Big Brother 15

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[QUOTE=molds13;367525]"Best" is an opinion.[/QUOTE] This.
[QUOTE=kvm1977;367530]They weren't able to watch everything as we were.[/QUOTE] And you're not voting, so...
[QUOTE=kvm1977;367524]Are you Bobby Singer???? Really? Not rooting for the best player to win?[/QUOTE] Believe it or not, being the best player doesn't automatically mean you should be rooted for.
[QUOTE=Fresh Meat;367535]Believe it or not, being the best player doesn't automatically mean you should be rooted for.[/QUOTE] It's a game...the concept of rooting for a lesser player is lost on me. This isn't a personality contest
Spencer being on the block and never have a melt down is an impressive but subtle game.
I can't stand Andy--would have loved him to leave when he was next to Aaryn but Spencer and Gina Maria weren't close in terms of gameplay.
[QUOTE=kvm1977;367537]It's a game...the concept of rooting for a lesser player is lost on me. This isn't a personality contest[/QUOTE] BB is as much a personality contest as it is a game. People will not vote for someone they don't like - see Candice.
[QUOTE=molds13;367545]BB is as much a personality contest as it is a game. People will not vote for someone they don't like - see Candice.[/QUOTE] The discussion was "rooting" for someone as a fan--not as a juror
Is he nuts?
Okay, now we can say Andy made a mistake and deserves to lose.
[QUOTE=molds13;367548]Is he nuts?[/QUOTE] In the house, your perception of reality changes.
Andy. Why?
Uh, WHAT? Why the hell would he ever not keep Spencer?
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;367552]In the house, your perception of reality changes.[/QUOTE] I suppose, but I think either Andy or GM would have won against Spencer. He might have lost one vote with GM, but I don't think he would have lost enough to lose.
The jury questions will be a lot more interesting now, though. But, wow Andy, wow.
LOL!!!!!!!! Priceless, my God... Then that speech before hand... Interested now to see if a woman can beat a man in the Final 2 for the first time in the series. Kinda bummed to see Spencer go.
[QUOTE=Dash_Vegas!;367562]LOL!!!!!!!! Priceless, my God... Then that Speech before hand... Interested now to see if a woman can beat a man in the Final 2 for the first time in the series.[/QUOTE] Maybe he's playing that... Andy wins 6-3 IMO Aaryn, Elissa and Jessie vote for GM
Either way we see a first...either a woman beats a man in the final or a gay person wins. Unless Drew is gay--never really figured that one out.
Maybe Andy is playing on definitely having Candice and Amanda on his side and only needing two more. He was pretty friendly with everyone with the exception of Elissa toward the end. He figured he had 2 guaranteed votes this way. Spencer is a bit unpredictable.
[QUOTE=Dash_Vegas!;367562]LOL!!!!!!!! Priceless, my God... Then that speech before hand... Interested now to see if a woman can beat a man in the Final 2 for the first time in the series. Kinda bummed to see Spencer go.[/QUOTE] That's true. No matter what, history will be made tonight. Which is great. Yeah, I'm getting delusional trying to support Andy -_-.
[QUOTE=molds13;367566]Maybe Andy is playing on definitely having Candice and Amanda on his side and only needing two more. He was pretty friendly with everyone with the exception of Elissa toward the end. He figured he had 2 guaranteed votes this way. Spencer is a bit unpredictable.[/QUOTE] 3 more. GM has 4 votes in Aaryn, Judd, Elissa, and Jessie. She only needs 1 more.
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;367568]3 more. GM has 4 votes in Aaryn, Judd, Elissa, and Jessie. She only needs 1 more.[/QUOTE] Thanks, I keep forgetting there are 9 jurors this season.
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;367568]3 more. GM has 4 votes in Aaryn, Judd, Elissa, and Jessie. She only needs 1 more.[/QUOTE] Disagree on Judd but maybe
Did McCrae not bring any nice clothes?
[QUOTE=molds13;367576]Did McCrae not bring any nice clothes?[/QUOTE] change bring to own
This should be right up GM's alley. Pageant type questions. Plus, she looks SO much more comfortable than Andy.
Worst answer ever...
God GM speaking jeez......................
Andy is a lot more eloquent than GM.
OK I change my mind. That didn't answer the question at all.
