I've noticed that she hasn't had hosting gigs. She's just bartending and gogo dancing. Both Emilee and Leroy have hosted around Boston. Emilee said on Katie's podcast that she's friends with CT's girlfriend and Leroy met up with CT while he was in Boston.[/QUOTE]
Did I miss something? What happened between CT and Cara Maria's $200?
Also, Katie has a podcast?
[QUOTE=CherryPie;296562]Did I miss something? What happened between CT and Cara Maria's $200?
Also, Katie has a podcast?[/QUOTE]
CT apparently dipped out of an appearance early without paying anyone last season after Cara Maria went out of her way to help him out with it. I believe she eventually got paid, but I'm not certain about that, but she was very pissed off and went off about it on Twitter that night.
[QUOTE=molds13;296541]You're missing the major difference: [B]she's not doing it on this website.[/B]
She can do whatever the hell she wants outside of this website. So can you. But when you are here, there are rules. Insulting a member is one of them. She is a member here.[/QUOTE]
She has said on multiple occasions that she doesn't come on here or visit this site. Why is she a member, if that's the case?
Or was that just something she said; the same way she says she's not the jealous type when her behavior (as of late) indicate otherwise?
[QUOTE=CherryPie;296562]Did I miss something? What happened between CT and Cara Maria's $200?
Also, Katie has a podcast?[/QUOTE]
Her and CT hosted a party together during, or shortly after rivals ended, can't remember, and CT left without paying her. The story is that the theater was going to write the check and he didn't have the money but didn't fully explain this to Cara Maria, she then blasted him (really badly) on twitter, a day or two later he explained the situation she apologized for her rant, he said retweeted a fan who said they were like brother and sister and asked the fans to leave her alone, she got heat for blasting him, she then confirmed on formspring a week or two later that he indeed payed her what was owed to her. Nothing to be concerned about now.
Katie had a podcast with robin during rivals, I don't think it was going to well since they didn't finish up the last episode or two of the season and didn't continue it this season. You can catch old episodes I believe on rtvzone.com.
Cara Maria didn't go out of her way to help CT with that party, he went out of his way to include her in it. He was originally going to have Kenny co-host it with him but thought that since Cara Maria was a local too, it'd make more sense if he had her do it with him instead.
Everybody else that helped out was in the loop as far as what was going on with the money and getting paid for the event...these are the same people CT was there hanging out with all night when Cara Maria says he ditched her and left. Rather than come up to CT at any point during the night and ask him about her $200, she waits to call him at 4am when the event is over & he had his phone off and when he doesn't answer, resorts to her favorite trick of magnifying the drama in her life by 5000% and blowing it out of proportion on Twitter.
If you're seriously going to blow that big of a hemorrhoid over $200 that you have to make ill-informed public comments tearing down somebody's character, then maybe you should think about getting a real job instead of selling clip-on feathers out of your living room.
[QUOTE=Belle-vie;296517]Again I'm a fan of both of them but any time she says anything about CT she sounds like a high school kid. [/QUOTE]
I just thought that if she was going ahead with this witch hunting that no other cast member wants to participate in, there has to be something more than just high school jealousy because of airtime, guess not? She really is that petty?
[QUOTE=townie;296529] He isn't going anywhere and if she really thinks her little high school gossip stories are going to "ruin CT's reputation" with people who watch the show, she's got another thing comin.[/QUOTE]
Thing is she tried to ruin CT’s reputation but she’s the one coming out looking bad. I think she should focus on building her own brand instead of ruining somebody else's then maybe she’ll get the attention she wants. It’s difficult to try to ruin CT’s reputation. JEK and Wes tried to do it but he is still a fan favorite and more importantly, MTV’s golden/teflon boy. I think Cara Maria should follow the advice of the only RWSD cast member I follow:
[QUOTE=JSilver23;296564]She has said on multiple occasions that she doesn't come on here or visit this site. Why is she a member, if that's the case?
Or was that just something she said; the same way she says she's not the jealous type when her behavior (as of late) indicate otherwise?[/QUOTE]
If people constantly bashed you on this site, would you really want to read it? I can't say I blame her.
However, this thread has gotten derailed by CT/Cara Maria drama...let's try to get back to CT only.