[QUOTE=Kajun;310159]How do you know she is breast feeding still breast feeding? Her daughter is around 6 months. Didn't Libra have very young twins when she left for the show? I imagine Janelle's daughter could make it 2 and a half months.[/QUOTE]
Libra's twins were like 2 months, or something crazy like that!
[QUOTE=V1man;310156]Janelle recently had a baby. I can't imagine she would abandon the child and breast feeding to play in a game that has changed so much since her two seasons.
As ratings hungry as CBS is, I can't imagine they would have Janelle and her baby together on the show. While that might be an interesting dynamic for some, it would create and enormous challenge for production in working to create hookups and as much debauchery as possible while managing a respectful family atmosphere for Janelle.[/QUOTE]
With the amount of money she will be receiving (rumored) I would be surprised if she didn't take this opportunity.
The mentor idea is horrible, but if it brings Janelle back I am all for it. Parvati and Janelle are two of the greatest people to ever grace reality TV maybe Cameran (RW14) too.
I hate this mentor thing. I will only be okay with it if the returnees are allowed to play. The mentor thing is just a stupid way toensure the returnees stay awhile...as if the producers didn't make that happen last year.
YAY now I can like Scott again! "Rapscallion" has to be one of the best lines in a BBUK argument since "you better know yourself, little girl". GET CONNER OUT! I love how shocked he and Aaron were that they were up.
Did anyone see the commercial with some of the houseguests?
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmZWBMI7YoQ&feature=youtube_gdata_player]BB14 promo with new houseguests - YouTube[/url]
I took some screen shots of the promos so that we could get a better look at the cast. Sorry about the poor quality.
And another one..
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOaNAidZOFY&feature=player_embedded]Big Brother 14 Commercial Featuring New Cast - YouTube[/url]
[QUOTE=gamer73;310252]I've been hearing that Willie is Russell's (Survivor) brother.[/QUOTE]
I heard the same thing. That would explain the survivor connection rumor.
Edit: It is him. There is a Facebook picture of him and Brandon floating around. I can't paste it because I'm not on my computer, but he is in fact a hantz.
Here is the Willie Hantz interview
[url=http://www.wpix.com/videogallery/70876296/Entertainment/apos-Big-Brother-14-apos-Willie-Hantz]'Big Brother 14': Willie Hantz -- WPIX[/url]
So there are four super sized surprise twists, a super sized cast, and a game changing shocker in the premiere? At a look of the house, there is room for like 12 HGs (with the number/size of the beds, and the place settings at the table). However, there are 14 picture/key slots on the wall. Does this mean there is a hidden "BB apartment" for another, let's say, 6 HGs? Could that be one of the twists or game changer?
[QUOTE=Clarke;310257]Is there a particular reason the Hantz family can't stay off of my TV . . .:aggressive:[/QUOTE]
That's honestly really disappointing.
Here's the podcast that Rob Cesternino, from Survivor the Amazon, did on the "Fan Voted" 14 Top Big Brother Players of All Time.
[url=http://robhasawebsite.com/big-brother-rankings-14-greatest-players-poll-results.html]Ranking the Top 14 Big Brother Players of All-Time LIVE | RobHasAwebsite.com[/url]
And in case you didn't want to listen to the entire two hours, here's how the [strike]popularity contest[/strike] votes went down.
14. Matt Hoffman (Big Brother 12)
13. Britney Haynes (Big Brother 12)
12. Jun Song (Big Brother 4)
11. Eric Stein (Big Brother 8)
10. Mike Boogie (Big Brother 2 & 7)
9. Daniele Donato (Big Brother 8)
8. Rachel Reilly (Big Brother 12 & 13)
7. Jeff Schroeder (Big Brother 11 & 13)
6. Danielle Reyes (Big Brother 3 & 7)
5. Jordan Lloyd (Big Brother 11 & 13)
4. Janelle Pierzina (Big Brother 6 & 7)
3. Evel **** Donato (Big Brother 8 & 13)
2. Dan Gheesling (Big Brother 10)
1. Dr. Will Kirby (Big Brother 2 & 7)
Big Brother will feature 4 mentors this season. They are winners of previous seasons.
1. Janelle
2. Rachel
3. Dan
4. Mike Boogie
They will have immunity then eventually enter the game as players.
(Was told this from someone who just returned home from finals)
[QUOTE=smithb12;310272]Big Brother will feature 4 mentors this season. They are winners of previous seasons.
1. Janelle
2. Rachel
3. Dan
4. Mike Boogie
They will have immunity then eventually enter the game as players.
(Was told this from someone who just returned home from finals)[/QUOTE]
Janelle didn't win. She's just very popular.
[QUOTE=smithb12;310272]Big Brother will feature 4 mentors this season. They are winners of previous seasons.
1. Janelle
2. Rachel
3. Dan
4. Mike Boogie
They will have immunity then eventually enter the game as players.
(Was told this from someone who just returned home from finals)[/QUOTE]
I've said it before and I'll say it again, Rachel will not be on BB14.
[QUOTE=smithb12;310272]Big Brother will feature 4 mentors this season. They are winners of previous seasons.
1. Janelle
2. Rachel
3. Dan
4. Mike Boogie
They will have immunity then eventually enter the game as players.
(Was told this from someone who just returned home from finals)[/QUOTE]
I doubt the "mentor" thing is true. with 12 new houseguests the returnees will likely be players.
The mentors will probably be in hoh or something. If its mentors theirs 3 winners and Janelle so thats weird. But really Rachel 3 seasons in a row, I'd rather see Evel **** than her as a mentor. Or let us vote the 4 mentors in from a pool of players.
[QUOTE=erodwhtboy;310310]The mentors will probably be in hoh or something. If its mentors theirs 3 winners and Janelle so thats weird. But really Rachel 3 seasons in a row, I'd rather see Evel **** than her as a mentor. Or let us vote the 4 mentors in from a pool of players.[/QUOTE]
I'm not believing that Rachel is on this season until they actually confirm it.
[QUOTE=fabulous788;310311]I'm not believing that Rachel is on this season until they actually confirm it.[/QUOTE]
She's been the one that the people spoiling this info have been the most iffy on. Although I'm a huge Rachel fan, I don't want her back this soon after winning. The main rumors that I'm hearing are that the 4th menor is either Keesha, Brittney or Danielle Reyes, and for the sake of my sanity I'm hoping it's Danielle!