Scat Maria too. We've all seen that WOTW2 final performance.
a laurel fan who just got beaten by cara and 6 other women saying this *giggles*
and what about it b•itch? Crackhead Maria still lost that final soooo don't even try it with me babe
that doesn't matter when the ***** FLOPPED and had to quit to not embarrass herself even further... and word on the curb she's been given a 2-3 season ban at LEAST after this
Laurel isn't banned. Yall just making shit up bc you're bored. But tbh her, Cara, and Tori all need a 2-3 season break.
she's def not on 41... mark my words
well obviously but that doesn't mean she's banned you stupid motherf•ucker
1 season off may turn to 2... and then double that. With how bad the reunion went that they couldn't show what this racist ***** said to darrell she was def given the pink slip
Scat Maria too. We've all seen that WOTW2 final performance.
a laurel fan who just got beaten by cara and 6 other women saying this *giggles*
and what about it b•itch? Crackhead Maria still lost that final soooo don't even try it with me babe
that doesn't matter when the ***** FLOPPED and had to quit to not embarrass herself even further... and word on the curb she's been given a 2-3 season ban at LEAST after this
Laurel isn't banned. Yall just making shit up bc you're bored. But tbh her, Cara, and Tori all need a 2-3 season break.
I need Amber, Jenny, and Ashley to return and be the main champ girl faces
she's def not on 41... mark my words
love amber but she wasn't even chosen for 40 yikes
jenny wont ever be asked again
and ashley finally got out of banland lets see if she's put back on the main show
well obviously but that doesn't mean she's banned you stupid motherf•ucker
1 season off may turn to 2... and then double that. With how bad the reunion went that they couldn't show what this racist ***** said to darrell she was def given the pink slip
Amber wasn't called for 40. Does that mean that she was banned? No! So shut up you filthy bottom!
Oh please Laurel did not say anything racist to that milk dud bffr. Yall grasping for straws. Next.
Im versatile for starters *giggles*... and secondly if amber's the queen why wasnt she called for the most iconic challenge season?
what a disgusting piece of shit you are!
I'm convinced Amber declined and Pink made up an elaborate lie to set her up!
ohhh u mad huh?! Im sure you were too when u saw them results
the queen of alternates declining? you sure about that *squeals*
Flopnanas FHUK you! You never liked Amber. You fake b•itch!
Amber is a victim of production's racism and misogyny and you're laughing??? Oh cut the cameras!
cut the camera's is what they say behind miss borzotra when she's in them confessionals... we all see them confessional counts wow Wow WOW
Production's racism is funny to you all I guess...
you have a cory avatar boo... let's NOT
I've already dragged you enough tonight... im about to take off soon and ask cml to fill in and continue the annihilation of killaTRASH #iykyk
At least my fav doesn't have a scat fetish
Amber was definitely called for 40 production just told her she didn't fit the theme which was a lie but she most definitely was called
Which is why she was first on the list to be called for All Stars 5 and was a TOP priotity
oh and that phone is still ringing for 41 ❤️
agreed. Murder is never the answer