His poor gf is about to get a bunch of comments from strangers about her relationship on her Insta. Just go private now girl.
I've never understood why people do that. She got cheated on, leave her tf alone. If you're gonna harass anyone with comments (which I personally wouldn't go to either's IG) it should be the one who cheated
i just refuse to believe real life humas are doing that
Bananas is just as old with no wife, girlfriend or kids and I don't see the same HATE on that disgusting human! Yall******* be hating on aneesa for no reason!
we all thought p(aulie) diddy was straight. Turns out cara made him turn to d^ick YIKES
i just refuse to believe real life humas are doing that
This ranking is ridiculous
That's 1 person and Paulie coming out as bi is not necessarily groundbreaking after some events/pictures posted after his BB season.
Is Will even gay? The way you fixate on these straight men is not normal.
Anyways who do yall THINK got eliminated (not who you WANT) sadly I think either izzy or jennai got got
chile I'm just trolling let me have some fun on here
What's this in regards to? What are they saying about Sydney?
You know who wouldn't cheat on their SO of 4 years only to go home first? Michaela and Aneesa.
I said who you THINK not who you WANT
Doesn't Will have p orn out there with guys? Or was that Jake?
Neither...will was seen slurping a woman with big hot air balloons tho
Aneesa has never had a relationship last anywhere near 4 years
genuine question, has aneesa ever had a boyfriend?
The one I know of was pre her tv days so a long time ago
Aneesa probably trying to get with Cedric
she's more than double his age
Is cedric the only rookie born after the year 2000 this season?
Now that you say that I don't think she ever has posted a man or anything about a relationship on her page ever
No kids and no relationship Aneesa mama what we doing sister ? What are our life goals after this MTV gimmick dries up ?
yes it's so refreshing! Stop casting haggard rookies. Let's go back to our roots!
Hot take: not everyone wants a relationship or kids, she may be happy being single. We don't know that.
Her peeping in the showers suggest otherwise but who knows!
he is the first big brother player and first challenge player to be younger than me
Haters talking shit as if all these men don't wanna be with Aneesa-
Bananas is just as old with no wife, girlfriend or kids and I don't see the same HATE on that disgusting human! Yall******* be hating on aneesa for no reason!