Traitors 3 (US)

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I'd prefer Kordell over Kendall too. Rob would probably be the most fun on the show. He could replace Harry in my cast. Kordell could replace Kendall. Or any other entertaining guy could replace Kendall and I'd be fine.

My favorite part about Sandra at the round table was ending every vote with "and that's why I think you're a traitor." Whew they were pissed especially Janelle

Sandra can deliver a line!

The Revealed webisode is out for Jeremy and Bob the Drag Queen. Bob is hilarious. Maybe we do need a drag queen on every season of this show. Only the black ones please....


I stand by that mama june would be fantastic tv on this 

I stand by that mama june would be fantastic tv on this 

I would LOVE that.

We need the dance momson a season. Holly would be amazing.

The Revealed webisode is out for Jeremy and Bob the Drag Queen. Bob is hilarious. Maybe we do need a drag queen on every season of this show. Only the black ones please....

I want a drag queen on every season! I didn't care too much for Kandi on HoV, but I love Bob, and Peppermint from last season.

I like Peppermint and Bob as personalities within the game. The problem has more so been the reaction of the DQ fans and how they don't understand how these games work. Trishelle and others were not being biased for thinking Peppermint was a traitor when Peppermint literally stated she was a traitor. Dylan is not biased for thinking Bob is a traitor because he's noticed Bob's reactions; everyone is speculating about everyone's reactions because it's the game (like Wes has done with Nikki, Jeremy did with Danielle, etc). Rob is not biased because he targeted Bob after Bob basically called Rob out publically.

In other words, we need the DQ players to step up as players and for their fans to get more clued in to how these types of games work.

Hopefully season 4 will bring Coral out of retirement cuz she'll get paid better. 

Ok these post-murder/banishment videos they have going are even better than the show!

Bob is great here. I love how he can view the game objectively. Jeremy was so confident yet so wrong about the traitors (apart from Danielle) lmao.

The first two were posted before, and both pairs of people in those videos were funny and had great chemistry.

Agreed, the post banishment interviews are really good! Sadly that's probably because the best people are going out first. Lol that no one is even thinking about Carolyn as a traitor.

Agreed, the post banishment interviews are really good! Sadly that's probably because the best people are going out first. Lol that no one is even thinking about Carolyn as a traitor.

It was a great choice. While they aren't the same as personalities, to me it's similar to Phaedra last year where no one suspeced her - until Dan threw her under the bus. I think Phaedra could have won otherwise, and it's very possible the only way Carolyn will lose is if a fellow traitor turns on her.

THEY'RE HERE... *ding ***** - Nancy BGC10

lemme know asap if boston SNOB leaves tonight since i don't have peaCOCK! Smile

Just starting now and Rob coming right with the smoke

Why does no one care about my bgc reference do yall not remember that super trailer from season 10??? 

Why does no one care about my bgc reference do yall not remember that super trailer from season 10??? 

***** what you laughing at ho! Lunges at timmy Smile

Bgc 10 was the season that made me start disliking the show. I hate jumpahoes

**** season 10! Bgc 6 is so underrated.... everyone likes 4,7 and 9 but no one gives 6 its flowers. Season 5 was cute too another forgotten but great season Smile

Bob wouldve hated Robs outfit


Why does no one care about my bgc reference do yall not remember that super trailer from season 10??? 

***** what you laughing at ho! Lunges at timmy

YESS. I quote it all the time for no reason ugh

I'm PISSED she was starting to become my rookie favorite. I loved how she authoritated the round table with her deep voice 

bro robin was so chaotically bad at the game..... every person she said was wrong. why would they vote her. get boston rob the **** outta there

OBSESSED with alans suit

It doesnt make sense to me why they got rid of robin. She had horrible takes. But tbh Im fine with her off my screen lmao

Wes' tie so so skinny ew

Dont hate me yall,but if Rob can turn this onto Wes, I may stan

Bye bye Wes. Rob does not like liars. Historically on Survivor when he confronted someone for bringing up his name if they tell the truth, he keeps them if they lie, he immediately targets them.

that's fine bc rob is going home tn anyway unless he gets a shield 
