I don't support murder but this situation raises an eyebrow to our current state of things that we're living thru.
Raising awareness isn't a good enough reason to murder someone. There are a gazillion other ways we can start a conversation about change. Our attention spans are so short anyways all that's going to happen is people will repost funny memes for a few months, forget about it, then that CEO is replaced with someone exactly the same.
The fact he n his company has cause thousands of others to suffer or die is tho
Idk if i like half rookies with how pathetic they all were on SLA. Literally had Emmy guzzling the vet's ***** and balls and still she had to go into elimination 4 times. Embarassing. Don't know exactly what feeder shows Gamer wathes but if they aren't excited for the rookies I'm assuming there's probably a bunch of duds. Hoping we see Survivor, BB, Love Island, unused internationals like Kiki & Grant, maybe some netflix shows and that's really about it.
i'll wait to see the names on departure day before making any judgments lol. bc i remember them saying the all stars 5 cast was terrible and then we got some amazing names *to me* (amber, ashley m, beth, da'vonne, katie, kellyanne, melissa, big t, veronica, shane, frank, adam, steve, turbo).
Idk if i like half rookies with how pathetic they all were on SLA. Literally had Emmy guzzling the vet's ***** and balls and still she had to go into elimination 4 times. Embarassing. Don't know exactly what feeder shows Gamer wathes but if they aren't excited for the rookies I'm assuming there's probably a bunch of duds. Hoping we see Survivor, BB, Love Island, unused internationals like Kiki & Grant, maybe some netflix shows and that's really about it.
I think a half rookie concept depends on who they pick. If the rookies we get can hardly speak or understand English then it is most definitely a chop but if they're from shows we know and they can be entertaining I'll be all for it with some cute vets mixed in
Idk if i like half rookies with how pathetic they all were on SLA. Literally had Emmy guzzling the vet's ***** and balls and still she had to go into elimination 4 times. Embarassing. Don't know exactly what feeder shows Gamer wathes but if they aren't excited for the rookies I'm assuming there's probably a bunch of duds. Hoping we see Survivor, BB, Love Island, unused internationals like Kiki & Grant, maybe some netflix shows and that's really about it.
I think a half rookie concept depends on who they pick. If the rookies we get can hardly speak or understand English then it is most definitely a chop but if they're from shows we know and they can be entertaining I'll be all for it with some cute vets mixed in
I agree. War of the World's had a great half rookie cast. A few ended up being one and done bores, it happens. But we got a really good group overall that looked like they were gonna be the new class of regulars prior to pretty much all of them getting canceled. Shoot big and spend a little money and we can get a great group
Production has either zero awareness or cares about their flaws. I'm assuming we are going to get a bunch of internationals with a couple CBS stars sprinkled in. It'll be some pairs format until the switch it mid game and The Vacation alliance takes control and eliminates the rookie. And once again no rookies will shine so we'll face no new faces going forward except a token minority and botched white girl that some dummy in production thinks is cool.
Production has either zero awareness or cares about their flaws. I'm assuming we are going to get a bunch of internationals with a couple CBS stars sprinkled in. It'll be some pairs format until the switch it mid game and The Vacation alliance takes control and eliminates the rookie. And once again no rookies will shine so we'll face no new faces going forward except a token minority and botched white girl that some dummy in production thinks is cool.
Yeah Gamer confirmed it's CBS and internationals. Yikes
I don't support murder but this situation raises an eyebrow to our current state of things that we're living thru.
Raising awareness isn't a good enough reason to murder someone. There are a gazillion other ways we can start a conversation about change. Our attention spans are so short anyways all that's going to happen is people will repost funny memes for a few months, forget about it, then that CEO is replaced with someone exactly the same.
The fact he n his company has cause thousands of others to suffer or die is tho
No, that's not either. When you start making those kind of arguments you can justify murdering a secretary for not signing off on insurance claims.
Very much prepared for a SLA set up with half the cast being brainless internationals that let the vets skate by and want to go into elimination to prove themselves zzzz Emmanuels, Logans, Colleens, Tracys incoming
A season that was intended to be a throwaway spin off and got flop allegations before the season even started filming got bumped to the main channel and is about to be treated as one of the main seasons outdoing the big " historical season 40 " in the processs oh I'm gagging down
Season 40 has been *** and anybody who had commentary about BFANC can't say shit. BFANC got better as time went on, this already mid season magically got WORSE as the game progressed.
Season 40 has been *** and anybody who had commentary about BFANC can't say shit. BFANC got better as time went on, this already mid season magically got WORSE as the game progressed.
clock it !!! anyone who thinks 40 is better than 39 got nostalgia glasses on and as a result don't want to face reality
I didn't watch 39 but yall bout to convince me to watch it despite hating the result and mf ******** Emanuel. He's not a champ to me, just a chump and a punk *** *****.
The fact he n his company has cause thousands of others to suffer or die is tho
Idk if i like half rookies with how pathetic they all were on SLA. Literally had Emmy guzzling the vet's ***** and balls and still she had to go into elimination 4 times. Embarassing. Don't know exactly what feeder shows Gamer wathes but if they aren't excited for the rookies I'm assuming there's probably a bunch of duds. Hoping we see Survivor, BB, Love Island, unused internationals like Kiki & Grant, maybe some netflix shows and that's really about it.
i'll wait to see the names on departure day before making any judgments lol. bc i remember them saying the all stars 5 cast was terrible and then we got some amazing names *to me* (amber, ashley m, beth, da'vonne, katie, kellyanne, melissa, big t, veronica, shane, frank, adam, steve, turbo).
Pookie, has Miss B shaken a table?
Oh I can't wait all stars 5 is so tea it's about to put season 40 in its grave even with a shorter season
I think a half rookie concept depends on who they pick. If the rookies we get can hardly speak or understand English then it is most definitely a chop but if they're from shows we know and they can be entertaining I'll be all for it with some cute vets mixed in
I agree. War of the World's had a great half rookie cast. A few ended up being one and done bores, it happens. But we got a really good group overall that looked like they were gonna be the new class of regulars prior to pretty much all of them getting canceled. Shoot big and spend a little money and we can get a great group
Production has either zero awareness or cares about their flaws. I'm assuming we are going to get a bunch of internationals with a couple CBS stars sprinkled in. It'll be some pairs format until the switch it mid game and The Vacation alliance takes control and eliminates the rookie. And once again no rookies will shine so we'll face no new faces going forward except a token minority and botched white girl that some dummy in production thinks is cool.
You were advocating for genocide yikes your soggy *** into hell.
supposedly it gets good af te r the first 3 episodes depending on editing
Big brother Argentina
Yeah Gamer confirmed it's CBS and internationals. Yikes
No, that's not either. When you start making those kind of arguments you can justify murdering a secretary for not signing off on insurance claims.
LOL. They really just don't get it. It's kinda fascinating how they make the same mistakes over and over.
Very much prepared for a SLA set up with half the cast being brainless internationals that let the vets skate by and want to go into elimination to prove themselves zzzz Emmanuels, Logans, Colleens, Tracys incoming
If I don't see Big Lex from baddies Midwest I'm boycotting.
oh I'm gagging DOWN
A season that was intended to be a throwaway spin off and got flop allegations before the season even started filming got bumped to the main channel and is about to be treated as one of the main seasons outdoing the big " historical season 40 " in the processs oh I'm gagging down
Season 40 has been *** and anybody who had commentary about BFANC can't say shit. BFANC got better as time went on, this already mid season magically got WORSE as the game progressed.
I hope the international cast members they cast will be amazing competitors and entertaining.
clock it !!! anyone who thinks 40 is better than 39 got nostalgia glasses on and as a result don't want to face reality
They should just call AS5 41 and change the narrative. Idk
I would be so happy if Esther, Berna, Zara, Wanni, Handi, Jasmee and Paige D are cast for season 41!
I didn't watch 39 but yall bout to convince me to watch it despite hating the result and mf ******** Emanuel. He's not a champ to me, just a chump and a punk *** *****.
If I had to rank the last 5 seasons it would be ranked like
37 > 39 > 36 > 40 > 38
I'm with THAT
all flops but ZaZa