Haven't been able to watch this last episode but ppl saying they beginning to like Tori but I been thinking on that.,,so Devin n kayce gone then she bucks up but it's only bout defending Devin's 'honor' that's what is liked? Idk I'm confused
I've never been a Tori hater or strong Tori fan. I usually go from feeling indifferent about her to sorta liking her. I think she's getting praise this season because #1 she doesn't have her normal crew there to monopolize the gameplay. Her targeting Johnny makes the house divided. And also two, in comparison to Laurel and Cara this season, Tori is the less miserable one. She's also performing well in dailies and eliminations, so you can't use the production fav excuse.
Amber and Cara have linked before yet you still act like a b•itch towards her
I don't even dislike Ambore, you just always offer her up on a silver platter to get dragged by Vevmo because you think you can solve everything by running your mouth and making things up when really you could just shut your mouth.
I don't even dislike Ambore, you just always offer her up on a silver platter to get dragged by Vevmo because you think you can solve everything by running your mouth and making things up when really you could just shut your mouth.
calling her "Ambore" when that c•unt in your profile has provided next to NOTHING on this current season is comical
If Tori were black or Latina yall wouldn't be praising her this much *giggles* #StayWoke #WokeEra
I've never been a Tori hater or strong Tori fan. I usually go from feeling indifferent about her to sorta liking her. I think she's getting praise this season because #1 she doesn't have her normal crew there to monopolize the gameplay. Her targeting Johnny makes the house divided. And also two, in comparison to Laurel and Cara this season, Tori is the less miserable one. She's also performing well in dailies and eliminations, so you can't use the production fav excuse.
Weren't you just a Tori stan last week, lol. Y'all switch up is crazy.
GAG that F^AG!
You're insane lol
Tori 10 pages and cara maria has 50.... smh tori is losing her STARPOWER
... yall haters aint even spamming like yall used too lol
bc there's nothing really negatively polarizing about tori. As for cara rêtärdïa....
girl my #1 true allegiance is to Amber. You should know this by now.
oink oink
She's honestly better than everyone left remaining
She's kinda giving Queen. Tori > Cara, Laurel, Michele, Nurys.
So glad mother brings IT everytime!
Yet she's wasted a spot how many times...
I'm hating her less now that she's friends with Cara
queen of scissoring with cara
Yall flip floppy as hell lol
No it isn't lolllll if someone is friends with/nice to Cara then it always makes me like them/hate them less. That's consistency
Amber and Cara have linked before yet you still act like a b•itch towards her
Tori and Cara are both lame as hell for talking so much shit about each other for years to then turn into hugs and kisses lol my faves could neverrrrr
I don't even dislike Ambore, you just always offer her up on a silver platter to get dragged by Vevmo because you think you can solve everything by running your mouth and making things up when really you could just shut your mouth.
calling her "Ambore" when that c•unt in your profile has provided next to NOTHING on this current season is comical
Cara is the most iconic female Challenger of all time, Ambore would be the most boring Challenge woman of all time if Kaycee didn't exist.
See what I mean about you setting Ambore up to get dragged?
Mmmmhmmm that part
queen cara and princess tori are still on the show!
how can laurel stan's hate from outside the club *giggles*
the club smells like Botox and steroids