FORMAT: Top guy and girl pair are safe and split $2000 for their prize pocket. The BOTTOM 3 guy/girl pairs are at risk to go into elimination. Everyone else that placed in the middle vote which two pairs they want to send against each other.
edit: last placing pair on a elimination day that isn't their gender gets a disadvantage.
Replace Coral with Tina or Rachel and Evelyn with Kendal and that cast absolutely eats. Like beyond iconic. I might replace Bayleigh with Laurel, they'd be a fun team. But I AM IMPRESSED KILLAH!
I forgot about kendal ijbol but that's a more realistic choice. I wanna see Coral with V bc the challenge barely highlighted their friendship. And Laurel & kam? Both of my faves are cool and all but ride or dies is a stretch
I forgot about kendal ijbol but that's a more realistic choice. I wanna see Coral with V bc the challenge barely highlighted their friendship. And Laurel & kam? Both of my faves are cool and all but ride or dies is a stretch
Obviously we all wanna see Coral, but there's zero shot. Laurel & Kam are cool and worked together on AS4. They put rivals and strangers together on RoD1 so not that big of a stretch though. I've never heard of Kam being close with Bayleigh or Amber with Analyse. You just stretched that to cast Amber cause she has no real friends...ijbol.
I forgot about kendal ijbol but that's a more realistic choice. I wanna see Coral with V bc the challenge barely highlighted their friendship. And Laurel & kam? Both of my faves are cool and all but ride or dies is a stretch
. You just stretched that to cast Amber cause she has no real friends...ijbol.
Bayleigh & Kam and Amber & analyse literally hangout with each other outside of the challenge. You don't know anything.
I forgot about kendal ijbol but that's a more realistic choice. I wanna see Coral with V bc the challenge barely highlighted their friendship. And Laurel & kam? Both of my faves are cool and all but ride or dies is a stretch
Obviously we all wanna see Coral, but there's zero shot. Laurel & Kam are cool and worked together on AS4. They put rivals and strangers together on RoD1 so not that big of a stretch though. I've never heard of Kam being close with Bayleigh or Amber with Analyse. You just stretched that to cast Amber cause she has no real friends...ijbol.
Kam and Bayleigh are friends. They've been pregnant at the same time, hung out at each others houses, and been on each other's podcast videos and stuff, so you're wrong about that.
Also Analice and AmBer are friends too, but that's not as important lol
Sorry. I don't follow majority of the cast on social media. Just the couple on Instagram I know personally plus Tina and Amanda on Twitter because their unhingedness entertains me.
First episode is a non-elimination individual bank account challenge to set up unequal banks accounts for everyone and cause jealousy - highest placers get most, last place gets like $1k.
Episode 2 format starts Team vs Team Double Eliminations through Episode 8.
Then splits into an Individual Game at the start of Episode 9/Final 14.
Single Male, Female Alternating Eliminations from Episode 9 to 12. 2 Episode Final - Final 10 run the final.
Daily Wins Earn Money to the Team / Your Individual Bank Accounts + Final Challenge Prize.
BIG ONE: Elimination wins get you the eliminated's prize pot. You make the final, you keep at least your pot.
Format: Somewhat realistic cast of 16 Veterans who have never won and 16 Rookies in pairs. Individual eliminations where the winner can change their partner.
The last place goes in, and the winner sends someone to face them.
Do visuals killakashhh
por favor
What place does Coral and V come in?
FORMAT: Top guy and girl pair are safe and split $2000 for their prize pocket. The BOTTOM 3 guy/girl pairs are at risk to go into elimination. Everyone else that placed in the middle vote which two pairs they want to send against each other.
edit: last placing pair on a elimination day that isn't their gender gets a disadvantage.
Replace Coral with Tina or Rachel and Evelyn with Kendal and that cast absolutely eats. Like beyond iconic. I might replace Bayleigh with Laurel, they'd be a fun team. But I AM IMPRESSED KILLAH!
I forgot about kendal ijbol but that's a more realistic choice. I wanna see Coral with V bc the challenge barely highlighted their friendship. And Laurel & kam? Both of my faves are cool and all but ride or dies is a stretch
Obviously we all wanna see Coral, but there's zero shot. Laurel & Kam are cool and worked together on AS4. They put rivals and strangers together on RoD1 so not that big of a stretch though. I've never heard of Kam being close with Bayleigh or Amber with Analyse. You just stretched that to cast Amber cause she has no real friends...ijbol.
Bayleigh & Kam and Amber & analyse literally hangout with each other outside of the challenge. You don't know anything.
Kam and Bayleigh are friends. They've been pregnant at the same time, hung out at each others houses, and been on each other's podcast videos and stuff, so you're wrong about that.
Also Analice and AmBer are friends too, but that's not as important lol
Get a job
you first <3
Sorry. I don't follow majority of the cast on social media. Just the couple on Instagram I know personally plus Tina and Amanda on Twitter because their unhingedness entertains me.
The Challenge: All Stars 6- Exes
Alton and Irulan (The Real World: Las Vegas)
Blair and Kendal (Road Rules The Quest/ Road Rules Campus Crawl)
Steven and Trishelle (The Real World: Las Vegas)
Frank and Jillian (The Real World Las Vegas/Road Rules Xtreme)
Brad and Tori (Real World San Diego/ Road Rules Viewers Revenge)
Timmy and Susie (Road Rules The Second Adventure/Road Rules Down Under)
David and Katie (Real World Seattle/ Road Rules The Quest)
Abram and Coral (Road Rules South Pacific/ Real World Back To New York)
Kefla and Roni (Road Rules Down Under/ Road Rules Northern Trail)
Randy and Kina (Real World San Diego/ Road Rules Xtreme)
Dave and Cara (Road Rules South Pacific)
Cohutta and Kellyanne (Real World Sydney)
Rachel and Veronica (Road Rules Campus Crawl/ Road Rules Semester At Sea)
Episode 1:
Winners: Brad and Tori
Last: David and Katie
Voted in: Kefla and Roni
Eliminated: David and Katie
Episode 2:
Winners: Kefla and Roni
Last: Frank and Jillian
Voted in: Brad and Tori
Eliminated: Frank and Jillian
Episode 3:
Winners: Brad and Tori
Last: Kefla and Roni
Voted in: Steven and Trishelle
Eliminated: Steven and Trishelle
Episode 4:
Winners: Kefla and Roni
Last: Cohutta and Kellyanne
Voted in: Brad and Tori
Eliminated: Cohutta and Kellyanne
Episode 5:
Winners: Brad and Tori
Last: Kefla and Roni
Voted in: Alton and Irulan
Eliminated: Kefla and Roni
Episode 6:
Winners: Rachel and Veronica
Last: Dave and Cara
Voted in: Randy and Kina
Eliminated: Randy and Kina
Episode 7:
Winners: Timmy and Susie
Last: Alton and Irulan
Voted in: Blair and Kendal
Eliminated: Blair and Kendal
Episode 8:
Winners: Alton and Irulan
Last: Rachel and Veronica
Voted in: Brad and Tori
Eliminated: Rachel and Veronica
Episode 9:
Winners: Timmy and Susie
Last: Alton and Irulan
Voted in: Abram and Coral
Eliminated: Alton and Irulan
Episode 10:
Winners: Brad and Tori
Last: Dave and Cara
Voted in: Abram and Coral
Eliminated: Dave and Cara
Episode 11:
3rd: Brad and Tori (Rivals 2 final rule where they got last in puzzle and don't compete on day 2)
Episode 12:
2nd: Abram and Coral
1st: Timmy and Susie
This would be a four star season! I'sld swap out Blair for Mike. Was never a fan of Blair.....but awesome cast/season.
The Challenge 41 Recast
Allstars 6: Exes
Kyle/Ashley M
Why do you hate Nia? Trying hard to get Nany that first win with this cast. Or maybe Amanda but no chance
No more mixed pairs seasons.
The Challenge All Stars 6: Champs vs Contenders
28 Player - 14 Episode Season
First episode is a non-elimination individual bank account challenge to set up unequal banks accounts for everyone and cause jealousy - highest placers get most, last place gets like $1k.
Episode 2 format starts Team vs Team Double Eliminations through Episode 8.
Then splits into an Individual Game at the start of Episode 9/Final 14.
Single Male, Female Alternating Eliminations from Episode 9 to 12. 2 Episode Final - Final 10 run the final.
Daily Wins Earn Money to the Team / Your Individual Bank Accounts + Final Challenge Prize.
BIG ONE: Elimination wins get you the eliminated's prize pot. You make the final, you keep at least your pot.
Tony & Averey go home first
Only because Beth's not there!!!
The Challenge 42 (Randomized teams, Battle of the Eras Rules)
Tori D
Cara Maria
Ashley M
Tori H
Episode 1: Invitational
Winners: Sarah/Wes, Kam/Bananas, Susie/Zach, Ashley/Jordan
Last: Kailah/Leroy, Kendal/Brad, Katie/Hunter, Jenna/Kyle
Voted in: Tori D/MJ, Amanda/Horacio, Cooke/Isaac, Tori H/Abram
Eliminated: Kailah, MJ, Kendal, Brad, Katie, Isaac, Jenna, Kyle
Episode 2:
Targets: Sarah/Marlon, Aneesa/Horacio, Susie/Cohutta, Ashley/Kyland
Winners: Green
Last: Blue
Voted in: Yellow
Matchup: Sarah vs Ashley/ Marlon vs Kyland
Eliminated: Ashley and Kyland
Episode 3:
Targets: Kellyanne/Cory, Amanda/Bananas, Tina/Hunter, Tori H/Ace
Winners: Yellow
Last: Red
Voted in: Blue
Matchup: Amanda vs Kellyanne/ Bananas vs Cory
Eliminated: Amanda and Bananas
Episode 4:
Targets: Sarah/Marlon, Sylvia/Horacio, Susie/Shane, Paula/Jordan
Winners: Red
Last: Green
Voted in: Blue
Matchup: Susie vs Sarah/ Shane vs Marlon
Eliminated: Susie and Shane
Episode 5:
Targets: Kellyanne/Cory, Kam/Paulie, Tina/Hunter, Tori H/Ace
Winners: Yellow
Last: Red
Voted in: Blue
Matchup: Kam vs Kellyanne/ Paulie vs Cory
Eliminated: Kellyanne and Paulie
Episode 6:
Targets: Sarah/Marlon, Sylvia/Horacio, Cooke/Cohutta, Paula/Abram
Winners: Green
Last: Yellow
Voted in: Red
Matchup: Paula vs Sylvia/ Abram vs Horacio
Eliminated: Sylvia and Horacio
Episode 7:
Targets: Tori D/Cory, Kam/Devin, Jonna/Hunter, Tori H/Jordan
Winners: Yellow
Last: Red
Voted in: Green
Matchup: Kam vs Jonna/ Devin vs Hunter
Eliminated: Jonna and Devin
Episode 8:
Targets: Sarah/ Marlon, Aneesa, Tina/Cohutta, Paula/Abram
Winners: Green
Last: Blue
Voted in: Yellow
Matchup: Sarah vs Paula/ Marlon vs Abram
Eliminated: Paula and Abram
Episode 9: Individual Stage
Tori D
Cara Maria
Tori H
Targets: Marlon, Hunter, Ace
Winners: Sarah and Jordan
Last: Hunter
Voted in: Ace
Eliminated: Ace
Episode 10:
Targets: Cooke, Tina, Tori H
Winners: Cooke and Zach
Last: Aneesa
Voted in: Tina
Eliminated: Tina
Episode 11:
PURGED: Aneesa and Hunter
Episode 12:
Targets: Marlon, Cohutta, Jordan
Winners: Cooke and Zach
Last: Jordan
Voted in: Cohutta
Eliminated: Cohutta
Episode 13:
Targets: Kam, Cara Maria, Tori H
Winners: Cooke and Zach
Last: Nany
Voted in: Tori H
Eliminated: Nany
Episode 14:
Targets: Cory, Marlon, Jordan
Winners: Sarah and Jordan
Last: Leroy
Voted in: Marlon
Eliminated: Leroy
Episode 15:
Targets: Tori D, Kam, Tori H
Winners: Sarah and Jordan
Last: Tori H
Voted in: Kam
Eliminated: Tori H
Episode 16:
Targets: Marlon, Wes, Zach
Winners: Sarah and Jordan
Last: Marlon
Voted in: Zach
Eliminated: Marlon
Episode 17:
Targets: Tori D, Kam, Cooke
Winners: Cooke and Zach
Last: Cara Maria
Voted in: Kam
Eliminated: Cara Maria
Episode 18:
4th: Kam and Cory
3rd: Tori D and Zach
2nd: Cooke and Jordan
1st: Sarah and Wes
The Challenge All Stars 6: Return to the Inferno
Good Guys:
Tori D
Bad *****:
Cara Maria
Episode 1:
Winners: Good Guys
Nominated for Elimination: Marlon and Isaac
Episode 2:
Winners: Bad *****
Life Shield Winners: Brad and Zach
Matchup: Isaac vs Marlon
Eliminated: Marlon
Episode 3:
Winners: Bad *****
Nominated for Elimination: Kendal and Cooke
Episode 4:
Winners: Good Guys
Winners Of Life Shield: Sarah and Cooke
Matchup: Kendal vs Katie (Replaced by Cooke)
Eliminated: Katie
Episode 5:
Winners: Good Guys
Nominated for Elimination: Isaac and Hunter
Episode 6:
Winners: Bad *****
Lifeshield Winners: MJ and Zach
Matchup: Isaac vs Hunter
Eliminated: Isaac
Episode 7:
Winners: Good Guys
Nominated for Elimination: Kendal and Cooke
Episode 8:
Winners: Bad *****
Lifeshield Winners: Jenna and Cooke
Matchup: Kendal vs Kailah (Replaced By Cooke)
Eliminated: Kailah
Episode 9:
Winners: Bad *****
Nominated for Elimination: MJ and Hunter
Episode 10:
Winners: Bad *****
Lifeshield Winners: MJ and Zach
Matchup: Kyle (replaced by MJ) vs Hunter
Eliminated: Kyle
Episode 11:
Winners: Bad *****
Nominated for Elimination: Kendal and Cooke
Episode 12:
Winners: Bad *****
LifeShield Winners: Sarah and Kam
Matchup: Kendal vs Cooke
Eliminated: Cooke
Episode 13:
Winners: Bad *****
Nominated for Elimination: MJ/Kendal and Hunter/Kam
Episode 14:
Winners: Bad *****
LifeShield Winners: Brad and Zach
Matchup: MJ vs Hunter
Eliminated: MJ
Episode 15:
Winners: Bad *****
Lifeshield Winners: Tori D and Cara Maria
Matchup: Kendal vs Kam
Eliminated: Kam
Episode 16:
1st: Bad ***** (Cara Maria, Zach, Wes, Hunter, Cory)
2nd: Good Guys (Sarah, Kendal, Jenna, Tori D, Aneesa, Jordan, Brad)
The Challenge Allstars 6: Seven Deadly Sins
Team Lust: Players known to hook up and poli-dick
Cory (RW: Explosion)
Tony (RW: Skeletons)
Melissa (Ex on the Beach UK)
Nurys (AYTO? 6)
Team Sloth: Players who don’t take the game seriously and show up without training
Big Easy (Fresh Meat)
CT (RW: Paris)
Nia (RW: Portland)
Veronica (RR: Semester at Sea)
Team Greed: Players who want to keep all of the winnings and attention on themselves
Bananas (RW: Key West)
Wes (RW: Austin)
Ashley (RW: Explosion)
Trishelle (RW: Las Vegas)
Team Pride: Players who hold themselves above others.
Jordan (RW: Portland)
Shane (RR: Campus Crawl)
Michaela (Survivor: Millennials vs Gen X)
Rachel (RR: Campus Crawl)
Team Wrath: Players who aren’t afraid to go after their targets.
Frank (RW: San Diego 2)
Turbo (Survivor Turkey)
Amanda (AYTO? 3)
Laurel (Fresh Meat II)
Team Gluttony: Players who are oversaturated and on too many seasons
Leroy (RW: Las Vegas 2)
Josh (Big Brother 19)
Aneesa (RW: Chicago)
Nany (RW: Las Vegas 2)
Team Envy: Players who have all come in second but desperately want to win
Faysal (Big Brother 20)
Paulie (Big Brother 18)
Kam (AYTO? 5)
Theresa (Fresh Meat II)
Tried doing something different, had a hard time finding perfect fits so you definitely have to squint for some people lol
Season 41 Re-Done
Format: Somewhat realistic cast of 16 Veterans who have never won and 16 Rookies in pairs. Individual eliminations where the winner can change their partner.
The last place goes in, and the winner sends someone to face them.
Shane Landrum (Road Rules: Campus Crawl)*
Faysal Shafaat (Big Brother 20)*
Leroy Garrett (The Real World: Las Vegas II)
Kelechi "Kelz" **** (Too Hot to Handle)
Johnny Middlebrooks (Love Island 2)
Theo Campbell (Love Island UK 3)
Nathan Henry (Geordie Shore)
Jay Starrett (Survivor: Millenials v. Gen-X)
Nany Gonzalez ((The Real World: Las Vegas II)*
Cassidy Clark (Survivor 43)
Michaela Bradshaw (Survivor: Millenials v. Gen-X)
Nia Moore (The Real World: Portland)
KellyAnne Judd (The Real World: Sydney)
Nurys Mateo (Are You The One? 6)
Esther Agunbiade (Big Brother Nigeria 4)
Tina Barta (Road Rules: South Pacific)
Callum Hole (Love Island Australia 4)
Kendall Washington (Love Island USA 6)
Jared Fields (Big Brother 25)
Chase Demoor (Too Hot to Handle)
Ray Gantt (Love Island USA)
Bryton Constain (Squid Games: Gay On the Low)
Ty McDonald (Big Brother Canada 11)
Austin Li **** (Survivor 45)
Dinaelys "Red Hat" Valladres (Survivor: Miami)
Ayoleka Sodade (Canada Ultimate Challenge)
Kirsten Elwin (Big Brother 25)
Melinda Melrose (Too Hot to Handle 2)
Imani Wheeler (Love Island USA 5)
Kuzivakwashe "Kuzie" Mujakachi (Big Brother Canada 11)
Santina Carlson (Big Brother Canada 11)
Trina Njorie (Love Island USA 3)
Alternatives (Since AS5 is still airing):*
Marlon Willaims (The Real World: Portland)
Callum Izzard (Ibiza Weekender 7)
Berna Canbeldek (Survivor: Turkey)
Squid games: gay on the low???