The Challenge: 41-WAY Too Early Pointless Speculation Thread

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At least we know Amber would've gave us some mess and good tv. 

Now this is where you lose me... 


At least we know Amber would've gave us some mess and good tv. 

Now this is where you lose me... 

right like clearly not that entertaining when they lied to her saying she didn't fit the theme when she did... that on top of making her an alternate the season after she won lol

MTV tried to be cute and build a Olivia/Nurys rivalry just for it to last two episodes and for them to pretend to be best friends again lmaoooo a FLOP casting decision should've had the Queen instead but she ate All Stars up so it was all worth it. 

lol just cause she's on the cast doesn't mean she ate all stars up. It hasn't aired - we don't know what/how they did 

I wish Amber was on 40 over Jenny so she could have been purged and we had more Nurys.

nurys wasn't beating her in hall brawl lol

I wish Amber was on 40 over Olivia so Nurys could still be purged, and maybe Nia and Theo would've been a thing, and an alliance with Amber and Jenny formed.


MTV tried to be cute and build a Olivia/Nurys rivalry just for it to last two episodes and for them to pretend to be best friends again lmaoooo a FLOP casting decision should've had the Queen instead but she ate All Stars up so it was all worth it. 

lol just cause she's on the cast doesn't mean she ate all stars up. It hasn't aired - we don't know what/how they did 

Here you go Miss Potato well ma'am you'll see for yourself in a matter of weeks and then you can make your judgements which will probably be out of touch and ridiculous just like everything you type 

Anyone who says S40 is one of the best seasons clearly isn't right in the head and their opinion should hold little to no value 


At least we know Amber would've gave us some mess and good tv. 

Now this is where you lose me... 

for what ? Speaking REAL ? 



At least we know Amber would've gave us some mess and good tv. 

Now this is where you lose me... 

right like clearly not that entertaining when they lied to her saying she didn't fit the theme when she did... that on top of making her an alternate the season after she won lol

The alternate point is so null and void when she had a first class ticket to 38 WC and All Stars like that's the best you got ? 

Plus she would've been a heavy hitter for 39 if she didn't just deliver her beautiful baby so what else you got boo ? 

I wish Amber was on 40 over Jenny so she could have been purged and we had more Nurys.

Yes because Nurys has such a good track record in physical eliminations against Amber 

Production telling Amber she doesn't fit a theme that every single person that has ever done the main show fits but putting her on All Stars where she doesn't belong AT ALL is honestly kind of funny- the kind of funny where it's so tragic that the only thing I can really do is laugh... 

Amber is kinda iconic for being hated just for breathing in her few seasons but honestly i need a new story... if she aint gonna buck up to a ***** she isnt needed~

for what ? Speaking REAL ? 

Contrary to what my delusional bestie (killakashhh) thinks, I actually would LOVE to see it for Amber because she seems like a nice girl! However, I cannot. And to say that she makes good TV is just laughable, but I find it cute how loyal you are to her- 



MTV tried to be cute and build a Olivia/Nurys rivalry just for it to last two episodes and for them to pretend to be best friends again lmaoooo a FLOP casting decision should've had the Queen instead but she ate All Stars up so it was all worth it. 

lol just cause she's on the cast doesn't mean she ate all stars up. It hasn't aired - we don't know what/how they did 

Here you go Miss Potato well ma'am you'll see for yourself in a matter of weeks and then you can make your judgements which will probably be out of touch and ridiculous just like everything you type 

well let's just hope you're not giving a spoiler for all stars 5 cause that would be ******.  

also it's called an opinion - sometimes people can think differently from you Wink and just know that it will all still be okay 

I am so excited to watch Aneesa on this season. Y'all hate on her, but your lives would be easier if you were Aneesa stans because life is easier on the WINNING team. I believe in her, too. 

I wish people would just give their actual opinions and not just give outlandish takes to be edgy or for attention.

I wish people would just give their actual opinions and not just give outlandish takes to be edgy or for attention.

Apply it to yourself too then.



MTV tried to be cute and build a Olivia/Nurys rivalry just for it to last two episodes and for them to pretend to be best friends again lmaoooo a FLOP casting decision should've had the Queen instead but she ate All Stars up so it was all worth it. 

lol just cause she's on the cast doesn't mean she ate all stars up. It hasn't aired - we don't know what/how they did 

Here you go Miss Potato well ma'am you'll see for yourself in a matter of weeks and then you can make your judgements which will probably be out of touch and ridiculous just like everything you type 

Not "Miss Potato" sksksksks

I wish people would just give their actual opinions and not just give outlandish takes to be edgy or for attention.

Are you talking about me? Because I actually do like Aneesa. Also, when I do troll, then it's supposed to be obvious that I'm trolling; if you fall for it, then that's on you. 

I wish people would just give their actual opinions and not just give outlandish takes to be edgy or for attention.

didn't you get ran off vevmo because people despised your opinions and outlandish takes sir Smile




MTV tried to be cute and build a Olivia/Nurys rivalry just for it to last two episodes and for them to pretend to be best friends again lmaoooo a FLOP casting decision should've had the Queen instead but she ate All Stars up so it was all worth it. 

lol just cause she's on the cast doesn't mean she ate all stars up. It hasn't aired - we don't know what/how they did 

Here you go Miss Potato well ma'am you'll see for yourself in a matter of weeks and then you can make your judgements which will probably be out of touch and ridiculous just like everything you type 

Not "Miss Potato" sksksksks

I'm tireddddddddd pookie lmaooo grandma potato needs to rest in that bed and watch her 1970s sitcom shows as she twiddles away in that retirement home leaving me alone in the process



I wish people would just give their actual opinions and not just give outlandish takes to be edgy or for attention.

didn't you get ran off vevmo because people despised your opinions and outlandish takes sir


Anyways Psypotato and cosmicdiva have always reminded me of each other yes? Whats the inspiration behind your name psypotato? Smile





MTV tried to be cute and build a Olivia/Nurys rivalry just for it to last two episodes and for them to pretend to be best friends again lmaoooo a FLOP casting decision should've had the Queen instead but she ate All Stars up so it was all worth it. 

lol just cause she's on the cast doesn't mean she ate all stars up. It hasn't aired - we don't know what/how they did 

Here you go Miss Potato well ma'am you'll see for yourself in a matter of weeks and then you can make your judgements which will probably be out of touch and ridiculous just like everything you type 

Not "Miss Potato" sksksksks

I'm tireddddddddd pookie lmaooo grandma potato needs to rest in that bed and watch her 1970s sitcom shows as she twiddles away in that retirement home leaving me alone in the process


ugh - to lay in bed all day watching old sitcoms while someone makes sure to have food ready for me sounds like the American dream - sign me up. I'm tired lol

Anyways Psypotato and cosmicdiva have always reminded me of each other yes? Whats the inspiration behind your name psypotato?

lol it's beyond dumb - it was my original AIM screen name wayyyyy back in the day - Psy stands for Psyduck the best pokemon, 4 is my favorite number, and potato's are one of my favorite foods.  Way back in the day when I first joined this site I apparently was still using it lol 

Well I created my username because I was high as shit one day. And I decided to rejoin the IMDb messageboards in like 2016. Then I joined vevmo once IMDb message boards were shut down.

Anyways Psypotato and cosmicdiva have always reminded me of each other yes? Whats the inspiration behind your name psypotato?

We are nothing alike, she's a lot nicer than my demonic *** self. Psyduck reminds me of Peacekeeper a lot, actually.

We are nothing alike, she's a lot nicer than my demonic *** self. Psyduck reminds me of Peacekeeper a lot, actually.

If we did a "nicest person on Vevmo" vote, how many votes would I get? Smile

btw yall think bananas is ever winning again?


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