The Challenge: New Threats and Vets (Season 41) - Eliminations spoilers discussions

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Don't come for Josh, unless he twirls for you.

Let em know PK!

OMG...did PK just shade Josh?

Josh is not a cast member this season. He is enjoying his break while he chooses the reality shows he wants to do from the infintismal offers provided to him.

...from the infintismal offers provided to him.

Say it again for the people in the back


What has he added since Sexes 2 besides an annoying fake beef? But you like Josh so I forget you like the manufactured rehearsed drama. That's not my thing. Plus I hate him for being selfish and competing injured on 40 costing deserving people and his entire team a shot. And don't get me started on his rambling on his podcast.

He doesn't need to add anything else. He's an OG. He paid his dues. What is that old banshee Tina adding? I don't remember any manufactured beef?? If you're talking about All Stars I skip half of those seasons because it's boring to tears. Derrick didn't cost his team anything on 40. If anything he and Rachel were the only reason era 1 wasn't wiped up even earlier.

That's ridiculous. No one is an OG purist more than me but come on. Just cause you are old doesn't mean you get a pass to bring nothing. He didn't even bring much in the old days. Sexes 2 and Gauntlet 2 were his only relevant seasons. He totally stole spots from healthy people who could have contributed to the team over his busted knee.

Tina provided on every season since her return. So this convo isn't even serious. Anyone who calls All Stars boring but can make it through 74 episodes of 90 minutes of absolutely nothing has no credibility*. 

*You have credibility. I'm just saying you don't because you attacked Tina and you're wrong.


OMG...did PK just shade Josh?

Josh is not a cast member this season. He is enjoying his break while he chooses the reality shows he wants to do from the infintismal offers provided to him.


That's ridiculous. No one is an OG purist more than me but come on. Just cause you are old doesn't mean you get a pass to bring nothing. He didn't even bring much in the old days. Sexes 2 and Gauntlet 2 were his only relevant seasons. He totally stole spots from healthy people who could have contributed to the team over his busted knee.

I'm not even an OG purist. I just have always liked Derrick. I like that he always fights, doesn't give up, has heart. I liked his relationship with Diem (more than I did Diem and CT). Season 40 was the first time Derrick has been on the main show in 10 seasons. You're acting like he's a regular still doing seasons like CT and Aneesa. And I'm assuming his leg is healed otherwise he wouldn't have passed the physical to be on 41. Shut up.

I meant he stole spots on 40. He did steal Shane's spot on this or any other male who would have provided an ounce of entertainment.

Tina provided on every season since her return. So this convo isn't even serious. Anyone who calls All Stars boring but can make it through 74 episodes of 90 minutes of absolutely nothing has no credibility*. 

*You have credibility. I'm just saying you don't because you attacked Tina and you're wrong.

B^itch you know All Stars S1-S3 was boring as hell. Stop

I meant he stole spots on 40. He did steal Shane's spot on this or any other male who would have provided an ounce of entertainment.

He got injured on the season. How is that stealing a spot?

I love Derek and despise Shane, but I must admit that casting Derek over Shane is odd. Although, Derek is coming off of two consecutive finals, so he should keep getting cast because I'm invested in rooting for him. We could've done without Leroy this season in order to get Shane while I could still root for Derek. 


Can we trade the hookup for the Blue elimination matchup?

Yes! Please give a matchup and no drama. I do NOT want to hear about the drama.

ohh you keep asking for a hookup

B^itch you know All Stars S1-S3 was boring as hell. Stop

All Stars 1 CHANGED my life. All Stars 2 was awesome as well. Kailah ruined All Stars 3. 

The editing was disappointing. 4 was the worst. 1-3 weren't great but a million times better than the mainshow has been since WOTW. It was shorter seasons, shorter episodes, better casting, more fun. But yes, every thing they've made since 2020 has been BORING.


I meant he stole spots on 40. He did steal Shane's spot on this or any other male who would have provided an ounce of entertainment.

He got injured on the season. How is that stealing a spot?

He didn't quit when he should have he continued compete as an anchor with no shot on that busted knee.

I mean, I would've rather had Shane or Frank over Derrick on this. 

I mean, I would've rather had Shane or Frank over Derrick on this. 

**** YESSSSSS to Frank put him on every season I am in love with him Kiss 2

I mean, I would've rather had Shane or Frank over Derrick on this. 

Glad we are ending the night on common ground <3

B^itch you know All Stars S1-S3 was boring as hell. Stop

All Stars 1 CHANGED my life. All Stars 2 was awesome as well. Kailah ruined All Stars 3. 

All Stars 1 was AMAZING....the first episode. Then the nostalgia wore off. 

 Kailah SAVED All Stars 3. 


 Kailah SAVED All Stars 3. 

Please die. 

All Stars 1-4 was mainly the victim of terrible editing.

All Stars 1-4 was mainly the victim of terrible editing.

Just All Stars 4 unless there's something I'm missing. There was no excuse to edit out a FLORA AND TINA fight. 

AS1: SNOOZE. AS2: ok I guess. AS3: BORING except for kailah, Sylvia, and kellyanne. AS4:  AMAZING. AS 5 = SPECTACULAR

notice how much better a season is when you include a mix of OGs AND fresh faces Smile

AS1: SNOOZE. AS2: ok I guess. AS3: BORING except for kailah, Sylvia, and kellyanne. AS4:  AMAZING. AS 5 = SPECTACULAR

notice how much better a season is when you include a mix of OGs AND fresh faces

Someone who thinks Ambore Borezotra is entertaining thinks their opinion on entertainment holds any weight... 

AS4 was the worst. Huh?

 Someone who thinks Ambore Borezotra is entertaining thinks their opinion on entertainment holds any weight... 

Emy stan....

AS1 was the worst. 


Emy stan....

Emy established herself as an icon in one season meanwhile Ambore has been on ~100 episodes of reality TV and has yet to bring anything to the table. 

Since neither of them are on this season, I'll try to bring it back on topic a little by saying that Emy should've been on this season. 

 Emy should've been on this season instead of Michaela 

fake michaela fan...
