Big Brother 15

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Nick will let her down easy after the show. Elissa winning is horrific
I don't think David knows where he is right now.
AHAHA love Elissa winning.
[QUOTE=molds13;367771]I don't think David knows where he is right now.[/QUOTE] Who?
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;367774]Who?[/QUOTE] Aaryn's boy toy--first evicted.
THANK GOD!! People are going to say that he didn't deserve to win, but he is honesty one of the best winners to ever take it. He had a great game.
[QUOTE=RMD1;367779]THANK GOD!! People are going to say that he didn't deserve to win, but he is honesty one of the best winners to ever take it. He had a great game.[/QUOTE] We rarely agree but we do on the fact him winning saved the season He's in the first half of winners...Andy-Jun is a great debate
[QUOTE=kvm1977;367777]Aaryn's boy toy--first evicted.[/QUOTE] I knew that. It was a joke because he was not memorable at all.
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;367789]I knew that. It was a joke because he was not memorable at all.[/QUOTE] Bad joke
[QUOTE=kvm1977;367790]Bad joke[/QUOTE] Disagree. You just have a bad sense of humor and I had to explain it to you. Perhaps I should have made the joke again instead of explaining it.
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;367793]Disagree. You just have a bad sense of humor and I had to explain it to you. Perhaps I should have made the joke again instead of explaining it.[/QUOTE] If you know who he is then he's memorable...simple. Not trying to start a fight--just being honest.
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;367793]Disagree. You just have a bad sense of humor and I had to explain it to you. Perhaps I should have made the joke again instead of explaining it.[/QUOTE] I understood the joke. I laughed.
Since the rumor is that BB16 will be All-Stars 2, who does everyone want to represent BB15? I want Andy there to see how he'd do with some vets. I think he got off kind of badly because everyone loves hating this season's cast. I think Amanda is a must, even though she was hard to like. She's a great personality. And, lastly, Nick because... why not? I think he could be good. I couldn't care less about Judd and it sort of infuriates me how great of an edit he got.
[QUOTE=Legend;367820]Since the rumor is that BB16 will be All-Stars 2, who does everyone want to represent BB15?[/QUOTE] In order: 1. Andy 2. Helen 3. Amanda 4. Aaryn (never will happen though) 5. Kaitlyn/Nick--both deserve another chance but hard to be an All-Star when you didn't make jury
There was a meeting with one of the producers and an older player. The producers want Aaryn and Amanda over everyone.
During Candice's interview with Jeff, she brought up how she didn't think Aaryn was a racist, just ignorant and that Aaryn has grown as a person. I hope America listens to Candice, but they won't because it won't make the news cycle.
[QUOTE=Legend;367820]Since the rumor is that BB16 will be All-Stars 2, who does everyone want to represent BB15?[/QUOTE] 1. Amanda 2. Helen 3. Aaryn 4. Candice 5. Elissa The boys didn't stand out to me this season.
[QUOTE=Legend;367820]Since the rumor is that BB16 will be All-Stars 2, who does everyone want to represent BB15?[/QUOTE] It depends if the producers still want BB to be associated with racist, bullies or actually good players. Sure if they decide to keep this track and cast racist, bullies, ignorant, delusional and homophobic HG they should invite Amanda, Aaryn and GM. However, after this bad season (reputation-wise) they probably have to cast good players and/or fan favorites that's why they probably will cast Andy, Elissa and/or one of Candice/Nick/Judd/Howard. I'm honestly expecting for the new season a "Redemption" season where HG return who made one single mistake that cost them the win, I'm not really expecting a All-Stars 2 season with my favorites.
It was long over due for them to do another all star season well if this is true. Out of season 15 they most likely will have Amanda and Aaryn they're the top choices. I personally would like to see Helen back and maybe Elissa. Like someone said the boys didn't really stand out did not like Jeremy's personality he was a good competitor I will give him that. And out of all the other seasons who do you all think could be a possibility? I hope they cast people only from season 8-15 the other seasons already had an all stars.
I would hope for a chance to see a few of the really classic stand out players from earlier seasons come back.
[QUOTE=RMD1;367843]There was a meeting with one of the producers and an older player. The producers want Aaryn and Amanda over everyone.[/QUOTE] I can understand them wanting Amanda.... not because I like her but she provides plenty of material for them as reality tv producers to work with. Aaryn not so much. All the comments etc aside, she was a kind of weak game player. She had the power to shake things up plenty of times after winning her comps but played the game way too scared.
[QUOTE=Katiedid;367944]I can understand them wanting Amanda.... not because I like her but she provides plenty of material for them as reality tv producers to work with. Aaryn not so much. All the comments etc aside, she was a kind of weak game player. She had the power to shake things up plenty of times after winning her comps but [B]played the game way too scared.[/B][/QUOTE] Sing it sister!
[QUOTE=kvm1977;367768]Nick will let her down easy after the show. Elissa winning is horrific[/QUOTE] I just read an interview where he basically won't commit one way or another to his opinion of GM. He says he still plans to take her on the Monster Truck date as planned, but was really vague about anything else. Also from what I have been able to tell, he hasn't given any opinion of the controversy surrounding her behaviors. He's trying to fund raise on Twitter for him to go on some kind of tour, I kinda wonder if he may use her for a while to stretch out his face time and/or for some of her prize money? Also, I feel some guilt today. I voted for Elissa to win because I was bitter and wanted to **** off the rest of the cast members I disliked. I would have rather seen Howard win it and should have voted that way. Ah well, at least the look on Spencer's face was fleeting entertainment for me. :)
[QUOTE=Katiedid;367944]I can understand them wanting Amanda.... not because I like her but she provides plenty of material for them as reality tv producers to work with. Aaryn not so much. All the comments etc aside, she was a kind of weak game player. She had the power to shake things up plenty of times after winning her comps but played the game way too scared.[/QUOTE] Aaryn played a solid game. She was doing what was best for her alliance. She could have made it to the Final 2 but the worst case scenario for her happened twice in the same week with Elissa winning HOH and Amanda winning veto. Even if she was a bad game player like you say, she would be the first pick from Big Brother 15 to come back because it would be widespread national news. They can say how upset they are with Aaryn all they want, but they secretly loved her because it got the show national attention and helped the ratings.
[QUOTE=Katiedid;367944]I can understand them wanting Amanda.... not because I like her but she provides plenty of material for them as reality tv producers to work with. Aaryn not so much. All the comments etc aside, she was a kind of weak game player. She had the power to shake things up plenty of times after winning her comps but played the game way too scared.[/QUOTE] Welcome Back!! And yes! For Andy succeeding in BB15 even though I found his voice agitating.
S7anddown: Diane, Jase, Danielle 8: ****, Jessica, Jen, Jameka, Eric 9: Sheila, Chelsia, James 10: Keesha, Memphis, Renny, Ollie, April, Brian 11: Michele, Russell, Jeff (no Jordan), Casey 12: Annie!, Lane, Enzo, Ragan. Absolutely no Rachel 13: Shelly, Kalia 14: Shane. Absolutely no Frank... 15: Helen, Amanda Or this cast Exactly: Dr. Will Kirby, Lisa Donahue, Jun Song, Drew Daniel, Maggie Ausburn, Mike Boogie Malin, **** Donato, Adam Jasinski, Dan Gheesling, Jordan Lloyd, Hayden Moss, Rachel Reilly (uugggh), Ian Terry, Andy Herren.
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;367959]Aaryn played a solid game. [/QUOTE] I don't think she played horribly, but had how she was playing worked out for her my opinion is that she was playing for third or fourth place at best.
[QUOTE=Katiedid;368239]I don't think she played horribly, but had how she was playing worked out for her my opinion is that she was playing for third or fourth place at best.[/QUOTE] If you get to the F4 all you have to do is win comps--who would have beat her in those comps? If Amanda and McCrae evict Andy as they should have there's a very good chance Aaryn wins or finishes second.
[QUOTE=kvm1977;368241]If you get to the F4 all you have to do is win comps--who would have beat her in those comps? If Amanda and McCrae evict Andy as they should have there's a very good chance Aaryn wins or finishes second.[/QUOTE] I was being generous when I said Final 3 or 4 at best. Had Elissa not won HOH that week she would have gotten further. But she was the odd man out in her alliance and I think they would have flipped on her not long after BECAUSE of her comp wins. Obviously it's all just speculation and opinion and there's tons of scenarios. That's just what I think. Her game play definitely improved over time. In the beginning when Jeremy and co were all still around and the 'other side' of the house came into power, making a spectacle of herself by being mean bed flipping etc wasn't very intelligent. I am impressed how she was able to turn things around after the demise of the 'mean group' and faded into the background and let other targets come into play. I understand her letting other people influence her comp wins at that point. But I don't understand why it kept happening. She knew she was the odd man out in 3 am. Also at one point she kept saying how she wanted to nominate GM. GM was the one percent left who was blindly loyal to her, so I don't know what gain she that that would be to her game.
